Difference between the WaitFor function for TMutex delphi and the equivalent in win32 API - delphi

The documentation of delphi says that the WaitFor function for TMutex and others sychronization objects wait until a handle of object is signaled.But this function also guarantee the ownership of the object for the caller?

Yes, the calling thread of a TMutex owns the mutex; the class is just a wrapper for the OS mutex object. See for yourself by inspecting SyncObjs.pas.
The same is not true for other synchronization objects, such as TCriticalSection. Any thread my call the Release method on such an object, not just the thread that called Acquire.

TMutex.Acquire is a wrapper around THandleObjects.WaitFor, which will call WaitForSingleObject OR CoWaitForMultipleHandles depending on the UseCOMWait contructor argument.
This may be very important, if you use STA COM objects in your application (you may do so without knowing, dbGO/ADO is COM, for instance) and you don't want to deadlock.
It's still a dangerous idea to enter a long/infinite wait in the main thread, 'cause the only method which correctly handles calls made via TThread.Synchronize is TThread.WaitFor and you may stall (or deadlock) your worker threads if you use the SyncObjs objects or WinAPI wait functions.
In commercial projects, I use a custom wait method, built upon the ideas from both THandleObjects.WaitFor AND TThread.WaitFor with optional alertable waiting (good for asynchronous IO but irreplaceable for the possibility to abort long waits).
Edit: further clarification regarding COM/OLE:
COM/OLE model (e.g. ADO) can use different threading models: STA (single-threaded) and MTA (multi or free-threaded).
By definition, the main GUI thread is initialized as STA, which means, the COM objects can use window messages for their asynchronous messaging (particulary when invoked from other threads, to safely synchronize). AFAIK, they may also use APC procedures.
There is a good reason for the CoWaitForMultipleHandles function to exist - see its' use in SyncObjs.pas THandleObject.WaitFor - depending on the threading model, it can process internal COM messages, while blocking on the wait handle.


ShellExecuteEx and Coinitialize in VCL thread

Do I need to call Coinitialize in the main/VCL thread in Delphi
before using ShellExecuteEx?
For a thread, yes but for the VCL thread ?
No need to call CoInitialize for Windows Forms Applications.
This is done for you in the main thread.
More specific TApplication.Create in Forms.Pas:
if not IsLibrary then
FNeedToUninitialize := Succeeded(OleInitialize(nil));
If in doubt, do it. In either case, CoInitialize() will return a hr : HRESULT which you should check, because you need to CoUninitialize() on SUCCEEDED(hr), but not when FAILED(hr). A failed result usually indicates that it already has been called.
Cited from your MSDN ref:
Nonetheless, it is good practice to always initalize COM before using
this function.
In the RTL/VCL source, COM is initialized in the following ways:
By a call to OleInitialize made from Forms.TApplication.Create. So this call will be made for all VCL forms applications, but not, for example, for service applications.
By a call to CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx in ComObj.InitComObj. This is registered as an InitProc in the initialization section of the ComObj unit. In turn, the call to Application.Initialize in your project .dpr file's code will invoke ComObj.InitComObj.
In many and various other locations around the RTL/VCL. Including, but not limited to, Datasnap, ComServ, Soap, System.Win.Sensors, Winapi.DirectShow9. Some of these areas of code are more recent than Delphi 7.
Now, of these various COM initializations, the ones that count are 1 and 2. In any standard VCL forms application, both of these will run at startup in the main thread. Item 1 runs first and so gets to initialize COM first. That's the initialization that counts. Item 2 runs after and returns S_FALSE meaning that COM was already initialized.
So, to your question:
Do I need to call Coinitialize in the main/VCL thread?
No you do not. You can be sure that COM has already been initialized in a VCL application's main thread.

Wrapper class for thread-safe objects

I have recently played around with one demo opensource project for the basic functionality of the INDY10 TCP/IP server and stumbled upon the problem of internal multitasking implementation of INDY and its interaction with VCL components. Since there are many different topics in SO on the subject, I decided to make a simple client-server application and test some of the solutions and approaches suggested, at least the ones that I understood correctly. Below I would like to summarize and review an approach that was previously suggested on SO, and if possible listen to your expert opinion on the subject.
Problem: Encapsulation the VCL for thread-safe usage inside an indy10-based client/server application.
Description of the Development Env.:
Delphi Version: Delphi® XE2 Version 16.0
INDY Version
O.S. Windows 7 (32Bit)
As mentioned in the article ([ Is the VCL Thread-safe?]) (sorry I do not have enough reputation to post the link) special care should be taken when one wishes to use any kind of VCL components inside a multithreaded (multitasking) application. VCL is not thread safe, but can be used in a thread safe way!
The how and the why usually depend on the application at hand but one can attempt to generalize a bit and suggest some kind of general approach to this problem. First of all, as in the case of INDY10, one does not need to be explicitly parallelizing his code, i.e. create and execute multiple threads, in order to expose VCL to deadlocks and data inter dependencies.
In every sclient-server application, the server has to be able to handle multiple requests simultaneously, so naturally, INDY10 internally implements this functionality. This would mean that the INDY10 set of classes are responsible to manage the program's thread creation, execution and destruction procedures internally.
The most obvious place where our code is exposed to the inner workings of INDY10 and hence possible thread conflicts, is the IdTCPServerExecute (TIdTCPServer onExecute event) method.
Naturally, INDY10 provides classes (wrappers) that ensure thread-safe program flow, but since I did not manage to get enough explanation on their application and usage, I prefer a custom made approach.
Below I summarize a method ( the suggested technique is based on a previous comment I found in SO How to use TIdThreadSafe class from Indy10 ) that attempts (and presumably succeeds) in dealing with this problem:
The question I tackle below is: How to make a specific class "MyClass" ThreadSafe?
The main idea is to create kind of a wrapper class that encapsulates "MyClass" and queues the threads that try to access it in First-In-First-Out principle. The underlying objects that are used for synchronization are [Windows's Critical Section Objects.].
In the context of a client-server application, "MyClass" will contain all thread unsafe functionality of our server, so we will try to ensure that those procedures and functions are not executed by more than one working thread simultaneously. This naturally means loss of parallelism of our code, but since the approach is simple and seems to be , in some cases this maybe a useful approach.
Wrapper class Implementation:
constructor TThreadSafeObject<T>.Create(originalObject: T);
tsObject := originalObject; // pass it already instantiated instance of MyClass
tsCriticalSection:= TCriticalSection.Create; // Critical section Object
destructor TThreadSafeObject<T>.Destroy();
inherited Destroy;
function TThreadSafeObject<T>.Lock(): T;
procedure TThreadSafeObject<T>.Unlock();
procedure TThreadSafeObject<T>.FreeOwnership();
MyClass Definition:
MyClass = class
procedure drawRandomBitmap(abitmap: TBitmap); //Draw Random Lines on TCanvas
function decToBin(i: LongInt): String; //convert decimal number to Bin.
procedure addLineToMemo(aLine: String; MemoFld: TMemo); // output message to TMemo
function randomColor(): TColor;
Since threads execute in order and wait for the thread which has the current ownership of the critical section to finish (tsCriticalSection.Enter; and tsCriticalSection.Leave;) it is logical that if you want to manage that ownership relay, you need one unique instance TThreadSafeObject (you can consider using the singleton pattern). so include:
tsMyclass:= TThreadSafeObject<MyClass>.Create(MyClass.Create);
in Form.Create and
in Form.Close; Here tsMyclass is a global variable of type MyClass.
Regarding the usage of MyClass try the following:
with tsMyclass.Lock do
addLineToMemo('MemoLine1', Memo1);
addLineToMemo('MemoLine2', Memo1);
addLineToMemo('MemoLine3', Memo1);
// release ownership
, where Memo1 is an instance of a TMemo component on the form.
With this, we are supposed to ensure that anything that happens when tsMyClass is locked
will be executed by only one thread at a time. An obvious drawback of this approach, however, is that since I have only one instance of tsMyclass, even if one thread is trying to draw for e.g. on the Canvas, while another is writing on the Memo, the first thread will have to wait for the second to finish and only then it will be able to carry out its job.
My questions here are:
Is the above suggested method correct? Am I still free of race
conditions or do I have some "loopholes" in the code, from where
data conflicts could occur?
How can one, in general, test for thread
unsafety of his/her applicaiton?
I would like to stress that the above approach is in no way my own doing. It is basically a summary of the solution found in 2. Nevertheless, I have decided to post again in an attempt to get some kind of closure on the topic or a kind of proof of validity for the suggested solution. Besides, repetition is mother of all knowledge, as they say.
With this, we are supposed to ensure that anything that happens when
tsMyClass is locked will be executed by only one thread at a time. An
obvious drawback of this approach, however, is that since I have only
one instance of tsMyclass, even if one thread is trying to draw for
e.g. on the Canvas, while another is writing on the Memo, the first
thread will have to wait for the second to finish and only then it
will be able to carry out its job.
I see one big problem here: the VCL (forms, drawing, etc...) lives on the main thread. Even if you block concurrent thread access, the updates need to be done in the context of the main thread. This is the part where you need to use Synhronize(), the big difference with a lock (Criticalsection) is that synchronized code is ran in the context of the main thread. The end result is basically the same, your threaded code is serialized and you lose the advantage of using threads in the first place.
Locking on the whole object can be much too coarse.
Imagine cases where some properties or methods are independent of others. If the lock works on a "global" level, many operations will be blocked needlessly.
From Reduce lock granularity – Concurrency optimization
So, how can we reduce lock granularity? With a short answer, by asking
for locks as less as possible. The basic idea is to use separate locks
to guard multiple independent state variables of a class, instead of
having only one lock in class scope.
First things first: You don't need to implement a LOCK for each of your objects, Delphi's done that for you with the TMonitor class:
// Your code goes here.
finally TMonitor.Leave(WhateverObject);
just make sure you free the WhateverObject when your application shuts down, or else you'll run into a bug that I've opened on QC: http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=111795
Secondly, making an application multi-threading is a bit more involved. You can't just wrapp each call between Enter/Leave calls: your "locking" needs to take into account what the object does and what the access pattern is. Wrapping calls within Enter/Leave simply make sure that only one thread runs that method at any time, but race conditions are much more complex, and might arise from successive calls to your locked methods. Even those each method is locked, and only one thread ever called those methods at any given time, the state of the locked object might change between as a consequence of other thread's activity.
This kind of code would be just fine in a single-threaded application, but locking at method level is not enough when switching to multi-threaded:
if List.IndexOf(Something) = -1 then

How to use visual controls in Indy? (Delphi)

My server must print some reports about its work. How can I use visual objects such as labels, edit boxes in the OneEecute event?
The same rule, for not modifying VCL objects in any thread except main thread, is valid here too. You should not change any of VCL controls in OnExecute event-handler, because that code will be run in the context of a worker thread spawn by Indy for every connection.
If you need to change graphical user interface, do it using Synchronize or Queue methods, or use a custom notification mechanism for notifying the main thread to do the GUI modification for you.
If you want to call Synchronize or Queue methods, you have to type-cast TIdYarn to TIdYarnOfThread which derives from TIdYarn and implements it with threads:
// Calling MyMethod using Synchornize inside TIdTcpServer.OnExecute event-handler
// Calling MyMethod using Queue inside TIdTcpServer.OnExecute event-handler

Can I use pthread mutexes in the destructor function for thread-specific data?

I'm allocating my pthread thread-specific data from a fixed-size global pool that's controlled by a mutex. (The code in question is not permitted to allocate memory dynamically; all the memory it's allowed to use is provided by the caller as a single buffer. pthreads might allocate memory, I couldn't say, but this doesn't mean that my code is allowed to.)
This is easy to handle when creating the data, because the function can check the result of pthread_getspecific: if it returns NULL, the global pool's mutex can be taken there and then, the pool entry acquired, and the value set using pthread_setspecific.
When the thread is destroyed, the destructor function (as per pthread_key_create) is called, but the pthreads manual is a bit vague about any restrictions that might be in place.
(I can't impose any requirements on the thread code, such as needing it to call a destructor manually before it exits. So, I could leave the data allocated, and maybe treat the pool as some kind of cache, reusing entries on an LRU basis once it becomes full -- and this is probably the approach I'd take on Windows when using the native API -- but it would be neatest to have the per-thread data correctly freed when each thread is destroyed.)
Can I just take the mutex in the destructor? There's no problem with thread destruction being delayed a bit, should some other thread have the mutex taken at that point. But is this guaranteed to work? My worry is that the thread may "no longer exist" at that point. I use quotes, because of course it certainly exists if it's still running code! -- but will it exist enough to permit a mutex to be acquired? Is this documented anywhere?
The pthread_key_create() rationale seems to justify doing whatever you want from a destructor, provided you keep signal handlers from calling pthread_exit():
There is no notion of a destructor-safe function. If an application does not call pthread_exit() from a signal handler, or if it blocks any signal whose handler may call pthread_exit() while calling async-unsafe functions, all functions may be safely called from destructors.
Do note, however, that this section is informative, not normative.
The thread's existence or non-existence will most likely not affect the mutex in the least, unless the mutex is error-checking. Even then, the kernel is still scheduling whatever thread your destructor is being run on, so there should definitely be enough thread to go around.

Confusion of thread synchronization problem

It makes me confused when I read the article by Zarko Gajic today:
"Multithreaded Delphi Database Queries"
Article URL: http://delphi.about.com/od/kbthread/a/query_threading.htm
Sourecode: http://delphi.about.com/library/weekly/code/adothreading.zip
With the code of "TCalcThread.Execute" procedure, Why the following code do not need to be placed in the Synchronize() method to run?
Line 173: ListBox.Clear;
Line 179: ListBox.Items.Insert(......);
Line 188: ListBox.Items.Add('*---------*');
Line 195: TicksLabel.Caption := 'Ticks: ' + IntToStr(ticks);
These codes are operating the VCL components, and are related to the UI updates. In my knowledge, these operations should be use thread synchronize, and executed by the main thread. Is my knowledge has the flaw?
This is a rare case where you're benefiting from the fact that Windows is doing the thread synchronization for you. The reason is that for a listbox, the items are manipulated using SendMessage with control specific messages. Because of this, each SendMessage call makes sure the message is processed by the same thread on which the control was created, notably the main thread.
Like I said, this is a rare case. It is also causing a thread switch for each of those three calls, which will degrade performance. You're still better off using Synchronize to force that block of code to run in the main thread where it belongs. It also ensures that if you begin working with a control that doesn't internally use SendMessage, you won't get bitten.
Indeed. Maybe the sample isn't problematic cause there are no UI changes while the thread is executing. But UI things always have to occur inside the UI thread.
The only differences I see between the sync'ed and the not sync'ed instructions are:
the not sync'ed are not no-params methods so the program will be more dificult to write :)
the sync'ed method is updating a TLabel which is not a TControl (if I remember my Delphi days) so it uses canvas directly...
But anyway: UI is touched by a single thread. Always. Once I wanted to update a TTreeBox inside a thread (no paralelism nor cross updates, simply a separate thread) and it was a very bad thing (random errors)...
