Ruby On Rails CMS Framework - ruby-on-rails

I want to create a framework for rails application. It will be a rails application but packed into gem (like a Radiant CMS).
It must work like this:
gem install cmsframework
and then:
cmsframework the_app
After that we have a skeleton framework for a rails app, without any controllers, etc. All controllers are loaded from cmsframework gem.
If I want to rewrite some files (for example public/styles.css), I must simply create it in my app (the_app).
If I want new functions in my app I can create a plugin. But the main functionalities must be loaded from cmsframework gem.
What is the best way to implement this?

Maybe start here: Pay close attention to the parts about adding custom generators and packaging as a gem. This may help as well:

You can use this framework it is very good CamaleonCMS


How to convert existing rails application to gem

I have a rails application that is kind of similar to the active_admin gem. I want to make this existing application into a gem.
I know that you can generate a gem with:
bundler gem gem_name_here
This command creates an empty gem. Which is fine I suppose, I just don't know where to put all my code.
You're ostensibly supposed to put all of your code in the /lib directory. However, my application has an assets pipeline and an app directory with all my models, controllers, and views. I don't know where to place all of these directories in the gem. Any thoughts or ideas?
If you need me to share any code, I'll gladly share it.
You're describing a rails engine. Engine is a miniature rails application that can be used inside other rails app. For more details see official rails guide

Integrating multiple apps in Rails

I am working on a project in Rails. It contains multiple sub-projects. They have a common login and the rest is separate for all. I want to integrate them all in the main project. The sub-projects are pretty big, so putting them all together will make it cumbersome to manage the code. Is there any way to integrate the sub-apps or gems in the main project?
You might consider breaking your apps into engines. It's a great way to isolate functionality and make code modular. Here's a link to the Rails engine docs:
If you need examples of real-world uses of engines you might consider looking at the code for Spree:
With Spree you can add custom functionality by installing or building extensions, which are effectively Rails engines.
If you want to reference local gems/engines, you can point to them in your Gemfile like this:
gem 'mygem', :path => '/path/to/gem'
But make sure that the individual gems within your project don't have a .git folder, or you might run into errors regarding sub-modules.

how to use stocktwits library?

I am building a stocktwits app in Ruby. I want to retrieve data through API. I found this library on github: But i am a newbie to Ruby and Rails. I am confused on how to use it. Could i use it without adding it to a Rails project? I mean i do not need to create a Rails project in order to use it. If i need to add it to Rails project, how should i add it?
Thanks in advance.
You do need to have a Rails app in order to use it. You can add it to your project by adding
gem 'omniauth-stocktwits'
to the Gemfile in the root of your project, and running bundle install.
Then follow the instructions in the README, which involves creating a file in the initialisers directory of your Rails app.

Rails gem with CSS and javascript

I've got a simple rails gem (created using bundler) and I'd like to extend it by adding some CSS and javascript functionality. However, I'm unsure how to go about this and where to add the files. In particular, I need need more information on how it all fits together with the asset pipeline once it gets included in another project.
Can anyone give me the lowdown on how this works and either provide some simple examples or link to a tutorial? Literally 1 css and 1 js file is all I'm looking to include. Thanks.
You could write the gem as an engine. This allows you to have an app folder in the gem just as any Rails application would have. You can add models, views, controllers, assets etc.
Once you have it set up it's quite intuitive and it's a familiar way to create a gem if you're used to creating Rails apps.
This should get you started:

Best practices when including Rails models in another application

I'm developing a ruby application that uses the models and data from another Ruby on Rails web application as its main data source.
The Rails models were included in this application by including the environment.rb file in the main file like this:
# Require Rails
require_relative "../../RailsApp/config/environment.rb"
This works but there are uninitialized dependencies when loading models that use gems that are defined in the Rails Gemfile. (For example, acts_as_taggable_on, rack-pjax, devise, etc)
This ruby application dependencies are also managed through Bundler, so at the moment the only way to get the application working is to copy and paste the contents from the Rails' Gemfile into the ruby app's Gemfile.
Obviously this approach is not optimal as the gem requirements are duplicated.
Is there a better way to include Rails and the dependencies that its models require in another application? Is there a way to include a Gemfile into another?
Here are some options, in order of simplicity
Just keep everything in one app, a lot of stuff is easier this way
Use plugins to share common code
Use web services to share data
You could extract the models and code out from RailsAppA into a Gem. RailsAppA then includes that Gem and uses it.
The gem can remain in a private repository and does not need published.
Both apps would then do something like:
gem "yourapp-modelage", git: ""
Then, App2 would also use that Gem... How much goes into the Gem will depends on how much you need to re-use.
