I want to create a model 'Relation' which extends ActiveRecord::Base, set it's table name as 'questions_tags', and without primary key. What should I do?
class Relation < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name 'questions_tags' # set table name, right?
# how to define 'no-pk'?
I know use 'create_table' can solve this problem, but this is just what I want to know: What is the magic behind create_table(:id=>false)? How can I get the same effect without using create_table(:id=>false)?
Create a migration that looks like this:
class CreateQuestionsTags < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :questions_tags, {:id => false, :force => true} do |t|
def self.down
drop_table :questions_tags
If you're looking to create a pivot table, as it looks like from the table name, then AR will handle that in the background.
However, if you're looking to create a table with more feilds then:
1) rename your table to "realtions" please
2) use a primary key "id"
There's no good reason not to be using a primary key in a table, and it is very likely that you might well find yourself regretting it later.
Why don't you want a PK?
Active Record expects a PK, and I don't see what harm it can do.
I am developing on RoR 4, with Oracle, PostGreSQL and MSSQL as target databases.
I am building a hierarchy of 4 objects, for which I need to display parent-child relationships through the same query whatever level I start from. Not easy to figure out, but the hint is that none of the object should have identical IDs.
The issue here is that rails maintains a dedicated sequence for each object, so duplicated IDs will appear for sure.
How can I create a sequence to fill a unique_id field which remains unique for all my data ?
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,
I finally found this solution:
1 - create a sequence to be used by each of concerned objects
class CreateGlobalSequence < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
2 - Declare this sequence to be used for identity columns in each of concerned models
class BusinessProcess < ActiveRecord::Base
self.sequence_name = "global_seq"
class BusinessRule < ActiveRecord::Base
self.sequence_name = "global_seq"
and so on. It works fine.
Rails is great !
Thanks for your help, and best regards,
Id column for each table is unique identifier for each table record. It will not make any impact on other table Id column.
Don't know why you need this. But you can achieve it by some extent. Like below :
class CreateSimpleModels < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :simple_models do |t|
t.string :xyz
t.integer :unique_id
execute "CREATE SEQUENCE simple_models_unique_id_seq OWNED BY
simple_models.unique_id INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 100000"
def self.down
drop_table :simple_models
execute "DELETE SEQUENCE simple_models_unique_id_seq"
But after 100000 record in db it will again going to similar for other model.
The default id column has the identity attribute, which is stored per-table. If your models fit the bill for Single Table Inheritance you'd be able to define a custom id attribute on the base class. In your case since you said it's a hierarchy that might be the way to go.
The harder? (STI is a bit to digest but very powerful) way of doing this involves what I'm working on this similar issue with a shared PAN (Private Account Number in this system) in a shared namespace.
class CreatePans < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :pans do |t|
t.string :PAN
class AddPanIdToCustomers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :customers, :pan_id, :integer
The first migration will add the ID table, the second adds the foreign key to the customers table. You'll also need to add the relationships to the models has_many :pans and belongs_to :customers. You can then refer to their identity by the :pan_id attribute (however you name it). It's a roundabout way of doing things, but in my case business requirements force it - hacky as it is.
I have a table called Contracts. Its current default primary key is the :id field that Rails automatically generates, which is an integer. I want to have a field called contractId that is a string type and use it as a primary key instead. What I want to know is:
Is this a best practice? Are there any potential issues with doing this?
How I would go about it
Ruby on Rails (RoR) likes to emphasise the concept of convention over configuration. Therefore, it seeks to minimialise the amount of configuration.
So if you want contractId that is a string type then you can add one extra field in your table and use it wherever you want and let the Rails use id as primarykey.
Change PrimaryKey
Generate a new migration file name it "ChangePrimaryKey" (You can give any name).
class ChangePrimaryKey < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
remove_column :table, :id # remove existing primary key
rename_column :table, :udid, :id # rename existing UDID column
execute "ALTER TABLE table ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);"
def down
# Remove the UDID primary key. Note this would differ based on your database
execute "ALTER TABLE table DROP CONSTRAINT table_pkey;"
rename_column :table, :id, :udid
add_column :table, :id, :primary_key
If you are creating a new table, your migration might look like this:
class AddTableWithDifferentPrimaryKey < ActiveRecord:Migration
def change
create_table :table, id: false do |t|
t.string :id, null: false
# other columns
execute "ALTER TABLE table ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);"
Notice the id: false options you pass into the table — this asks Rails not to create a primary key column on your behalf.
Changes to Model
In the model, it is essential that you add the following line in order for
Rails to programmatically find the column you intend to use as your primary key.
class Table < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = :id
# rest of span
I hope you can do rest of the things.
Don't change default id if you want to see Rails real Magics :)
As you may know, Rails supports changing the primary id column out of the box:
class Contract < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = "contractId"
Please note that even if the contractId column has a unique index, an index on a string column will always be a bit slower than an index in an integer column.
Furthermore, this is not the Rails way and might confuse other developers that work with this application. Especially building associations or routes are error-prone when your table has a non-standard primary key. IMHO that is a good reason to avoid using this technic as long as possible.
I'm on Windows XP...
Ruby 1.9.2
Rails 3.0.9
MS SQL Server 2005
I'm using tiny_tds + activerecord-sqlserver-adapter
In my database I have table named t4.
I have created a model like this: rails generate model t4
Here is my simple model t4.rb:
class T4 < ActiveRecord::Base
Here is migration file 20111013125957_create_t4s.rb:
class CreateT4s < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :t4s do |t|
def self.down
drop_table :t4s
I have schema.rb:
create_table "t4", :force => true do |t|
t.string "title", :limit => 50
When I try T4.select("title").where(["id = 3"]) I get error message:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: TinyTds::Error: Invalid object name 't4s'.: SELECT title FROM [t4s] WHERE (id = 3)
I have another some tables named Adddocs and Eclaims.
There are not problems with queries to them.
I guess that problem is that T4.select("title").where(["id = 3"]) maps to SELECT title FROM [t4s] WHERE (id = 3) (T4 to t4s).
Why? I don't know
But when I edited file config/initializers/inflections.rb like this:
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.irregular 't4', 't4'
Everything works! But it's not suitable solution (bad tone i think) :(((
By convention, if you create a model named album, rails will create a table called albums.
To override this (which isn't usually done) and use a custom defined table name you can use set_table_name method like this in your model:
class Album < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name="album" * define here whatever table name you have
When you create a new model it is the singular of the object your storing, whereas when it then generates the table, it uses the plural as there are multiple stored within the table. Example...
If you create a model named user, you'll end up with app/models/user.rb but the table it makes will be called users.
If you don't like that you have a few options...
You can override the inflections as you've done, however you should only do this if Rails is getting the pluralization wrong, rather than forcing it to use a certain word.
You can override the table name using the set_table_name method in the model file, providing it with a parameter of what your table name actually is.
You could disable the whole pluralized table names with config.active_record.pluralize_table_names = false in your config/application.rb file, however I strongly recommend you don't do this.
Ultimately I would suggest using more descriptive table names which can be pluralized over ones that can't. T4 as a model and table name don't explain to me what's stored within, where as Post does.
Let's say you have "lineitems" and you used to define a "make" off of a line_item.
Eventually you realize that a make should probably be on its own model, so you create a Make model.
You then want to remove the make column off of the line_items table but for every line_item with a make you want to find_or_create_by(line_item.make).
How would I effectively do this in a rails migration? I'm pretty sure I can just run some simple find_or_create_by for each line_item but I'm worried about fallback support so I was just posting this here for any tips/advice/right direction.
I guess you should check that the Make.count is equal to the total unique makes in lineitems before removing the column, and raise an error if it does not. As migrations are transactional, if it blows up, the schema isn't changed and the migration isn't marked as executed. Therefore, you could do something like this:
class CreateMakesAndMigrateFromLineItems < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :makes do |t|
t.string :name
makes = LineItem.all.collect(:&make).uniq
makes.each { |make| Make.find_or_create_by_name make }
Make.count == makes.length ? remove_column(:line_items, :make) : raise "Boom!"
def self.down
# You'll want to put logic here to take you back to how things were before. Just in case!
drop_table :makes
add_column :line_items, :make
You can put regular ruby code in your migration, so you can create the new table, run some code across the old model moving the data into the new model, and then delete the columns from the original model. This is even reversible so your migration will still work in both directions.
So for your situation, create the Make table and add a make_id to the lineitem. Then for each line item, find_or_create with the make column on lineitem, setting the returned id to the new make_id on lineitem. When you are done remove the old make column from the lineitem table.
I'd like to know which is the preferred way to add records to a database table in a Rails Migration. I've read on Ola Bini's book (Jruby on Rails) that he does something like this:
class CreateProductCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
#defines the AR class
class ProductType < ActiveRecord::Base; end
def self.up
def self.load_data
#Use AR object to create default data
ProductType.create(:name => "type")
This is nice and clean but for some reason, doesn't work on the lasts versions of rails...
The question is, how do you populate the database with default data (like users or something)?
The Rails API documentation for migrations shows a simpler way to achieve this.
class CreateProductCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table "product_categories" do |t|
t.string name
# etc.
# Now populate the category list with default data
ProductCategory.create :name => 'Books', ...
ProductCategory.create :name => 'Games', ... # Etc.
# The "down" method takes care of the data because it
# drops the whole table.
def self.down
drop_table "product_categories"
Tested on Rails 2.3.0, but this should work for many earlier versions too.
You could use fixtures for that. It means having a yaml file somewhere with the data you want to insert.
Here is a changeset I committed for this in one of my app:
require 'active_record/fixtures'
class LoadProfiles < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
directory = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "init_data")
Fixtures.create_fixtures(directory, "profiles")
def self.down
name: Admin
value: 1
name: Normal user
value: 2
You could also define in your seeds.rb file, for instance:
Grid.create :ref_code => 'one' , :name => 'Grade Única'
and after run:
rake db:seed
your migrations have access to all your models, so you shouldn't be creating a class inside the migration.
I am using the latest rails, and I can confirm that the example you posted definitely OUGHT to work.
However, migrations are a special beast. As long as you are clear, I don't see anything wrong with an ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("INSERT INTO product_types (name) VALUES ('type1'), ('type2')").
The advantage to this is, you can easily generate it by using some kind of GUI or web front-end to populate your starting data, and then doing a mysqldump -uroot database_name.product_types.
Whatever makes things easiest for the kind of person who's going to be executing your migrations and maintaining the product.
You should really not use
in your migrations.
I have done similar but in the long run they are not guaranteed to work.
When you run the migration the model class you are using is the one at the time you run the migration, not the one at the time you created the migration. You will have to be sure you never change your model in such a way to stop you migration from running.
You are much better off running SQL for example:
[{name: 'Type', ..}, .. ].each do |type|
execute("INSERT INTO product_types (name) VALUES ('#{type[:name]} .. )