TFS setup advice - tfs

I am currently in the middle of a TFS 2010 multi-server installation and have the following questions:
should i go with the default installation of having tfs sit on http://server:8080/tfs as i would probably prefer http://server/ or http://server:8080
I can't seem to find the best practice for which user i should use to remotely connect to the reporting services - should this be a domain user, or a local machine account on the database server?
If i install sharepoint and i want the database stored on another server, am i ok to install sharepoint as a single server or do i need to install "application only" and create a "farm"
that is all :)

•should i go with the default
installation of having tfs sit on
http://server:8080/tfs as i would
probably prefer http://server/ or
We have our hosted externaly so we go with a FQDN, but if not you should use the default as Visual Studio also uses this default. By all means setup a FQDN or other URL on port 80 to give people the choice, and to make the web access more accessable.
•I can't seem to find the best
practice for which user i should use
to remotely connect to the reporting
services - should this be a domain
user, or a local machine account on
the database server?
Network Service is fine and TFS will set everything up during the install. You can create a "domain\TfsReports" if it makes you feel better and I would recommend this if you are going to setup Kerberos or are runnign in a security consious enviroment.
•If i install sharepoint and i want
the database stored on another server,
am i ok to install sharepoint as a
single server or do i need to install
"application only" and create a "farm"
You can put the Sharepoint databases anywher you like during the insatll. if you are doing what you sugest, remember not to lose them. A better option would be to integrate with your existing Sharepoint 2007/2010 corporate deployment.
Integrate SharePoint 2010 with Team Foundation Server 2010


How to configure JIRA admin on a Web server

I already have a website running and want to install JIRA Server on it. So how do I add a sub directory to my main website, example is my actual website so want how do I achieve this?
I had downloaded the windows JIRA Installer and ran it locally connecting to the database hosted on my server and it worked using localhost(http://localhost:8080/secure/Dashboard.jspa) however now I want to access it through the web link i.e base URL.
I am new to this so any help would be really appreciated.
Well I understand you do have a domain and you want to run your JIRA with context path /jira un that domain. If that's the case, you may need to consider running your JIRA behind proxy. Take a look at Atlassian documentation since it contains all the information that you need for this:

Restore tfs collection from mdf/ldf

My server running TFS express crashed. I managed to mount the disk and extract mdf/ldf file for my TFS collection. Here is what I did next:
Built a new machine (with the same name/IP address) and installed SQL Express/TFS server express.
From SQL Server Management Studio, attached the mdf/ldf files. I can now see TFS_MyCollection as a new database.
From TFS Administrative console, clicked on "Attach Collection."
However, the new database is not being listed.
I went through a bunch of links on the Internet. had a similar situation. Based on the suggestion, I had attached the database. I also looked at However, this one talks about using backup/restore, which is not my case.
I must be missing some configuration step. Please advice. Regards.
You cant just attach a collection that was never detached.
You need to unconfigure your TFS instance (tfconfig.exe setup /uninstall:all) and then restore all of the databases.
You will need to restore each collection and the configuration DB. They are currently a set. Once you have all of the databses attached/restored you need to run the setup and "configure application tier only".
You need to follow the documentation for moving hardware. Make sure that you follow each step.
Note: You should take backups!

Source Control Workflow: synching code changes on a staging webserver

I am currently using TFS to source changes to a web site code base. Currently, when I'm done making a change, I need to deploy the changes to a web server for review by the end user.
Generally the way I would do this is just connect to that machine via RDP, open visual studio and get latest to pull changes...
However, this only works if I'm the only one working on the entire site. If someone else RDP in to make changes, the site is locked to my TFS account, and they can't make any changes to it...
They could pull their own copy of the site into their own machine via TFS and check in the changes there but because so much of their part is done on the database (vs code) they'd have to duplicate everything they do into the website every time them commit a change, so they prefer to work directly on the machine...
is there any way to make this work, a better way to set this up so I can pull their changes into my local copy via TFS?
my biggest problem to overcome is the fact that when I Get Latest on the webserver via RDP it locks the entire solution to my TFS account, so that when they login to RDP with their credentials, they can't make any changes because the files are checked in, and of course they can't checkout because of course the solution is tied to my account.
If I can get past that I think we'd be okay.
any info is appreciated, please let me know if I can provide more context, thanks
Can you set up a different TFS workspace for each user on your RDP machine? This should allow multiple users to use the TFS client to pull the same solution on the same machine without issue.

Can I use teamfoundation server from another domain?

I have a prod domain and a test domain, unfortunately in the only part I can install TFS ins a virtual machine in the test domain.
The question is, as developers, can we still access the tfs for source control? As far as I know it will use the windows credentials when connecting and those credentials wont exist in the test environment.
What can you suggest?
Yes, Team Explorer clients will try to authenticate with the default Windows credentials to the TFS server. If you're on different domains (and there's no trust relationship between them) then this authentication will fail and you'll be prompted to enter your username/password for the TFS server.
If you don't wish to be prompted each time, you can set up credentials for the server in the Windows Credential Manager in your Control Panel.

Adding Active Directory users to Team Foundation Server

How can I add AD users to TFS users from a computer that can't connect to AD/domain? Structure is like this:
TFS Server, in AD/domain
My computer, wtih VS.NET, can't join to AD/domain
Only way to ad AD users to TFS users list I could find is in VS.NET->Team->Team Foundation Server Settings->Security->Add users or groups->Windows user or group. Since my computer can't join to AD I can't see the AD in Locations list. Is there a way to do this without installing VS.NET to the server?
You can do this at the command line (Visual Studio Command line is easiest):
tfssecurity /g+ <tfsgroupidentifier> <user or group identifier> /collection:http://server:8080/tfs/collectionname
tfssecurity /g+ "Scrum Project\Readers" "Contoso\CEO" /collection:http://contoso:8080/tfs/Default
Here is a solution for adding users to TFS 2010 when your development machine doesn't have access to the remote domain.
Create the user on the server if you haven't already done so and Add the user to the ProjectTeam group.
Then on your local machine that isn't tied to the domain, simply create a user with the same username.
Right-Click on your project in Team Explorer and choose "Team Project Settings" --> "Group Membership..."
Click on the group you want to add the user to, and press the "Properties" button.
Select "Windows User or Group" and click "Add"...then just type in the username (you shouldn't need to specify the domain) - even if it initially identifies your current computer/ should automatically change it to the remote domain.
Then you can delete that username from your local computer.
I spent about 4 hours trying to add a user for a remote domain before getting this to work.
Microsoft really should have thought about this scenario for remote developers, TFS running on remotely hosted servers and so on.
I hope that helps.
If you do decide you are ok with doing this from the TFS server, you don't need to install the whole Visual Studio 2008 client. Instead, just install the team explorer client. It will install the Visual Studio shell, along with the TFS tools, but no development language pieces.
I have this very same problem. The only way I have found to solve this is to have a computer that I can RDP to within the domain and add the user from there.
Its not pretty, but it works....
p.s. As long as you have permission on the domain, you could write a tool to do this.
