Lua table C api - lua

I know of:
It shows me how to build up a table (key, value) pair entry by entry.
Suppose instead, I want to build a gigantic table (say something a 1000 entry table, where both key & value are strings), is there a fast way to do this in lua (rather than 4 func calls per entry:

What you have written is the fast way to solve this problem. Lua tables are brilliantly engineered, and fast enough that there is no need for some kind of bogus "hint" to say "I expect this table to grow to contain 1000 elements."

For string keys, you can use lua_setfield.

Unfortunately, for associative tables (string keys, non-consecutive-integer keys), no, there is not.
For array-type tables (where the regular 1...N integer indexing is being used), there are some performance-optimized functions, lua_rawgeti and lua_rawseti:

You can use createtable to create a table that already has the required number of slots. However, after that, there is no way to do it faster other than
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
lua_push... // key
lua_push... // value
lua_rawset(L, tableindex);


Performance of accessing table via reference vs ipairs loop

I'm modding a game. I'd like to optimize my code if possible for a frequently called function. The function will look into a dictionary table (consisting of estimated 10-100 entries). I'm considering 2 patterns a) direct reference and b) lookup with ipairs:
tableA = { ["moduleName.propertyName"] = { some stuff } } -- the key is a string with dot inside, hence the quotation marks
result = tableA["moduleName.propertyName"]
function lookup(type)
local result
for i, obj in ipairs(tableB) do
if obj.type == "moduleName.propertyName" then
result = obj
return result
tableB = {
[1] = {
type = "moduleName.propertyName",
... some stuff ...
result = lookup("moduleName.propertyName")
Which pattern should be faster on average? I'd expect the 'native' referencing to be faster (it is certainly much neater), but maybe this is a silly assumption? I'm able to sort (to some extent) tableB in a order of frequency of the lookups whereas (as I understand it) tableA will have in Lua random internal order by default even if I declare the keys in proper order.
A lookup table will always be faster than searching a table every time.
For 100 elements that's one indexing operation compared to up to 100 loop cycles, iterator calls, conditional statements...
It is questionable though if you would experience a difference in your application with so little elements.
So if you build that data structure for this purpose only, go with a look-up table right away.
If you already have this data structure for other purposes and you just want to look something up once, traverse the table with a loop.
If you have this structure already and you need to look values up more than once, build a look up table for that purpose.

Lua 5.0 - iterations over tables ignore duplicate keys even though values are different

Reading the injected comments in the Code Snippet should give enough context.
--| Table |--
QuestData = {
["Quest Descrip"]={8,1686192712},
["Quest Descrip"]={32,1686193248},
["Quest Descrip"]={0,2965579272},
--| Code Snippet |--
--| gets QuestName then does below |--
if QuestName then
-- (K = QuestName) and (V = the 3 entries below it in the table)
for k,v in pairs(QuestData) do
-- Checks to make sure the external function that obtained the QuestName matches what is in the table before cont
if strlower(k) == strlower(QuestName) then
local index = 0
-- Iterates over the first two pairs - Quest Descrip key and values
for kk,vv in pairs(v) do
index = index + 1
-- Iterates over the second two pairs of values
if index == 1 then
for kk,vv in pairs(v) do
-- Sends the 10 digit hash number to the function
The issue I'm running into is that Lua will only pick up one of the numbers and ignore the rest. I need all the possible hash numbers regardless of duplicates. The QuestData table ("database") has well over 10,000 entries. I'm not going to go through all of them and remove the duplicates. Besides, the duplicates are there because the same quest can be picked up in more than one location in the game. It's not a duplicate quest but it has a different hash number.
Key is always unique. It is the point of the key, that the key is pointing to unique value and you can't have more keys with same name to point different values. It is by definition by Lua tables.
It is like if you would want to have two variables with same name and different content. It does not make sense ...
The table type implements associative arrays. [...]
Like global variables, table fields evaluate to nil if they are not initialized. Also like global variables, you can assign nil to a table field to delete it. That is not a coincidence: Lua stores global variables in ordinary tables.
Quote from Lua Tables
Hashing in Lua
Based on comments, I update the answer to give some idea about hashing.
You are using hashing usually in low-level languages like C. In Lua, the associative arrays are already hashed somehow in the background, so it will be overkill (especially using SHA or so).
Instead of linked lists commonly used in C, you should just construct more levels of tables to handle collisions (there is nothing "better" in Lua).
And if you want to have it fancy set up some metatables to make it somehow transparent. But from your question, it is really not clear how your data look like and what you really want.
Basically you don't need more than this:
QuestData = {
["Quest Descrip"]={
As Jakuje already mentioned table keys are unique.
But you can store both as a table member like:
QuestData = {
-- "QuestName" must be unique! Of course you can put it into a table member as well
{hash = "Quest Descrip", values = {8,1686192712} },
{hash = "Quest Descrip", values = {32,1686193248} },
{hash = "Quest Descrip", values = {0,2965579272} }
I'm sure you can organize this in a better way. It looks like a rather confusing concept to me.
You've said you can't "rewrite the database", but the problem is the QuestData table doesn't hold what you think it holds.
Here's your table:
QuestData = {
["Quest Descrip"]={8,1686192712},
["Quest Descrip"]={32,1686193248},
["Quest Descrip"]={0,2965579272},
But, this is actually like writing...
QuestData["Quest Descrip"] = {8,1686192712}
QuestData["Quest Descrip"] = {32,1686193248}
QuestData["Quest Descrip"] = {0,2965579272}
So the second (and then, third) values overwrite the first. The problem is not that you can't access the table, but that the table doesn't contain the values any more.
You need to find a different way of representing your data.

Is there a way to tell `next` to start at specific key?

My understanding is that pairs(t) simply returns next, t, nil.
If I change that to next, t, someKey (where someKey is a valid key in my table) will next start at/after that key?
I tried this on the Lua Demo page:
t = { foo = "foo", bar = "bar", goo = "goo" }
for k,v in next, t, do
And got varying results each time I ran the code. So specifying a starting key has an effect, unfortunately the effect seems somewhat random. Any suggestions?
Every time you run a program that traverses a Lua table the order will be different because Lua internally uses a random salt in hash tables.
This was introduced in Lua 5.2. See luai_makeseed.
From the lua documentation:
The order in which the indices are enumerated is not specified, even
for numeric indices. (To traverse a table in numeric order, use a
numerical for.)

How to work with tables in Corona SDK

I have a sort of general question but i think that if I tried to be too specific I would only make it very confusing. So basically what I want to know is this:
When you create a table in Corona/Lua you can put pretty much an unlimited number of things in it correct?
So say i create a table called
rectangles = {};
and then i put a bunch of instances of rectangles in it. If i wanted to change a property of ALL the rectangles at once, how could I do it?
I understand how it would work with a set number of items in the table, like:
for i = 1, 10 do
rectangles[i] = display.newImage("rectangle.png");
then to change all of the images x positions for instance you would simply say
rectangles[i].x = 20;
but how would you change a property of all items in the array without knowing how many there are, as in you didnt give an upper bound, and cant because the table is always growing?
For arrays that have only one kind of elements you can use #rectangles for element count.
for i = 1, #rectangles do
rectangles[i] = display.newImage("rectangle.png");
Regarding the youtube example,
if you add element into rectangles like this:
what it actually does is
you see when a display object b is used as a key it is converted into a hex string.
in addition, you would need to use pairs to go over each element as they are
keys (e.g. array.length,array.width,array.weight..) rather than index (e.g. array[2],array[3]..)
for key,value in pairs(rectangles) do
print(key); --prints 083DF6B0
print(value); --prints 20
It depends on how you're storing items in the table. If you're storing by index (as in your example), you can use ipairs to iterate over indexes and values:
for index,value in ipairs(rectangles) do
value.x = 20
rectangles[index].x = 20
If you're storing by key (as in the youtube video you mention in a comment), iterate using pairs:
for key,value in pairs(rectangles) do
value.x = 20
rectangles[key].x = 20
Just don't store items using both index and keys, unless you know what to expect.

erlang - how can I match tuple contents with qlc and mnesia?

I have a mnesia table for this record.
-record(peer, {
peer_key, %% key is the tuple {FileId, PeerId}
uploaded = 0,
downloaded = 0,
left = 0,
Peer_key is a tuple {FileId, ClientId}, now I need to extract the ip_port field from all peers that have a specific FileId.
I came up with a workable solution, but I'm not sure if this is a good approach:
qlc:q([IpPort || #peer{peer_key={FileId,_}, ip_port=IpPort} <- mnesia:table(peer), FileId=:=RequiredFileId])
Using on ordered_set table type with a tuple primary key like { FileId, PeerId } and then partially binding a prefix of the tuple like { RequiredFileId, _ } will be very efficient as only the range of keys with that prefix will be examined, not a full table scan. You can use qlc:info/1 to examine the query plan and ensure that any selects that are occurring are binding the key prefix.
Your query time will grow linearly with the table size, as it requires scanning through all rows. So benchmark it with realistic table data to see if it really is workable.
If you need to speed it up you should focus on being able to quickly find all peers that carry the file id. This could be done with a table of bag-type with [fileid, peerid] as attributes. Given a file-id you would get all peers ids. With that you could construct your peer table keys to look up.
Of course, you would also need to maintain that bag-type table inside every transaction that change the peer-table.
Another option would be to repeat fileid and add a mnesia index on that column. I am just not that into mnesia's own secondary indexes.
