Dectect ASCII codes for asian double byte / cyrillic character sets? - character-encoding

Is it possible to detect if an ascii character belongs to Asian double byte or Cyrillic character sets? Perhaps specific code ranges? I've googled, but not finding anything at first glance.
There's an RSS feed I'm tapping into that has the locale set as 'en-gb'. But there are some Asian double byte characters in the feed itself - which I need to handle differently. Just not sure how to detect it since the meta locale data is incorrect. I do not have access to correct the public feed.

If your rss feed uses utf-8, which it probably does - just look that character value is greater than 255.

A quick Google suggest that you might wanna look at String.charCodeAt
I don't know ActionScript, but I would expect a code snippet to look something like
var stringToTest : String;
for each (var i : Number = 0; i < stringToTest.length; i++) {
if (stringToTest.charCodeAt(i) > 255) {
// Do something to your double-byte character here
} else {
// You have a plain ASCII character here
I hope this helps!


Objective-C some special char uncontrollably changing

I have a string that include some special char (like é,â,î,ı etc.), When I use substring on this string. I encounter inconsistent results. Some special char change uncontrollably
You are assuming that these are all characters:
[newword substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,1)];
[newword substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1,1)];
[newword substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(2,1)];
[newword substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3,1)];
// and so on...
In other words, you believe that:
A location always falls at the start of a character.
A character always has length 1.
Both assumptions are wrong. Please read the Characters and Grapheme Clusters chapter of Apple's String Programming Guide (here).
Your é happens to have length 2, because it is a base letter e followed by a combining diacritical accent. If you want it to have length 1, you need to normalize the string before you use it. Call precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping and use the resulting string.
Example and proof (in Swift, but it won't matter, as I use NSString throughout):
let s = "é,â,î,ı" as NSString
let c = s.substring(with: NSRange(location: 0, length: 1)) // e
let s2 = s.precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping as NSString
let c2 = s2.substring(with: NSRange(location: 0, length: 1)) // é
You're treating a unicode string like a sequence of bytes. Unicode codepoints, aside from low UTF8 can be multi-byte so you are changing the text style by stripping out parts responsible for the accent above the letter like this part:
UTF8 is variable width so by treating it as raw bytes you may get weird results, I would suggest using something that is more aware of unicode like ICU (International Components for Unicode).
Now imagine you have a two byte sequence like this (this may not be 100% accurate but it illustrates my point):
0x056 0x000
Now you have a UTF8 string with 1 codepoint and a null terminator. Now say you want to add an accent to that e. How would you do that? You could use a special unicode codepoint to modify the e so now the string is:
0x056 0x0CC 0x810 0x000
e U+0301 NUL
Where U+0301 is 2 a byte control character (Combining Acute Accent) and makes the e accented.
Edit: The answer assumes UTF8 encoding which is likely a bad assumption but I think the answer, whether UTF8 or UTF16, or any other type of encoding with control characters, illustrates why you may have mysterious dissapearing accents. While this may be UTF16, for the sake of simplicity let's pretend we live in a world where life is just slightly better because everyone only uses UTF8 and UTF16 doesn't exist.
To address the comment (this is less to do with the question but is some fun trivia) and for some fun detils about NS/CF/Swift runtimes and bridging and constant CF strings and other fun stuff like that: The representation of the actual string in memory is implementation defined and can vary (even for constant strings, trust me, I know, I fixed the ELF implementation of them in Clang for CoreFoundation a few days ago). Anyway, here's some code:
CF_INLINE CFStringEncoding __CFStringGetSystemEncoding(void) {
if (__CFDefaultSystemEncoding == kCFStringEncodingInvalidId) (void)CFStringGetSystemEncoding();
return __CFDefaultSystemEncoding;
CFStringEncoding CFStringFileSystemEncoding(void) {
if (__CFDefaultFileSystemEncoding == kCFStringEncodingInvalidId) {
__CFDefaultFileSystemEncoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8;
__CFDefaultFileSystemEncoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding();
return __CFDefaultFileSystemEncoding;
Throughout CoreFoundation/Foundation/SwiftFoundation (Yes you never know what sort of NSString is actually the one you're holding, they usually pretend to be the same thing but under the hood depending on how you got the object you may be holding onto one of the three variations of it).
This is why code like this exists, because NS/CF(Constant)/Swift strings have implementation defined internal representation.
if (((encoding & 0x0FFF) == kCFStringEncodingUnicode) && ((encoding == kCFStringEncodingUnicode) || ((encoding > kCFStringEncodingUTF8) && (encoding <= kCFStringEncodingUTF32LE)))) {
If you want consistent behavior you have to encode the string using a specific fixed encoding instead of relying on the internal representation.

Firebase or Swift not detecting umlauts

I found some weirdest thing in Firebase Database/Storage. The thing is that I don't know if Firebase or Swift is not detecting umlauts e.g(ä, ö, ü).
I did some easy things with Firebase like upload images to Firebase Storage and then download them into tableview. Some of my .png files had umlauts in the title for example(Röda.png).
So the problem occurs now if I download them. The only time my download url is nil is if the file name contains the umlauts I was talking about.
So I tried some alternatives like in HTML ö - ö. But this is not working. Can you guys suggest me something? I can't use ö - o, ü - u etc.
This is the code when url is nil when trying to set some values into Firebase:
.downloadURLWithCompletion({(url, error)in
let resource = Resource(downloadURL: url!, cacheKey: productImageref)
After spending a fair bit of time research your problem, the difference boils down to how the character ö is encoded and I traced it down to Unicode normalization forms.
The letter ö can be written in two ways, and String / NSString considers them equal:
let str1 = "o\u{308}" // decomposed : latin small letter o + combining diaeresis
let str2 = "\u{f6}" // precomposed: latin small letter o with diaeresis
print(str1, str2, str1 == str2) // ö ö true
But when you percent-encode them, they produce different results:
// o%CC%88
// %C3%B6
My guess is that Google / Firebase chooses the decomposed form while Apple prefers the other in its text input system. You can convert the file name to its decomposed form to match Firebase:
let str3 = str2.decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
// o%CC%88
This is irrelevant for ASCII-ranged characters. Unicode can be very confusing.
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (highly recommended)
Strings in Swift 2
NSString and Unicode
Horray for Unicode!
The short answer is that no, we're actually not doing anything special here. Basically all we do under the hood is:
// This is the list at without the & because query parameters
NSString *const kGCSObjectAllowedCharacterSet =
- (nullable NSString *)GCSEscapedString:(NSString *)string {
NSCharacterSet *allowedCharacters =
[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:kGCSObjectAllowedCharacterSet];
return [string stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:allowedCharacters];
What blows my mind is that:
let str1 = "o\u{308}" // decomposed : latin small letter o + combining diaeresis
let str2 = "\u{f6}" // precomposed: latin small letter o with diaeresis
print(str1, str2, str1 == str2) // ö ö true
returns true. In Objective-C (which the Firebase Storage client is built in), it totally shouldn't, as they're two totally different characters (in actuality, the length of str1 is 2 while the length of str2 is 1 in Obj-C, while in Swift I assume the answer is 1 for both).
Apple must be normalizing strings before comparison in Swift (probably a reasonable thing to do, since otherwise it leads to bugs like this where strings are "the same" but compare differently). Turns out, this is exactly what they do (see the "Extended Grapheme Clusters" section of their docs).
So, when you provide two different characters in Swift, they're being propagated to Obj-C as different characters and thus are encoded differently. Not a bug, just one of the many differences between Swift's String type and Obj-C's NSString type. When in doubt, choose a canonical representation you expect and stick with it, but as a library developer, it's very hard for us to choose that representation for you.
Thus, when naming files that contain Unicode characters, make sure to pick a standard representation (C,D,KC, or KD) and always use it when creating references.
let imageName = "smorgasbörd.jpg"
let path = "images/\(imageName)"
let decomposedPath = path.decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping // Unicode Form D
let ref =
// use this ref and you'll always get the same objects

Parsing RTF non-breaking space

I am making a simple parser from RTF to HTML.
I have the following raw RTF:
According to the RTF specification \~ is the keyword for a non-breaking space.
The end of a keyword is marked by a Delimiter which is defined as follows:
A space. This serves only to delimit a control word and is ignored in subsequent processing.
A numeric digit or an ASCII minus sign (-), which indicates that a numeric parameter is associated with the control word. The subsequent digital sequence is then delimited by any character other than an ASCII digit (commonly another control word that begins with a backslash). The parameter can be a positive or negative decimal number. The range of the values for the number is nominally –32768 through 32767, i.e., a signed 16-bit integer. A small number of control words take values in the range −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (32-bit signed integer). These control words include \binN, \revdttmN, \rsidN related control words and some picture properties like \bliptagN. Here N stands for the numeric parameter. An RTF parser must allow for up to 10 digits optionally preceded by a minus sign. If the delimiter is a space, it is discarded, that is, it’s not included in subsequent processing.
Any character other than a letter or a digit. In this case, the delimiting character terminates the control word and is not part of the control word. Such as a backslash “\”, which means a new control word or a control symbol follows.
As i understand it, the highlighted part above, is the rule used in this particular instance. But if that is the case, then my parser would read until the ~ sign, and conclude that since this is not a letter or a digit, it is not part of the keyword.
This currently results in the following output:
I have the following code for reading a keyword:
public GetKeyword(index: number): KeywordSet {
var keywordarray: string[] = [];
var valuearray: string[] = [];
while (index < this.m_input.length) {
var remainint = this.m_input.substr(index);
//Keep going until we hit a delimiter
if (this.m_input[index] == " ") {
} else if (this.IsNumber(this.m_input[index])) {
} else if (this.IsDelimiter(this.m_input[index])) {
} else keywordarray.push(this.m_input[index]);
var value: number = null;
if (valuearray.length > 0) value = parseInt(valuearray.join(""));
var keywordset = new KeywordSet(keywordarray.join(""), index, value);
return keywordset;
private IsDelimiter(char: string): boolean {
if (char == "*" || char == "'") return false;
return !this.IsLetterOrDigit(char);
When GetKeyword() reaches "~" it recognises it as a delimiter, and stops reading, resulting in an empty keyword as return value.
I do not have an AST constructed for this. Don't think it is necessary for this?
The quote in your question describes the syntax of an entity called control word but the \~ is actually a different entity called control symbol. Control symbols have a different syntax:
Control Symbol
A control symbol consists of a backslash followed by a single, non-alphabetical character. For example, \~ (backslash tilde) represents a non-breaking space. Control symbols do not have delimiters, i.e., a space following a control symbol is treated as text, not a delimiter.
See page 9 of Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.9.1.

Escape Unicode Characters for iOS

There are some Unicode arrangements that I want to use in my app. I am having trouble properly escaping them for use.
For instance this Unicode sequence: 🅰
If I escape it using an online tool i get: \ud83c\udd70
But of course this is an invalid sequence per the compiler:
var str = NSString.stringWithUTF8String("\ud83c\udd70")
Also if I do this:
var str = NSString.stringWithUTF8String("\ud83c")
I get an error "Invalid Unicode Scalar"
I'm trying to use these Unicode "fonts":
If I view the source of this website I see sequences like this:
Struggling to wrap my head around what is the "proper" way to work with/escape unicode.
And simply need a to figure out a way to get them working on iOS.
Any thoughts?
\ud83c\udd70 is a UTF-16 surrogate pair which encodes the unicode character 🅰 (U+1F170). Swift string literals do not use UTF-16, so that escape sequence doesn't make sense. However, since 1F170 has five digits you can't use a \uXXXX escape sequence (which only accepts four hexadecimal digits). Instead, use a \UXXXXXXXX sequence (note the capital U), which accepts eight:
var str = "\U0001F170" // returns "🅰"
You can also just paste the character itself into your string:
var str = "🅰" // returns "🅰"
Swift is an early Beta, is is broken in many ways. This issue is a Swift bug.
let ringAboveA: String = "\u0041\u030A" is Å and is accepted
let negativeSquaredA: String = "\uD83D\uDD70" is 🅰 and produces an error
Both are decomposed UTF16 characters that are accepted by Objective-C. The difference is that the composed character 🅰 is in plane 1.
Note: to get the UTF32 code point either use the OSX Character Viewer or a code snippet:
NSLog(#"utf32: %#", [#"🅰" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF32BigEndianStringEncoding]);
utf32: <0001f170>
To get the Character Viewer in the Apple Menu go to the "System Preferences", "Keyboard", "Keyboard" tab and select the checkbox: "Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menu bar". The "Character View" item will be in the menu bar just to the left of the Date.
After entering the character right (control) click on the character in favorites to copy the search results.
Copied information:
Unicode: U+1F170 (U+D83C U+DD70), UTF-8: F0 9F 85 B0
Better yet: Add unicode in the list on the left and select it.

Determining ascii character in NSString

In one of my UIView classes, I have the UIKeyInput protocol attached to gather input from a UIKeyboard. I'm trying to figure out what ascii character is being used when the space button is pushed (it's not simply ' ' it's something else it appears). Does anyone know what this asci character is or how I can figure out what ascii code is being used?
To look at the value for each character you can do something like this:
NSString *text = ... // the text to examine
for (NSUInteger c = 0; c < text.length; c++) {
unichar char = [text characterAtIndex:c];
NSLog(#"char = %x", (int)char); // Log the hex value of the Unicode character
Please note that this code doesn't properly handle any Unicode characters in the range \U10000 and up. This includes many (all?) of the Emoji characters.
If you really need to know what character (or code point) it actually is, use the CFMutableString function CFStringTransform()
That enables you to use transformation argument kCFStringTransformToUnicodeName to get the human readable Unicode name for example or Hex-Any to get escaped Unicode code point.
Otherwise you can do the the unichar approach to simple get the code point.
