Selenium IDE - how to customize right click context menu - contextmenu

On right click, the context menu appears and provides few selenium
commands. It does not provides all selenium commands.
The list of commands is dynamic and gets updated with mostly used
selenium commands.
I want to make the command list static for context menu.
Any idea how can I do that?

It's easy to extend the Selenium IDE to add your own custom commands to the right-click context menu.
Specifically, you need to write some Javascript to add the extra commands you need to CommandBuilders.
Adding Command Builders. Command Builders help users adding
commands to the test by showing
available commands in the context menu
when you right-click the element.
There's a number of examples on the Selenium extensions page, for example, this one is a great demonstration of how to make commands related to HTML select elements appear in the menu:
CommandBuilders.add('accessor', function(window) {
// Define the command that we will return
var result = { accessor: "selectedLabel", disabled: true };
// Determine if the user has clicked on a select tag
var element = this.getRecorder(window).clickedElement;
if (element && element.tagName && 'select' == element.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
// The target is the select element = this.getRecorder(window).clickedElementLocators;
result.disabled = false;
var selectedIndex = element.selectedIndex;
if (selectedIndex == -1) {
// Handle no selection as the empty string
result.value = '';
else {
// Capture the inner HTML (the text shown in the select) as the value to be matched
var selectedOption = element.options[selectedIndex];
result.value = exactMatchPattern(selectedOption.innerHTML);
return result;
Once you've created your extensions, you can easily load them manually in the Selenium IDE under Options->Options, or bundle them as part of a Firefox plugin (a good tutorial for which is here)


Testing-library unable to find rc-menu

I'm trying to implement integration tests on our React frontend which uses Ant design. Whenever we create a table, we add an action column in which we have a Menu and Menu Items to perform certain actions.
However, I seem unable to find the correct button in the menu item when using react-testing-library. The menu Ant design uses is rc-menu and I believe it renders outside of the rendered component.
Reading the testing-library documentation, I've tried using baseElement and queryByRole to get the correct DOM element, but it doesn't find anything.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do. It's all async since the table has to wait on certain data before it gets filled in, just an FYI.
Tried it on codesandbox
const row = await screen.findByRole('row', {
name: /test/i
const menu = await within(row).findByRole('menu')
expect(queryByRole('button', { name: /delete/i })).toBeDisabled()
the menu being opened with the delete action as menu item
I had a same issue testing antd + rc-menu component. Looks like the issue is related to delayed popup rendering. Here is an example how I solved it:
const { queryByTestId, getByText } = renderMyComponent();
const nav = await waitFor(() => getByText("My Menu item text"));
act(() => {
jest.runAllTimers(); // ! <- this was a trick !

How can I show a hidden column of a grid using the Vaadin Testbench?

I am doing some integration tests, and I have replaced some tables with a grid. At this moment, I have some visible columns by default and other columns are hidden as follows:
Now I am trying to do some integration tests. For getting the grid, I can use the method (is the only grid present in this view):
This works fine. But for my test (with Vaadin Testbench), I need to check some values that are inside the hidden columns of the grid. I am talking about this button:
I have tried to use the Vaadin debug console to get the name of the button that allows the user to show/hide columns, but the debug console only can select the entire grid element, not this menu.
Also I have check if inside the GridElement exists any kind of already implemented method that give me access to this menu without any success.
Usually, chrome developer tools (or similar for firefox and ie / edge, etc) is your best friend in such cases. So far I'm not aware of anything dedicated for that particular button. However you can workaround this limitation by selecting the items which compose this feature by their specific classes:
The below test method shows a quick implementation which should give you a starting point:
public class GridManipulationTest extends TestBenchTestCase {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("", "D:\\Kit\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe");
setDriver(new ChromeDriver());
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// TODO uncomment below after checking all works as expected
public void shouldOpenGridColumnVisibilityPopupAndSelectItems() {
// class for the grid sidebar button
String sideBarButtonClass = "v-grid-sidebar-button";
// class for the sidebar content which gets created when the button is clicked
String sideBarContentClass = "v-grid-sidebar-content";
// xpath to select the item corresponding to the necessary column
// there are perhaps more "elegant" solutions, but this is what I came up with at the time
String columnMenuItemXpath = "//*[contains(#class, 'column-hiding-toggle')]/span/div[text()='Name']";
// open the browser
// get the first available grid
GridElement firstGrid = $(GridElement.class).first();
// look for the grid's sidebar button and click it
// the sidebar content is created outside the grid structure so don't look for it using the grid search context
WebElement sidebarContent = findElement(By.className(sideBarContentClass));
// look for the expected column name and click it
And of course what it looks like in action

Get the string from selected text/ highlighted text using JXA

I'm supper new here, either Javascript and JXA, so pardon me if I make some stupid questions. But I'm trying to figure out a way to get the string from the highlighted text using JXA - JavaScript for Automation, for Javascript can be recognized in Automator since Yosemite, I thought I can make something work with these:
window.getSelection in:
function getSelectedText() {
if (window.getSelection) {
txt = window.getSelection();
} else if (window.document.getSelection) {
txt =window.document.getSelection();
} else if (window.document.selection) {
txt = window.document.selection.createRange().text;
return txt;
This code is not mine, somebody posted this. But I've found out that I can't use window or document here in Automator to make change to Mac OS, so can someone show me how to convert this Javascript code into JXA which Automator can understand?
Thanks a lot!
In general, you can use the System Events app to copy and paste with any app.
'use strict';
var app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
var seApp = Application('System Events')
//--- Set the Clipboard so we can test for no selection ---
//--- Activate the App to COPY the Selection ---
var safariApp = Application("Safari")
delay(0.2) // adjust the delay as needed
//--- Issue the COPY Command ---
seApp.keystroke('c', { using: 'command down' }) // Press ⌘C
delay(0.2) // adjust the delay as needed
//--- Get the Text on the Clipboard ---
var clipStr = app.theClipboard()
//--- Display Alert if NO Selection was Made ---
if (clipStr === "[NONE]") {
var msgStr = "NO Selection was made"
For more info see:
Sending Keystrokes in JXA
JXA Resources
You need to mix JXA and Safari’s javaScript…
var Safari = Application("Safari") // get Safari
selection = Safari.doJavaScript("document.getSelection().toString()",{
in:[0].tabs[0] // assume frontmost window and tab
The script is in JXA, but the document.getSelection().toString() is Safari’s javaScript.
Of course you will need to enable apple events in Safari…
If you want the selected text from another application, the code might be very different.
Don't do that, it's only applicable to JavaScript embedded inside a web browser. JXA is a standalone JS interpreter that has absolutely no understanding of web pages or DOM (and frankly doesn't have much clue about Mac application scripting either, btw).
Instead, use Automator to create an OS X Service as services can manipulate selected text in almost any OS X app; no application scripting required.

Getting the current page's window with the low level api of the Firefox SDK

I'm creating a Firefox extension for adding some functionality to certain Web pages. I need to check that some elements do exist and highlight them, so I'm using xpath to check and locate them. I know about manipulating tabs and the content through tabs and ports, but I really need to use the low level API and do it without ports. The thing is, I don't know how to get the current opened tab window (I can also open the tab, but I'm not getting the window). I already tryed to open a tab and :{
url: url,
onOpen: function onOpen(tab) {
// get the XUL tab that corresponds to this high-level tab
var lowLevelTab = viewFor(tab);
var browser = tab_utils.getBrowserForTab(lowLevelTab);
var doc = browser.contentDocument;
console.log(doc); //THIS IS AN EMPTY DOC
// get the most recent window. This give me a XUL window, and I can't sucessfully execute eval on that...
var win = utils.getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
I sawa lot of methods for retrieving different kinds of windows, but I'm not finding the explanation about the differences. E.g. Chroe window, XUL window, NSI window, base window...I just need the current Web page's document window.
Any clarification is welcome.
Thanks in advance,
I just needed to listen for another tab event:
onReady: function onOpen(tab) {
var content = utils.getMostRecentBrowserWindow().content;
var domInstances = content.document.evaluate(me.getTemplateXpath(), content.document, null, 4, null);
var res = domInstances.iterateNext();
while (res) {
console.log(res);["background-color"] = "orange";
res = domInstances.iterateNext();

Open URL with a set Target

The solution I am seeking is a command line to be run to accomplish this from a batch file in Windows.
How would I mimic a browser function to open a URL with a specific target so that if that tab is already open it will load there instead of creating a new tab?
So instead of the default with the target "_blank", I could change this to "w00t", etc.
I am using Chrome exclusively, so if this were to be a Chrome specific command, that would be acceptable.
You could create a HTML-page and add the following code like this:
var url = getQueryVariable("url");
var target = getQueryVariable("target");,target);
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable) {
return pair[1];
I have this script hosted here:
You could then call it from a batch-file using this command:
Use ?url= to set the redirect.
The only problems I find with this method is that some browsers blocks the new window and that the tab won't close. Yes, we could use window.close();, but it will only close tabs that were opened by the webpage itself.
Hope it helps!
set name for html tag of target page like this:
<html name="w00t">
Note: A link to URL with target name, sets the name for target window automatically:
