Multi-tenant Access Control: Repository or Service layer? -

In a multi-tenant ASP.NET MVC application based on Rob Conery's MVC Storefront, should I be filtering the tenant's data in the repository or the service layer?
1. Filter tenant's data in the repository:
public interface IJobRepository
IQueryable<Job> GetJobs(short tenantId);
2. Let the service filter the repository data by tenant:
public interface IJobService
IList<Job> GetJobs(short tenantId);
My gut-feeling says to do it in the service layer (option 2), but it could be argued that each tenant should in essence have their own "virtual repository," (option 1) where this responsibility lies with the repository.
Which is the most elegant approach: option 1, option 2 or is there a better way?
I tried the proposed idea of filtering at the repository, but the problem is that my application provides the tenant context (via sub-domain) and only interacts with the service layer. Passing the context all the way to the repository layer is a mission.
So instead I have opted to filter my data at the service layer. I feel that the repository should represent all data physically available in the repository with appropriate filters for retrieving tenant-specific data, to be used by the service layer.
Final Update:
I ended up abandoning this approach due to the unnecessary complexities. See my answer below.

#FreshCode, we do it in the repository, and we do not pass the tenant as a parameter. We use the following approach:
public IQueryable<Job> GetJobs()
return _db.Jobs.Where(j=>j.TenantId == Context.TenantId);
The context is a dependency the repository has and that is created in the BeginRequest where you determine the tenant based on the url for example.
I think in this way it's pretty transparent and you can avoid the tenantId parameter which may become a little bit disturbing.

Update: Not going with a multi-tenant approach cost me hundreds of hours in technical debt. Four years down the line, I wish I took the time to implement a clean tenant approach first. Don't make the same mistake!
Old, out-dated answer:
I ended up stripping out all multi-tenant code in favour of using separate applications and databases for each tenant. In my case I have few tenants that do not change often, so I can do this.
All my controllers, membership providers, role providers, services and repositories were gravitating toward duplicate .WithTenantID(...) code all over the place, which made me realize that I didn't really need one Users table to access data that is specific to one tenant 99% of the time, so using separate applications just makes more sense and makes everything so much simpler.
Thanks for your answers - they made me realize that I needed a redesign.


Using Repositories and service references in MVC controllers

I'm having some trouble with deciding on a solution for my mvc application.
We have an EF model which we perform operations on via WCF Services (not data services).
I have an MVC application which has a number of Repositories that talk directly to the Services and return WCF types back to a controller which is calling the repository method, a type called for example WCFUserEntity (it's not actually prefixed with WCF).
Inside the controller I plan to automap the WCFUserEntity to a ViewModel entity.
What is bugging me about this solution is that because i'm returning WCFUserEntity to the controller I have to have a reference to the WebService proxy in my controller which doesn't sit well with me, i'd like my controllers to know nothing of where the repository has got the data from. So another option for me is to do the automapping inside of the repository and return the ViewModel entity to the controller, i can't find much around which supports this idea though, so really what i'm looking for is validation of this 2nd solution or help with a 3rd.
thanks, Dom
You may want to consider a third option.
The use of ViewModelBuilders.
in your controller they would work like this:
var myViewModel = myViewModelBuilder.WithX().WithY().Build();
WithX and WithY would be methods that would add stuff to your viewmodel internally (within the builder, for example WithCountriesList() if you want to add a dropdown showing the countries in your view) and the Build method would return the internal viewmodel after adding all the bits with the WithXXX methods. This is so because most of the time you may want to add lists for dropdowns and things that are not part of your original model (your userEntity in this case).
This way, your controller doesn't know anything about how to build the viewmodel, your repository is also agnostic of viewmodels. All the work is done in the Builder. On the downside, you need to create a ViewModelBuilder for each ViewModel.
I hope this helps.
How I would approach this might require some architecture changes, but I would suggest you approach your WCF API to return ViewModels instead of entities.
For starters, think about bandwidth issues (which would be an issue if you are hosting the WCF in Azure or the cloud). If your ViewModel is only using a few specific properties, why waste the bandwidth returning the other data? In high traffic scenarios, this could cause a waste of traffic that could end up costing money. For example, if your view is only display a user and his questions, there's no reason to send his email, answers, point count, etc.. over the wire.
Another issue to think about is eager loading. By having the WCF service return a ViewModel, you know you have all the data (even when it pertains to related entities) required from the view in one trip to the WCF service. You do not need to get the WCFUserEntity and then ask WCF for WCFDocumentEntities that are related to that specific user.
Finally, if your WCF API is built around ViewModels then you have a MUCH clearer understanding of the business processes involved. You know that this specific request (and view in the system) will give you this specific information, and if you need different information for a different view then you know that it's a completely different business request that has different business requirements. Using stack overflow as an example, it makes it trivial to see that this business process is asking for the current user with his related questions, while this business process is requesting the current user with his related answers.
Using ViewModels in your data retrieval WCF API means that your frontend layers do not necessarily know where the data came from, it just knows that it called a business process and got the data it needs. As far as it knows the data layer connected to the database directly instead of WCF.
After re-reading, this actually looks like your 3rd option. Most research on the net don't talk about this option, and I don't know why, but after having some similar frustrations you are having (plus others listed in this post) this is the way I have gone with my business layer. It makes more sense and is actually (imho) easier to manage.

S#arp Architecture: How to arrange Application Services

With S#arp Architecture, my understanding is that domain logic (aka business logic) that operates on more than one type of entity is best handled by the Application Services layer.
So the classes in Application Services will need access to the Repositories. Presumably then you inject the Repositories in via the constructors. Because there is one class of repository per entity type, any fairly realistic task is going to need access to several repositories. So you might have an Application Services class looking like this:
public class DogTasks
public DogTasks(IRepository<Dog> dogRepository,
IRepository<Trick> trickRepository,
IRepository<DogTrick> dogTrickRepository,
IRepository<Lesson> lessonRepository)
// etc
public void TeachDogNewTrickAtALesson(int dogID, string trickName, int lessonID)
// etc
// other methods, etc
This Tasks class can then be injected into the relevant Controller.
So far, I think I get it. But I am perturbed by the following:
When I need a new Application Services method that uses a combination of repositories that I don't have yet, I have to choose between changing the constructor for one of my existing classes to accept the new repositories, or starting a new class altogether. Adding arguments to constructors upsets a lot of the unit tests, but proliferating new classes doesn't seem good either.
When Controllers need to do simple Repository operations (like a get) it makes sense to inject the repositories into the Controllers as well as the Application Services classes. But then I get the same 'changing constructor arguments' issue. The other alternative seems to be to only let the Application Services layer play with the Repositories, but then you get a lot of boilerplate code added to the Application Services to do very simple things.
These sorts of things make me think I might be doing it wrong. So how should a good Application Services layer be organised?
e.g. Do you have lots of classes that just do one task each? Or do you clump related tasks together along entity lines? How do you deal with tasks that need a lot of repositories? Does needing a lot of repositories for a task mean its time to go back to the drawing board?
First, I'd like to counter your assumption that each entity needs its own repository. Per, Eric Evans "Domain Driven Design"
Repositories give access to selected aggregate roots. Repositories are prohibited from the interior of an aggregate.
Given your example, a dog has a set of tricks that it has learned. When you want to add a new trick to the dog, you'd do something like this:
var dog = dogRepository.Get(dogId);
When I need a new Application Services method that uses a combination of repositories that I don't have yet,
I'm not sure what you mean by this. But I think if you stick to using repositories for aggregate roots, you're not going to run into such messy code.
The other alternative seems to be to
only let the Application Services
layer play with the Repositories, but
then you get a lot of boilerplate code
added to the Application Services to
do very simple things.
Controllers orchestrate. Think of controllers as a part of the UI, they move you from page to page. I will admit that for simple things, it seems simpler to just inject a repository into the controller, but when your project grows the separation will help a lot, especially if you end up having another application hook into your Tasks layer. Keep repositories out of controllers.
e.g. Do you have lots of classes that
just do one task each? Or do you clump
related tasks together along entity
lines? How do you deal with tasks that
need a lot of repositories? Does
needing a lot of repositories for a
task mean its time to go back to the
drawing board?
Again, I think this goes back to defining aggregate roots. Having 4-5 repositories in a task isn't that big of a deal. I usually organize my tasks by what the application is trying to do, with the idea that if the UI changes to, say, an external JSON request, you just need to call the right task.
Hope this answers your question. Feel free to post this on the Sharp mailing list, you might get a better response there.
Edit based on comments:
Check out Who Can Help Me ( for an example of how to use the ApplicationServices/Tasks layer. They have a fairly small domain model so each entity has its own task.
I think you're confusing terminology a bit, or perhaps I'm being unclear. The idea behind an ApplicationServices layer is to further abstract the UI from the domain layer. Repositories are domain layer entities, and knowledge of them should not be in the controller. If you end up swapping out ORM or even moving to a document-based storage system, you'll see why this abstraction makes it really convenient, you just need to make sure your ApplicationServices contracts are working and don't have to muck about in the controllers.
But, don't confuse the need for ApplicationServices as a way of future proofing. It simply allows for further decoupling between your layers and decoupling is nearly always a good thing.
Again, for a project you're working on solo, all this might seem a bit of overkill. When you're working with other developers, all this abstraction is really, really nice. You can have a team working on upstream domain issues, and a team working on the presentation layer, and have a nice separation of concerns.
Have you heard about Abstract Factory pattern? It solves this problem in a nice way:
public interface IDalFactory
// One way
IRepository<Trick> TrickRepository { get; }
IRepository<Dog> DogRepository { get; }
// Other way
IRepository<T> GetRepository<T>();
public DogTasks
public DogTasks(IDalFactory dalFactory)
It is up to you how do you implement IDalFacotry. I usually using lazy initialization of repositories. Once repository is created it is internally stored and reused. One factory instance is created per http request.
The cons is that you don't have control over factories exposed to your application service. But that are your choices. Adding new repositories to constructor or using factory.

ASP.NET MVC - Where does the Authentication Layer go?

I have an MVC solution setup like this, with three 'projects'.
Web (MVC Project, Views, Controllers, ViewModels)
Models (Domain Objects)
Persistence (nHibernate Mapping, SessionFactory)
I need to begin building the repositories, and was going to start with the Authentication Model. Basically following the default MVC template, have an IMembershipService and an IFormsAuthenticationService and related classes (using custom code, not built in authentication providers).
My question is ...where should this go? My Repositories will need access to both my Domain objects and my Persistence Layer. However I keep reading that any kind of 'coupling' means it is a bad design. So I am hesitant to create a fourth project for the Repositories/Services that references the Models/Persistence ...but I can't really find any other way to do it logically.
This is very subjective.
Do what makes sense to you and your team.
I throw them in with the rest of my Repositories. I mean a User is pretty central to any application right? Does a User own anything? If so then isn't he an root?
Repositories are part of the domain.
Tension will always exist between reducing assembly references and minimizing number of projects. That is, you can make each assembly reference fewer dependencies by breaking up functionality into more fine-grained assemblies; however, excessive division of a project into many assemblies requires more effort to manage.
Another point worth mentioning is that authentication has a couple sides to it. One is managing the model around Users, Roles, Permissions, etc. - this is a domain concern. The other is interfacing with the context of execution (whether this is an ASP.Net app, WinForms, etc.) - this is an infrastructure concern. Consequently, I end up with a small service in my MVC project or WinForms project that performs functions like setting Forms Authentication cookies, or setting the current thread principal, etc.
The Separated interface pattern says that your models and repository interfaces should be in a seperate assembly, apart from the GUI and the actual repository implementation. This is to be able to switch implementations later on and to be able to simplify testing.
I would have no problem with putting the interfaces along with the repository interfaces and the actual implementation in the mvc project or the repository project. It's quite easy to move stuff later on if you use a IoC container.

Should service layer have access to HttpContext?

I'm building an application that roughly follows the repository pattern with a service layer on top, similar to early versions of Conery's MVC Storefront.
I need to implement a page that returns all users except for the current user. I already have GetUsers() methods on the repository and service layers, so the question is where to apply the "except for the current user."
Should the service layer be aware of HttpContext, thus applying this rule? I am tempted to just pass in the current user (id) from the controller to this service method, but it seems cleaner if the service layer was HttpContext-aware and could do this on its own.
One obvious alternative is to apply this rule directly within the Controller, but I'm just not hot on that idea...
Edit - just to comment on the answers: I see the issues with the reverse dependency problem, something I was completely overlooking. I'm marking Mehrdad's as the answer due votes, but everyone has really provided a valuable response worth reading!
Absolutely not. My mindset in designing these kind of things is like this: I assume I need to write a Windows based app along with the Web application and try to minimize dependency on Web specific stuff. Passing HttpContext directly will increase coupling of your service layer to your Web UI layer which is not ideal.
The answer is, no.
Not only should the Service Layer have no dependency on the current Presentation Layer, in my opinion it should have no dependency on the current application. For instance, I would not use a custom AppContext class as JonoW suggested here.
Instead, pass the current user as a parameter to the GetAllUsersExceptForTheCurrentUser method.That way, the service can be used by any application that needs to process users, not only the current application.
You should not create a reverse dependency between your service layer and the web tier. Consider what happens when you want to extend your service layer to work with a forms-based application or windows service. Now you've got to work around the web dependency to get your same methods to work or duplicate some (perhaps, small, but still duplicate) code. You would be better served to extract the user's identifier into something useful in the context of the service layer and use that value with the service layer. Handling the filtering on the web site is also acceptable, though if you do it more than once it would need to be refactored into a common place and the service layer is the natural spot for it.
I find it good practice to build a custom AppContext class which contains my current user object (as well as other contextual data). This class has no references to System.Web. Any service methods that need to be context aware should have an AppContext parameter (e.g. for checking security rights, or getting the current user as in your case). Populate this object in the web-tier and keep it in session if you need to. This way your service layer knows nothing about System.Web.
No. Doing so will make your code harder to test and re-use.
I tend to build an infrastructure interface for this sort of thing (call it IAuthentication or something) and expose a CurrentUser property on it. Then I'd inject this into my service via its a constructor. i.e. public MyService(IAuthentication auth)
Finally you'd can build an HttpContext aware implementation of IAuthentication (say WebAuthentication).
Now when you create your service you create its dependencies as well:
var myService = new MyService(new WebAuthentication());
var otherUsers = myService.GetAllOtherUsers();
If you are using an IoC container the ugly dependency can even go away!

Repository Pattern - MVC storefront

Have been looking at the MVC storefront and see that IQueryable is returned from the repository classes. Wondering if you are not using LINQ does it makes sense to return that object? In the case of LINQ in makes sense because of deferred execution, so adding filtering in the service layer makes sense, but if you don't use LINQ you would want to filter in the DB in many cases. In this case would I just add methods that do the filtering to the repository? If I do, is the service layer really useful?
Arguments can be made either way, see this recent blog posting: Should my repository expose IQueryable?
The IQueryable stuff that Rob Conery put into the MVC Storefront is innovative, but by no means the norm when it comes to creating repositories. Usually, a repository is responsible for mapping your domain to and from the database. Returning IQueryable doesn't really perform any mapping and relies on the services layer to do that. This has its advantages and disadvantages, but suffice it to say that it's not the only way to do it.
You will notice, however, that your services end up becoming a little smelly because of all the duplicate code. For instance, if you just want to get a list of all the users in your database you'd have to define that function in both the repository and the service layer. Where the service layer shines, however, is when multiple transactions to/from the database are needed for one operation.
The issue I have with exposing IQueryable to the Service Layer is that if you ever wanted to wrap the Repository layer behind a Web Service without breaking the Service Layer code you couldn't, well not without using ADO.NET Data Services but then all your Repository code would essentially become redundant.
Whilst I think it can be pretty productive for small apps, when you start looking at scaling and distribution it does more bad than good.
