Problem with creating a newenvironment in LaTeX - latex

I am trying to implement this new environment in LaTeX:
{\begin{lstlisting}[language=java, label=#1, caption=#2]}
And then use it like such:
\begin{javacode}{c}{some code}
int x = 5;
But I am getting the following error:
Overfull \hbox (6.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6--6
[1] [2]) [3])
Can anyone help as regards fixing this problem?
I tried it doing it like Red-nosed unicorn instructed, and it worked correctly.
But now I tried adding a \begin{singlespace} like such:
\lstset{language=java, label=#1, caption=#2}}
And I got the same error:
Overfull \hbox (6.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6--6
[1]) [2] [3])

This is a special case because the listings environment needs to parse ahead itself to find the end of itself. The reason is that macros inside the listings environment must not get expanded – that of course includes the end tag of the environment.
So basically it looks in each line if the line contains \end{lstlisting} – but in your case, no such line exists since the \end{javacode} macro has not yet been expanded. So listings continues to search until the end of the file.
Listings defines an own command to work around this. From the documentation:
{⟨name⟩}[⟨number⟩][⟨opt. default arg.⟩]
{⟨starting code⟩}
{⟨ending code⟩}
For example:
{\lstset{language=java, label=#1, caption=#2}}
EDIT In response to your edited question: I tried to compile the following minimal “working” example. Actually, it’s not so much working – the latex processor just stops right in the middle and waits for a user input.
Since the listings documentation makes no mention of a special treatment of singlespace, I think you may have uncovered a bug. The best course of action is probably to get feedback from the maintainer of the listings package.
% mini.dvi
int a = 1;
int b = 2;

Upon further research, I found this
To workaround my solution, I need to use \singlespacing instead of the singlespace environment.
The following is now my working code:
{\singlespacing\lstset{language=java, label=#1, caption=#2}}


latex in text citations error: citation undefined

I am wanting to do in text citations for my dissertation. I will upload a simplified version of what i am seeing. The issue is that i keep getting "undefined citations" where i only get the citation key out in my pdf irrespective of which compiler i use.
I also keep getting an error saying that the bibliography is empty. But when my friend uses the exact code i have and copies the references and everything into his overleaf environment it works. I could not get it working with miktex and texmaker. Please help
I have checked a lot of articles of what is available and i swear im following what they are doing but i cant get any further
Initially, my idea is to pull the citations from another file because ill be using these citations in multiple documents. I have successfully setup the .bib file which will update as i add more references to Zotero (my reference manager). I tried to pull citations from the .bib file by coding in the file directory, but no luck there.
I then tried to not use the "file directory approach" and just have a references file in the same folder as the .tex file. But that didnt work either.
my code is as follows:
\addbibresource{refs.bib} %%updated from References.bib
%document headings
\author{Justin Smith}
%Cover Page
\textbf{This page represents the cover page}\newline
\textit{Report will begin here}
The introduction for the report will be inserted here
%end Introduction
%Literature Survey
\section{Literature Survey}
\subsection{Referencing Examples}
This section serves to use a reference and understand how to implement references as well as generate a reference list at the end of this report.\\
The citation test \cite{schmidtPreprocessingMethodologyEnhance2019}\\
%Reference List
\section*{Reference List}
%%\bibliography{C:/Users66smi/OneDrive/University of Pretoria/Zotero/MyZoteroLibrary.bib}
%%\printbibliography[title = Reference List]
Upon trying to do what #celdor initially said said i still run into the same issue. The following screenshots add to the initial question.
Screenshot showing code and issue directly
Screenshot showing Latex "Configure" settings
From the Log file, the following logs detail relevant warnings
LaTeX Warning: Citation 'schmidtPreprocessingMethodologyEnhance2019' on page 3
undefined on input line 36.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 36--37
LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 39.
(Latex test.aux)
LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file:
(biblatex) "Latex test"
(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.
Package logreq Info: Writing requests to '"Latex test".run.xml'.
\openout1 = `"Latex"'.
Extra information:
The following screenshots are of the Project folder
First, latexsym is an old package superseded by amssymb. I looked at the file and its last update was in 1998!
As to your issues, assuming your text file is main.tex, try the following:
Clean your project folder from all auxiliary *.aux; the best way to do that is to issue latexmk -C in your project folder.
Additionally, remove main.bbl
make sure your *.bib file is in the root project folder
add backend=biber to list of options of biblatex.
Then, run:
pdflatex main.tex # or xelatex main.tex or lualatex main.tex etc.
biber main
pdflatex main.tex # see above
Without *.bbl file, the first run of pdflatex does not produce any reference list and latex may issue a warning. With an old *.bbl file, you will get wrong citations. After the whole sequence is executed, main.pdf should have the correct citation and a reference list.
Remember \bibliography is incompatible with biblatex. The correct macro to create bibliography list is \printbibliography. It will issue \section* in article or \chapter* in report/book for a title and format it according to settings in a document class.
Here, I created References.bib with a dummy article:
author = {Other, Anthony Norman},
title = {Some things I did},
year = {2014},
journal = {J.~Irrep. Res.},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {1-10}
and run the code as suggested, and frankly I get expected results without any errors!
The full code:
\usepackage{amssymb} %superseds latexsym
%document headings
\author{Justin Smith}
%Cover Page
\textbf{This page represents the cover page}\newline
\textit{Report will begin here}
The introduction for the report will be inserted here
%end Introduction
%Literature Survey
\section{Literature Survey}
\subsection{Referencing Examples}
This section serves to use a reference and understand how to implement references as well as generate a reference list at the end of this report.\\
The citation test \cite{schmidtPreprocessingMethodologyEnhance2019}\\
\printbibliography[title = Reference List]
and here's the screenshot:
The answer as suggested by
is that I was not using biber.
To do this on textmaker proceed to Options/Configure Textmaker. A configuration window will appear. Under the Commands Window locate "Bib(la)tex" and set the designation to "biber %". This will solve the issue.
Setting Update
A similar procedure can be followed on texstudios
See the below link on how to make sure textmaker uses this setting for reference.
thank you for everyones efforts in solving this problem.

Unsuccessful changing 'Chapter' to 'Annex'

I am trying to change the title 'Chapter' in appendices into 'Annex' but am unable to do so. I looked up and found the solution as
but this does not solve my problem and the title still shows as 'Chapter'.
My guess is it might be because I have changed the titleformat of the chapters (or it might not be because of it....)
If someone could help me with the issue. My code in the preamble looks like:
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries\center}{Chapter \thechapter}{0.3em}{\LARGE}
All contents that matters.....
\chapter{Some Annex}
The problem is that you hardcoded the word Chapter here:
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries\center}{Chapter \thechapter}{0.3em}{\LARGE}
To use the right word, regardless of whether you're in the main content or in the appendices, use \chaptertitlename as documented in the titlesec package documentation (page 4):
It defaults to \chaptername except in appendices where it is \appendixname. Use it instead of \chaptername when defining a chapter.
Remember to add {} to make the trailing space significant:
{\normalfont\LARGE\bfseries\center}{\chaptertitlename{} \thechapter}{0.3em}{\LARGE}

Problem creating a lstnewenvironment that starts/ends another environment

I am currently using Beamer and the listing package to pretty-print code into Beamer blocks. So what I'm doing looks like :
int foobar(void) { return 0; }
Now, I find it cumbersome to start the block and lstlisting environments everytime. I'd like to have a simple codeblock environment that just does it:
int foobar(void) { return 0; }
So, I tried something like :
But unfortunately, the Beamer document no longer compiles, with the following error:
! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text>
l.178 \end{frame}
Is there some way to do this ?
In Problem with creating a newenvironment in LaTeX, Andreas Grech had the same problem, but it could solve it since there was another way to enter/exit the enclosing environment. But in the case of the block Beamer environment, it seems there is no other way than doing \begin{block}...\end{block}.
I had the same problem and could not find a solution for it. My workaround was to use the \lstinputlisting command and have the code in a separate file. That's great if you have real code you want to include. Not so for small examples.
Another workaround is to put the code snipplet into a variable before starting the {frame} environment and then reference it. How to do this is explained in latex-beamer docs. It would also allow you to employ your custom environment/command.
I "solved" this by using the fancyvrb package's \VerbatimOut(See write environmnet body verbatim to a file) to create a temporary file which then can be included with lstinputlisting:
For some reason i could not make the environment-argument optional, though.
Used like this:
\begin{blocklisting}{language=Java, basicstyle=\Huge}
Code 2
Not the optimal solution, but it works, i guess.

LaTeX semiverbatim and fancyvrb

I'm creating a presentation using the beamer LaTex package. Beamer
comes with an environment called "semiverbatim" which is like
"verbatim", but allows you to place commands inside the environment.
This is useful in beamer to control how the overlays of a frame
unfold. For example:
\begin{frame}[fragile, shrink]
\frametitle{Some Code Sample}
private String foobar() \{
String s = "val"
\alert<2->{s = null};}
return s;
This will cause the third line to appear red in the second stage of
the frame transition.
This is all good and fine, however, the "semiverbatim" environment,
much like the "verbatim" environment, is pretty limited. I would like
to use the "Verbatim" environment from the fancyvrb package.
Is there anyway to use "Verbatim" in the same way "semiverbatim" is
I'm not having much luck, I'm afraid. I can get the \alert to work okay, but only without an overlay specification:
\frametitle{Some Code Sample}
private String foobar() {
String s = "val"
\alert[s = null];}
return s;
When you try \alert<2-> it breaks, and changing catcodes of < and > doesn't seem to help.
Not sure if it helps you directly, but when I've loaded source into a beamer slide, I used the listings package, lstset, and the lstlisting environment. I never use any reveals in the code, though, so I haven't tested that interaction.

Latex new command

I would like to define a new command like this
\newcommand{\bob}[1]{\excerpt \begin{lstlisting} {#1} \end{lstlisting}}
and then use it like this
but i get the following error in latex.
text dropped after begin of listing latex
I tried the following
\newcommand{\boy}[1] {{%
\begin{Verbatim} %
{ #1 } %
\end{Verbatim} }}
And I still get an error when I try to use it.
Perhaps you are looking for the \newenvironment macro.
In this case you would use it like this
\excerpt \begin{lstlisting}}{%
and later
The {listing} environment is special and magical; it can't be used inside a command like that. Changing to a \newenvironment setup as described by dmckee should work. If you can't make that work, check out the fancyvrb package.
Try the lstnewenvironment of the listings package.
