Ruby on rails authentication guide - ruby-on-rails

Does anyone know of a good guide on building your own authentication system in ruby on rails?
I want to roll my own system to use with my community im building :)

I'd recommend starting with Warden - it'll handle the very basics of sessions for you, and give you a good foundation to build your logic on top of. The Rails Warden plugin is a rather small library that helps integrate it into Rails. Both of these projects are fairly mature and well-constructed yet still under active development - they're good choices all around.
You should be aware of Devise, another authentication framework (like Authlogic or Restful Authentication) that is based on Warden. It may not be a good fit for your project (it wasn't for mine), but looking through the source might give you a few ideas on how best to use Warden.
The other thing I'll note is that, in terms of hashing passwords, you should absolutely use bcrypt.

michael hartl has a good book coming out soon and the first 8 chapters are available in pdf format for free here: - they cover the entire process of creating a very solid rspec-driven authentication system - can't recommend it highly enough

Well, it came out a while after you asked your question but the best answer if you're keen to build your own authentication system rather than use something like Devise would probably have to be Ryan Bates' Authentication from Scratch Screencast.

Since authentication is a common problem that has been solved many times already, I would start by investigating the solutions already out there.
For example, have a look at Restful Authentication which provides a good foundation for authentication in Rails. Even if you'd rather roll your own system, playing around with Restful Authentication and understanding how it works should give you a good understanding of the components needed when you start building your own system.

Check out this article:
The author goes, step by step, through an entire authentication framework, with suggestions on further improvements. Even tests are discussed.

I agree with Ritchie... Devise has some very nice features but it doesn't play nice with others. For many use-cases, the way it hijacks the routing can make your job more difficult. In many situations you may be better off rolling your own.
Devise has caused circular references in my Rails asset pipeline, and the settings in the initializer as installed (in the latest version as of yesterday) conflicted with the defaults in the migration it generated.
I have built enterprise-level authentication systems, including email verification, password recovery, etc. And none of it required the routing shenanigans that Devise uses. If you really need all the features, it may be for you. But there are lots of reasons to not use it, too.


When to use Devise vs. Creating my own Authentication

As stated in the title, when should devise be used and when should I, instead, implement my own authentication. In essence, I'm wondering whether the created authentications in some tutorials (such as this one) are secure and safe.
If I don't need email confirmation, recoverability, etc. (a lot of the "jazz" associated with Devise), would the account information be just as secure as if I created my own?
If you still may be confused by what answer I'm looking for – is Devise something you should use whenever possible/whenever you have accounts? Or should it really be a decision?
Note: I'm not specifically referring to Devise, any authentication gems may be replaced.
implement my own authentication
Anytime you start thinking whether you should create your own authentication, you need to stop. Take that idea, shred it, douse it with gasoline, and burn it!
Authentication is hard. There are subtleties that exist in authentication and developers that are used to CRUD style programming are going to miss them. This isn't meant to be an insult. I am one of those programmers, and I work in security. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
Devise (and most popular authentication frameworks) have had thousands of hours of code review, design, testing, and time in production versus the framework that you're going to roll yourself.
I wrote a blog post about a "smart" security feature that actually made a company's security worse. This is a good example of how subtle authentication and security can be!
I used to use gems like Devise until Rails added the has_secure_password to ActiveRecord. Now I always roll my own since in the end I always need some custom stuff that makes it hard to implement in an existing library.
Ryan Bates have an excellent video on just this topic here.
In my opinion you should decide it according to your project. If you are working on small web-service with minimalistic functionality you can add your own auth using instruments provided by Rails. But if you are working on so-called "enterprise", big project with fast-growing functionality you should definitely use devise, since with this gem, you will not spend time on building existing auth features, it is very easy in maintenance and secure.

Any reason why Ruby on Rails doesn't have a standard user authenticated system built in?

This question aims to understand RoR and frameworks in general. It looks like RoR never had any standard user authentication system. Was it just historical reason (just happened naturally as it did)... or could it be intentional? Because RoR is a website building tool, more often than not, user authentication is a crucial part of a website.
To put it into perspective, another question is, do other popular frameworks, Django, Symfony, CakePHP, have user authentication built in?
There is no reasonably generic way to do user authentication. Most frameworks leave it up to you to choose the plugin that most closely matches what you're trying to accomplish.
For example, consider these two situations:
a blog which has a single administrator with password-protected admin-facing tools
a site like YouTube which allows users to sign up and administer their own content
Both of these sites would require vastly different authentication systems; which of these systems should Rails cater to out-of-the-box?
The Rails core team wanted to ensure that Rails was open-ended enough to make anything you want. There is no one-size-fits-all authentication scheme, so the core team decided to leave it out. Rails is easily extendable via gems and plugins, so that is where they belong.
Some examples are Warden and the Rails Warden plugin, Devise, Authlogic, and Restful Authentication.
CakePHP has a built in Authentication component that is pretty straight forward and easy to implement.
Most of these frameworks you mentioned are toolkits, not complete products. You build these things yourself, or leverage plugins from the community. Django's admin plugin/module has authentication out of the box though. Drupal does too, as a matter of fact.
Authentication can be(and is in my opinion) a matter of taste and need. If Rails was including things like that, it would start to become a website and not a framework. The programmer has to be free to choose among various implementations. That is why gems are available.
I've been programming a little in Rails and CakePHP, and I can say that Rails doesn't need to provide a mechanism like this. The community is very very good, and there are many examples (already said, like Devise, Authlogic...) made by very good programmers. Of course, there are many tutorials online (and also, railscasts, which are simply awesome) to program a succesful set-up for your project. So, if we have all of this, why should we need something like cakePHP mechanism? It's OK, it works, but there's just a very good tutorial and that's all( and maybe enough..). So, in the end, if u have a nice community you shouldn't care about the core of the technology, there will be always someone else more experienced with your needs that will do it for you. And if you don't find it, do it by yourself and in the proccess you will find a lot of help! :)

Why is AuthLogic so popular?

It seems that a lot of Ruby on Rails questions are related to AuthLogic. What are the advantages of it that it is so popular?
It's popular because with Rails 2.2, it was the most complete authentication plugin system.
The authentication is often the base of each web application. It's quickly used on a lot of projects and often beginners start by blindly adding the authlogic plugin. The beginner doesn't understand how it's works, and ask some questions on SO.
There is a new, great, and complete plugin for Rails 2.2 and Rails 3. It's called devise. A lot of people come with questions about it as well.
Each plugin is good, each is different. You just need to choose what you want.
There are a few self-contained user frameworks, and AuthLogic is one of the earliest full-featured varieties. Thoughtbot is also pretty good at marketing their technology, and their other gem, Paperclip, is very popular as well.
The advantage of AuthLogic is that you can get slap on a user authentication system quite easily to an existing application without having to roll your own, something that is challenging for someone unfamiliar with Rails.
Because it works.

Authentication in Rails, where to start?

Im learning Rails by building apps.
I want to make my first authenticated app: users signup, login, do some changes in models they have access to and logout.
I did the Google search but it is quite confusing: many plugins, many tutorials. Don't know where to start.
Is there a state-of-the-art authentication method for Rails? What do you use in Production to authenticate your users?
Any help in this will be helpful. Thanks
I've used authlogic in the past and have been quite happy with it. Ryan has a railscast (video tutorial) for authlogic here.
+1 to Jason, -1 to NSD and sparky. Authentication system is not the thing you want to build yourself, at least if you're aiming for production use. It's like inventing your own encryption algorithm - it's a lot more safe to use something extensively tested and well-developed.
I've also been using authlogic, but there are some alternatives over there - like the good old restful authentication, and devise, which I guess is more modern so to speak. BTW the two latest railscasts are devoted to devise.
If your application is simple and just want a simple and secure user login page you might want to look into the Restful Authentication plugin. Its very easy to use and if you don't have much authentication requirements this should do fine.
script/plugin install git://
script/generate authenticated user sessions
rake db:migrate
You can find out more by checking out this excellent railscast.
As A beginner I would recommend Restful Authentication as its simple to set up and will get you up and running with no time
following is a step by step guid
and authlogic - ( is another great plug in which is more flexible but requires some work to implement user registration and stuff
One man's state-of-the-art authentication system is another man's worthless pile of garbage. You're almost always better off rolling your own in the long run. O'Reilly's Ruby Cookbook has some extremely basic examples that will set you off in the right general direction, then you can decide whether or not other people's solutions are right for you.
I would agree with NSD. Figuring out the plugins & how they should mesh with your application to me longer than creating an auth system in my latest application.
My tips - create a user_sessions controller and use normal CRUD methods to handle creating/destroying (ie logging in & out). Create another model for the user - it can handle create accounts & updating (ie changing passwords). Stick a :before_filter on each controller which needs protection.

Rails authorization plugins

We are evaluating plugins for Authorization in Rails. The two at the top of our list are
cancan and declarative_authorization.
I would like to get some feedback from anyone currently using either of these plugins.
The problem we are going to face with any authorization plugin is that we have a
database per customer model and will need to modify the plugin to work within that
model. Because of this fact I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has had to tweak the
plugins at all as well.
I'm just starting to look around at the code. It seems like cancan might be a little easier to customize.
Any thoughts?
Cancan is a lighter weight plugin for smaller sites. You can see a video on railscasts.
I've used declarative_authorization with authlogic/restful_auth for several projects. It has everything you would need. 1) Model security. 2) Controller security 3) methods available to the view to check auth.
The only frustrating thing I've run into with declarative_authorization is me not reading the rdocs.
I'd suggest you also check out my new gem, Authority. Because you do the actual logic in plain Ruby classes and methods, you can check any data source you need to: different databases, static files, phases of the moon via a web request, you name it. :)
I ended up using declarative_authorization. Now it seems that auth_logic is where the community is headed.
declarative_auth would have been really simple if it wasn't for our apps multi-tennant db
model. I had to modify the source a bit to make it all work, but it wasn't too tough to do, and
I was pretty green when I started this project.
It seems like you really can't go wrong with any of the solutions. cancan seemed cool too
but it would have needed more mods for what I was doing so I decided against it.
Its written by Ryan Bates though which is cool. Love rails casts! :)
I know this post is old but I figured I'll update any because you never know.
