A very weird problem with localization (ASP.NET MVC) - asp.net-mvc

I'm using Web Developer 2010. I just created a resource file lang.resx with different values in english. Then I created a lang.FR-fr.resx with French equivalents. However after tryingto compile, I get
Error 131 Task could not find "AL.exe" using the SdkToolsPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\" or the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A". Make sure the SdkToolsPath is set and the tool exists in the correct processor specific location under the SdkToolsPath and that the Microsoft Windows SDK is installed
This is so weird! If I remove FR-fr part, it will work, but there will be no translation of course.
I went to that directory and found out that I don't have al.exe there. I managed to find it in .NET 2 folder, but after copying it didn't help. It throws an exception. I tried to reinstall .NET 4, to install Windows SDK, and it still doesn't work.
Maybe I can somehow get this al.exe file?

I solved it by restarting the machine :)


Why would Visual Studio be trying to copy files from outside the project to the bin and how do I fix it?

I've got a ASP.net MVC project using Telerik/Kendo controls running in Visual Studio 2015. I inherited a project form a coworker who passed it to me through Subversion/Tortoise SVN. When I compile the project on my computer, it give me permission errors about not copying to the bin. I tried changing the read only status and security on the bin folder, but I still get the message. I've never encountered this error before. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Where can I control where these files are being copied to? Maybe I can change it to put it in a file that it does have access to?
Unable to copy file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for
Access to the path '......\WFC\WFC\WFC\bin' is denied.
1. Clean Project.
2. Open Windows Task Manager and kill vbcsCompiler.exe process.
3. Build Whole Solution. and run.
Kill vbcscompiler.exe when u see access denied. I think it's bug in vs17.
You are using telerik dlls in your solution, That's why it's pulling in your solution.

dxgettext and Windows 10

Has anyone got dxgettext running under Windows 10?
I installed dxgettext from the offical homepage under Windows 10, which worked fine.
But whenever I try to run some of the installed tools (e.g. msgfmt.exe), they don't really run, but call themselves again, generating thousands of processes and making the system crawl.
This is what happens:
I call msgfmt --help
the executable msgfmt hangs, blocking the command window
in the TaskManager I see houndreds of msgfmt.exe processes popping up
I think, I have to replace the gettext tools of the dxgettext package with some newer version but before trying to figure it out I first wanted to ask if someone else experienced similar problems and found a working solution.
My questions:
Has anyone got the tools coming with dxgettext running under Windows 10?
What steps have been necessary to get it to run?
I resolved the problem in the following way:
I downloaded https://github.com/mlocati/gettext-iconv-windows/releases/download/v0.19.8.1-v1.14/gettext0.19.8.1-iconv1.14-static-32.zip from https://mlocati.github.io/articles/gettext-iconv-windows.html
I replaced the following files from the installation directory of dxgettext with files from the zip archive:
Dxgettext and the tools, I use, seem to work fine. I found no problems with my workflow so far, with one exception:
If I use assemble to embed mo-files into an exe compiled with JvGnugettext.pas, I get the following error:
Pach code “6637DB2E-62E1-4A60-AC19-C23867046A89” was not found in .exe file. Are you sure the .exe file has been compiled with the correct libraries?
This may not be related to the original problem. However, it is resolved by replacing the original assemble.exe with the version from https://sourceforge.net/p/dzlib/code/HEAD/tree/buildtools/trunk/ (see answer by #dummzeuch).
The installer on the official home page is pretty old. Last time I looked it contained several outdated dlls and executables from the original gnugettext project that did not work correctly under recent Windows versions. You could take those from my buildtools repository on OSDN. These work for me. No guarantee that they work for you though.
I've been having these issues too with dxgettext 1.22, in Windows 10 1607. I changed some DLLs at first but kept having the bash.exe looping and hogging my PC to death.
So what I did was basically install latest Cygwin 32bit and replaced the appropiate DLLs. I kept the ones for gettext. Instructions:
Download and fresh install dxgettext-1.2.2.exe from http://dxgettext.po.dk/download as admin. Restart.
Download Cygwin 32bit from https://cygwin.com/install.html in a different folder from dxgettext (I took the default, c:\cygwin)
Run setup-x86.exe and select "Base" Package (Install). Next, Select Required packages just in case.
Move the following files from dxgettext folder to a backup folder (we'll use some DLL later):
Copy from c:\cygwin to the dxgettext folder the following files:
bash.exe (set to run as admin)
Recover the file(s) below from the backup folder (See #4) and copy to the dxgettext folder.
Running like this, you might get error 740 (requires elevation). So: Set ggmerge.exe,ggfmt.exe to run as admin
** EDIT** Found online this very interesting link, from a programmer who offers a free backup written in Delphi. The good thing is he adapted the dxgettext tools to run in Windows 10. This helped me a lot.

How do I get F# Forge to work

I can't seem to get Forge to work.
I'm using VS Code 1.6.1 with Ionide-F# 2.8.2. Until now I've only compiled scripts, but I need a project file for a specfic .dll to work (Unmanaged Exports).
However I can't seem to get an F# project going with Forge. When I use the `>F# New Project" command it tells me I need to refresh my templates, because I don't have any.
If I refresh, nothing happens. I have git installed as was suggested in other places, but to no avail.
When I open Forge.exe directly from my C:\Users\>USER<\.vscode\bin-forge directory, it doesn't even go into interactive mode. I downloaded Forge separately with the same result.
Has anyone else encountered this issue?
I'm not sure why it's working now, the only thing I can remember doing is adding the following to my user settings:
"FSharp.toolsDirPath": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/F#/4.0/Framework/v4.0",
"FSharp.fsiFilePath": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/F#/4.0/Framework/v4.0/Fsi.exe"
Maybe Forge didn't find the F# tools, but they're on the windows path, so I can't fathom why it helped.

BlackBerry Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

I am developing a BlackBerry Application with a number of class files in it; 16 java classes at the moment and they keep increasing as this App is complex with a lot of screen and features. I am working in Eclipse with the BlackBerry Java Plug-in. I am using BlackBerry JRE 6.0. I have recently started getting the following error:
Error: Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
I have Google for this error and many suggest this is caused by Java Environmental Variable path. However, I have checked and everything seems to be fine at my end regarding that. I have noticed that when the number of classes is increased or a class becomes more lengthy, this error occurs. I get rid of the error by reducing the number of classes in a project. I created separated projects dividing the classes between each and it compiled fine. So I can believe that there is no issue with the source code.
Can anyone guide how to overcome this error in a single project that contains several classes. Please help.
EDIT: I came across the following on BlackBerry Support Forums:
"I think the most common reason for this (assuming that you have the JDK installed) is a large number of files in the project, and/or a project directory that is very far from the root.
The issue is that the RAPC compiler calls the JAR utility, building a command line that consists of all the class files in the application. If the command line length exceeds the maximum length allowed by the system, you will get this error."
How to work around this IF this is whats causing it.
I was lucky to resolve this error. This link has been very helpful from BlackBerry Support Forums. For anyone else facing the same issue, the following steps resolved my issue:
Right Click My Computer. Go To Properties.
Click Advanced System Settings.
Click Environment Variable
Highlight PATH and click Edit. Add C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin; to the start of the PATH.
Step 4 adds the java jar file to the PATH variable and adds it closer to the root. Adding closer to the root is helpful when compiling a project with several classes.
As the error says Cannot run program "jar" under Windows that means it cannot find the jar.exe executable file.
The problem, at least in my case, was that JAVA_HOME was pointing to the JRE on my computer (where there is no jar.exe in its "bin" folder) and not to the JDK where the jar.exe resides under its "bin" folder.
The solution was very simple - changed JAVA_HOME to point to the JDK root folder - in my case that was "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_15".

How can I install asp.net mvc 2 on IIS7?

I have developed an ASP.NET MVC 2 website, and now need to deploy it to my web server. I've overcome some hurdles already, since ASP.NET was not installed etc. but I've now got to the point where I can serve up plain content files, and if I try to hit one of my MVC URLs I get this:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Not surprising, that, as I've not installed MVC2. Problem is, I can't find any good information about how to install it!
The Microsoft Download Center lists 3 files, none of which look promising:
The site doesn't bother to explain what the files actually are, but I assume that the last file is the source code. That's what it looks like, anyway. The release notes are no help whatsoever, since they're all about installing on your development machine, and indeed the name of the EXE makes it clear that that's all about Visual Studio integration too.
So how do I actually deploy the darn thing?
The other option linked to from Scott Gu's blog is the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. Now, I don't want to install more than just MVC2, and I already have IIS etc. set up, so this seems a bit heavy. But it's all academic, as it refuses to run on my server, saying "your system is not supported" or words to that effect. (The server is Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2, so I really don't know what it's problem is).
[It's ridiculous that this should be so hard - or perhaps not hard at all, but certainly a well-kept secret!]
To deploy an MVC application, you just need to ensure that you set the references up to copy to your bin folder. Specifically, these DLLs will need to be in there...
Note: Copying a reference to your bin folder.
In practice, you do this by following these steps:
Right-click on the reference in
the "references" section of your
Select "Properties"
Locate the "Copy Local" property and
set it to "true"
You only need these two if .NET 3.5 SP1 has not been installed - if you don't have SP1, you will need to include these two dlls, which are part of SP1 and are needed by MVC for routing.
The correct answer is given by Darin Dimitrov in this answer (posted here for your convenience):
You could do a server install which doesn't require Visual Studio installed:
msiexec /i AspNetMVC2.msi /l*v .\mvc.log MVC_SERVER_INSTALL="YES"
Now you are probably asking where's this AspNetMVC2.msi coming from. Actually you download AspNetMVC2_VS2008.exe from here, rename the .exe to .zip and inside you'll find what you are looking for (in the mvcruntime sub-folder).
Copy System.Web.Mvc.dll from your development machine to the application's Bin folder on the web server (or to the GAC).
This file comes from AspNetMVC2_VS2008.exe.
You do not need to put these files in the Server GAC. You can, but you don't need to.
You can simply copy these files to your /bin directory on the server. In fact, if you have Copy Local set to true when you right click on the reference, it will do just that.
You need to make sure the reference path to this file:
is in your /bin directory.
I find running the web platform installer tool works great for getting servers and development machines running. It can be found here... http://www.microsoft.com/web/default.aspx
