Rails sessions current practices - ruby-on-rails

Anyone have any "best practices" tips for Rails and sessions? The default session type for Rails 3 is still CookieStore, right? I used SqlSessionStore for a while and it worked well, but I may move away from that in favor of CookieStore.
Is it still not a good idea to use CookieStore for sensitive info, even with salted info or is that better stored in the DB?

Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default, which shouldn't be used to store highly confidential information
Create the session table with
rake db:sessions:create
Run the migration
rake db:migrate
Make sure you also tell rails to use ActiveRecord to manage your sessions too.
Rails 3
Rails.application.config.session_store :active_record_store
Rails 2
config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store

Cookies are encrypted by default in Rails 4
In Rails 4, CookieStore cookies are encrypted and signed by default:
If you only have secret_token set, your cookies will be signed, but not
encrypted. This means a user cannot alter their user_id without knowing your
app's secret key, but can easily read their user_id. This was the default
for Rails 3 apps.
If you have secret_key_base set, your cookies will be encrypted. This goes a
step further than signed cookies in that encrypted cookies cannot be altered
or read by users. This is the default starting in Rails 4.
If you have both secret_token and secret_key_base set, your cookies will
be encrypted, and signed cookies generated by Rails 3 will be transparently
read and encrypted to provide a smooth upgrade path.
Active Record Session Store is Deprecated in Rails 4
This answer is now out-of-date with regard to Rails 4. The Active Record
Session Store has been deprecated and removed from Rails, so the following
generators will no longer work:
rake db:sessions:create
rails generate session_migration
This was pointed out in this answer. The reason that the Active Record
Session Store was deprecated is because the reads/writes to the database don't
scale well when you have a large number of users accessing your application, as
stated in this blog post:
...one major issue with the Active Record session store is that it is not
scalable. It puts an unnecessary load on your database. Once your application
receives a large amount of traffic, the sessions database table is
continuously bombarded with read/write operations.
As of Rails 4, the Active Record session store has be removed from the core
framework and is now deprecated.
If you still want to use the Active Record Session Store, it's still available
as a gem.
Current Rails Session Best Practices
For more current best practices for Ruby on Rails sessions, I advise that you
check out the lastest versions of the Ruby on Rails Security Guide.

I don't believe anything has changed in how anyone on any platform should handle cookie based sessions. Be skeptical of anything that passes beyond the server's control (cookies, form posts, etc.) Thats a general principle of web development.
As far the encryption, I don't know if anything has changed on that front.
Something to be mindful of with a cookie store is the limit to the amount of data, and the gotcha that this data will be sent on the wire in every request, where as a database store only transfers the id and the data lives on the server.

FWIW, rails 3.1 suggests running
rails generate session_migration
However this generates the exact same migration as
rake db:sessions:create

The Rails defaults seem pretty good to me- The CookieStore is fast and should cover the majority of use cases. Sure you're limited to 4kb and your data will be visible to the user, but the Rails way is to only use session for things like integer IDs and basic string values- If you're trying to store objects or highly confidential information in session you're probably doing it wrong.


Rails how to use an in Memory SessionStore

I'm looking for a way to use an in memory based session store in a Ruby on Rails application. The session contains a masterkey which can only be decrypted when the users logs in. This key should be available during the entire session.
Due to the nature of this key, the content of the session should not be stored anywhere locally. Also I don't want to transfer the content to any external application, such as memcached.
Thus is it possible to just use an in memory based session store similar to PHP or Java SE?
Rails 5
From version 5, Rails no longer creates a config/initializers/session_store.rb file at install.
In rails 5, the default session store is setup internally (to cookie store), and no longer through an application initializer, as was the case up to Rails 4.
cf. https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/25181
In a pure Rails 5 app (= non-migrated), to change your session store, e.g. from :cookie_store to :cache_store, you will have to create yourself the config/initializers/session_store.rb file, and then add the relevant instruction:
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
Rails.application.config.session_store :cache_store, key: '_your_app_session'
Beware that you will need to change the key from '_your_app_session' to match your application name (if for ex your app is named calculator then should be '_calculator_session')...
You can use a CacheStore to store session data in-memory.
# /config/initializers/session_store.rb
AppName::Application.config.session_store :cache_store
Or you can write your own SessionStore class:
You can use a MemoryStore, but it's a really bad practice as it is not shared between machines, so your application will not be scalable.
From a security standpoint there's no real reason you shouldn't transfer this key to an external memcached or redis.
You should secure your production infrastructure as a whole, encrypt any data exchange between your servers, or put them in a trusted network, make good use of firewalls and follow best practices. Your cache servers should be as secure as your app servers, or databases, no excuses.

How does rails/devise handle cookie sessions?

I'd like to understand what's really going on when signing in a user with rails/devise.
I've created a minimal rails app, installed devise and created a User devise model.
Everything works fine, and when I log in (using remember me) I get a session cookie just as expected.
Now what's bugging me is : How does rails handle the session informations that the browser is passing through the cookie ?
I'd naively expect some information to be stored in the database, but I don't see where. There's no such thing as session table, no session column in Users, and I couldn't find anything of interest in the tmp dir.
Note that restarting the server wouldn't kill my session. It is of course expected, but now I'm really wondering what kind of magic is happening here ?
in other words : how does the server check the validity of a cookie to authenticate a user ?
Thanks !
The default rails session storage is CookieStore. This means that all the session data is stored in a cookie rather than in the database anywhere. In Rails 3.2 the cookie is signed to prevent tampering, but not encrypted. In Rails 4 it's generally encrypted by default. The fact that it's in a cookie is how it persists across restarts of your server. It also means you can only store 4k of data and you wouldn't want to store anything sensitive in there in Rails < 4. It's best to keep a minimum of data in the session anyway.
You can also opt for storing the session data in the database and only having a session id in a cookie.
This answer I gave the other week has some extra info that might be useful:
Sessions made sense to me before I started reading about them online
Also, the rails api doc for CookieStore gives a nice summary:

Rails sessions not saving

I'm in the process of upgrading a Rails app from Rails 2 directly to Rails 4. I'm using the new /config/initializers/session_store.rb file, with CookieStore, but for some reason my sessions are not saving.
When trying to do something along the lines of
render :text => "#{request.session_options[:id]}"
I get a new session ID every refresh.
I've tried on different browsers, and all should be accepting cookies.
I have no idea what's going on. Why won't these sessions persist?!
Edit: thank you all for your suggestions. Here's a little more information, and a few things I've noticed:
First, about my set up -- I'm running the server with Rails 4/Ruby 2 through RVM on an Ubuntu VM on my Windows 7 machine.
Although I'm upgrading from Rails 2, that only really applies to the models/controllers/views/etc -- I generated a new Rails 4 application for all of the supporting infrastructure.
I created another application on the same VM that JUST sets a session and then displays, and that works fine.
What the session is storing varies slightly depending on what the user is doing, but usually it holds simply a user id (just an integer), and occasionally a little more -- (i first noticed this manifesting itself while trying to pass an OAuth token from the OAuth gem.)
I've noticed that if the VM's system clock falls behind the Windows 7 host machine clock, the user id sessions hold. That causes other problems, especially with OAuth, but there seems to just be a time issue somewhere. I've tried doing things like removing the time zone from my environments/development.rb, but that did not help.
As a general answer a couple of possible problems are
Session size over 4K limit (which is apparently the case).
CookieOverflow is raised if you attempt to store more than 4K of data.
Please, bear in mind that if you store an object in session, the object is previously serialized before storing it and its size would be bigger. More info on the general problem and possible solutions for the specific problem, here.
Problems with CSRF protection.
If the security token doesn't match what was expected, the session
will be reset
Edit: To check if it is a CSRF case, you can, as Abdo comments below, temporarily disable the protect_from_forgery line in ApplicationController
I had a similar symptoms. It turns out it was because I added the rails-api gem and it totally broke session saving.
From: Railscasts Episode 415 Upgrading to Rails 4
There’s one more configuration change we need to make, in the secret
token initializer. In Rails 4 the configuration option in this file
has been renamed from secret_token to secret_key_base. We’ll need to
specify both options while we’re transitioning from Rails 3 but once
we’ve successfully migrated our application we can remove the
secret_token option. It’s best to use a different token for our
This is necessary because we’re moving from a serialized cookie stored
on the client to an encrypted cookie. This prevents users from easily
being able to see the contents of their session cookies.
The episode includes a very good series of tips regarding upgrading from 2 to 4 and I was able to do that successfully using this tutorial.

Command to clear the cookie-based session store in Rails

I often want to clear the session store in Rails, in particular, the default cookie-based session store. Some sites seem to suggest that
rake tmp:sessions:clear
accomplishes this task, but it appears that it does not. What is the proper way to clear the cookie-based session store?
If you use Cookie based sessions
You can change the secret_token of your rails app. This will invalidate all existing sessions.
rake secret
Then copy the value in to
Thats it. Remember to restart your app after this ;)
If you use database based sessions
rake db:sessions:clear
If you use file based sessions
rake tmp:sessions:clear
The problem is that cookies are client side. Running a rake task on your server won't delete cookies on all the machines that have visited the web page, obviously.
Perhaps you can use session.clear in your controllers somehow? You're right about changing the cookie key, though. Doing so would invalidate any session belonging to the old key. You would have to rescue from ActionController::StaleSession (or something like that), but it'd work.
Change the name of the session cookie. It won't delete the old cookies, but it'll force everyone to get a new session cookie.
It occurs to me now that what I want may not be possible depending on how the cookie-based store is implemented. If the cookies contain all the information the server needs (including a signature for data integrity) then the server does not need to store any information on its side therefore there is no way to invalidate existing cookies. I had assumed the cookie contained some key that corresponded to data on the server-side in order to verify that the cookie is valid, but now I realize this may not be the case.
If this is true, then the only way to clear cookies would be to change the server-side cookie secret used for signing and then presumably restart the server process.
If you are running this on a production server I recommend:
rake secret
Which is simply generating a random secure token. The rake task is basically doing this, which you could do in a console.
Never check the production key into version control / GIT but use an environment variable instead. So in your config/secrets.yml file use something like:
secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>

are cookies mandatory for Ruby on Rails app?

is it true that Rails depend on cookies? It seems that flash is a part
of session, and session uses cookies... so when i disable cookie in
Firefox, a Rails app that was working shows
so is it true that for a RoR app to work, cookies are mandatory?
Update: or, to make the Rails app work again, what is the simplest way? (and if it is one server only (Apache running mod_rails), then is it easier?)
They are not mandatory, but there are some things you can't do without cookies. You can turn the authenticity tokens off as described here.
It's not mandatory to use cookies, but it is the rails default from 2.x up. Using cookies serves as a simple solution to some more difficult problems that arise when you try to store cookies in memory on multiple servers (and you get into things like sticky sessions, losing user data etc).
You can set where rails stores your session data; that is the flash and anything that's associated with the specific user. In environment.rb you can configure where you store your sessions using the config.action_controller.session_store. The options for this are: :cookie_store, :active_record_store, :p_store, :drb_store, :mem_cache_store, or :memory_store.
cookie_store is the default, if you comment the option out or remove it from environemnt.rb. It's also the most versatile. If you have multiple servers, one request for a user might come into one server, and the next request might come into a different server. In this situation, you couldn't use memory_store, as the 2nd server wouldn't know anything about the current user.
By storing session information in an encrypted cookie, there is less load on the server to store this information. The only downside is that each request to the server needs to pass the cookie (usually <1k), but it's not a noticeable difference in anything I've ever experienced.
:cookie_store, :mem_cache_store and :active_record_store are the most commonly used ones.
