Display action-specific authorisation message for [Authorize] attribute - asp.net-mvc

Is there a way to display an action-specific authorisation message for when an [Authorize] or [Authorize(Roles="Administrator")] attribute redirects the user to the sign-in page?
[Authorize(Roles="Administrator", Message="I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't let you do that.")]
public ActionResult SomeAdminFunction()
// do admin stuff
return View();
As I understand it, attributes are not meant to add functionality, but this seems purely informational. One could do this inside the action, but it seems inelegant compared to the use of an attribute.
if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
if (!User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
SetMessage("You need to be an administrator to destroy worlds."); // write message to session stack
return RedirectToAction("SignIn", "Account");
Is there an existing way to do this or do I need to override the [Authorize] attribute?

I would override the attribute to add my specific message.


OverrideAuthentication attribute not working? ASP.NET MVC 5

I have a super simple Authentication Attribute that I'm trying to implement in an ASP.NET MVC 5 application and I'm having some trouble. I want the attribute to be applied globally, except for specific actions within a controller (for example the login form and the home page).
I've tried decorating the action with the [OverrideAuthentication] attribute with no luck. It gives me a redirect loop error because the application is still running the authentication on the login form, and keeps trying to redirect back to the login form over and over.
Has anyone else seen this behaviour? Any idea what I've stuffed up here?
By way of example, I've created a super simple filter that is currently unimplemented:
public class BasicAuthenticationAttribute
: ActionFilterAttribute, IAuthenticationFilter
public void OnAuthentication(AuthenticationContext filterContext)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void OnAuthenticationChallenge(AuthenticationChallengeContext filterContext)
throw new NotImplementedException();
If I decorate my controller/action like this:
public class AccountController : Controller
public ActionResult Login()
return View();
I get a not implemented exception when I navigate to the Login action, even though that action shouldn't be running the authentication code at all. Have I misunderstood how overrides are supposed to work?
I think you have confused authentication with authorization (as many people do). It doesn't make sense to make a [BasicAuthenticationAttribute] and register it globally, because authentication only happens upon login, not on every request.
Authorization is what takes place after the user has logged in to check whether the user has the required privileges to do a specific action, and it makes sense to do authorization globally. Authorization in MVC is handled by the [AuthorizeAttribute] and you can inherit it if you need to customize the way the authorization check is done. You can also register it as a global filter.
The [AllowAnonymousAttribute] works in conjunction with [AuthorizeAttribute], and basically tells it to skip the authorization check. It should also be noted that the [AllowAnonymousAttribute] will have no effect unless it is used with the [AuthorizeAttribute].

Prevent Url Tampering to access another users data

I just wanted to gauge opinions on how I should approach this problem and ultimately looking for a quick win (wrong way to think about things nut time pressures mean I have to think and act quickly!
I've been given a website that has a bit of an issue.
I login using standard forms authentication as User1234 and my url is as follows:
This will take me to User1234's details.
You can put two and two together and correctly assume that 1234 is a user id of some sort.
Once authenticated, I can access the views with [Authorize] attribute present, any anonymous/unathenticated users get redirected.
However, once logged in as User1234, I can then tinker with the url like so:
So I am authenticated as User1234 but can see User1235's data. This is BAD for obvious reasons.
When I log in, I actively set the login ID in session so in theory, I could do a check whenever a user hits an ActionResult, I could cross check the ID present in the URL against the session login ID. However, it is a rather project with lots of action results and as such, I'm reluctant to spend my Saturday afternoon adding something to each and every ActionResult.
Is there an event in the global.asax I could use that is hit on each ActionResult request where I can compare Session login ID with url ID?
Alternatively, can anyone offer some suggestions about how I can achieve this or restrict URL tampering?
You can try and do a base controller
public class BaseController : Controller
protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
//Do your stuff here
I assume that you don't want to change your URL routes, as you could retrieve the user id also from the session. A quick solution would be to use an ActionFilter which you can place on the affected controllers or action methods:
public class VerifyUserIdAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var sessionUserId = filterContext.HttpContext.Session["UserId"];
var routeUserId = filterContext.RouteData.Values["UserId"];
if (routeUserId != null && sessionUserId == routeUserId)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("<<url to redirect to>>");
I don't understand why the URL contains a data entry point. This appears to be a design flaw. I would remove all code that uses a URL parameter and instead make sure the controller looks up what the ID is based on the logged in user.

ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Authentication

I realise that I can prevent unauthenticated users from accessing views at controller level by applying the [Authorize] attribute and can also filter views down to individual users or roles using this. However, my question is regarding doing the opposite... Is there a way to deny authenticated users from certain views without having to manually add in checks to see if they're authenticated in the opening lines of the controller code? Ideally an [Unauthorized] attribute or an equivalent if such a thing exists?
The reason for this is that I don't want authenticated users to be able to visit the account creation pages of the site I'm working on, as well as other resources. I realise I could check them in the controller explicitly but I'd prefer to decorate the controller methods if at all possible.
Thanks :)
This is along the lines of what LukLed was referring to:
public class UnAuthorizedAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
bool excludeCondition = false;
if (excludeCondition)
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
Simply put in the logic for your excludeCondition. You can also to choose to do things like redirect to other views. Just mark your code with [UnAuthorized]
You can write your own authorization filter. Inherit from FilterAttribute and implement IAuthorizationFilter. Call it UnauthorizedAttibute and you will be able to use it like [Authorize].
Hear You can read about filters:
A simple way to accomplish this? Just leave the action untagged, and start with:
// redirect somewhere, or return another view...
this could also be accomplished fairly simply if you are already using a roleprovider. then your actions would just need to be filtered by the appropriate role:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin, Editor")]

How to check if user is authorized inside Action

Usually I protect my Actions with [Authorize] but this time I need to check if a user is authorized inside the action.
if(userIsAuthorized) {
//do stuff
else {
//return to login page
I believe I am using 'Forms Authentication'
This question is kind of similar to this but none of the answers given seemed to work.
EDIT: I have done some more digging- it seems if I breakpoint on an Action that has [Authorize], the User.Identity is set, but on Actions without it, the User.Identity is empty, even if I am logged in
If you just want to know if the user is logged in:
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { ... }
If you are trying to do anything role-specific:
if (User.IsInRole("Administrators")) { ... }
The User instance is a public property of the Controller class, so you always have access to it from a Controller you write. If no user is logged in you should have a GenericPrincipal for the User and a GenericIdentity for the User.Identity, so don't worry about checking for nulls.
Request.IsAuthenticated should work for what you're trying to do.
I suggest first figuring out what kind of Authorization your using. ;)
The answer you posted is correct. From what I remember poking around the [Authorize] attribute and related ActionFilter code MVC internally calls Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated just like those code examples.
Create an attribute like this: OnActionExecuting will get executed first before other code from the action
public class IsAuthenticatedAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
//do your validations here. and redirect to somewhere if needed.
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Redirect("/") //this will send user to home.
on each action where you need to check, add attribute like this:
public ActionResult ActionName(parameters?)
// no need to worry about checking here.
//do you action things
This one still completes the action and then only redirect it. Not so much useful.
Put annotation [Authorize] in every your Action.
Microsoft link.
public class AdministrationController : Controller
// GET: User/Create
public ActionResult Create()

Asp MVC [Authorize] to return a Post instead of a Get

I would like to use [Authorize(Roles="Admin")] tags on my controller methods.
If a user is not an admin I would like to return this user to my login screen.
The default behaviour of returning the user to my login page is reroute my user to "Account/Login" using a Get url.
The problem is, my website's subpages are all partial views refreshed by Ajax calls, including my login screen.
So my question is:
Is it possible to alter the class below to return a post redirect instead of a get redirect?
public class AjaxAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
override public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
// Only do something if we are about to give a HttpUnauthorizedResult and we are in AJAX mode.
if (filterContext.Result is HttpUnauthorizedResult && filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("../Account/Login");
Apparently the problem seemes solved by removing the
attribute on my Account controller's Login method.
This way we don't even have to override the AuthorizeAttribute
I found a solution in Microsoft.WebPages.PreApplicationStartCode.SetupFormsAuthentication()
One need only add an appSetting named "loginUrl" to specify the login action:
<add key="loginUrl" value="~/Account/LogOn"/>
