What is the name of |> in F# and what does it do? - f#

A real F# noob question, but what is |> called and what does it do?

It's called the forward pipe operator. It pipes the result of one function to another.
The Forward pipe operator is simply defined as:
let (|>) x f = f x
And has a type signature:
'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
Which resolves to: given a generic type 'a, and a function which takes an 'a and returns a 'b, then return the application of the function on the input.
You can read more detail about how it works in an article here.

I usually refer to |> as the pipelining operator, but I'm not sure whether the official name is pipe operator or pipelining operator (though it probably doesn't really matter as the names are similar enough to avoid confusion :-)).
#LBushkin already gave a great answer, so I'll just add a couple of observations that may be also interesting. Obviously, the pipelining operator got it's name because it can be used for creating a pipeline that processes some data in several steps. The typical use is when working with lists:
[0 .. 10]
|> List.filter (fun n -> n % 3 = 0) // Get numbers divisible by three
|> List.map (fun n -> n * n) // Calculate squared of such numbers
This gives the result [0; 9; 36; 81]. Also, the operator is left-associative which means that the expression input |> f |> g is interpreted as (input |> f) |> g, which makes it possible to sequence multiple operations using |>.
Finally, I find it quite interesting that pipelining operaor in many cases corresponds to method chaining from object-oriented langauges. For example, the previous list processing example would look like this in C#:
Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
.Where(n => n % 3 == 0) // Get numbers divisible by three
.Select(n => n * n) // Calculate squared of such numbers
This may give you some idea about when the operator can be used if you're comming fromt the object-oriented background (although it is used in many other situations in F#).

As far as F# itself is concerned, the name is op_PipeRight (although no human would call it that). I pronounce it "pipe", like the unix shell pipe.
The spec is useful for figuring out these kinds of things. Section 4.1 has the operator names.

Don't forget to check out the library reference docs:
which list the operators.


Is it possible to define an F# operator that applies multiple functions to a single argument (almost the opposite of the ||> operator)?

My attempt to do this is here (forgive the for loop - I was just curious to see if this was possible):
let (|>>) a (b : ('a -> unit) list) =
for x in b do
x a
but when I try to use it I get the error
That None of the types error message can occur if the function you're trying to use is defined further down the file or isn't imported correctly. Otherwise, your function definition seems ok.
I would discourage the use of a custom operator for this. I think they should be used very rarely. This one doesn't seem general enough to be worth defining and could make code hard to read. Here is one alternative:
[ printf "%A"; printfn "%A" ] |> List.iter ((|>) 1)
But it's even clearer and shorter to write out your operator definition inline:
for f in [ printf "%A"; printfn "%A" ] do f 1

Why data parameter comes last

Why have the data parameter in F# to come last, like the following code snippet shows:
let startsWith lookFor (s:string) = s.StartsWith(lookFor)
let str1 =
|> startsWith "h"
I think part of your answer is in your question. The |> (forward pipe) operator lets you specify the last parameter to a function before you call it. If the parameters were in the opposite order, then that wouldn't work. The best examples of the power of this are with chaining of functions that operate on lists. Each function takes a list as its last parameter and returns a list that can be passed to the next function.
From http://www.tryfsharp.org/Learn/getting-started#chaining-functions:
|> List.filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)
|> List.map (fun x -> x * 2)
|> List.sum
The |> operator allows you to reorder your code by specifying the last
argument of a function before you call it. This example is
functionally equivalent to the previous code, but it reads much more
cleanly. First, it creates a list of numbers. Then, it pipes that list
of numbers to filter out the odds. Next, it pipes that result to
List.map to double it. Finally, it pipes the doubled numbers to
List.sum to add them together. The Forward Pipe Operator reorganizes
the function chain so that your code reads the way you think about the
problem instead of forcing you to think inside out.
As mentioned in the comments there is also the concept of currying, but I don't think that is as easy to grasp as chaining functions.

Different argument order for getting N-th element of Array, List or Seq

Is there a good reason for a different argument order in functions getting N-th element of Array, List or Seq:
Array.get source index
List .nth source index
Seq .nth index source
I would like to use pipe operator and it seems possible only with Seq:
s |> Seq.nth n
Is there a way to have the same notation with Array or List?
I don't think of any good reason to define Array.get and List.nth this way. Given that pipeplining is very common in F#, they should have been defined so that the source argument came last.
In case of List.nth, it doesn't change much because you can use Seq.nth and time complexity is still O(n) where n is length of the list:
[1..100] |> Seq.nth 10
It's not a good idea to use Seq.nth on arrays because you lose random access. To keep O(1) running time of Array.get, you can define:
module Array =
/// Get n-th element of an array in O(1) running time
let inline nth index source = Array.get source index
In general, different argument order can be alleviated by using flip function:
let inline flip f x y = f y x
You can use it directly on the functions above:
[1..100] |> flip List.nth 10
[|1..100|] |> flip Array.get 10
Just use backward pipe operator:
[1..1000] |> List.nth <| 42
Since both operators are left associative, x |> f <| y is parsed as (x |> f) <| y, and this does the trick.
Backward pipe operator is also useful if you want to remove parentheses: f (very long expression) can be replaced with f <| very long expression.
Since Pad and bytebuster answered your last question I will focus on the why part.
This is based my current knowledge and not historical facts.
Since F# derived from OCaml and OCaml has Array and List but not Seq and F# uses |> for natural pipelining and type checking and OCaml lacks the pipleline operator, the authors of F# made the switch for Seq. But obviously to be backward compatablie with OCaml they did not switch everything.

Seq.iter vs for - what difference?

I can do
for event in linq.Deltas do
or I can do
linq.Deltas |> Seq.iter(fun event ->
So I'm not sure if that is the same. If that is not the same I want to know the difference. I don't know what to use: iter or for.
added - so if that is the matter of choice I prefer to use iter on a top level and for is for closures
added some later - looking like iter is map + ignore - it's the way to run from using imperative ignore word. So it's looking like functional way ...
As others mentioned, there are some differences (iter supports non-generic IEnumerator and you can mutate mutable values in for). These are sometimes important differences, but most of the times you can freely choose which one to use.
I generally prefer for (if there is a language construct, why not use it?). The cases where iter looks nicer are when you have a function that you need to call (e.g. using partial application):
// I would write this:
strings |> Seq.iter (printfn "%c")
// instead of:
for s in strings do printfn "%c" s
Similarly, using iter is nicer if you use it at the end of some processing pipeline:
// I would write this:
inputs |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x > 0)
|> Seq.iter (fun x -> foo x)
// instead of:
let filtered = inputs |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x > 0)
for x in filtered do foo x
You can modify mutable variables from the body of a for loop. You can't do that from a closure, which implies you can't do that using iter. (Note: I'm talking about mutable variables declared outside of the for / iter. Local mutable variables are accessible.)
Considering that the point of iter is to perform some side effect, the difference can be important.
I personally seldom use iter, as I find for to be clearer.
For most of the situations, they are the same. I would prefer the first use. It looks clear to me.
The difference is that for in loop support IEnumerable objects, while Seq.iter requires that your collection (linq.deltas) is IEnumerable<T>.
E.g. MatchCollection class in .net regular expression inherits IEnumerable not IEnumerable<T>, you cannot use Seq.map or Seq.iter directly on it. But you can use for in loop.
It is the style of programming. Imperative vs using functional programming. Keep in mind that F# is not a pure functional programming language.
Generally, use Seq.Iter if it is a part of some large pipeline processing, as that makes it much more clearer, but for ordinary case I think the imperative way is clearer. Sometime it is a personal preference, sometimes it is other issues like performance.
for in F# is a form of list comprehension - bread and butter of functional programming while Seq.iter is a 'for side-effects only' imperative construct - not a sign of a functional code. Here what you can do with for:
let pairsTo n = seq {
for i in [1..n] do
for j in [i..n] do
if j%i <> 0 then yield (i,j) }
printf "%A" (pairsTo 10 |> Seq.toList)

How do I define y-combinator without "let rec"?

In almost all examples, a y-combinator in ML-type languages is written like this:
let rec y f x = f (y f) x
let factorial = y (fun f -> function 0 -> 1 | n -> n * f(n - 1))
This works as expected, but it feels like cheating to define the y-combinator using let rec ....
I want to define this combinator without using recursion, using the standard definition:
Y = λf·(λx·f (x x)) (λx·f (x x))
A direct translation is as follows:
let y = fun f -> (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x -> f (x x));;
However, F# complains that it can't figure out the types:
let y = fun f -> (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x -> f (x x));;
C:\Users\Juliet\AppData\Local\Temp\stdin(6,33): error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
'a -> 'b
The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and ''a -> 'b'
How do I write the y-combinator in F# without using let rec ...?
As the compiler points out, there is no type that can be assigned to x so that the expression (x x) is well-typed (this isn't strictly true; you can explicitly type x as obj->_ - see my last paragraph). You can work around this issue by declaring a recursive type so that a very similar expression will work:
type 'a Rec = Rec of ('a Rec -> 'a)
Now the Y-combinator can be written as:
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = f (x rx)
f' (Rec f')
Unfortunately, you'll find that this isn't very useful because F# is a strict language,
so any function that you try to define using this combinator will cause a stack overflow.
Instead, you need to use the applicative-order version of the Y-combinator (\f.(\x.f(\y.(x x)y))(\x.f(\y.(x x)y))):
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = f (fun y -> x rx y)
f' (Rec f')
Another option would be to use explicit laziness to define the normal-order Y-combinator:
type 'a Rec = Rec of ('a Rec -> 'a Lazy)
let y f =
let f' (Rec x as rx) = lazy f (x rx)
(f' (Rec f')).Value
This has the disadvantage that recursive function definitions now need an explicit force of the lazy value (using the Value property):
let factorial = y (fun f -> function | 0 -> 1 | n -> n * (f.Value (n - 1)))
However, it has the advantage that you can define non-function recursive values, just as you could in a lazy language:
let ones = y (fun ones -> LazyList.consf 1 (fun () -> ones.Value))
As a final alternative, you can try to better approximate the untyped lambda calculus by using boxing and downcasting. This would give you (again using the applicative-order version of the Y-combinator):
let y f =
let f' (x:obj -> _) = f (fun y -> x x y)
f' (fun x -> f' (x :?> _))
This has the obvious disadvantage that it will cause unneeded boxing and unboxing, but at least this is entirely internal to the implementation and will never actually lead to failure at runtime.
I would say it's impossible, and asked why, I would handwave and invoke the fact that simply typed lambda calculus has the normalization property. In short, all terms of the simply typed lambda calculus terminate (consequently Y can not be defined in the simply typed lambda calculus).
F#'s type system is not exactly the type system of simply typed lambda calculus, but it's close enough. F# without let rec comes really close to the simply typed lambda calculus -- and, to reiterate, in that language you cannot define a term that does not terminate, and that excludes defining Y too.
In other words, in F#, "let rec" needs to be a language primitive at the very least because even if you were able to define it from the other primitives, you would not be able to type this definition. Having it as a primitive allows you, among other things, to give a special type to that primitive.
EDIT: kvb shows in his answer that type definitions (one of the features absent from the simply typed lambda-calculus but present in let-rec-less F#) allow to get some sort of recursion. Very clever.
Case and let statements in ML derivatives are what makes it Turing Complete, I believe they're based on System F and not simply typed but the point is the same.
System F cannot find a type for the any fixed point combinator, if it could, it wasn't strongly normalizing.
What strongly normalizing means is that any expression has exactly one normal form, where a normal form is an expression that cannot be reduced any further, this differs from untyped where every expression has at max one normal form, it can also have no normal form at all.
If typed lambda calculi could construct a fixed point operator in what ever way, it was quite possible for an expression to have no normal form.
Another famous theorem, the Halting Problem, implies that strongly normalizing languages are not Turing complete, it says that's impossible to decide (different than prove) of a turing complete language what subset of its programs will halt on what input. If a language is strongly normalizing, it's decidable if it halts, namely it always halts. Our algorithm to decide this is the program: true;.
To solve this, ML-derivatives extend System-F with case and let (rec) to overcome this. Functions can thus refer to themselves in their definitions again, making them in effect no lambda calculi at all any more, it's no longer possible to rely on anonymous functions alone for all computable functions. They can thus again enter infinite loops and regain their turing-completeness.
Short answer: You can't.
Long answer:
The simply typed lambda calculus is strongly normalizing. This means it's not Turing equivalent. The reason for this basically boils down to the fact that a Y combinator must either be primitive or defined recursively (as you've found). It simply cannot be expressed in System F (or simpler typed calculi). There's no way around this (it's been proven, after all). The Y combinator you can implement works exactly the way you want, though.
I would suggest you try scheme if you want a real Church-style Y combinator. Use the applicative version given above, as other versions won't work, unless you explicitly add laziness, or use a lazy Scheme interpreter. (Scheme technically isn't completely untyped, but it's dynamically typed, which is good enough for this.)
See this for the proof of strong normalization:
After thinking some more, I'm pretty sure that adding a primitive Y combinator that behaves exactly the way the letrec defined one does makes System F Turing complete. All you need to do to simulate a Turing machine then is implement the tape as an integer (interpreted in binary) and a shift (to position the head).
Simply define a function taking its own type as a record, like in Swift (there it's a struct) :)
Here, Y (uppercase) is semantically defined as a function that can be called with its own type. In F# terms, it is defined as a record containing a function named call, so for calling a y defined as this type, you have to actually call y.call :)
type Y = { call: Y -> (int -> int) }
let fibonacci n =
let makeF f: int -> int =
fun x ->
if x = 0 then 0 else if x = 1 then 1 else f(x - 1) + f(x - 2)
let y = { call = fun y -> fun x -> (makeF (y.call y)) x }
(y.call y) n
It's not supremely elegant to read but it doesn't resort to recursion for defining a y combinator that is supposed to provide recursion all by itself ^^
