ASP.NET MVC application architecture "guidelines" -

I'm looking for some feedback on my ASP.NET MVC based CMS application architecture.
Domain Model - depends on nothing but the System classes to define types. For now, mostly anemic.
Repository Layer - abstracted data access, only called by the services layer
Services Layer - performs business logic on domain models. Exposes view models to the controllers.
ViewModelMapper - service that translates back and forth between view models and domain models
Controllers - super thin "traffic cop" style functionality that interacts with the service layer and only talks in terms of view models, never domain models
My domain model is mostly used as data transfer (DTO) objects and has minimal logic at the moment. I'm finding this is nice because it depends on nothing (not even classes in the services layer).
The services layer is a bit tricky... I only want the controllers to have access to viewmodels for ease of GUI programming. However, some of the services need to talk to each other. For example, I have an eventing service that notifies other listener services when content is tagged, when blog posts are created, etc. Currently, the methods that take domain models as inputs or return them are marked internal so they can't be used by the controllers.
Sounds like overkill? Not enough abstraction? I'm mainly doing this as a learning exercise in being strict about architecture, not for an actual product, so please no feedback along the lines of "right depends on what you want to do".

Overall, the design looks good to me.
There are a few more items I might do:
Validations - have a 2 step validation -
Step 1 : the domain-level classes enforce their own validity (via attributes or any other mechanism).
Step 2: The repository ensures that the object is valid in the context of the repository
Dependency Injection - use a DI framework to inject dependencies. It will be useful for unit testing. Also, If the service layer where you need to call across services, check if this article on Aggregate Service is useful:
ViewModels - might be tempting to re-use, but wait & watch before you finally decide


MVC project setup at the enterprise level. What's expected?

By reading at several articles posted here, I get mismatched information about how to properly configure a project.
I am looking for advise about how the pros do it at the enterprise level.
I see different schools of though about this, some people design in a truly N-Tier fashion, others prefer to use EF Code First directly in the MVC application and have FAT models and sort of have one big MVC app with logical separation of concerns, etc.
So for a mid-size project this is my set up and I want to ask for your opinions about it.
MVC application
Models -- Here my models have just what the view needs, validation logic, etc. These models are designed to pass data between the controller and views only.
Controllers -- Call the service layer where business logic lives and gets domain models back if needed. Converts domain models into view models and vice-versa.
Service layer
This is were the business (domain) logic lives.
The service layer is also in charge of communicating with the data layer to perform CRUD operations.
The service layer returns domain models to the controller in the MVC application and also expects domain models when invoked.
Data Repository layer
The data layer is a thin wrapper around EF and performs CRUD operations.
usually I will have a Code First approach where entity models are created for me by EF.
I convert the EF code first models to domain models and return these to the service layer.
The data layer also expect domain models from the service layer that in turn I convert to EF code first models and persist to the DB.
Domain Model layer
These are the domain models that are used and shared thorough the applications layers.
What's best design?
What's expected at the enterprise level?
There's nothing particularly wrong with the approach you've laid out. However, I do see it as overly complex. Your repository layer, in particular, is a totally unnecessary level of abstraction. You could simply just roll the EF stuff into your service layer and call it a day. Having to convert the entity into a domain model and then to a view model, is frankly, a pain. Just map your entity to your view model and back.
The only thing you should really bear in mind is that ASP.NET MVC very loosely follows the MVC pattern. There's no such thing as a true MVC Model, and trying to force something like an entity class into that mold is a huge mistake. Your Model is the combination and interaction of your entity class, view models that represent that class, and the querying logic you tuck away in your service layer.
I would like you to suggest have these layers in your project ----
Entites Layer--
it should contains only all your poco classes in a model folder.Nothing else
Data Layer----
It should contain Db interactions logic.
Also your Dbcontext class should reside in this.
You may use Repository Pattern and unit of work pattern for better seperation of concern.Use dependency injection to resolve dependencies using Unity Container(there are many other container also available).Please have a look on these design pattern and container.there are many articles available on net for this.Simply go through them thoroughly.
Service Layer ----
It should contain only service methods to call into your controller as your controller should not directly talk to data Layer.Its a much better approach and prevent your business logic from being exposed to external attacks.
MVC Layer or UI layer ---
It should contain only the controllers whose work is to call services and business logics inside them.
and View folder where we have all the views to be shown to the end users.
Its a pretty big question.I hope may be u get some idea from this.

Service layer and project structure in ASP.NET MVC 5 without repository and UoW patterns

I'd like to create a good app in ASP.NET MVC 5 using EF 6 Code first concept. I want it to be well-designed i.e. having generally speaking: Presentation, Logic and Data layers separated. I want it to be testable :)
Here's my idea and some issues related with creating application
Presentation layer: It's my whole MVC - view models(not models), views, controllers
I believe that's validation should be done somewhere else (in my opinion - it's a part of business logic) but it's quite convenient to use attributes from the DataAnnotations namespace in ViewModelds and check validation in controller.
Logic layer: Services - classes with their interfaces to rule business logic.
I put there functions like: AddNewPerson(PersonViewModel Person), SendMessageToPerson(...).
They will use DB context to make their actions (there's a chance that not all of them will be relying on context). There's a direct connection between service and db - I mean the service class have reference do context.
Where should I do mapping between ViewModel and Model? I've heard that service is a bad place for it - so maybe in controllers. I've heard that service should do the work related with db exclusively.
Is it right? Is my picture of service layer is good?
Data layer: I've read about Repository and UoW patterns a lot. There're some articles which suggest that EF6 implements these two things. I don't want to create extra code if there's no need for such a behavior. The question is: am i right to assume that i don't need them?
Here's my flow:
View<->Controllers(using ViewModels)<->Services(using Models)<->DB.
**I'm gonna use DI in my project.
What do you think about my project structure?
There is no reason to use a Unit of Work pattern with Entity Framework if you have no need to create a generic data access mechanism. You would only do this if you were:
using a data access technology that did not natively support a Unit of work pattern (EF does)
Wanted to be able to swap out data providers sometime in the future.. however, this is not as easy as it might seem as it's very hard NOT to introduce dependencies on specific data technologies even when using an Unit of Work (maybe even BECAUSE you are)... or
You need to have a way of unifying disparate data sources into an atomic transaction.
If none of those are the case, you most likely don't need a custom Unit of Work. A Repository, on the other hand can be useful... but with EF6 many of the benefits of a Repository are also available since EF6 provides mocking interfaces for testing. Regardless, stay away from a generic repository unless it's simply an implementation detail of your concrete repositories. Exposing generic repositories to your other layers is a huge abstraction leak...
I always use a Repository/Service/Façade pattern though to create a separation between my data and business (and UI and business for that matter) layers. It provides a convenient way to mock without having to mock your data access itself and it decouples your logic from the specific that are introduced by the Linq layer used by EF (Linq is relatively generic, but there are things that are specific to EF), a façade/repository/server interface decouples that).
In general, you're on the right path... However, let me point out that using Data Attributes on your view models is a good thing. This centralizes your validation on your model, rather than making you put validation logic all over the place.
You're correct that you need validation in your business logic as well, but your mistake is the assumption that you should only have it on the business logic. You need validation at all layers of your application.. And in particular, your UI validation may have different requirements than your business logic validation.
For instance, you may implement creating a new account as a multi-step wizard in your UI, this would require different validation than your business layer because each step has only a subset of the validation of the total object. Or you might require that your mobile interface has different validation requirements from your web site (one might use a captcha, while the other might use a touch based human validation for instance).
Either way, it's important to keep in mind that validation is important both at the client, server, and various layers...
Ok, let’s clarify a few things...
The notion of ViewModel (or the actual wording of ViewModel) is something introduced by Microsoft Martin Fowler. In fact, a ViewModel is nothing more than a simple class.
In reality, your Views are strongly typed to classes. Period. To avoid confusion, the wording ViewModel came up to help people understand that
“this class, will be used by your View”
hence why we call them ViewModel.
In addition, although many books, articles and examples use the word ViewModel, let's not forget that it's nothing more than just a Model.
In fact, did you ever noticed why there is a Models folder inside an MVC application and not a ViewModels folder?
Also, ever noticed how at the top of a View you have #model directive and not # viewmodel directive?
That's because everything could be a model.
By the way, for clarity, you are more than welcomed to delete (or rename) the Models folder and create a new one called ViewModels if that helps.
Regardless of what you do, you’ll ultimately call #model and not #viewmodel at the top of your pages.
Another similar example would be DTO classes. DTO classes are nothing more than regular classes but they are suffixed with DTO to help people (programmers) differentiate between all the other classes (including View Models).
In a recent project I’ve worked on, that notion wasn’t fully grasped by the team so instead of having their Views strongly typed to Models, they would have their Views strongly typed to DTO classes. In theory and in practice everything was working but they soon found out that they had properties such as IsVisible inside their DTO’s when in fact; these kind of properties should belongs to your ViewModel classes since they are used for UI logic.
So far, I haven’t answered your question but I do have a similar post regarding a quick architecture. You can read the post here
Another thing I’d like to point out is that if and only if your Service Layer plans on servicing other things such as a Winform application, Mobile web site, etc...then your Service Layer should not be receiving ViewModels.
Your Service Layer should not have the notion of what is a ViewModel. It should only accept, receive, send, etc... POCO classes.
This means that from your Controller, inside your ActionResult, once the ModelState is Valid, you need to transform your ViewModel into a POCO which in turn, will be sent to the method inside your Service Layer.
In other words, I’d use/install the Automapper nugget package and create some extension methods that would convert a ViewModel into a POCO and vice-versa (POCO into a ViewModel).
This way, your AddNewPerson() method would receive a Person object for its parameter instead of receiving a PersonViewModel parameter.
Remember, this is only valid if and only if your Service Layer plans on servicing other things...
If that's not the case, then feel free to have your Service Layer receive, send, add, etc...ViewModels instead of POCOs. This is up to you and your team.
Remember, there are many ways to skin a cat.
Hope this helps.

ASP.NET MVC3 - 3 Tier design - Transaction control and business layer design questions

I am designing an ASP.NET MVC3 application, and I would like to have a clear separation of concerns in a 3 layer architecture. I am using Fluent NHibernate as the ORM, the Repository pattern to work with the entities mapped by NHibernate. I would like to add a proper business layer with a Unit Of Work pattern, keeping the MVC portion only for presentation (by using ViewModels that map to the nHibernate entities through the business layer). This article describes the combined 3-tier and MVC architectures nicely.
According to this MVC + unit of work + repository article I don't see a clear distinction of a business layer. The unit of work class presents strongly typed getters for each repository type, which looks appropriate for a business layer. However, it exposes a Save method, which I think would translate to BeginTransaction and CommitTransaction methods with nHibernate. This begs some questions:
1) Is exposing transaction control to MVC a good idea? At which stage should transaction control happen? Seems to me that MVC should not be responsible for transactions, but how to avoid that?
2) Should there be some automatic way to handle transactions? This ActionFilter implementation is semi-automatic but the transaction control is clearly in the MVC section, which is not the business layer.
3) Is the UnitOfWork class the same as a business layer class?
- if so, does that mean that we can add custom business logic methods into it?
- if not, do we wrap the unit of work with some other class(es) that contains business logic methods?
I appreciate any ideas or examples. Thank you.
First of all I want to clarify a little mis-conception about the business layer, as you want to use the Repository pattern and your setup is a candidate to Domain Driven Design, then the business layer is actually [the Domain Model (Entities and Value Objects where you design your business logic in an object oriented fashion in entities and objects) , and Application Layer to co-ordinate transactions and operations and commands to the domain layer], so the suggested architecture would be something like this:
Presentation (MVC) [OrderView, OrderPresentationModel, OrderController]
Application [OrderService]
Use UnitOfWork (Transactions) and Repositories to execute domain logic
DTOs [OrderDTO, CustomerDTO]
Entities and Value Objects [Order, Customer, LineItem, Address]
Repository Interfaces [IOrderRepository, ICustomerRepository]
(optional) Unit of Work Interface [IUnitOfWork]
Infrastructure.DataAccess (Using ORM or Data Access Technology)
Repositories [OrderRepository, CustomerRepository]
(optional) Unit of Work [UnitOfWork]
Example scenario:
[Presentation] OrderController:
[Application] OrderService:
var customer = _customerRepository.GetById(orderDTO.CustomerId);
var order = new Order() { Customer=customer, Price=orderDTO.Price, ... }
About your questions:
1) Is exposing transaction control to MVC a good idea? At which stage should transaction control happen? Seems to me that MVC should not be responsible for transactions, but how to avoid that?
No, i would prefer to separate it in application layer in order to make design flexible to support different presentations.
2) Should there be some automatic way to handle transactions? This ActionFilter implementation is semi-automatic but the transaction control is clearly in the MVC section, which is not the business layer.
Use transactions in application layer.
3) Is the UnitOfWork class the same as a business layer class?
- if so, does that mean that we can add custom business logic methods into it?
- if not, do we wrap the unit of work with some other class(es) that contains business logic methods?
No, it is just a way to group tasks into transactions.
The business logic actually is encapsulated in entities and if the logic is not related to one entity it should be implemented in domain services [TransferService.Transfer(account1, account2, amount)], for co-ordinations, accessing repositories, and transactions the application layer is the place.
Have you looked into the S#arp Architecture? It has built-in MVC Transaction handling, using Action Filters.
I'm usually a layering purist, so I wasn't psyched about letting MVC open the view, but I've come to like it.
There are pro's and con's, but here are some advantages of the Open Session In View pattern.:
Lazy Loading -- It will simplify your data access if you can rely on lazy loading in your MVC Views. No need to explicitly join to all tables required by the view. (Be sure to avoid the N+1 problem by joining explicitly when lazy loading would generate a ridiculous number of queries. Data grids are a common culprit here.)
Simpler BSO layer -- your BSO doesn't need to worry about sessions. It's assumed that you're already working in the context of a session.
If you don't want to go with S#arp, you can still implement Open-Session-In-View yourself with only a few lines of code in an ActionFilter. On the Action Executing method, open the session. In the action executed method, commit, close, and dispose. This is what we're doing on my project and it has worked well for us.
The problem you have with any web based app is that there has to be some coupling of the UI to the buisness layer due to the need to manage object lifetimes by the HTTP Session. In a typical desktop application you don't have to worry about sessions, so this makes it easy to move all transaction handling further down the chain.
Consider where you want to reuse the same logic in three apps, a Web Site, a Web Service, and a Desktop application. Without exposing the transaction handling to the presentation tier, there's no good way to deal with transaction commits, beacuse the business layer is ignorant of how long the objects will exist.
So your choice is, either make sure you commit everything in every method of your buisness objects, or expose the transaction to the UI.
A third alternative would be to build a fairly complex session management controller, which I don't even want to think about... The session management controller could be coupled to the ui and the business logic, seperating them to some extent.. But that would require a lot more analysis.

Should a service layer return view models for an MVC application?

Say you have an ASP.NET MVC project and are using a service layer, such as in this contact manager tutorial on the site:
If you have viewmodels for your views, is the service layer the appropriate place to provide each viewmodel? For instance, in the service layer code sample there is a method
public IEnumerable<Contact> ListContacts()
return _repository.ListContacts();
If instead you wanted a IEnumerable, should it go in the service layer, or is there somewhere else that is the "correct" place?
Perhaps more appropriately, if you have a separate viewmodel for each view associated with ContactController, should ContactManagerService have a separate method to return each viewmodel? If the service layer is not the proper place, where should viewmodel objects be initialized for use by the controller?
Generally, no.
View models are intended to provide information to and from views and should be specific to the application, as opposed to the general domain. Controllers should orchestrate interaction with repositories, services (I am making some assumptions of the definition of service here), etc and handle building and validating view models, and also contain the logic of determining views to render.
By leaking view models into a "service" layer, you are blurring your layers and now have possible application and presentation specific mixed in with what should focused with domain-level responsibilities.
No, I don't think so. Services should care only about the problem domain, not the view that renders results. Return values should be expressed in terms of domain objects, not views.
As per the traditional approach or theory wise, ViewModel should be part of User interface layer. At least the name says so.
But when you get down to implementing it yourself with Entity Framework, MVC, Repository etc, then you realise something else.
Someone has to map Entity/DB Models with ViewModels(DTO mentioned in the end). Should this be done in [A] the UI layer (by the Controller), or in [B] the Service layer?
I go with Option B. Option A is a no no because of the simple fact that several entity models combine together to form a ViewModel. We may not pass unnecessary data to UI layer, whereas in option B, the service can play with data and pass only the required/minimum to the UI layer after mapping (to the ViewModel).
But still, let us go with option A, put ViewModel in the UI layer(and entity model in Service layer).
If the Service layer needs to map to the ViewModel, then the Service layer need to access ViewModel in UI layer. Which library/project? The Viewmodel should be in a separate project in the UI layer, and this project needs to be referenced by Service Layer. If the ViewModel is not in a separate project, then there is circular reference, so no go. It looks awkward to have Service layer accessing UI layer but still we could cope with it.
But what if there is another UI app using this service? What if there is a mobile app? How different can the ViewModel be? Should the Service access the same view model project? Will all UI projects access the same ViewModel project or they have their own?
After these considerations my answer would be to put the Viewmodel project in Service Layer. Every UI layer has to access the Service layer anyways! And there could be a lot of similar ViewModels that they all could use (hence mapping becomes easier for service layer). Mappings are done through linq these days, which is another plus.
Lastly, there is this discussion about DTO. And also about data annotation in ViewModels. ViewModels with data annotations(Microsoft.Web.Mvc.DataAnnotations.dll) cannot reside in service layer instead they reside in UI layer(but ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll can reside in service layer). If all projects are in one solution(.sln), then it doesn't matter which layer you put it. In enterprise applications, each layer will have its own solution.
So DTO actually is a ViewModel because mostly there will be one on one mapping between the two(say with AutoMapper). Again DTO still has the logic needed for the UI(or multiple applications) and resides in Service Layer. And the UI layer ViewModel(if we use Microsoft.Web.Mvc.DataAnnotations.dll) is just to copy the data from DTO, with some 'behavior'/attributes added to it.
[Now this discussion is about to take an interesting turn read on...:I]
And don't think data-annotation attributes are just for UI. If you limit the validation using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll
then the same ViewModel can also be used for front-end & backend validation(thus removing UI-residing-ViewModel-copy-of-DTO). Moreover attributes can also be used in entity models. Eg: using .tt, Entity Framework data models can be autogenerated with validation attributes to do some DB validations like max-length before sending to the back end. This saves round-trips from UI to backend for validation. It also enables back-end to re-validate for security reasons. So a model is a self-reliant validator and you can pass it around easily. Another advantage is that if backend validation changes in DB then .tt (reads DB specifics and create the attribute for entity class) will automatically pick that up. This can force UI validation unit tests to fail as well, which is a big plus(so we can correct it and inform all UIs/consumers instead of accidentally forgetting and failing). Yes, the discussion is moving towards a good framework design. As you can see it is all related: tier-wise validation, unit test strategy, caching strategy, etc.
Although not directly related to the question. 'ViewModel Façade' mentioned in this must watch channel 9 link is also worth exploring. It starts exactly at 11 minutes 49 seconds in the video. Because this would be the next step/thought once your current question given above is sorted out: 'How to organize ViewModels?'
And Lastly, many of these model vs logic issues could be resolved with REST. Because every client can have the intelligence to query the data and get only the data that it needs. And it keeps the model in UI, there is no server/service layer model/logic. The only duplication then will be on the automated tests that each client need to perform. Also if there are changes in data then some clients fail if they do not adapt to the change. The question then is, are you removing service layer altogether(and the models they carry) or pushing the service layer up to your UI project(so model issue still persists) which calls the REST API. But in terms of the responsibility of Service layer, they are the same regardless.
Also in your example "_repository.ListContacts()" is returning a ViewModel from repository. This is not a mature way. Repositories should provide entity models or DB models. This gets converted to view models and it is this view model that is returned by the service layer.
This has come a bit of an "it depends" where I work - we have generally had a controller consuming some service(s) - then combining returned DTO's into a 'ViewModel' that would then get passed to the client - either via JSON result, or bound in the Razor Template.
Thing is, about 80% of the time - the mapping of DTO to ViewModel has been 1-1. We are starting to move towards 'Where needed, just consume the DTO directly, but when the DTO and what we need in our client/view don't match up - then we create a ViewModel and do the mapping between objects as needed'.
Although I'm still not convinced that this is the best or right solution - as it ends up leading to some heated discussions of 'are we just adding X to the DTO to meet the needs of the view?'
I suppose that depends on what you consider the "services" to be. I've never really liked the term service in the context of a single class; it's incredibly vague and doesn't tell you much about the actual purpose of the class.
If the "service layer" is a physical layer, such as a web service, then absolutely not; services in an SOA context should expose domain/business operations, not data and not presentation logic. But if service is just being used as an abstract concept for a further level of encapsulation, I don't see any problem with using it the way you desribe.
Just don't mix concepts. If your service deals with view models then it should be a presentation service and be layered over top of the actual Model, never directly touching the database or any business logic.
Hi I see very good answers here.
And for myself I do an other aproach.
I have to kinds of models , one is viewmodel and the other is shared models. The viewmodels stays on the UI layer and the shared models stays on a separate project.
The shared models can theoretically be used anyware because those are standalone.
This models provides some abstraction if you want to return specific data from your service layer or if you need something specific from your repository.
I don't really know if this is a good aproach but it works so well on my projects. For example
When I need to provide some information to create new objects to the database i can use the shared models directly to the service layer it saves me some complexity.
The shared models needs to be mapped sometimes , but you can ensure that your service is not leaking inesssary data to the UI.
You can see shared models as an extension but not to build your UI logic with it, you should have viewmodels to do that.
You can combine viewmodels with this shared models to save you time you can use inheritance.
The shared models has to be neutral and should not have any kind of logic.

Does MVC help creating n-tier solutions?

My opinion is it does and it doesn't.
It does separate logic and data from UI, but it still crams it all together into a single point application.
That's why I think it doesn't really, because Controllers are business logic, Views are UI, Models are DAL. These are now just layers within the same app.
But are layers supposed to be the first or the second variety to be actually called layers?
Anyone wants to add their own 2 cents?
The MVC template project is just to get you started - you can easily move the Controllers and/or Models out to separate projects if you want to, and if it makes sense in your application. Remember, that for a small app with maybe three controllers, a couple of extra classes in the Models layer plus an EF or LINQ data model, you really don't have enough files to justify separation into different projects.
I don't think of Controllers as business logic. They are application logic, the glue which ties together the business logic (Model) and the presentation logic (View).
Well, my birthday cake had layers but it was still one big cake... so yes?
Off course it does!
I think both views and controllers contain user interface logic... the business logic should be in the model (which is not only the DAL).
As the model you could use e.g. CSLA objects and add another couple of physical layers as needed (through configuration).
You have to know there's a difference between logical and physical layers (or layers vs tiers)...
There are a lot of interesting articles on lhotka's site regarding this topic!
E.g. this one and this one.
Layers and tiers are interchangeable. In context of an n-tier you'd call it a presentation tier but in context of a layered application you'd call it a presentation layer. But really they are the same thing.
A litmus test of n-tier application and loose coupling would be if you can take each of the tiers and build them as separate projects and deploy them on different machines.
The key differentiator for n-tier applications is Separation of Concerns (SoC) and low coupling. A truly decoupled application might be one where you have a tier that contains nothing but pure HTML. Then another which contains pure Javascript and uses AJAX to update the DOM and communicate with the web service. The web service comprises it's own set of tiers.
The web service has a routing engine that routes the requests to the different controllers. The controllers sanitize and interpret the request, verify authentication and what not and call the appropriate models. the models in turn must return POCO objects or DTOs and return these to the Javascript which injects them into the DOM. The Javascript may modify the objects and send them back to be persisted into the database. Entity Framework 4.0 has good support for just such n-tier scenarios though it does fall a bit short in the SoC department (strongly types views for example) but it's practical for more purposes.
MVC Futures I believe has support for some Inversion of Control (IoC) containers out of the box and currently if you want loose coupling and truly n-tier scenarios you will probably need to use an IoC container of your choosing.
"Tier" usually refers to different physical servers, while "layers" refers to separation of functionality into loosely coupled areas.
That is, a 3-tier web application:
Tier 1) DB Server
Tier 2) Web Server
Tier 3) Client browser
3-layer web application:
Layer 1) UI
Layer 2) Business Logic
Layer 3) Data Access
