sIFR works, except for one word in my navigation bar - sifr

My website uses sIFR and it all seems to work great, except for one word in my navigation bar. The navigation links all work, but the word "Zoeken" (= Search) in front of the search form doesn't get changed to the desired font type.
I have checked the header.php of my site, as well as the CSS, but any of the changes that I made, don't seem to work.
Could anyone help me out? I am hoping it's just a "piece of cake", but my knowledge of sIFR is close to non-existent.
Many thanks!

Try adding a class to this element Zoeken and then target that span specifically with cufon to see if it works, maybe? As cufon is really simple and if it's not converting it the only thing I can think of is that it's not being targetted. If the above doesn't work it'll also give you a better idea of what the problem is.


preserveContent now added to mat-tabs?

Does anyone have a working example of this? I was originally implementing a solution similar to this answer here, but then saw that this feature was finally merged!
Does anyone have a working example of this? Our use case is having tabs that have functionality reliant on iframes on separate tabs persisting.
Actually, I found examples here in the feature pull request.
It is as simple as <mat-tab-group contentPreserve="true">
However, now it is causing unexpected behavior in my tabs (might be related to this mentioned in the Docs: "One gotcha here is that we have to set visibility: hidden on the off-screen content so that users can't tab into it.") - now the iframe is loading further down the page and out of normal view. I will tinker around with the styling as that may be the cause since we made some tweaks to account for or previous workaround. Glad to see this being implemented now and would still be eager to see other people's use of mat-tab-group!
Use preserveContent in mat-tab-group.
Keeping the tab content inside the DOM while it's off-screen

angular material md-tab label upper/lower case

I apologize if this question has been asked before but I have a really stupid problem and I cannot find an answer.
Using angular-material's the label is always rendered upper case. I tried using a div to wrap the text inside with no luck.
Does anyone have a suggestion? Why did they choose this behavior? (and nobody seems upset)
I have the feeling I am doing something incredibly stupid! :)
The pitfall of using components that other people design and build is they get to make the aesthetic decisions.
If you're ever wondering what is causing some behavior, the best first step is to view the source and inspect the elements.
Looking at .md-tab, the text-transform style property on .md-tab is set to uppercase. Set it to none in your style section to get rid of any text-transformation:
.md-tab{text-transform: none}

Safari on iOS inconsistently recognizes content height

From my testing this is specific to Safari iOs issue.
The bug is on this page.
Basically on iOS, when expanding the last content item, the browsers doesn't always scroll the content but scrolls the page.
It's inconsistent behavior which happens to the last section item no matter what I do. I've tried adding in another section element to the DOM as a hack to make it work properly but it still behaves the same.
The height is expanded based of max-height parameters so that dynamic content cant be expanded correctly by the js.
Been spending hours looking at this and it's at a point where I need some other eyes to take a look. Thanks for any help you can offer!
Of course it's after asking a question you find the answer.... I was able to fix this by removing a css height rule on a parent container that was using the new vh rule. I changed it to use 100% vs 80vh and it's behaving as expected. Hope this helps someone else.

How do I go about building a native iOS rich text editor?

We want a native rich text editor because we are trying to stay away from using Javascript and webviews for this solution.
We've tried many things so far, and we're left with quite a few obstacles that we just can't get around. Let me break it down into questions that I hope you can answer.
I have a UIButton, that says "B" on it, and I want to put it into the 'selected' state when a user sets 'Bold' from using the TextView's long-press gesture on a selection. How do I register for this state change? I tried adding an observer on the textView.attributedText, but it doesn't seem they are changing that dictionary, but instead are updating it. NSDictionary has no way, as far as I know, to add observers on the dictionary's keys. So I'm stuck with noticing this change.
Regarding number 1, I also tried setting the textView's inputDelegate and it seems that the method - (void)textDidChange:(id )textInput never gets called. :( Docs says is should. What did I do wrong?
How do I update the attributedText weight when I hit my bold italic or underline button.
How do I convert my attributed text into HTML?
I saw a few neat libraries for number 4, but I'm still curious what you'd come up with. (Broadens my options). But, I can't really work on number 4 until I figure out how to do the previous 3.
This editor will also need hyperlinks, bulleted lists, and numbered lists, more things I imagine I'll struggle through, but if you could answer the 4 questions above, that will keep me held over for a while. :)
Here is a link to an iOS rich text editor I've been working on.
There is still a lot of work that has to be done, but the basic features are there.
The Apple sample application called 'TextEdit' does much of what you've described and, if not that, would be a very good starting point. Find the sample code with a search in the Organizer.
There is a commercial editor based on the DTCoreText library. I've used that library but not the rich text editor. Look at the Cocoanetics web site. It's not cheap but will save you a ton of work.

Latex: avoid that page text stretches over whole page with "twoside" option

I recently had a problem when writing a Latex document which I posted here. The solution of adding the "twoside" option worked fine for me, except that when I have a page, say the conclusion, where I have just two paragraphs, so maybe half of the page filled and I then add a "\pagebreak" for having the "reference" part on a new page, it stretches the whole content of the conclusion page s.t. it fills up the whole page. This leads to the ugly thing that the spacing between the lines and paragraphs becomes huge.
I googled a bit, but didn't found any option to avoid this.
Add \raggedbottom to the latex preamble that will solve it.
Not quite sure whether this will solve your problem, but try \clearpage instead of \pagebreak .
How about:
I believe I was able to fix a similar problem with the multicol package, which provides a rather more powerful multi-column environment that the one built into the standard classes.
I just thought: are you using \raggedbottom? That would be worth a shot before bringing in a new package.
Can you use the \newpage in this case ?
