I have a live rails website and I want to have a form with a lot of fields on it. I have set up validations and allowed formatting for every field. I've tested it quite a bit and it seems to catch anything I throw at it.
I think it's almost ready to go live, but I want to quadruple check if there's anything else I should do to protect it. My site has a low volume of visitors, but I want it to be a safe as possible. I'd like to avoid using a captcha if I can. I've read that you can use a hidden field to protect forms against bots.
Do people recommend this instead of using a captcha, or even using it with a captcha?
my form is really standard:
<% form_for(#entry) do |f| %>
<%= f.submit 'Create' %>
<% end %>
Any suggestions or code samples would be greatly appreciated.
You should whitelist a list of attributes that the user is allowed to edit in your model using attr_accessible
Write tests/specs for your models/controllers/views?
I'm working on a project that will allow people to create groups then send a task to all of the people who are apart of that group. When the person who matches the same user_id as the value attached to the task, I would like it for the task to appear different (different text on it and some other stuff) and when you click it, it shows analytics for that task. I just need to know what it takes for me to pull of altered versions of an object for the person who posted it. Thanks for any help. I may be too vague here, I'm still very new to Rails.
If a task belongs to a user, and you have access to current_user (if you're using devise it's built in, w/ bcrypt you'll have to write yourself), an easy way to do this in the views would be to say something like:
<% if task.user_id == current_user.id %>
<-- stuff you want to show the assigned user -->
<% else %>
<-- stuff you want to show everyone else -->
<% end %>
Assuming you're using erb. But you get the gist.
This question already has an answer here:
How to render a string as an erb file?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have some editable pages that are stored as text in my database. These pages will be called in my view like...
<%= Page.find_by_name("New Registration").content %>
Page.content is of type 'text' (not string). A portion of the text that contains variables would look like...
You have successfully registered for New Student Orientation on #{<%= #registration.orientation.class_date %>} at...
If course when I call this content in the view, I just get the text, not the model values. How can I make these pages access the model values? I also tried adding #{} around the text without success.
This seems to be a duplicate of Rails: storing erb templates in database
Given that, this should do the trick for you, or at least be close enough to get you started:
<%= sanitize ERB.new(Page.find_by_name("New Registration").content).run %>
Additionally, you can remove the sanitize if content is not user-supplied (this is primarily a security concern).
I've done something exactly like this using HAML processing:
= sanitize Haml::Engine.new(article.content).render
For reference, here's the appropriate ERB documentation: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/erb/rdoc/ERB.html
OK, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth here is the the solution I cam up with. First I am using mustache. This is much safer than storing erb in the templates and prevents malicious injection of sql into your app. I simply added 'mustache' to my gemfile rather than mustache-rails as it seems to be more up to date. I then created a simple Page model with two attributes: :name and :content. I am using the page model to store the raw mustache code.
Here are the relevant files...
In my controller I call...
def create
#registration = Registration.new(params[:registration])
respond_to do |format|
if #registration.save
if #registration.orientation != nil
format.html { render "scheduling_text.html.erb" }
Then my view looks like...
<%= Mustache.render(Page.find_by_name("New Registration").content, {:registration => #registration }).html_safe %>
<%= link_to 'Back', orientations_path %>
Then in my page model I have something like...
You have successfully registered for New Student Orientation on {{ registration.orientation.class_date }} at {{ registration.orientation.class_time}}. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled Orientation. Remember, you must attend this Orientation session before you may register for classes. ...
Using a page model with scaffolding like this works well because it gives you the new, update, and create actions that will allow users to edit content. Note, they can easily mess up your ruby variables, so thats the downside. Just let your users know to not munk with anything that is between {{}}.
Hope this helps someone else out.
In our rails 3.2.12 app, we would like to selectively display fields in new/edit views (using simple_form) based on the access rules. For example, for sales, only customer's name and phone# can be displayed. Since we don't know what the access rule is going to be, we need to dynamically construct the view at run time. One way to accomplish this is to use if in the views and this would make views messy. We thought customform build might help. After reading a few posts online about custom form builder, we still did not have much clue. Can someone provide details about how to implement this with customform builder? Thanks for help!
Since we don't know what the access rule is going to be, we need to dynamically construct view at run time.
Usually a custom form builder is used to change the structure of the form's HTML more than to control field access.
A couple of suggestions to "clean up" the views:
Using SimpleForm will let you handle form fields/labels as a unit, making it easier to exclude a field using only something like = form_builder.input :credit_card_number if current_user.admin?.
For a more application-wide solution CanCan can help you manage authorization and roles.
Based on your comments, it sounds like the following could be a good approach for you if all the columns are treated the same and you don't need to change their order (using HAML, but you could change it to ERB if necessary):
= simple_form_for #model do |f|
= f.error_notification
- #model.columns_available_for(current_user).each do |column|
= f.input column
You can use rails helpers to do that.
For ex.
module SalesHelper
def show_fields
if current_user.admin?
render 'some_partial' #having name and phone field
render 'other_partial'
In your views add respective partials and from new or edit just call
<%= show_fields %>
I would like to retrieve the id of the current item in a Controller#show page. How is this done? I can't seem to figure this out or find it anywhere.
You're probably looking for:
<%= params[:id] %>
There are lots of things wrong with doing this, one of which is it can open you up to CSRF attacks. Make sure to escape your output (this is done automatically in rails 3.)
I am currently building a Rails app, and trying to figure out the best way to authenticate that a user owns whatever data object they are trying to edit.
I already have an authentication system in place (restful-authentication), and I'm using a simple before_filter to make sure a user is logged in before they can reach certain areas of the website.
However, I'm not sure the best way to handle a user trying to edit a specific piece of data - for example lets say users on my site can own Books, and they can edit the properties of the book (title, author, pages, etc), but they should only be able to do this for Books that -they- own.
In my 'edit' method on the books controller I would have a find that only retrieved books owned by the current_user. However, if another user knew the id of the book, they could type in http://website.com/book/7/edit , and the controller would verify that they are logged in, then show the edit page for that book (seems to bypass the controller).
What is the best way to handle this? Is it more of a Rails convention routing issue that I don't understand (being able to go straight to the edit page), or should I be adding in a before_find, before_save, before_update, after_find etc callbacks to my model?
check out the following gems:
and don't miss Ryan's great railscasts on the above
this will give access to anyone who changes the value in the address bar
#book = Book.find(params[:id])
but if you go through the association of the logged on user rails (ActiveRecord) will automatically update the sql query
#book = current_user.books.find(params[:id])
of course this assumes that your books table has a user_id column
You may need an authorization plugin. I had some experience use this plugin a while back. This article also has an overview:
You might also take a look at Declarative Authorization
Hey I have recently done this myself. The easiest way to do this is to have the edit feature display on the page but incase it in a method such as the following:
<%if current_user %>
<% if current_user.id == wishlist.user_id %>
<div id="text3"><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_wishlist_path(#wishlist) %></div><br />
Is this what you were hoping for?