ruby rails loop causes server freeze - ruby-on-rails

I am working on a Ruby on Rails project on Windows. I have Ruby 1.86 and Rails 2.35 installed. Everything is fine until I tried to implement a comet process. I have the following code written to respond to a long poll javascript request. But everytime this function is called, it will hang the whole rails server, no second request can get in, until the timeout. (I know there is juggernaut, but I like to implement one myself first :)
Is this due to my server setup? The project will be deployed on a linux server with Ngix and Passenger setup, will it suffer the same problem?
def comet_hook
timeout(5) do
while true do
key = 'station_' + station_id.to_s + '_message_lastwrite'
if Rails.cache.exist?(key)
#cache_time = DateTime.parse(
if #cache_time > hook_start
#messages = #station.messages_posted_after(hook_start)
hook_start = #cache_time
Also with Rails memory store cache, I keep getting "cannot modify frozen object" error, so the above script only worked for me when I switched to File cache. :(

Your Windows setup probably consists of a single webrick or mongrel instance which can handle only one connection at a time.
Passeger and nginx setups can (and typically will), of course, accommodate multiple concurrent sessions via a cluster of webserver processes (be it a mongrel cluster behind nginx, or a cluster of Passenger Apache worker processes), if configured to do so (the servers configuration value for mongrel clusters, MaxClients for Apache/Passenger.)
Scale the number of concurrent client sessions and/or system memory based on expected traffic (e.g. if you expect 10 requests/second, where each request can take up to 5s or more to service, you will need to accommodate 50 or more client connections i.e. 50 or more Mongrel servers in the cluster or 50 or more Apache worker processes -- with non-trivial memory requirements.)


Rails on Helicon Zoo very slow

We have deployed a rails site to a Windows Server running IIS using Helicon Zoo.
After the initial request, subsequent requests are very fast. However if we leave the site for a while and come back, it is dead slow again for the initial request.
My guess is that this is related to the workers, i.e when Helicon decides it needs a new worker, that means a whole new instance of rails starting up, with it's slow start up time.
Running in WebBrick on local developer machine (in production env) the app runs very fast after initial request without these lapses. It was also the case previously when it run with Passenger on Linux (we can't run it like that anymore unfortunately). So I don't think it's anything in the code.
Is there a way to overcome this, perhaps a "constant" worker in Helicon? Or perhaps the problem is completely different?
Go to IIS Manager, Application Pools, open application pool that is running your web site, click on Advanced Settings in the right and increase Idle Timeout value (default 20 minutes).

Apache/Passenger/RoR Slow - But Why

I am running Ubuntu (64Bit) with Apache 2.2.17, Passenger 3.0.11, Ruby 1.9.3 and Rails 3.2.6
When accessing the web page (index.html) on my webpage the request takes ages to complete, somewhere around 30 second in extreme cases.
The server has plenty of memory available (top shows more than 4GB free), the Apache processes (there are 10 of them) each show 0% CPU in top and the load is also almost 0 and there are hardly any DB accesses as I cache most of the things with memcached.
The log files of Apache as well as Rails do not show any errors, on the contrary the render times shown in the RubyOnRails log file show excellent values (<100 ms).
So where to go from here?
Is the first request slow or all requests slow? Passengers shutdown after a given time interval. So intermittenly requests (requests with sufficient time span in between) will allow passengers to shutdown (only to be restarted at next request.
Passenger does the autoshutdown BY DESIGN. This is so because on a shared environment, there might be other user's apps. If your app is idle for a while, then the resources can be transferred to other people's app.
If you are on a tight budget and you have multiple apps hosted on the same server, then passenger is a great solution.
If you have only ONE app in your server which you control, then please reconfigure Passengers to NOT shutdown (if that indeed is your problem).
You can do "passenger-status" to see how many passengers are currently running and available for taking requests.
The configuration to ensure that Passengers stay up is PassengerMinInstances and PassengerPoolIdleTime.
Are you accessing it through a 'fake domain name' (added to your /etc/hosts file)?
If so, do
service avahi-daemon stop
At least that's what worked for me on ubuntu 10.10 :)
For some reason a DNS lookup is made on each and every request you do to the server, and when the domain doesn't exists, it times out ...
The performance issue has been keeping me busy for all these days. I believe I have nailed it down to Apache configuration: KeepAliveTimeout, it was set to a very high value (90), can't think why it was set that high, must have been a typo.
My understanding of KeepAliveTimeout is that the Apache process gets locked to the client for 90 seconds, even if the client isn't issuing any further requests, hence when traffic picks up (which it did on that day when performance was significantly reduced, page visits more than tripled) all Apache processes are busy waiting for the KeepAliveTimeout, while blocking all new requests coming in. This would also explain why the system was not showing much load at all, it was just sitting there waiting. I reduced the value down to 10, if traffic picks up I'll probably drop it to 5.

How does Phusion Passenger reuse threads and processes?

I am setting up an Apache2 webserver running multiple Ruby on Rails web applications with Phusion Passenger. I know that Passenger spawns Ruby processes for handling requests. I have the following questions:
If more than one request has to be handled at the same time, will Passenger spawn multiple processes or multiple (Ruby) threads? How do I configure it so it always spawns single-threaded processes?
If I have two Rails applications, imagine that a request for app A goes to process 1, then later request for app B arrives. Is it possible that process 1 will handle this request as well? When and how is this possible? In other words, is one process allowed to handle requests for multiple Rails applications?
I have the same Rails application exported in multiple URLs and multiple virtual hosts (such as http:// and https://). Will the same process be able to serve different virtual hosts? (The answer to this seems to be yes, I've set a global variable in answering a request to virtual host A, and I was able to retrieve the value in virtual host B.)
Generally speaking, Passenger spawns new processes by forking an ApplicationSpawner, which has the framework and application code pre-loaded into memory, or a FrameworkSpawner, which just has the framework code.
Passenger, as far as I know, doesn't deal in threads. Instead, as the load increases on an application, it will fork that Application's ApplicationSpawner and initialize another instance. When load decreases, one or more application instances are killed off.
If Passenger is configured in a certain way (I believe by choosing the "smart" spawn method), it will create a FrameworkSpawner, which loads the rails code, but no application code, which can then be forked to load and application using that version of Rails.
So to answer your questions:
It will serve them sequentially, then spawn additional processes if it decides the load is high enough.
No. One process can only belong to a single Rails Application.
I'm kind of sketchy on this one, but your experiment makes sense. Passenger should be smart enough to figure out that even though it's running from different places in the server config, you're talking about the same application. It's probably based on the application's filesystem path.
EDIT: I went and read up on this a bit. Turns out I was mostly right, but the technical details were a bit off. See the Passenger documentation
Yup, Burke is right. In case of the third question, Phusion Passenger recognizes applications by their application root path. So even if you have two virtual hosts, if they both point to the same DocumentRoot then Phusion Passenger will think that they're the same app.

Slow Client connection blocks Mongrel

I have a Apache + Haproxy + Mongrel setup for my rails application. When I hit a particular server page, mongrel takes around 100ms to process the request and I get the page in around 5 secs due to data transmission time on my slow home connection.
Now I see that during these 5 secs of data transmission, mongrel does not serve any other request. I am surprised as that means mongrel is serving the response html to the client and is blocked till the client receives it. Shouldn't serving response be the job of Apache?
This puts serious bottleneck in the no of requests Mongrel can serve as that would depend on the speed of the client connection. Is there any way that html generated by mongrel is served by apache/haproxy or any other web server like nginx?
I wonder how the other high traffic sites are managing it?
Most sites that use mongrel use lots of them as they do block like you are experiencing.
You'll probably want to look into passenger instead as it is they way to go these days.
mongrel itself is multi-threaded, but rails can process only one process at a time by default, although this can be changed by config. In case of mongrel, use mongrel-cluster.
FYI passenger also sets up a pool of applications but it is nicer to deploy, has better press and is more popular right now.

Slow initial server startup when using Phusion Passenger and Rails

To jump on the band-wagon of Phusion Passenger we've setup a staging server for a small rails app to test things out.
So far it has been very nice to use, it makes installing/configuring and deploying apps a breeze. The problem is the site we're using doesn't get hit very often and it seems to shut down the servers in the background. Meaning when someone goes to the site they have a really long wait until it starts up a new server to handle the request. We've read through the documentation, tried quite a few different set-ups (smart/smart-lv2 modes, passengeridletime etc) and still haven't found a real solution.
After ploughing through Google results we can't really find useful information. Currently we have a cron job that makes a request every-so-often in an attempt to keep the servers running.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem and do you have any advice for a fix?
What's happening is that your Application and/or ApplicationSpawners are shutting down due to time-out. To process your new request, Passenger has to startup a new copy of your application, which can take several seconds, even on a fast machine. To fix the issue, there are a few Apache configuration options you can use to keep your Application alive.
Here's specifically what I've done on my servers. The PassengerSpawnMethod and PassengerMaxPreloaderIdleTime are the configuration options most important in your situation.
# Speeds up spawn time tremendously -- if your app is compatible.
# RMagick seems to be incompatible with smart spawning
# Older versions of Passenger called this RailsSpawnMethod
PassengerSpawnMethod smart
# Keep the application instances alive longer. Default is 300 (seconds)
PassengerPoolIdleTime 1000
# Keep the spawners alive, which speeds up spawning a new Application
# listener after a period of inactivity at the expense of memory.
# Older versions of Passenger called this RailsAppSpawnerIdleTime
PassengerMaxPreloaderIdleTime 0
# Just in case you're leaking memory, restart a listener
# after processing 5000 requests
PassengerMaxRequests 5000
By using "smart" spawning mode and turning off PassengerMaxPreloaderIdleTime, Passenger will keep 1 copy of your application in memory at all times (after the first request after starting Apache). Individual Application listeners will be forked from this copy, which is a super-cheap operation. It happens so quickly you can't tell whether or not your application has had to spawn a listener.
If your app is incompatible with smart spawning, I'd recommend keeping a large PassengerPoolIdleTime and hitting your site periodically using curl and a cronjob or monit or something to ensure the listener stays alive.
The Passenger User Guide is an awesome reference for these and more configuration options.
If your app is incompatible with smart spawning, there are some new options that are very nice
# Automatically hit your site when apache starts, so that you don't have to wait
# for the first request for passenger to "spin up" your application. This even
# helps when you have smart spawning enabled.
# the minimum number of application instances that must be kept around whenever
# the application is first accessed or after passenger cleans up idle instances
# With this option, 3 application instances will ALWAYS be available after the
# first request, even after passenger cleans up idle ones
PassengerMinInstances 3
So, if you combine PassengerPreStart and PassengerMinInstances, Passenger will spin up 3 instances immediately after apache loads, and will always keep at least 3 instances up, so your users will rarely (if ever) see a delay.
Or, if you're using smart spawning (recommended) with PassengerMaxPreloaderIdleTime 0 already, you can add PassengerPreStart to get the additional benefit of immediate startup.
Many thanks to the heroes at!
Just incase there are any nginx server users stumbling upon this question, both the 'PassengerMaxRequests' and 'PassengerStatThrottleRate' directives don't translate to nginx. However the others do:
rails_spawn_method smart;
rails_app_spawner_idle_time 0;
rails_framework_spawner_idle_time 0;
passenger_pool_idle_time 1000;
EDIT rails_spawn_method is deprecated in passenger 3
instead use
passenger_spawn_method smart;
everything else is just good till date.
You can also use PassengerMinInstances:
This can be combined with PassengerPreStart
# Additionally keep a copy of the Rails framework in memory. If you're
# using multiple apps on the same version of Rails, this will speed up
# the creation of new RailsAppSpawners. This isn't necessary if you're
# only running one or 2 applications, or if your applications use
# different versions of Rails.
RailsFrameworkSpawnerIdleTime 0
Just something to add and might be useful.
The default spawn method in the current release
is "smart-lv2", which skips the framework spawner, so setting
the framework spawner timeout wouldn't have effect anyway unless you
explicitly set the spawn method to "smart".
If your host is a shared server, like mine, you can't change the settings and are stuck with a cron job.
I had also this problem but I was not able to change the passenger settings because I had no write permission to this file. I found a tool ( ) that keeps my app responding fast. Maybe this can also be a solution for you.
check the version of passenger. it was RailsSpawnMethod <string> for old versions.
If so (if I remember correctly), replace Passenger with Rails in all the configuration directives or look for old passenger docs for more details
