How best to notify my Delphi App from a Windows callback - delphi

I'm using the Multimedia timer in Delphi and this works great for quite accurate callbacks (compared to a traditional TTimer). However the callback is from another thread. I dont have a convenient form to use for PostMessage() or a message based means of notifying my app that the callback has happened - I just have a class. I'm happy with a message based solution (if necessary). What is the easiest way of sending some kind of event from the Windows callback into my class?

The standard solution is to create an invisible window using AllocateHWnd procedure as a field of your class to receive messages sent from callback function. A nice usage example of AllocateHWnd procedure is TTimer component.


How to intercept a message sent to any TWinControl on my form?

I'm faced with the daunting task of having to intercept and handle the WM_GETOBJECT message whenever it is sent to any TWinControl on a Form.
every panel
every nested panel
every edit box
every combo box
every button
every toolbar
every datetime picker
every image
every listview
every treeivew
every win control
on every form
Obviously i'd prefer not to have to individually subclass every control:
it's difficult to do correctly (may people use SetWindowSubclass when they want to start subclassing, and RemoveWindowSubclass when they're done, and don't realize the crash they just introduced)
it's difficult to do correctly
it requires subclassing every control individually, likely through a child control iteration function (which has the common bug of failing if you apply it when the form handle is created and removing them when the form handle is destroyed)
Is there a way to be involved in the handling of every message sent directly to a child control using SendMessage
similar to how TApplicationEvents.OnMessage can intercept every posted message
similar to how KeyPreview allows a form to see every send Key message
If you don't want to subclass each individual control (which is certainly an option, and one that can be simplified using interposer classes, for instance), then you can instead use a thread-specific WH_CALLWNDPROC or WH_CALLWNDPROCRET hook via the Win32 API SetWindowsHookEx() function. The hooks will tell you which HWND is receiving each message, and you don't need to implement the hooks in a DLL when hooking a thread in the same process as the hooker.
If you need the TWinControl* pointer for a given HWND, you can use the VCL's FindControl() function in the Vcl.Controls unit.

Firemonkey - Message Handling

I'm currently trying to develop a project based upon Firemonkey. I'm using Firemonkey for it's UI features as the project consists of many smaller applications, each with a 3D aspect to it. I'm currently only developing/deploying to Windows with the FMX framework, but may go cross-platform at a later date.
I've gotten around most issues I've come across by building a VCL Windows application in the background to perform a very specific action, and then building an FMX frontend. However, this is only suitable when you only want to execute the application to perform that action it's designed to do, and thus can execute the application with parameters. In one of the applications, i've come upon the need to use messages (or something similar). For example, in my FMX application, if i click "button1", i want it to send a message to the background VCL application to perform "action1", rather than execute it with parameters.
A good example could be using the VCL TMediaPlayer in the background application, with the front-end FMX application being used to display the information and provide control of play, pause, etc. Such that it essentially becomes an FMX UI with VCL ability.
I've so far been unable to find anything on how messages (e.g. in VCL, they'd be done with "SendMessage" or "PostMessage" or something similar) are handled with Firemonkey, either through the local help file, or through extensive Googling. Everything i've turned up has been related to email (presumably because of the word "Message" in most of my search terms).
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how messages would be handled with Firemonkey/FMX?
Scott Pritchard
My understanding is that Firemonkey is not based on traditional windows, so sending window messages to Firemonkey controls is not usually an option. Although some controls do use windows (most notibly, TCommonCustomForm), so you can use the FmxHandleToHWND() function in the FMX.Platform.Win unit to extract an HWND from a TFmxHandle when needed. I have no clue how to receive and custom process window messages in FMX controls, if that is even possible.
Firemonkey under Windows has access to the Win32 API, so there should be nothing stopping you from sending window messages to other windowed controls, such as your VCL UI. Include the Winapi.Windows unit in your uses clause to access Win32 API functions, just like you would in a VCL application.
UPDATE: because FireMonkey does not expose access to messages that are sent to a Form's window, you have to manually subclass the window in order to receive messages before FireMonkey sees them. You can override the Form's CreateHandle() method, call the inherited method first to create the window, then use FmxHandleToHWND() to get the HWND that you can subclass. Be sure to also override the DestroyHandle() method to remove the subclass before then calling inherited to release the HWND.
Currently, FireMonkey doesn't have a message handler that you can use to send and post messages.
There is a possibility of hooking things up using listeners like FireMonkey works internally, but none of it is documented.
So, instead, here's what I've done:
I created my own custom "message" class. I create instances of the class and add them to a thread-safe list from any thread I need to. On the main thread, I have a timer that checks the list and processes the "messages".

How does Delphi's KeyPreview work?

A colleague and myself were debating over which way was less of a burden on the system resources. (Note: this is not the question I want an answer to. Rather the title and the line below in bold is the question I seek an answer for.)
1. Using KeyPreview to get the keypresses on a form.
2. Using defining an OnMessage procedure and handling it there.
At first glance it seems KeyPreview would be less of a system burden since defining an OnMessage procedure results in our program checking every message that comes in. Note messages we don't care about would cause it to jump out by the first if statement. That is at worst we would have an if statement executed for every message.
But we're wondering how Delphi deals with the KeyPreview property... We wonder if Delphi internally defines its own OnMessage and looks at the messages to then trigger the events that are related to keypresses.
If this is the case then would both approaches be about the same?
As others have already said - there is probably no noticeable difference.
I just wanted to point out an exellent article by Peter Below on that topic: A Key's Odyssey archive
This article describes the key message processing as implemented in Delphi 2007 for Win32 VCL forms applications. A few things have changed in this area compared with Delphi 7, but these are mostly additions that I will highlight when we get to them. Most of this code has survived basically unchanged since the times of Delphi 1, a tribute to the robustness of the design. If you are in a hurry or not interested in all the details you can refer to the outline in the summary for a condensed overview.
The KeyPreview functioning:
The KeyPreview property of the current active form is checked for the KeyUp-, KeyDown- and KeyPress- event handlers of the current active control. I.e.: a key press in any control results in the check of the form's KeyPreview property.
If that property is True, the event handler in question invokes the event handler of the form prior to that of itself. If the form's event handler does not change the key value to 0 (or #0, depending on KeyPress or KeyDown/KeyUp), then the active control's event handler takes back over, otherwise the event is considered handled.
Compared to Application.OnMessage:
So setting the key value to 0/#0 in a form's event handler is synonymous to setting the Handled parameter of Application.OnMessage. In this, there is virtually no difference. But since OnMessage is called very early in the dispatching process, there is a theoretical gain in performance because the message is not being dispatched any further. When you leave Handled to False, there is no difference at all, because the KeyPreview property is always checked, whether it is set or not.
The main difference that is left is that you have to set the KeyPreview of áll Forms to True, ánd implement and maintain for each of all forms the appropriate event handlers. Compare this to having just one event handler for Application.OnMessage. That is: assuming you could do with just one routine for all of your forms.
The best answer would be, measure it. Most likely neither one is going to place any noticeable "burden" on the system, and if you don't notice it when you're specifically looking for it, then your users won't either. So just go with whichever one's easier to understand in case you need to come back to that code sometime in the future.
The bottom line here is that you can't generate input quick enough to make the computer even notice. The computer would not be troubled if you produced input messages at rates hundreds or even thousands greater than you typically do.
You won't be able to measure the difference between handling something in OnMessage and using KeyPreview.
So the decision as to which to use comes down to which is most convenient. If you need handling to happen at an application wide level, and you don't have a common base class for all your forms, then you use OnMessage. If you want different behaviour for different forms then you need to use KeyPreview.
Personally I strongly recommend refactoring so that all forms in your projects derive from a common base (a subclass of TForm). This allows you much more flexibility. Done this way you can, for example, use the KeyPreview mechanism to apply intervention points for all forms in your applications.
As for how KeyPreview is implemented, the input messages get redirected in KeyDown, KeyPress etc. in TControl. To learn more read the source code.

Is there a way to log every gui event in Delphi?

The Delphi debugger is great for debugging linear code, where one function calls other functions in a predictable, linear manner, and we can step through the program line by line.
I find the debugger less useful when dealing with event driven gui code, where a single line of code can cause new events to be triggered, which may in turn trigger other events.
In this situation, the 'step through the code' approach doesn't let me see everything that is going on.
The way I usually solve this is to 1) guess which events might be part of the problem, then 2) add breakpoints or logging to each of those events.
The problem is that this approach is haphazard and time consuming.
Is there a switch I can flick in the debugger to say 'log all gui events'? Or is there some code I can add to trap events, something like
procedure GuiEventCalled(ev:Event)
The end result I'm looking for is something like this (for example):
This would take all the guesswork out of Delphi gui debugging.
I am using Delphi 2010
A few answers suggested ways to intercept or log Windows messages. Others then pointed out that not all Delphi Events are Windows messages at all. I think it is these type of "Non Windows Message" Events that I was asking about; Events that are created by Delphi code. [/EDIT]
After reading all the information here, I had an idea to use RTTI to dynamically intercept TNotifyEvents and log them to the Event Log in the Debugging window. This includes OnEnter, OnExit, OnChange, OnClick, OnMouseEnter, OnMouseLeave events. After a bit of hacking I got it to work pretty well, at least for my use (it doesn't log Key events, but that could be added).
I've posted the code here
To use
Download the EventInterceptor Unit and add it to your project
Add the EventInterceptor Unit to the Uses clause
Add this line somewhere in your code for each form you want to track.
Open the debugger window and any events that are called will be logged to the Event Log
Use the "delphieventlogger" Unit I wrote download here. It's only one method call and is very easy to use. It logs all TNotifyEvents (e.g. OnChange, OnEnter, OnExit) to the Delphi Event Log in the debugger window.
No, there's no generalized way to do this, because Delphi doesn't have any sort of "event type" that can be hooked in some way. An event handler is just a method reference, and it gets called like this:
if assigned(FEventHandler) then
Just a normal method reference call. If you want to log all event handlers, you'll have to insert some call into each of them yourself.
I know it is a little bit expensive, but you can use Automated QA's (now SmartBear) TestRecorder as an extension to TestComplete (if you want this only on your system, TestComplete alone will do). This piece of software will track your GUI actions and store it in a script like language. There is even a unit that can be linked into your exe to make these recordings directly at the user's system. This is especially helpful when some users are not able to explain what they have done to produce an error.
Use WinSight to see the message flow in real time.
If you really want the program to produce a log, then override WinProc and/or intercept the messages in Application.
The TApplication.OnMessage event can be used to catch messages that are posted to the main message queue. That is primarily for OS-issued messages, not internal VCL/RTL messages, which are usually dispatched to WndProc() methods directly. Not all VCL events are message-driven to begin with. There is no single solution to what you are looking for. You would have to use a combination of TApplication.OnMessage, TApplication.HookMainWindow(), WndProc() overrides, SetWindowsHook(), and selective breakpoints/hooks in code.
Borland's WinSight tool is not distributed anymore, but there are plenty of third-party tools readily available that do the same thing as WinSight, such as Microsoft's Spy++, WinSpector, etc, for tracking the logging window messages in real-time.
As an alternative, to debug the triggered events use the debugger Step Into (F7) instead of Step Over (F8) commands.
The debugger will stop on any available code line reached during the call.
You can try one of the AOP frameworks for Delphi. MeAOP provides a default logger that you can use. It won't tell you what is going on inside an event handler but it will tell you when an event handler is called and when it returns.

Delphi - Message loop for Form created in DirectShow filter goes dead

I have a DirectShow filter created with Delphi Pro 6 and the DSPACK direct show library. I'm running under windows XP. I've tried creating the form dynamically when the container class for the DirectFilter has its constructor called, passing NIL into the constructor as the AOwner parameter (TMyForm.Create(nil) and then calling the Form's Show() method. The form does show but then appears to stop receiving windows messages because it never repaints and does not respond to input. As a test I then tried creating my own WndProc() and overriding the Form's WndProc(). My WndProc() did get called once but never again.
I'm guessing it's because I'm a DLL and the context that I am running in is not "friendly" to the window message handler for the form; perhaps something to do with the thread that calls it or whatever. If someone could give me a tip on how to solve this or what the proper way to create a persistent window is from the context of a DirectShow filter I'd appreciate it. Note, as I said the window needs to be persistent so I can't create it as a Filter property page.
I can't help you with the DirectShow filter specifics, but I feel that some general information about windows and message handling might help.
Windows have thread affinity, which means that all messages for a window will be handled in the context of the thread that created it. That means that this thread needs to have the standard message processing loop, the low level equivalent of Application.ProcessMessages(). Both messages from the same and from other threads will be queued in the message queue of the creating thread, and the message loop will get them, (optionally) translate them, and dispatch them to the window handler of the target window.
What you are describing could be caused by either
not having a message processing queue in the thread that creates the window, or
creating the window in the wrong thread
(Note that these are essentially the same, but stated like this it becomes apparent that there may be different problems that cause this, which need to be fixed in different ways - either the window needs to be created in a different thread, or a processing loop needs to be created in the thread.)
You need to find out which of the two causes your window not to process messages. You don't necessarily need to override WndProc(), message handling methods for distinct messages will work (or not work) the same. That your WndProc() was called once doesn't really tell you much, because under some circumstances messages sent from the same thread will be handled without the message loop, by calling the window proc directly.
Since your filter resides in a DLL I don't think that creating your own message loop would be the right thing. This works for a modal dialog, which will be created, the message loop will run until the dialog is closed, and then the message loop will terminate and the DLL function will return. It will not work for a DLL exported function that will be called and needs to return all while the message loop is still running. I assume the framework that creates and calls those filters will handle the message loop as well. However, that is a gut feeling, not knowing about DirectShow filters this may well be wrong.
What might help you to debug this is a tool like Spy++ from Visual Studio, with which you can show information about windows, log messages sent to them or to all windows in the same process or thread, show window hierarchies and do a lot of other interesting things. If you don't have that, there are a lot of clones (some freeware) on the net, which Google should turn up. Trying to show the messages sent to all windows of the same thread or process should tell you whether a message loop is running. You should also be able to get more information by running SysInternals Process Explorer or similar tools.
