Rails - Whitespace added to content of textarea on save - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying provide a textarea for the user to enter javascript. Each time the form is saved more whitespace is appended throughout the content. Any ideas how to ensure this doesn't happen?
Using Rails

If you're using a meta-HTML framework such as HAML, you need to ensure that there's no indentation happening to the content of your tag. While this is usually not a problem with ERB, you do need to be aware that whitespace inside the tag is submitted with the form.
Have a look at the source of your page to see what is rendered. It would be useful to append that to your question as a code snippet if possible.

Add a hyphen to the inside of your final %> tag, to prevent Rails from adding a newline and some whitespace. And make sure there's no whitespace in the HTML, of course :)
<%= <blah> -%>
instead of
<%= <blah> %>

I converted the ERB to HAML and it works since that. (erubis 2.7.0, haml 4.0.4)


rails 5.x: add nofollow to all links in 'sanitize'

I am working on a Rails application whose HAML templates frequently make use of a routine called sanitize. I have deduced from context that this routine sanitizes user-controlled HTML. Example:
# views/feed_items/_about.html.haml
%h3 Summary:
= sanitize #feed_item.description
I want to make this routine add 'rel=nofollow' to all outbound links, in addition to what it's already doing. What is the most straightforward way to do that?
N.B. I am not having any luck finding the definition of this method, or the official configuration knobs for it. The vendor directory has two different HTML sanitizer gems in it and I can't even figure out which one is being used. This is a large, complicated web application that I did not write, and I barely understand Ruby, let alone all of Rails' extensions to it. Please assume I do not know any of the things that you think are obvious.
The sanitizer will strip out the rel tags if they exist.
I ran into a similar issue and added an additional helper method - clean_links to the ApplicationHelper module, and called it after sanitizing the content.
# application_helper.rb
def clean_links html
This method looks for all <a> tags, and adds rel="nofollow". The html_safe method is necessary or else the HTML will be displayed as a string (it's already been sanitized).
This solution treats all links equally, so if you only want this for links pointing outside the domain, you'll have to update the REGEX accordingly.
In your view: <%= clean_links sanitize(#something) %>
So, first the content is sanitized, then you add the rel="nofollow" tag before displaying the link.
Actually there's a built-in way:
sanitize "your input", scrubber: Loofah::Scrubbers::NoFollow.new

Rails 4: how to insert line breaks in text_area?

I have created a blog in rails. I'm a beginner and got quite far, but now I'm stuck with a seemingly minor detail: I can't seem to format the posts (articles).
Here's the relevant part of my show.html.erb:
<%= simple_format (#article.content) %>
When I write something and insert html-tags, they are not recognized as such. What am I doing wrong?
Rails will automatically remove html tags to prevent someone from injecting code into your webpage (e.g. malicious javascript)
If your users cannot enter data into #article.content and it's always safe then you can flag it as safe usng the html_safe method.
<%= (simple_format (#article.content)).html_safe %>
Can you post the article content for reference? If I had to guess, I'd imagine Rails is escaping the html tags and inserting them as plain text (so the output looks like: Article content !
Take a look at Rails' helper methods like content_tag (http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/TagHelper/content_tag) and concat (http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/TextHelper/concat) and consider using those to help with generating the appropriate html tags.
An issue to be concerned with is who's going to be supplying the content. For example, if you're writing an application that other people will use, you want to make sure any html give you is escaped to avoid XSS attacks. In that case, you'll want to spend some time reading about how to properly sanitize user input.
You can now specify the tag it gets wrapped in (defaults to p) like so:
<%= simple_format (#article.content, {}, wrapper_tag: "div") %>
add white-space: pre-line style.
It will display \r or \n (enter) in user input as a new line.
for more info:

newline characters screwing up <pre> tags (Ruby on Rails)

I developing a blog and some really annoying stuff is happening with newline characters (\n). Everything works fine except if I make a post that contains pre tags my newline characters screw up the indentation.
So if I have code that looks like this
some code some code
more code more code
For some reason the newline characters that are saved in the db field with the post are causing whatever is inside the pre tag to be indented by a tab or two.
I have no idea why it's doing it, but if I do something like
string.gsub!(/\n/, "<br />")
The indentation is removed, so I know it has to do with the \n. But then my problem is that there are way too many line breaks and the format is then way off.
So then I tried to capture everything inside the pre tags with a method that looks like this
def remove_newlines(string)
regexp = /<pre>\s?(.*?)\s?<\/pre>/
code = regexp.match(string)
code[1].gsub!(/\n/, "<br />")
But I can't get that to work properly.
Anyone know how I can rid of this weird indentation problem, or any pointers on this?
It sounds like your template engine is auto-indenting the contents of the <pre> tags. Browsers render the whitespace inside <pre> tags as it is (and so they should, according to specs). This means that the whitespace at the beginning of each line inside the <pre> added by the template engine in order to make the HTML source more readable is rendered in the actual page as well, unlike whitespace most other places in HTML source.
The solution therefore depends on your templating language.
If you are using HAML:
HAML FAQ: How do I stop Haml from indenting the contents of my pre and textarea tags?
Hope this helps.

Ruby/Rails - Parsing and Displaying HTML from a Models Attribute

I have a Rails Model called Events which has as field/attribute called :description.
I migrated it under the type t.text rather than t.string since I was going to be displaying a large amount of data.
So.... Now I'm at the point where I would like to display <%= #event.description %> in a neat way and would like to break up some of the sentences rather than one large block of information.
I was hoping I could insert <p> or other html codes to help with how the text is displayed.
The problem is inserting <p> into the field only prints <p> and the not desired action of the html command.
How can I add html styling to the text attribute?
You can use <%=raw #event.description %> to echo unescaped content. Be aware that this is a potential XSS security hole, if users can ever affect that content. I highly recommend using the sanitize helper to strip out any unwelcome markup before you write it out.
It strictly depends on how you print it. In particular, if you print with calling h function (<%= h my_text =>), output will be sanitized and html escaped.
It may also depend on your rails version: I've head in Rails 3 html is escaped by default, even if you don't use h.

Rails - Outputting content, sanitize or <%=h?

I recently made a small rails3 app to convert an old cms written in another language. After migrating the content I am having problems outputting content from the database.
The #content.desc field sometimes has html. Currently the only way I could get it to work was:
<%= sanitize content.desc %>
But is this the best way? When I use <%=h #content.desc %> I can see the html tags still. When I use <%= simple_format #content.desc %> I get wicked spacing.
Is there a definitive guide somewhere where I can see all of the options while outputting content? I've tried to search but can't turn anything up (rails newb, i know).
Any string not marked as "safe" will be HTML-escaped by default in Rails 3. Some methods, such as sanitize, h, link_to and many other helpers return safe strings, thus allowing them to be written literally. See this blog post for more info.
If you know for sure that the HTML contained in #content.desc is safe, you can mark it as such yourself like so: <%= #content.desc.html_safe %>.
Rails 3 has changed HTML sanitisation to be enabled by default. If you're sure that the string you're rendering is safe, you can use
<%= #content.desc.html_safe! %>
Unless I'm mistaken, you shouldn't have to sanitize the content before displaying it, as Rails 3 does that by default. More info here: http://yehudakatz.com/2010/02/01/safebuffers-and-rails-3-0/
