Searching in Ruby on Rails - How do I search on each word entered and not the exact string? - ruby-on-rails

I have built a blog application w/ ruby on rails and I am trying to implement a search feature. The blog application allows for users to tag posts. The tags are created in their own table and belong_to :post. When a tag is created, so is a record in the tag table where the name of the tag is tag_name and associated by post_id. Tags are strings.
I am trying to allow a user to search for any word tag_name in any order. Here is what I mean. Lets say a particular post has a tag that is 'ruby code controller'. In my current search feature, that tag will be found if the user searches for 'ruby', 'ruby code', or 'ruby code controller'. It will not be found if the user types in 'ruby controller'.
Essentially what I am saying is that I would like each word entered in the search to be searched for, not necessarily the 'string' that is entered into the search.
I have been experimenting with providing multiple textfields to allow the user to type in multiple words, and also have been playing around with the code below, but can't seem to accomplish the above. I am new to ruby and rails so sorry if this is an obvious question and prior to installing a gem or plugin I thought I would check to see if there was a simple fix. Here is my code:
View: /views/tags/index.html.erb
<% form_tag tags_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :class => "textfield-search" %>
<%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil, :class => "search-button" %>
<% end %>
def index
#tags =[:search]).paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 5
#tagsearch =[:search])
#tag_counts = Tag.count(:group => :tag_name,
:order => 'count_all DESC', :limit => 100)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #tags }
Tag Model
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
validates_length_of :tag_name, :maximum=>42
validates_presence_of :tag_name
if search
find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC", :conditions => ['tag_name LIKE ?', "%#{search}%"])
find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC")

If I read your problem correctly, you want to return a row if the tag names for the row matches one of the words passed in the query string.
You can rewrite your search method as follows:
all :conditions => (search ? { :tag_name => search.split} : [])
If you need partial matching then do the following:
return [] if str.blank?
cond_text ={|w| "tag_name LIKE ? "}.join(" OR ")
cond_values ={|w| "%#{w}%"}
all(:conditions => (str ? [cond_text, *cond_values] : []))
Edit 1
If you want pass multiple search strings then:
return [] if args.blank?
cond_text, cond_values = [], []
args.each do |str|
next if str.blank?
cond_text << "( %s )" %{|w| "tag_name LIKE ? "}.join(" OR ")
cond_values.concat({|w| "%#{w}%"})
all :conditions => [cond_text.join(" AND "), *cond_values]
Now you can make calls such as:"Ruby On Rails")"Ruby On Rails", "Houston")"Ruby On Rails", "Houston", "TX")"Ruby On Rails", "Houston", "TX", "Blah")"Ruby On Rails", "Houston", "TX", "Blah", ....) # n parameters
The wild card LIKE searches are not very efficient(as they don't use the index). You should consider using Sphinx (via ThinkingSphinx) OR Solr(via SunSpot) if you have lot of data.

You can try to set up ferret, or if you are really bend on just using rails, try this:
# Break the search string into words
words = params[:search].blank? ? [] : params[:search].split(' ')
conditions = [[]] # Why this way? You'll know soon
words.each do |word|
conditions[0] << ["tag_name LIKE ?"]
conditions << "%#{word}%"
conditions[0] = conditions.first.join(" OR ") # Converts condition string to include " OR " easily ;-)
# Proceed to find using `:conditions => conditions` in your find
hope this helps =)

Sounds like you need a full text search. The best search integration right now is with Sphinx and the Thinking_Sphinx plugin. I have used it on several projects and it's super easy to setup.
You do need to install sphinx on your host so if you are using a shared host that could present some issues.
You could also use full text search in a MyISAM MySQL database, but performance on that is pretty poor.
Once you have your sphinx installed you just put what you want to index in your model and call The results will be a list of model objects. It supports will_paginate as well.

I'd suggest looking at Searchlogic if you don't want to use a separate fulltext search engine (Ferret, Sphinx, etc). It makes simple searches extremely easy, although you may not want to use it in a public facing area without lots of testing.
Also check out the Railscast on it:

1.You can do some coding in your controller post as such:-
def show
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
#tag_counts = Tag.count(:group => :name, :order => 'updated_at DESC', :limit => 10)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.json { render json: #post }
2.Now make some changes in your view file:-
<%= join_tags(#post) %>
<%unless #tag_counts.nil?%>
<% #tag_counts.each do |tag_name, tag_count| %>
<tr><td><%= link_to(tag_name, posts_path(:name => tag_name)) %></td>
</tr><% end %>
3. And one important thing is that there should be many to many relationship between tags and post.


Ransack search not working if there is 'space' in search term

I am using ransack for search in my rails 3.2 application using postgres as database.
I have a Invoice model and every invoice belongs_to a buyer. Below is my search form in index page.
<%= search_form_for #search do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :buyer_name_cont %>
<%= f.submit "Search"%>
<% end %>
And here is my controller code.
def index
#search =[:q])
#invoices=#search.result(:distinct => true).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => GlobalConstants::PER_PAGE )
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.json { render json: #invoices }
Let's say a invoice is there of a buyer having name "Bat Man".
If I search "Bat", I get the invoice in results.
Again if I search "Man", I get the invoice in results.
But if I search "Bat Man", I don't get the invoice in results.
I know it might be something trivial but I am not able to resolve.
When I tried the sql query formed directly in database using pgAdmin, I realized that in database there were multiple spaces in the buyer name, something like "".
Can something be done so that "" search also finds "" in results?
You could sanitize your data. For instance with regexp_replace(). Run in the database once:
UPDATE invoice
SET buyer = regexp_replace(buyer, '\s\s+', ' ', 'g')
WHERE buyer <> regexp_replace(buyer, '\s\s+', ' ', 'g');
And sanitize new inserts & updates likewise.
\s .. class shorthand for "white space" (including tab or weird spaces).
The 4th parameter 'g' is for "globally", needed to replace all instances, not just the first.
Ransack not support cont search for multi terms, I solved the requirement my customized way. the details as following:
Add scope to your model:
scope :like_search, ->(column, value) {
keywords ={ |k| "%#{k}%" }
where(, "#{column} ILIKE ?").join(' AND '), *keywords)
in your view. instead of using f.text_field :buyer_name_cont provided by ransack, use normal field helper text_field_tag :buyer_name, params[:buyer_name]
then restrict your ransack in scope:
scope = Invoice.like_search(:name , params[:buyer_name])
#q = scope.ransack(params[:q])

How to I make a drop down beside a search box that searches the specific field selected in rails?

Okay so im new to this site but this is what I have:
if search
select_tag "search", options_for_select([ "Job Letter and CD #", "Date", "Cust", "Job", "Date shipped", "Date billed", "Billed by" ], params[:search])
form_tag reports_path, :method => 'get' do
text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :class=> "form-search", :align => "right"
<%= submit_tag "Search", :JOBLETTER_CD_NUMBER => nil, :class => "btn btn-success", :align => "right"
reports controller
def index
#report = Report.paginate(:per_page => 1, :page => params[:page])
#report =[:search]).paginate(:per_page => 1, :page => params[:page])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.json { render :json => #views }
The only field it will search is the Job Letter and CD # field I need it to allow me to search whatever is selected in the drop down box. Btw I am using bootstrap fro js and css functions.
Your query has 3 placeholders ? but passed only one argument "#{search}" - if you run it like that, what you really should be getting is an exceptions stating
ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid: wrong number of bind variables (1 for 3) ...
Also, your select_tag is outside the form, so it won't be passed to the controller at all. If you move it into the form, you'd have to rename (e.g. to column) it since the name search is already used by the text field. Then you could pass both the column and the search parameters to your search function to construct the query.
HOWEVER, this is not safe, since nothing prevents a user to pass in any other column by manipulating the post request, and since you can't use placeholders for column names, there's a danger of SQL injection as well.
There are many solutions out there to construct searches, no need to reinvent the wheel. Take a look at the ransack gem. Here's a recent Railscast on how to use it.

Rails & Sunspot facets and filtering

Pretty much a noobie here, so I appreciate any help someone can give.
I'm trying to add faceting to the search on my site through Sunspot. Ryan just released a great Railscast which got me started: I got that working and was able to add additional facets. My problem is that the facets are independent of each other. If I have 3 facets on 3 different attributes, when I select a facet once I already have on selected, I would like to display only results falling into both of those facests. As of now, it just switches from one facet to the other. I feel like this shouldn't be that difficult, but I can't figure out how to do it.
I did find this tutorial: which I think is doing what I want. I tried to get this working but, even when I attempt to make it work with just one facet I don't any results listed. Just the facet name and then nothing else.
Thank you!!
Here is the code samples of what I am trying to do:
Adjusting the Railscasts code I got this:
In my StylesController:
def index
#search = do
fulltext params[:search]
facet :departmental, :seasonal, :classifier
with(:departmental, params[:department]) if params[:department].present?
with(:classifier, params[:classification]) if params[:classification].present?
with(:seasonal, params[:season]) if params[:season].present?
In my Style Index view (I know I need to condense this)
= form_tag styles_path, :method => :get do
= text_field_tag :search, params[:search]
= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil
%h4 Departments
- for row in #search.facet(:departmental).rows
- if params[:department].blank?
= link_to row.value, :department => row.value
- else
%strong= row.value
(#{link_to "remove", :department => nil})
%h4 Classifications
- for row in #search.facet(:classifier).rows
- if params[:classification].blank?
= link_to row.value, :classification => row.value
- else
%strong= row.value
(#{link_to "remove", :classification => nil})
%h4 Seasons
- for row in #search.facet(:seasonal).rows
- if params[:season].blank?
= link_to row.value, :season => row.value
- else
%strong= row.value
(#{link_to "remove", :season => nil})
In my Style Model:
searchable do
text :number, :description, :department, :classification, :season
string :departmental
string :classifier
string :seasonal
def departmental
def classifier
def seasonal
And my version of the upubly code, paired down to just try to get the "seasonal" facet working:
I left the the Search Partial, the Search Model and the SearchHelper the same as in the example. I tried to mess with the Helper as my Facets will be pulling text values, not just IDs of other Models, but to no avail. I don't have my various attributes set up as individual Models as I didn't think I needed that functionality, but I am starting to think otherwise.
def index
#title = "All styles"
#search = search =[:search]) # need to set local variable to pass into search method
#search.url = styles_path
#search.facets = [:seasonal]
#solr_search = do
keywords search.query
with(:seasonal, true)
search.facets.each do |item|
with(:seasonal, params[:season]) if params[:season].present?
any_of do
# filter by facets
search.facets.each do |item|
with(item).all_of( params[item].try(:split, "-") ) if params[item].present?
paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
Again, I appreciate the help. Definitely a noob, but really enjoying the process of building this site. Stackoverflow has been a HUGE help for me already, so I owe everybody who posts answers on here a big-time thank you.
I needed the answer to this myself, and seeing as there seems to be nothing else on the web about it, I decided I'd try to figure it out myself.
First I came to the conclusion through logic, that the controller can handle multiple facets and there's no reasons it cannot, I remembered that the best part about ruby is that it is the most human readable code, try to read your first controller and you'll see that it makes sense that it works. I tested this by manually entering in a query string in url, which returned expected results. Therefore, once I figured that out, I knew the issue resided in my view (which made me facepalm because it's fairly obvious now)
Your example is significantly more complex than mine, and my answer might not 100% meet every requirement but I'm pretty sure it's close. Also your code in your model regarding "departmental" etc is a little redundant in my view
def index
#search = do
fulltext params[:search]
facet :departmental, :seasonal, :classifier
with(:departmental, params[:department]) if params[:department].present?
with(:classifier, params[:classification]) if params[:classification].present?
with(:seasonal, params[:season]) if params[:season].present?
%h4 Departments
- for row in #search.facet(:departmental).rows
- if params[:department].blank?
= link_to row.value, styles_path(
:department => row.value,
:classification => (params[:classification] unless params[:season].blank?),
:season => (params[:season] unless params[:season].blank?))
- else
%strong= row.value
= link_to "remove", styles_path(
:department => nil,
:classification => (params[:classification] unless params[:season].blank?),
:season => (params[:season] unless params[:season].blank?))

How to use jquery-Tokeninput and Acts-as-taggable-on

This is how you use autocomplete with jQuery Tokeninput and ActsAsTaggableOn.
In my situation i am using a nested form but it shouldnt matter. Everything below is code that works.
Product Model:
attr_accessible :tag_list # i am using the regular :tag_list
acts_as_taggable_on :tags # Tagging products
Products Controller:
#1. Define the tags path
#2. Searches ActsAsTaggable::Tag Model look for :name in the created table.
#3. it finds the tags.json path and whats on my form.
#4. it is detecting the attribute which is :name for your tags.
def tags
#tags = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.where(" LIKE ?", "%#{params[:q]}%")
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json =>{|t| {:id =>, :name => }}}
# It has to find the tags.json or in my case /products/tags.json
get "products/tags" => "products#tags", :as => :tags
$(function() {
$("#product_tags").tokenInput("/products/tags.json", {
prePopulate: $("#product_tags").data("pre"),
preventDuplicates: true,
noResultsText: "No results, needs to be created.",
animateDropdown: false
<%= p.text_field :tag_list,
:id => "product_tags",
"data-pre" => %>
Issue 1(SOLVED)
Must have the line:
format.json { render :json => #tags.collect{|t| {:id =>, :name => }}}
Note - You can use here as well and you dont have to change the form either.
Below are the 2 issues on why you needed to do this:
I have the following Tag: {"id":1,"name":"Food"}. When I save a Product, tagged "Food", it should save as ID: 1 when it searches and finds the name "Food". Currently, it saves a new Tag with a new ID that references the "Food" ID, i.e. {"id":19,"name":"1"}. Instead, it should be finding the ID, showing the name, and doing a find_or_create_by so it doesn't create a new Tag.
Issue 2(SOLVED)
When I go to products/show to see the tags by doing <%= #product.tag_list %>. The name appears as "Tags: 1", when it really should be "Tags: Food".
How can I fix these issues?
You should define a route in your routes.rb which should handle products/tags path. You can define it like:
get "products/tags" => "products#tags", :as => :tags
Thus should give you a tags_path helper which should evaluate to /products/tags. This should get rid of the errors you mentioned in the question. Be sure to add this route before defining resources :product in your routes.rb
Now onto acts-as-taggable-on, I haven't used this gem, but you should look at method all_tag_counts documentation. Your ProductsController#tags method will need some changes on the following lines. I am not sure if its exactly what would be required, as I use Mongoid and can't test it out.
def tags
#tags = Product.all_tag_counts.(:conditions => ["#{ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.table_name}.name LIKE ?", "%#{params[:q]}%"])
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #tags.collect{|t| {:id =>, :name => } }
little add-on:
If you want to create the tags on the fly, you could do this in your controller:
def tags
query = params[:q]
if query[-1,1] == " "
query = query.gsub(" ", "")
#Do the search in memory for better performance
#tags = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all
#tags = { |v| =~ /#{query}/i }
respond_to do |format|
format.json{ render :json => }
This will create the tag, whenever the space bar is hit.
You could then add this search setting in the jquery script:
noResultsText: 'No result, hit space to create a new tag',
It's a little dirty but it works for me.
There is a bug in Application.js code. There is an extra ) after "/products/tags.json". Remove the extra ). The code should be:
$("#product_tags").tokenInput("/products/tags.json", {
prePopulate: $("#product_tags").data("pre"),
preventDuplicates: true,
noResultsText: "No results, needs to be created.",
animateDropdown: false
I don't know if this is the entirety of your error, but you are not hitting the proper URL with the tokenInput plugin.
$("#product_tag_list").tokenInput("/products/tags.json"), {
should be
$("#product_tag_list").tokenInput("/products.json"), {
As I said, I don't know if this is the only problem you are having, but if you change this, does it work?
I have never used ActsAsTaggableOn. Does it create a Tag model for you to use?
From the looks of it on github, if you wanted to query all tags, you might have to use its namespace as opposed to just Tag, meaning ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag. For example, you can see how they access Tags directly in some of the specs.
I had problems with editing the tags if for example the model failed to validate,
I changed
<%= p.text_field :tag_list,
:id => "product_tags",
"data-pre" => %>
<%= p.text_field :tag_list,
:id => "product_tags",
"data-pre" => {|tag| {:id => tag, :name => tag } }.to_json %>
If the form failed to validate on first submission, it was creating tags as the ID's of the tags it had created on subsequent submissions.
Two notes: if you're getting the tags changed by numbers on the POST request, use:
tokenValue: "name"
And if you're trying to add non-existent tags, use (undocumented):
allowFreeTagging: true

Rails/ajax - whitespace and request.raw_post

I am starting to learn Ajax with rails.
I have a catalog index page with a text_field_tag querying db if it finds similar "section" results.
<label>Search by Section:</label>
<%=text_field_tag :section %>
<%= observe_field(:section,
:frequency=> 0.1,
:update=> "article_list",
:url=>{ :action => :get_article_list }) %>
<div id="article_list"></div>
def index
def get_article_list
#section = request.raw_post.split(/&/).first
#catalogList = "<ol>"
Catalog.find(:all, :conditions => ["section = ?", #section]).each do |catalog|
#catalogList += "<li>" + catalog.title + "</li>"
#catalogList += "</ol>"
render :text => #catalogList
request.raw_post renders something like:
so I use
to get the section query ("xml"). It works, however how can I do if the query have a whitespace. (like "Open Source") In fact, I have Open Source sections in my db, but request.raw_post.split(/&/).first renders Open%20Source. How can I manage this? Did I have to use a full text search engine to achieve it or there is another way?
Thanks a lot for your explanation!
Look over your logs, in them you will see the post and the params being passed. You should not need to do your own query-string splitting. You should be able to use params[:section] to get the post data.
As your comment implies, there's something missing. Your observe_field needs to tell the Rails helper what to do. Check out: Anyhow, you'll want to do something like:
observe_field(... # lots of parameters
:with => 'section'
And that should give you params[:section].
