Rails OpenID Authentication Plugin No Longer Installs Rake Tasks? - ruby-on-rails

I'm following the Railscasts tutorial on using OpenID with AuthLogic.
This command:
$ script/plugin install git://github.com/rails/open_id_authentication.git
installs the plugin, but I don't see any OpenID Rake tasks (rake -T). In particular, I can no longer run the task:
$ rake open_id_authentication:db:create
With previous applications, the Rake tasks were installed without a problem, so what's changed with the plugin? Which version of the plugin do I need to get the behavior I'm looking for?
Using Rails 2.3.5.

Looks like the task has been taken out (unnecessary?). This bug report (link now broken but less than one hour ago worked) outlines the problem, but doesn't seem to give a definite answer of what's going on.


Instiki Hosting

I am attempting to use Instiki to create a physics wiki.
Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about Ruby and Ruby on Rails, but I nonetheless brazenly followed the instructions given by the Instiki creator for running it on Dreamhost. After following the instructions (which seemed to go through fine), when I access the site url, there is a page that informs be that "Ruby on rails application could not be started", and apparently the following error is occurring:
Bundler couldn't find some gems.Did you run bundle install?
You can see this for yourself by visiting Wigner.
I have, in fact, run bundle install. I actually contacted the creator who suggested that not all required gems have been installed, but I feel relatively confident that they have been since when I executed bundle install, I saw the required gems install.
Has anyone happened to successfully install Instiki using a hosting provider (Dreamhost or otherwise)?
Any guidance/links to documentation etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Cannot deploy with Passenger

I'm trying to deploy my first app with rails. I'm unable to deploy it, and I'm unhappy because the framework itself allowed me to develop really quickly the application, but I've only two days to make the deployment work :-(
I've installed and configured passenger following a tutorial (i'm using RVM).
When I access the page I have the following error page: traceback here (posted on pastebin to keep this post clear).
What is wrong?
i just uploaded the whole project on the production server, ran bundle install, rake db:create rake db:migrate and rake db:seed. Am I missing some step?
Why it doesn't run?
Developed using Rails 3.2.3 with Ruby 1.9.3.
Please help me to get it running.
I have very little information about your problem but I have and idea what is going on. Check your belongs_to association in your event model if there is a class parameter replace it with class_name.

When I download a Rails open source project, how can I know which version of Rails or gems is needed?

When I download an open source Rails project, how can I know which version of Rails or gems is needed?
For example, I want to build a blog. Then I do this:
~$ git clone git://github.com/mojombo/jekyll.git
That is a free open blog project. When the clone is 100% done.
~$ cd jekyll
~$ rake db:create
rake/rdoctask is deprecated. Use rdoc/task instead (in RDoc 2.4.2+)
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'db:create'
So what's wrong in my Rails or Gem or any other? Is there a problem of version?
Jekyll is not a Rails project. There is no db:create Rake task.
I'd suggest taking a look # the documentation to figure out how to use it.
Jekyll is not a rails app, however...
I would always start with the project's Gemfile (if they are using bundler), if the developer has specified versions for the gems, this should give you a good look at the specific version requirements.
As Brian and Nate have said, read the documentation about it.
I personally have a Jekyll-powered site that you could use as an example if you're stuck. The documentation contains pretty good examples as well.
But to get you started: Jekyll doesn't really have any database backing to it. You must create the directory structure--as outlined in the Usage guide--yourself.
For generating new posts, I have a script called new.rb in my repository. Simply because I can't be bothered remembering what the Wordpress ID was for the previous post (I imported from Wordpress).
Once you've got a post written, install the jekyll gem:
gem install jekyll
Then run jekyll --server. This will parse the post into beautiful HTML which you can view at http://localhost:4000. Once you're satisfied with it, put it online somewhere with Apache or Nginx serving it as it would any other static HTML site.
Finally, if you're ever looking for an alternative, I've heard good things about nanoc.

Rails and Rake commands hang and do nothing at all

I don't know why but when I run rake commands in my rails project, nothing happens. Also rails server does nothing. Any suggestions?
you can add an "ruby -rtracer" to the begining to see where it is hanging.
The solution for me entailed exiting rails console -sandbox.
I think sandboxing console puts a lock of some sort on the database.
You could try adding the --trace argument to your rake calls to see if that sheds any light on where it is getting stuck. Failing that there may be some information in the logs.
It does suggest that something that is getting stuck during setting up your environment which may be something you've added to environment.rb.
Are you using rvm?
A lot of advice these days is to install ruby within rvm and rails within an rvm gemset. If you've done this, then you need to remember to do commands such as these at the start of your terminal session:
rvm use 1.9.3
rvm gemset use ruby193rails3
I found if I forgot to do this, then the rake command, even just a simple rake --version , would hang and thrash the disk.
...which all seems a bit fragile. I guess it's latching onto part of rails but with some files missing due to rvm not having moved them into place or something.
Spring has a bug in Rails 4.1 which also causes this (not the OP's issue, based on date). For those googling, I solved this problem my typing "spring stop". Spring will be automatically restarted the next time you run "rails ". To give proper credit, I found this information from this blog:
What fixed this for me was running
bin/spring stop
and then running my rake command after.

Edge Rails doesn't list plugin/gem generators

I recently created a project skeleton with Edge Rails and installed rspec, rspec-rails and cucumber as plugins (git submodules). If I run:
$ script/generate
all I get is a list of built-in generators. The ones from the plugins don't show up. I installed the same plugins as gems and got the same result. Does anyone know why this is happening and/or how I can fix it?
Your best best is probably to create an issue on the Rails ticket system - http://rails.lighthouseapp.com. It will get seen by the right people there.
