Modeling Buyers & Sellers in a Rails Ecommerce App - ruby-on-rails

I'm building a Rails app that has style functionality. In other words, it's like a mall. There are many buyers and many sellers.
I'm torn about how to model the sellers. Key facts:
There won't be many sellers. Perhaps less than 20 sellers in total.
There will be many buyers. Hopefully many thousands :)
I already have a standard user model in place with account creation and roles.
I've created a 'role' of 'seller', which the admin will manually apply to the proper users. Since we'll have very few sellers, this is not an issue.
I'm considering two approaches:
(1) Create a 'store' model, which will contain all the relevant store information. Products would :belong_to :store, rather than belonging to the seller. The relationship between the user and store models would be: user :has_one store. My main problem with this is that I've always found has_one associations to be a little funky, and I usually try to avoid them. The app is fairly complex, and I'm worried about running into a cascade of problems connected to the has_one association as I get further along into development.
(2) Simply include the relevant 'store' information as part of the user model. But in this case, the store-related db columns would only apply to a very small percentage of users since very few users will also be sellers. I'm not sure if this is a valid concern or not.
It's very possible that I'm thinking about this incorrectly. I appreciate any thoughts.

I would definitely use a relationship between a store and a user. This provides a lot more flexibility and is a much cleaner data design.
I have never had any issues using any of the basic associations in Rails/Active Record.
What do you mean by "funky"?


Role based authorizations or different tables in a ruby appointment booking app

I have seen regular debates about the way to manage the different class of users.
Usually, it seems that developers prefer a role based approach (e.g. user, admin,...) with gems like Cancancan
But I'm wondering if it's applicable for an appointment booking app (appointment for doctors, teachers,... or even bookings). Indeed in this case, the 2 types of users have access to totally different pages. In its documentation about associations, Ruby on Rails guide takes the example of a medical appointment booking app with 1 table for doctors and 1 table for patients.
For this kind of app, I'm a little bit lost regarding the most efficient solution!
You can use a tool like Cancanan to break out the different roles and abilities, then restrict access to certain parts of the system based on those rules.
Additionally you can display only the relevant navigation or pages when the user's accessing the system so they might not even be aware of what they're not seeing.

Multiple devise models vs permission based

The application I'm building is to allow users to download vouchers. Employers sign up for an account, add employees (who get a login), select which vouchers to enable, and then employees can see the enabled vouchers and download.
I initially created two devise models: employee and employer. This was so active record associations would be simple (employer has_many employees, employee has_many vouchers). But this would also mean separate database tables and therefore separate sign in forms.
I looked into single sign in forms for multiple users and this seemed to have the consensus that you should instead have a single User model and use CanCan and Rolify for permissions. But the problem with that is you cannot (I believe?) do active record associations between these two roles (not separate models).
I next looked at subclassing so I could do associations, but it has issues as people say Rails isn't really meant to subclass, and it seems a bit hacky.
So I'm left feeling like I have to choose the lesser of evils, whereas I really just want to find the right way.. Thanks in advance for any help.
So a friend of mine solved this very elegantly for me, for everyones reference:
Good question. It’s a great problem that deals with the intersection between good engineering (model implementation, database design) and user experience (single sign in form).
Assuming that Employees and Employers differ enough, it makes sense to implement them as separate models. But it also makes sense to have a single sign in form—employees and employers shouldn’t have to care that they’re signing into the right form.
Single table inheritence usually appears to be the ideal solution, but tends to best be avoided in Ruby on Rails applications unless absolutely necessary.
I’ve actually thought about this problem before, so I would suggest an implementation along these lines:
An Employer model.
An Employee model.
A SignIn/Login/Credentials/WhateverYouWantToCallIt model.
In terms of employer/employee associations, as before:
Employee belongs_to :employer
Employer has_many :employees
Now, considering that both models are able to sign in, it makes sense to separate these credentials into their own SignIn model. If you do some reading up on polymorphic associations (, you’ll find that they are awesome for creating relationships where the association can be with different models.
So now you need to create associations between sign in credentials and employers and employees:
SignIn :belongs_to :signinable, polymorphic: true
Employer has_one :sign_in, as: :signinable
Employee has_one :sign_in, as: :signinable
The elegance of this solution (in my opinion), is that you’re able to separate your SignIn, Employer and Employee models, which not only conforms to good Ruby on Rails conventions, but is good database normalisation practice. At the same time, you have a SignIn model that makes it trivial to implement a better sign in form experience that allows both employers and employees to sign in.

Rails DB Schema: new, unique model or just an attribute?

Im working on an Occasion Reminder rails app where users can register then set certain future dates and holidays/occasions that the app will remind them of via email in the future... Also, they can select interests and the emails will contain relevant deals to selected interests on those dates..
Anyways, my question is pretty simple in that I am setting up the initial models for the app and am wondering if the dates/holidays and then the interests should be attributes of the User model/table or unique models of their own (setting a has_many :interests association ect ect in the user model..)
Any ideas or suggestions very welcome!
Thanks much!
I would lean toward separate models, especially for the interests. This allows you to easily query for them, and group the results to show various views of your data (e.g. find users with similar interests, or who might be going to the same event on a particular date). Separate models is also the 'correct' answer from a database normalization point of view.
It will be especially useful for your plan to offer deals based on the users' interests.

Validations based on session data, sharing data between subdomains

We're building an application for product support. The idea is to have multiple subdomains, each for supporting other organizations products. We call this Account - each account is tied to exactly one subdomain.
Users also have roles - but, user can have one role on account1, and other role on account2.
Basically, there are two problems:
1) many validations are based on the role current user has. Since it depends on current_account (which is session data), I cannot do these kinds of validations in the model. This leads me to some ugly controller code (ugly, in the sense that it really feels out of place). I thought of storing current_account after in the model class variable, but I read that this is not thread safe. Any recommendations?
2) almost every database record is specific to the current account; so, almost every table should have an account_id column and the model should have a belongs_to account association. I want to avoid that. The first (obvious) thing is to have a seperate database for every account, but
a) there are shared tables
b) the boss says this solution is unacceptable (there will be many accounts, with relatively low number of users). Is there a third way?
If anyone runs into similar problem:
The problem described is called multitenancy; understanding default_scope should help. Also, there is the multitenant gem which worked for me nicely.

Where to set up foreign key relationships in rails app with has_many through

I am setting up a simple has_many through relationship. I was wondering if there are any best practices I should consider when setting up the foreign key relationships.
The application is designed to allow users to create items and ads, where a listing model is used to connect items with ads (the listing model also has timestamps and an order field).
The main question I have is: which models should belong_to the user model? I was thinking that the simplest solution is to have listing belong_to user. That way I can use the has_many through relationship to figure out which items and which ads belong_to each user.
However, it occurred to me that this could leave some holes depending on what work-flows I want to make possible. For example, what if a user wants to create a bunch of items before creating an ad which has those items? What if a user creates an ad before having created any items?
Based on the above, I was thinking that maybe I should just make ads and items belong to user. If I do that, is there any obvious reason to also make listing belong_to user? I was going to do that, but somehow it just looked redundant to me.
This seems like a pretty typical situation to encounter in a rails app, so I was hoping somebody with experience has been here and might be able to share some insight.
I'm trying to understand what you have:
Where Listing appears to be some kind of join model that relates an Item to being in an Ad.
I don't see much of a wrong way to do this. I suppose the most normalized way of doing this would be to just have an Item belong_to a User, and get the Listings and Ads through that. But you'd be paying a price there too, both in having to write annoying code and having to perform multiple joins to get your Ads.
The opposite extreme is just to have everything belong_to the user. You have an extra column in 2 of your models, but then you also have much simpler relationships. You also wouldn't have to worry about what workflows your users are allowed when designing your schema.
Even if you mess up and leave out user_id fields in your models, it isn't terribly hard to add those fields later using migrations.
