See images in SSMS? - add-in

I was browsing around and found this blog post:
(It is for a great add in if you user SQL Server CE.)
On that post I saw an screen shot of SSMS with images in the results.
How is this done? I have images in my database (PNG files that are serialized via memory stream), but I just see numbers when I select the image column.

If you are asking how this is done, I'm not sure how it is implemented exactly. I know that you can create ssms plugins in visual studio, and I'm sure that there is a way to take a filestream object and decode it.
If you are looking for a way for you to do this besides the plugin you mentioned, there is a great freeware plugin I use. You can find a plugin ssmsboost at This plugin has a community version and a pro version. The only difference between the two is that the community version needs to be renewed every 120 days. This plugin has a lot of nice features, but the one you're asking for is
SSMS Results Grid Visualizers:
Feature allows to export & view files or some big amounts of text or XML data from tables (like files from document storage of sharepoint services). Required data should be simply output to ResultsGrid. By right-clicking the cell with required value and selecting "Visualize As->.." you can tell to save data to file with predefined name and open it with custom or default application. No matter than SSMS truncates long data from VARBINARY/VARCHAR fields when outputing them to ResultsGrid: SSMSBoost works with internal storage of SSMS and extracts complete cell value. Below you can see how a picture from [LargePhoto] field of [Production].[ProductPhoto] table from [AdventureWorks] database is being visualized:

I'd like to recommend the MiniSQLQuery browser that is free and opensource to achieve this.


Does Sharepoint not store column data in Office documents as custom properties?

(I develop in Delphi XE7, edit documents locally in Office 2010 and use SharePoint through a corporate Office365 account.)
I have developed a Delphi program that modifies Word 2010 document properties and even filters and orders them by their properties. The folder where the document was stored is a network folder. The only problem is that this is slow for some colleagues in countries other than the folder location.
I thought that by moving the relevant folder to a Sharepoint server and syncing it with a local folder through OneDrive, I could overcome that issue. Also users could choose between the two interfaces, the Web Browser having access to the Sharepoint server or the Delphi program working on the local folder, changes done in one location being synched by OneDrive with the other location.
I made columns in the Sharepoint library matching the Word properties and initially Sharepoint recognized all properties and made nice lists with them.
The problem is that subsequent changes of the properties are not transferred from one place to another.
If the change is done through the Delphi program in local PC, I have overcome the issue by cheating Sharepoint: instead of simply saving a document, the Delphi program copies and pastes the contents into a new document, where the properties are saved and automatically transferred into Sharepoint columns.
But I have not found a workaround when the change of properties is done through Sharepoint…
Apparently, Sharepoint does not store the column data in the document itself, as custom properties. In fact, after downloading the document it still shows as properties the former values, not the ones showing up in Sharepoint.
Should I give up with my intention of changing properties either locally or through Sharepoint?
It turned out that the Server properties are actually stored in the Office document itself but in a different location. Physically, each type of properties is stored in different files of those that are compressed in a .docx file: custom properties come in the file "docProps/custom.xml", whereas server properties come in "customXml/item3.xml", being referred to with an "internal name" that fills the spaces between words. But anyhow, as noted in some threads here, programmatically server/SharePoint properties can be modified and retrieved through VBA with the collection ContentTypeProperties.

Embed PDF in a website, allow user to modify editable fields in PDF, and save back to the server

I am writing a Program in Rub On Rails 4.x and I have to take PDF files with defined fields that can be filled out, fill in data from a form submission(This part is DONE!), and lastly allow the user to modify the saved PDF file on the server and overwrite said PDF after making their modifications.
Like I said I have already gotten the PDF files filled out with what has been submitted in the form through pdftk . What I now need to do is provide a server side editing capability to the said PDF files on server generated from the first step of the process.
I have seen similar posts but none wanting to do the same thing I do. If I am wrong links would be great. Thanks in advance for all your help!
After lots of digging and research here is what I have found to be the facts surrounding this issue and implementing a program to allow embedding the PDF file, editing it, and saving it back to the server. This process would be great however from what I can tell there is nothing out there that really does this for Ruby On Rails. To quote #Nick Veys
Seems like you need to find a Javascript PDF editor you can load your PDF into, allow the user to modify it, and ultimately submit it back to the server. Seems like they exist, here's one for ASP projects
You are correct but still wrong in the sense that yes there is one for ASP projects however that is Microsoft Based, yes I know that it can run on Linux environments through Mono. However to the point it would appear in this instance that a Ruby On Rails specific solution is indeed needed.
The solution that we have come up with is as follows
1. Use a PDF editing package in the linux repositories like PDFtk
2. You then render a page with the PDF embeded on one side and a form representing the live fields in the PDF to take input.
3. Once submitted you use PDFtk to write the values into a new template PDF file and overwrite what was previously stored.
This requires a few additional steps to process the data than I really care for myself. However it is the best solution that our team could come up with, without bleeding the project budget dry for just 1 piece of functionality.
I hope this helps anyone else looking to do the same thing in Ruby On Rails.
I have done something like this using my company's .NET product. It can also be done using its Java version too.

Detecting what folders to upload to a live Drupal 7 site after changes?

I haven't yet setup version control (GIT) for my development and production environments as a result I am facing trouble syncing everything. My site is powered by Drupal 7.
For example, for a Content type that I created, what exactly is the folder on my development site that I should be uploading. And as far as the content type I created, what folder should I be uploading to the live server?
Another case is where I make changes to 'Text formats' found in admin -> configuration and a couple of other places in admin -> configuration, well, Not sure what folder I should be uploading either.
Thanks much people!
P.S: Feel free to give me some slack for not setting up GIT or version control, lesson learnt but for now I need to get this uploaded
You don't need to upload any files/folders for the situations you've described, all content type and text format data is stored in the database.
Content type data is stored in the node_type table, and text formats are stored in the filter_format table.
Further data relating to both are stored in the variables table as serialised strings.
Hope that helps

Trying to save a workbook that contains macros

I recently upgraded to Excel 2010. I was working on a spreadsheet and wrote some code and went to save it and I get this box that pops up. I'm not sure what to do.
From Office 2007 on, Excel has two different file types: XLSX and XLSM. The former is just data and formatting without macros or anything "dangerous." The latter allows macros and other programmatic functionality. The reason for the split is mainly security as each one has a distinct extension and icon to better inform the user on whether or not the file could potentially contain dangerous content.
In this instance, you need to click No, then in the Save As... options select "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook." That will give you the full functionality of the original document.

How to add an image to a TFS work item; as an image, not as an attachment

Our team is in the process of begining a project which is being managed using TFS. Several requiremens which existed only in Word documents are being migrated to TFS work items. The Word documents contain various diagrams and images which we need included in the work item, specifically under the 'Details' and 'Analysis' tabs. The problem is that images cannot be pasted into these tabs as images.
The only option to add images to the work item appears to be as an attachment.
Could someone confirm this?
Any assistance is appreciated.
The below steps worked for our team:
1- I added a *.png file as an attachment
2- Opened that *.png file within IE from the attachments tab
NOTE: Once the image opens in IE the address should be something like
the below:
If the address has "c:\etc" which is locally stored then it will not
work. The image has to be network accessible so other team members may see it in TFS.
3- Right click the image and select copy
4- Now within TFS under the "History" tab where you're entering your notes paste the image
5- Save the workitem and that is it.
You can change the text boxes to accept HTML, but that may still require the image to be hosted elsewhere.
It may also be best to just link to the existing document. We have to do this for now, because we have a large repository of existing documentation that no-one wants to bother converting.
Using the stock workitem this is true. You can extend the workitem display within the team explorer with your own custom controls that could display an attachment inline, but this won't be a small effort.
There are samples and guidance here
We write our Word documents, save them as filtered HTML and copy file and folder containing the images onto the server hosting the TFS. We then open the html from the server version in a browser and copy/paste requirements into the work items description field. Is a workaround, would be much nicer being able to directly copy/paste images into a workitem, but at least it works.
