If i define a few gems in my config/environments/test.rb file like this:
config.gem "rspec"
config.gem "rspec-rails"
config.gem "mocha"
and then run 'rake gems:install RAILS_ENV=test'
I get the following error:
Missing these required gems:
Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.
however if I run rake gems:install like it says it will continue to recurse like this forever.
How do I actually get the gems to install using rake (not gem install)?
I wonder, is there a reference to something from the mocha gem in your rake file or environment.rb file? I've seen issues like this before and it presents as this type of problem.
Try installing mocha 'manually' with...
gem install mocha
Then see if you can run rake gems:install.
I ran into this problem as well, and followed the directions here to resolve it. Specifically, deleting and regenerating lib/tasks/rspec.rake is pretty crucial. Also, adding
:lib => false
config.gem "rspec", :lib => false, :version => ">= 1.2.0"
I found this was a GEM_PATH issue. Basically, rails can't find the gems you've installed and even though they're there, they're completely invisible. A bit weird, but hey.
On dreamhost I had to configure the line:
ENV['GEM_PATH'] = '/home/<my_account>/.gems:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems'
in config/environment.rb
but on my dev box this doesn't work for me and has to be removed entirely.
YMMV but I'd suggest that's a good place to start looking.
Which platform are you using? If it it window then
Execute Below command and its works
gem install mocha --platform=mswin32
I have strange old buggy project on Rails 2.
It have gem's dependencies in config/environment.rb like
config.gem "andand"
config.gem "json"
config.gem "chronic"
config.gem "mini_fb"
all those gems are located in vendor/gems/
but when i start unicorn server with this app it always complain that it can't find this gems. Why?
After building and installing gem from vendor/gems rails still complain about it.
I have tweake mini_fb gem into custom mini_fb_custom gem. Changed all references in gemspec and other files from mini_fb to mini_fb_my, installed it and it is shown in gem list as mini_fb_my. But it fails to load from config/environment.rb and complains that
Missing these required gems:
mini_fb_my >= 0
maybe i should rename lib/mini_fb.rb to lib/mini_fb_my.rb
i'll check it.
Yes, renaming files rocks!
You still need to install them from those folders, or unicorn will not know where to look for them.
Just install the gems from that directory and unicorn should pick them up.
You can install your gems locally with this command
gem install --local vendor/gems/gem/gem-name.gem
On more recent versions of rails you just specify path on the Gemfile
gem "gem-name", path: "path/to/gem"
My advice: replace the obsolete gem configuration with bundler (it works fine with rails 2, there should be a tutorial for rails 2 available on their website).
Configuration through gem command, freezing gems, etc. is just pain in the a** and it seemed kinda buggy to me when I'd used it (long time ago).
I'm trying to run Redmine on Heroku. Redmine returns a 500 error, presumably because my rake db:migrate fails:
at /app/lib/tasks/email.rake:170
rake aborted!
undefined method `has_key?' for nil:NilClass
The Heroku stack is bamboo-ree-1.8.7. Here's my Gemfile:
source :gemcutter
gem 'i18n', '0.4.2'
gem 'rails', '2.3.11'
gem 'coderay', '0.9.7'
gem 'rack', '1.1.1'
gem 'rake', '0.8.7'
gem 'rubytree'
How do I get heroku rake db:migrate to work?
you should lock your rubytree gem to 0.5.2
try this
gem "rubytree", "0.5.2"
I got this to work by doing two things.
First, I followed some suggestions from http://bayleshanks.com/tips-computer-programming-redmineOnHeroku (specifically I added the suggested line to config/environment.rb and created a blank file called public/plugin_assets/README).
Second, I modified the Gemfile to specify rubytree version 0.6.2, ran bundle install, re-committed the Gemfile.lock into git, and pushed to Heroku.
I'm not sure the earlier steps were necessary, but the database migration finally worked and Redmine is now running.
+1, the above worked for me as well, after satisfying a number of other dependency problems. Ideally, someone should write up a good HOWTO on deploying Heroku, though Ruby/Rails is such a moving target, it would likely only be accurate for a few minutes.
I tried rake gems:unpack, it worked for most gems, but facebooker gem doesn't get frozen.
How to freeze it?
The answer is simple...
Apparently when in your environment.rb you included several gems, and one of the gems is broken or included with wrong syntax (perhaps it needs lib options for example config.gem "ruby-openid", :lib => "openid") all the gems below that gem won't be unpacked. Funny though how Rails doesn't return an error when you ruby script/server it.
I have the following gems defined in my environment.rb file:
config.gem "authlogic"
config.gem "paperclip"
config.gem "pauldix-feedzirra", :lib => "feedzirra", :source => "http://gems.github.com"
config.gem 'whenever', :lib => false, :source => 'http://gemcutter.org/'
I have them installed on my local computer and everything is working well.
Since I am working on a shared-server (DreamHost), I need to unpack those gems to get them to work (can't install them as I did on my own computer to get them to work).
Before uploading, I ran the following on my local machine:
rake gems:unpack
This created the following folders in /vender/gems:
authlogic-2.1.3, paperclip-, pauldix-feedzirra-0.0.18, whenever-0.4.1
So it looks like they're all there.
When I run rake db:migrate on the server, though, I get these following error:
Missing these required gems:
For some reason, the feedzirra unpacked gem is not detected. Could anybody offer a clue as to why this is happening and a potential solution?
EDIT: Thanks, but the code to put in environment.rb doesn't work, and bundler won't install properly on my server. Any other suggestions?
This isn't exactly an answer, but since I could never get config.gem to work properly, I recommend using Bundler whenever I can. It just works and it handles interdependencies between gems well. It also replaces config.gem in Rails 3 from what I understand.
I notice two things about feedzirra: first, it depends on 3 other gems, and at least one of those build native extensions. And I'm going to call it "feedzirra" - I'm not a fan of github's ill-considered autopackaging fiasco.
If it were only the former, then rake gems:unpack:dependencies would do the trick.
However, at least curb (which feedzirra depends on) is building extensions, and those can't simply be unpacked. You could either get Dreamhost to install them (good luck) or install them into your user's local gem directory.
To do that, you'll need to update your .gemrc and be sure that it includes a line like:
:user_install: true
Then rake gems:install
Unless your deployment environment won't let you build executables, in which case you'll need to shell out for a less restricted package - I know for a fact that Dreamhost does provide packages that will allow for extension-gems.
(And there's the separate issue of libcurl being deployed...)
Try Following.put this code in envoirment.rb
config.load_paths += Dir["#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/gems/**"].map do |dir|
File.directory?(lib = "#{dir}/lib") ? lib : dir
Don't know if my hints are useful, because feedzirra is compiled extension (against CURL i think). Better solution is to normally install feedzirra gem (it will compile itself) on your server.
You have not installed (unpacked) feedzirra gem, but pauldix-feedzirra. Probably you need feedzirra unpacked too.
Try to add
config.gem feedzirra
into environment.rb and run locally
rake gems:install
rake gems:unpack
It looks like feedzirra unpacked gem is missing in /vendor/plugins. Look if feedzirra will be copied there after those commands...
I've been told that doing:
config.gem 'tzinfo'
doesn't obviate the need to require 'tzinfo'. Is this true of all gems? If yes, what exactly does adding config.gem WHATEVER do?
config.gem should cause the gem to be automatically required. You should not need to do a manual 'require' call.
Tells Rails to load this gem automatically
Tells Rails that this gem is needed for the application, so that rake gems:install will install it
The :source option can tell rails to get it from a nonstandard repository
The :lib option can tell rails to load a non-standard file from the gem (i.e. something not named after the gem itself)
If i'm correct, during the environment initialization 'config.gem' allows your app to setup and require GEM dependencies from within the app, without the need to have to install them manually. (As we did before) By calling "config.gem tzinfo" as you did above, it automagically requires the gem across the app. This helps when you deploy to an external server and need to prepare the app along with necessary gems, etc. You can then run RAKE GEMS:INSTALL and rails will pull in all your gems and require them.
A thing to note though is that if you DO NOT want a gem to be required across your app. Then add ":lib => false" after config.gem i.e (config.gem 'tzinfo' :lib => false).
In some cases, (I followed your link) if you're getting an uninitialized gem, and you've manually installed it. Make sure that the config.gem ":lib" directory matches with the correct :lib directory of the gem. I.E a gem may be packaged and installed as "nlewis-supergem", however I may need to point the lib at "supergem". i.e "config.gem "nlewis-supergem" :lib=>"supergem". It all depends on how some people package their gem and the corresponding libraries.
A quick tip is instead of installing manually always install the gem via "config.gem" and then rake GEMS:INSTALL to catch any wierd errors before deployment.
Hope this helps.