If I have an object say
and I want to render only certain fields in it say first_name and last_name(I'm using AMF)
render :amf => #user
For instance I have a property for #user which is 'dob' (date of birth) I would like to use it inside the controller business logic but I don't want to send it to the client (in this case Flex) I can defenitaly do something like this before rendering:
#user.dob = nil
But I thought there must be a better way of doing this.
how do I do that?
I know I can use :select when doing the 'find' but I need to use the other field at the server side but don't want to send them with AMF to the client side and I don't want to do a second 'find'
This article gives the details for the approach.
You have configure the config/rubyamf_config.rb file as follows:
require 'app/configuration'
module RubyAMF
module Configuration
ClassMappings.ignore_fields = ['created_at','updated_at']
ClassMappings.translate_case = true
ClassMappings.assume_types = false
ParameterMappings.scaffolding = false
:actionscript => 'User',
:ruby => 'User',
:type => 'active_record',
:associations => ["employees"],
:ignore_fields => ["dob"]
:attributes => ["id", "name", "location", "created_at", "updated_at"]
ClassMappings.force_active_record_ids = true
ClassMappings.use_ruby_date_time = false
ClassMappings.use_array_collection = true
ClassMappings.check_for_associations = true
ParameterMappings.always_add_to_params = true
I got an events helper module that somebody coded in a rails application. I am working on a form that can allow someone to create a new event.
here is a part of the form
=form.input :sponsorship_type, collection: get_event_labels(:event_types), as: :select_other
=form.input :society_name
it used to be
=form.input :event_type, collection: get_event_labels(:sponsorship_types), as: :select_other
=form.input :society_name
per the client request I had to drop the event_type column from the events table and added this instead
t.string "sponsorship_type"
the old schema has this
t.string "event_type"
this is the module
module EventsHelper
institutions: [::INSTITUTIONS, 'activerecord.values.institutions.name'],
event_types: [::EVENT_TYPES, 'activerecord.values.event_types'],
industries: [::INDUSTRIES, 'activerecord.values.industries'],
referrers: [::REFERRERS, 'activerecord.values.referrers'],
regions: [::REGIONS, 'activerecord.values.regions'],
cities: [::CITIES, 'activerecord.values.cities']
def get_event_labels(type)
if Geokit::Geocoders::IpGeocoder.geocode(remote_ip).country_code == 'TW' and type == :event_types
return {
'活動/班' => 'Activities/Classes',
'食品和飲料' => 'Food&Beverage',
'優惠券' => 'Coupons',
'現金' => 'Cash',
'器材' => 'Equipment',
'獎品' => 'Prizes'
LABEL_MAP[type][0].map do |constant|
def remote_ip
what is this? [::EVENT_TYPES, 'activerecord.values.event_types']
i tried just changing all the event_types to sponsorship_type. and then I am getting a
': uninitialized constant SPONSORSHIP_TYPES (NameError)
Its probably because activerecord.values.sponsorship_types have no values. How do I access it and put in values?
what is this?
my end goal is to return the hash
return {
'活動/班' => 'Activities/Classes',
'食品和飲料' => 'Food&Beverage',
'優惠券' => 'Coupons',
'現金' => 'Cash',
'器材' => 'Equipment',
'獎品' => 'Prizes'
as selection option for the user on the form.
EVENT_TYPES is a constant. It must be defined somewhere in that application, perhaps in the controller or somewhere in the config folder. Find it and define your SPONSORSHIP_TYPES in the same way.
activerecord.values.event_types looks like a localization key. Look into your localization files in config/locales/... for some yaml hash with this structure. Add a new node sponsorship_types in the same way.
I have the following method in my model which uses find_or_create_by to find or create a new product.
def self.save_prod(product)
product_data = ItemData.get_product_data(product)
:prod_id => product,
:upc => product_data[:upc],
:title => product_data[:title]
The ItemData.get_product_data() method is a module method which calls an API to fetch product data:
def self.get_product_data(product)
url_raw = URI.parse("http://www.api.com/v1/itemid=#{product}")
url = Net::HTTP.get_response(url_raw).body
#resp = JSON.parse(url)
#title = Sanitize.clean(#resp["serviceResult"]["itemName"]).strip
#upc = #resp["serviceResult"]["uPC"]
{:title => #title, :upc => #upc}
This works as expected, however I know it can be a LOT more efficient, by not calling the ItemData.get_product_data() method every time the save_prod() method is called. How can I add new product data without having to call the ItemData.get_product_data() if a product already exists.
Another way to doing it. This would return the Product object if it is already present otherwise it will create it from api and return the new object.
def self.save_prod(product)
Product.find_by_prod_id(product) || Product.create( ItemData.get_product_data(product) )
Modify the api call to return a hash with prod_id. Not sure why you are converting title and upc to class variables here. It could lead to problems if they are used extensively.
def self.get_product_data(product)
url_raw = URI.parse("http://www.api.com/v1/itemid=#{product}")
url = Net::HTTP.get_response(url_raw).body
#resp = JSON.parse(url)
#title = Sanitize.clean(#resp["serviceResult"]["itemName"]).strip
#upc = #resp["serviceResult"]["uPC"]
{:title => #title, :upc => #upc, :prod_id => product}
Instead of doing a find or create use find or initialize by . Change your code to following :
prod = find_or_initialize_by_prod_id(product)
if prod.new_record?
product_data = ItemData.get_product_data(product)
:prod_id => product,
:upc => product_data[:upc],
:title => product_data[:title]
by using find_or_initalize you can distinguish whether the record was created or found by using new_record method. If new you can save and make an API call and do whatever you want.
I have a certain requirement where the views have different content based upon the type of user. Lets say I have the index action for the users controller. Then I can use cancan to authorize the action like this
authorize! :index, #users
Further for filtering the content I have another authorization like
if can :view_all,User
Further another authorization like
if can :view_some,User will require another one.
This will result in lots of conditions. Instead of this, I could have used just simple conditions like
If the user is with view_all access show him all
else if the user is with view_some access show him some
else access denied
Cancan requires one extra query, isn't it? I might be using cancan the wrong way. So need some suggestions.
Here is the rough snippet of my ability.rb file
can :index, User do |user1|
role.accesses.include?(Access.where(:name => "access1").first) || role.accesses.include?(Access.where(:name => "access2").first)
can :view_all, User do |user1|
role.accesses.include?(Access.where(:name => "access1").first)
can :view_some, User do |user1|
role.accesses.include?(Access.where(:name => "access2").first)
Cancan requires one extra query?
When combining abilities, cancan will use a single query.
If you look at the specs, eg. spec/cancan/model_adapters/active_record_adapter_spec.rb, you'll find specs like this:
it "should fetch any articles which are published or secret", focus: true do
#ability.can :read, Article, :published => true
#ability.can :read, Article, :secret => true
article1 = Article.create!(:published => true, :secret => false)
article2 = Article.create!(:published => true, :secret => true)
article3 = Article.create!(:published => false, :secret => true)
article4 = Article.create!(:published => false, :secret => false)
Article.accessible_by(#ability).should == [article1, article2, article3]
And if you turn on SQL logging, you'll see that the query combines the conditions:
Article Load (0.2ms)
SELECT "with_model_articles_95131".*
FROM "with_model_articles_95131"
WHERE (("with_model_articles_95131"."secret" = 't')
OR ("with_model_articles_95131"."published" = 't'))
Would this be considered bad practice?
unless Link.exists?(:href => 'example.com/somepage')
Domain.where(:domain => 'example.com').first.links.create(:href => 'example.com/somepage', :text => 'Some Page')
I realize I might be requesting more data then I actually need, can I optimize this somehow?
Domain is a unique index so the lookup should be fairly quick.
Running Rails 3.0.7
You can refactor your code in this manner:
Domain class
class Domain < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :links
Link class
class Link < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :domain
validates :href,
:uniqueness => true
attr :domain_url
def domain_url=(main_domain_url)
self.domain = Domain.where(domain: main_domain_url).first ||
Domain.new(domain: main_domain_url)
def domain_url
self.domain.nil? ? '' : self.domain.domain_url
Link.create(href: 'example.com/somepage',
text: 'Some Page',
domain_url: 'example.com')
In both cases (your and mine) you get two request (like so):
Domain Load (1.0ms) SELECT "domains".* FROM "domains" WHERE "domains"."domain" = 'example.com' LIMIT 1
AREL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "links" ("href", "text", "domain_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ('example.com/somepage', 'Some Page', 5, '2011-04-26 08:51:20.373523', '2011-04-26 08:51:20.373523')
But with this code you're also protected from unknown domains, so Link'd create one automatically.
Also you can use validates uniqueness so you can remove all unless Link.exists?(:href => '...').
Domain.where(:domain => 'example.com').
find_or_create_by_href_and_text(:href => 'example.com/somepage', :text => "Some Page")
#domain = Domain.where(:domain => 'example.com').
#domain.text = "My Text"
Or you can use extended update_or_create_by_* method:
Domain.update_or_create_by_href('example.com/somepage') do |domain|
domain.text = "My Text"
More info here:
find_or_create_by in Rails 3 and updating for creating records
Can anybody using this in own projects? If yes, how? I know that it helps to minimize of attacks.
If I have in the following in my controller:
mail_id = params[:mail_id].to_i
user_id = params[:user_id].to_i
token = params[:token]
where should I write params.sort.key [and what i should write here?]
I believe that concept should work as follows:
You expect 'params' hash to look somewhat like this:
params = { :mail_id => 1, :user_id => 2, :token => 'foo' }
which means params.keys will return [:mail_id, :user_id, :token]
params.keys.sort will return keys sorted alphabetically:
[:mail_id, :token, :user_id]
So to verify if params are holding the exact keys you expect it to have, you can do:
if params.keys.sort == [:mail_id, :token, :user_id]
render :text => 'Serving your request'
render :text => 'Server understood the request, but refuses to serve it, since some of the requested data is missing'
You can verify the exact contents of your 'params' hash using logger.debug(params.keys) in your controller