Html.Action link and Html.RouteLink -

Even If the url is same can i go to different action using Html.RouteLink and Action Link.Like when i click on news link i will go to news details.The url of this page is http://localhost:1390/en-US/latestnews/125.Now if i select the ddl of language in the site header in this pagei need to
go to the home page of the site.The ddl (on change) will take the same url but this time it needs to go to action in the sane controller.

The URL will direct to the controller/action on the first routing entry that it matches regardless of how you generate it. I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but I suspect that what you need to do is use javascript to direct to a different url, perhaps generated with Html.RouteLink instead of Html.ActionLink based on the value of the drop down list when it's selected. If I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to do, please clarify.


how to use resolve url in mvc controller

Can any body help me to resolve url (route url) in MVC
when i enter into the system it redirects me to Dashboard it works perfectly.
I have user defined menu whose routing value stored in database as follows
suppose i entered into the system it will redirect me to Dashboard page
suppose i want to redirect to usermaster page then url should be as follows
but when i try to redirect to home index page the url should look like this
i want to remove Dashboard/~
how plz let me know
If you're using IIS URL Rewriting within your MVC application, e.g. internally treating as, Url.Content() will generate a correct subdomain-relative link. ResolveUrl() will generate an incorrect link in this situation.
Source:Should I use Url.Content() or ResolveUrl() in my MVC views?
You should consider about #Url.Content("~\Action\").
You should not store the URL in the database as the URL may change according to the routing rules.
Try to store the controller name and action name in the database and in your code that builds the menu use #Url.Action and pass the controller and action retrieved from the database

How to properly encode links to external URL in MVC Razor

This view suppose to show a list of hyperlinks, each pointing to an external URL. The goal is for the user to click one of these links and have their browser open a new tab with the selected URL.
Currently I have the following markup:
#Html.ActionLink("SomeSite", "")
This markup produces:
instead of :
What can I change in my markup to make this work as I expect?
You don't need to use #Html.ActionLink for that. Just use a plain A tag:
Html.ActionLink is specifically for generating links to actions defined in MVC controllers, in the same app. Since you're linking to an absolute URL, you don't need any of the functionality that Html.ActionLink provides.
Two ways :
1. update the database column with full link:
eg SQL:
update ProductTable set ProductLink='' where ID=123
In asp mvc view
2. Hardcode the http part and list from model
Hope helps someone.
While a ViewBag is overused and not the best choice most of the time this is something that I had done when inheriting someone else's mvc app to do a quick fix for a URL that I needed to redirect to with a specific dynamically changing querystring parameter
<a target="_parent" href="http://localhost:56332/services/#ViewBag.factory">View Service</a>
Using .NET Core 6
This seems to be the most correct answer:
This will generate the following result:
As you can see at the bottom left corner of the window before clicking the link, the URL address was rendered as it is (NOTE: The cursor was recorded out of place for some reason, that's a ShareX problem, ignore it).
Than link will be directly saved as a nvarchar(750) type (probably any character like type will do the work). No changes to the original link were made before saving it or on reading:
You need to take into account your RouteConfiguration.
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}"
because you are specifying the action link as the entire link that you want to redirect.
I would recommend that you use the #rossipedia answer because you can make tricky things like putting a span inside the link
Here to display link that are clickable in index page
#Html.ActionLink(item.FileName, "../Uploads/Catalogue/"+item.FileName)

ASP.NET, MVC, C# website pass a value though out the application

This is a bit of a puzzle for me.
I need to capture the URI Query string passed to the Home page.
As a user travels to different pages on the web site, I have a partial view that needs that URI query string.
I need a dynamicly created link in the partial view, that equals the original call to the home page.
Example -
If the user goes to - , I need the dynamicly created link to equal - Http://
If the user goes to - , I need the dynamicly created link to equal - Http://
FYI - The partial view is used in the _Layout.cshtml file. the call inside - _Layout.cshtml looks like this -
There are a number of ways to do this, but probably the simplest would be to save it to the session on your home page, and then access that session variable from your partial.
You will need to decide what to do if the session expires.
Another possible way would be to write it to a cookie on the home page request and then access the request cookie in your partial. Again, you'd need to decide on an approach for cookies disabled, or wiped out during browsing.
Alternatively, you could look at something like the approach being used in the link below to set a language across the site. Exact implementation would differ, but concept is the same:
Howto automatically add a specific value from current route to all generated links?

Using MVC Routes as Shortcodes

We have been trying to implement shortcodes on an ASP.NET MVC web app that allow users to uniquely invoke a given article/page using an assigned short code.
For e.g.: would map to an actual URL:
I have created various routes throughout the site that map these shortcodes to various actions and controllers within the application. From a shortcode/route point of view, everything is working great.
I, however, noticed a couple of interesting things. I have hyperlinks that I use Url.Action method to generate the URL pointing pages. Many of these pages also have short codes associated with them. For e.g.: I have a link that says:
Go to Power page
This is a page that also has the previously mentioned short-code assigned to it. When I use Url.Action, I ideally expect it to create a link as /Power/Home/Index or /Power/Home, but since I also have a route constraint mapped to it, it now generates the link as /power.
Is there a way I can just use the actual link URL when generating links? I only want short-codes when I am sending out emails etc. I want the site to generate actual URLs.
This may or may not be possible, but I wanted to see if there were any ideas out there that I could use.
Index and Home are likely defined in your route table as defaults for the Action and Controller element. When you generate the Url it wont include the defaults if they aren't needed.
You could write your own Action overload or helper, which would allow you to take more direct control of the generated URL or action link. You could approach it from two different ways: 1) a helper to generate short-code specific urls and links, and/or 2) a helper to generate the full url and/or link. If Url.Action is returning the short-code version due to your routing configuration, I'd think a good place to start would be the second option, creating a helper/extension method that will generate the full url for you.
Here's how I solved this:
Instead of naming a route with short code to point to the action url, I made the route point to a different Controller action which would then redirect to the actual route that I want it to.
For e.g.: Originally I had the code "power" defined in the route table such that it would point to
Now instead of pointing it to that action - Index, controller - Home, area - Power, I make it resolve to: action - Power, Controller - Home, Area - ShortCode.
In the controller now, I simply do a RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { Area = "Power" });
This ensures that the actual links to /Power/Home do not resolve to the shortcode "power".
This is a simple fix increased the work by a little bit, but works like a charm.

How to implement a search page which shows results on the same page?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 for the first time on a project at work and am feeling like a bit of a noob.
I have a page with a customer search control/partial view. The control is a textbox and a button. You enter a customer id into the textbox and hit search. The page then "refreshes" and shows the customer details on the same page. In other words, the customer details appear below the customer search control.
This is so that if the customer isn't the right one, the user can search again without hitting back in the browser. Or, perhaps they mistyped the customer id and need to try again.
I want the URL to look like this:
Obviously, this follows the default route in the project.
Now, if I type the URL above directly into my browser, it works fine. However, when I then use the search control on that page to search for say customer 2, the page refreshes with the correct customer details but the URL does not change! It stays as
When I want it to be
How can I get it to change to the correct URL?
I am only using the default route in Global.asax.
My Search method looks like this:
<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)> _
Function Search(ByVal id As String) As ActionResult
Dim customer As Customer = New CustomerRepository().GetById(id)
Return View("SearchResult", customer)
End Function
A good place to start might be NerdDinner if you havn't already.
In the mean time though The approach I'd use is to have a page that has my search box on it.
Then I'd have a <div> that I name "SearchResults". This will ultimately hold my results to the search.
I then have a PartialView which takes a model that has all the search results and renders them.
So when I click the button I do a call out to a jQuery action that takes the search parameter, performs the search and then returns my PartialView as rendered HTML.
Back in the client side I take that rendered HTML and replace the contents of my div with the HTML.
The keywords to google, or SO, are RenderPartial. This is back end code to render a partial view and give you html.
Also jQuery postbacks so that you can call an action in your controller.
use RedirectToRoute action result
