What happens when I load an assembly? - asp.net-mvc

In my ASP.NET MVC application, I have the following setup:
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<probing privatePath="bin;extras"/>
I have referenced assemblies located in the extras folder in the views and they have worked perfectly (using <%# Import Namespace="myNameSpace" %>).
My questions
What happens when that line is called?
Where is the assembly loaded?
Why is it that I can't overwrite the assembly located in the extras folder that contains myNameSpace with a newer version? (I get an error saying that the assembly is "open" in another program)
Is there a way to overwrite the assembly with a newer version without having the application restart?

1) Import doesn't actually do anything at runtime. It's a compile-time convenience that just lets you refer to types using their unqualified names such as Environment instead of System.Environment.
2) The assembly is loaded using normal assembly probing rules. The CLR checks various locations before these private probing paths so it's important to keep that in mind. If you reference a strong-named assembly and expect to find that assembly in a private probing path, an assembly with the same strong name (name, version, public key, etc) in the GAC would be preferred. This can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior and is usually caused by hard coding an assembly version in your AssemblyInfo.cs and forgetting to update it.
3) Once loaded, an assembly cannot be unloaded without unloading the AppDomain. But ASP.NET uses "shadow copying" which means assemblies are copied to a temporary path before being loaded. This should leave the original assembly unlocked and able to be overwritten. Off the top of my head, I am not sure why you'd be getting the error about locked assemblies. In a normal Windows application, this would be totally normal and expected. But ASP.NET is designed so that you can overwrite content, code, assemblies, etc while the application is running, which leads to #4.
4) In practice, no. Because an assembly cannot be unloaded, there is no way to upgrade an assembly without the web application being restarted. Technically speaking, you can load multiple versions of an assembly but this would not give you the desired results. Any compile-time references would still reference the old assembly and you'd get all kinds of invalid cast exceptions if you tried to use the new assembly. But as I said in #3, with ASP.NET upgrading assemblies is supposed to be as simple as replacing the files and should happen automatically. You shouldn't have to restart IIS or worker processes manually.
The following links may be of interest.
How the Runtime Locates Assemblies
Best Practices for Loading Assemblies
Shadow Copying Assemblies
Unloading Assemblies - Suzanne Cook
After reading a bit more on shadow copying, I think the reason you might be seeing the issue of locked assemblies in the extras folder is that ASP.NET probably only specifies the "bin" folder for shadow copying.

I think this is the same as a using statement in C#, it basically means that the namespace's classes are now available to be used in yoru page.
The assembly will be loaded into memory probably by the aspnetwp.exe process
If the assembly is currently being used you will get this error message
A restart is the safest way I know of doing this, you could use dependency injection or late binding to achieve the same result. I would jsut wonder why you would want to switch an assembly while the application is running?


F# Type Provider compiled as *.exe file

Why I cannot create Type Provider as *.exe file with [<TypeProviderAssembly()>] and [<EntryPoint>] inside?
When I try to reference such TP using #r #"d:\TP\bin\Debug\MyTypeProvider.exe", I see the following:
test.fsx(3,1): error FS3031: The type provider 'd:\TP\bin\Debug\MyTypeProvider.exe' reported an error: Assembly attribute 'TypeProviderAssemblyAttribute' refers to a designer assembly 'MyTypeProvider' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///d:\TP\bin\Debug\MyTypeProvider.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I need to have a type inference runtime in separate process, because it should be 64bit (unlike 32bit VS process). But I want to pack all things into one file, reference it from VS and start as external process.
Perhaps there's some good underlying reason for always looking for DLLs instead of EXEs, but I suspect this may be an arbitrary limitation.
I can get things to work in FSI if I supply the assembly's full name to the TypeProviderAssemblyAttribute constructor (e.g. [<TypeProviderAssembly("MyExe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")>]), but IntelliSense doesn't work and I can't use the TP from other projects. Consider filing a bug with the team - but it would probably help if you could justify why you need an EXE instead of a DLL for your scenario.

Collection of DLL's in another Designated Folder?

First of all, please forgive me for not knowing the proper terminology, I'm sure there's a very common technical name for this which I could simply Google for help - but I can't find help if I don't know the term to begin with.
I'm building a modular system in Delphi 7. There are a few applications and a bunch of DLL's. All the applications share these DLL's, as well as some of the DLL's use other DLL's. The DLL's are currently saved in the same location as the application. I would instead like to put all these DLL's in a sub-folder (elsewhere from the EXE's) but of course Delphi won't know how to find them.
Is there a way I can direct my Delphi Apps to look in a certain directory for DLL's? It can't be using Contstants, because there will be an option to specify where the DLL's are stored.
These DLL's are just a plain collection of StdCall functions in each, nothing special.
To explain the reason why I want to keep the DLL's in their own folder: This system I'm building considers these DLL's as add-ons. By default, the system might not even have any add-ons. On the other hand, it will also allow various vendors to build other DLL's and include them as add-ons. Then each application requiring these Add-ons will be directed to the folder where to find them.
The application its self will have its own DLL's which will be in the same directory as the applications. But the Vendors' DLL's I would like to keep separate.
As mentioned in the answers below, my best bet would be to implement the DLL Import method, because A) I can specify a path for each DLL it's importing, B) I can better control the use of each DLL (Does it need to be loaded or not?) and C) Each DLL can technically be in separate folders by themselves (Vendors might want to build their own folder structure). This system is still very pre-mature but I plan to make further flexibility with it.
If you are dynamically loading the DLLs in your code, you can store them whereever you want since you have to pass the full path to LoadLibrary/Ex() anyway. If you are statically linking to the DLLs instead, then you can use SetDllDirectory() to designate an additional path to include in the OS's DLL search path.
You can do this with PATH but I recommend you don't. It's a brutal and inflexible approach. And of course you need to change the system wide PATH for it to have any effect at executable load time.
You can load your DLLs explicitly with LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. That's no fun if there are a lot of imports but it can be a good option otherwise. And remember that if you go down this route, every single DLL must switch to explicit linking.
There is something called DLL Redirection but MS don't recommend you use that. They recommend that you use side-by-side components. Having said that, the Visual Studio team moved away from side-by-side components with the MSVC runtime in VS2010 because of the pain that side-by-side had caused in previous release.
So, in spite of all the options, I really believe that the best solution is to put all the DLLs in the same directory as the executable. If you can get over the folder looking untidy then it will make life much simpler. It is a trivial no effort solution to the problem.
The update to your question provides the extra information that these DLLs are optional add-ons. In this case you simply have no alternative but to use explicit linking with LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.
I would highly recommend that you leave the DLL's in the same folder as the applications.
If you really want to go down the road of putting the DLL's in a separate folder then you need to know whether you can load the DLL's with the LoadLibrary API which allows the specification of the path too. However, if the DLL's are statically loaded then it is Windows that performs the search. The Windows search first looks in the application folder then searches the Windows PATH. Also, as Delphi 7 only creates 32 bit applications this can get messy under Windows 64 bit.
On Windows, there is a "DLL search order". One of those search paths is The directory from which the application loaded, which is why it works to have them in the same folder as the EXE.
If you are statically linked to the DLLs, they must be loaded when the EXE is loaded into memory. This is before your first line of code is executed. So, you're relying on the DLLs being in one of the search paths. In this case, you're stuck with setting the path, and you must set it prior to the program loading.
If you are dynamically linking to the DLLs, then you can use LoadLibrary/LoadLibraryEx to load the DLLs at run time, in your code. Using those functions, you must specify the path to the DLL, so the DLLs could be anywhere. In this case, I feel that it's valid to put the DLLs in a separate folder to keep things tidy. As long as you don't put the DLLs into a shared location like the Windows System32 folder, you'll avoid a lot of headaches.
A temporarly solution is:
You can set your DLL path in your application's Shortcut (in "Start in" box).

External exception is thrown in function when using DLL's from not application folder

I have a problem which I do not understand. I am using a DLL in my application. This DLL requires other DLL's and I have all of them. If I put the libraries in my appliction folder everything works fine.
However, having a bunch of DLLs in application folder looks quite ugly so I wanted to move them to application\lib subfolder.
After this change now I am getting External Exception when I try to use some of its functions.
I've only changed one line of code:
The original code
DLLHandle := LoadLibrary(Pchar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'External.dll'))
The code after change
DLLHandle := LoadLibrary(Pchar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'lib\External.dll'))
In both cases DLLHandle have a handle after loading the library. I am also not getting any error after calling GetProcAddress( DLLHandle, '_SomeFunction#8')
No exceptions, and return value of GetLastError is always 0.
Do you have any idea what could be wrong?
Life is far easier if you keep the DLLs in the same folder as the executable. That's the first folder searched when libraries are loaded. To move all the DLLs into a sub folder of the executable directory requires cooperation from all DLLs.
Most likely you have secondary DLL dependencies that are not cooperating. So exe loads A fine, but then A fails to load B. You can debug this further with Dependency Walker running in profile mode. It's quite possible that a secondary DLL is being loaded with implicit linking and that this throws and exception. Whatever the cause, Depenency Walker will lead you to the problem.
Whilst you can modify the PATH variable this is generally not advisable. If you do choose to go down this route then don't modify system wide, just modify the executable process environment at runtime before the first LoadLibrary. This is tenable so long as all your DLL linking is explicit using GetProcAddress.
All accepted wisdom recommends that you put your DLLs in the same folder as your executable. I would echo this recommendation. If you did this then you would be able to use implicit linking which would greatly simplify your code.
Yet another option may be to abandon DLLs and link everything straight into your executable. Unless you have a plugin type architecture, a single big exe is by far the simplest approach.
The other DLL's that need to be loaded must be on the system path for Windows to find them. Your application can find the External.dll as you explicitly define the path. Try adding the lib folder to your system path.

How to divide a Delphi project into BPLs properly?

The company I work for develops a system in Delphi, that contains dozens of exe modules, and each of them is identical to a certain degree if it comes to source code. Sadly, nobody has ever cared about using libraries to put the shared code in. This means that each time there is a bug fix to do in the code all these modules share, a programmer has to make corrections in all of them separately! It always takes so much time...
I decided to find a method to put the shared code into libraries. I considered DLLs and BPLs. In this case BPLs seemed much more programmer-friendly and much less troublesome, especially that the code is used only in our software and only in Delphi.
I put all the code shared by all the exe modules into BPLs and everything seems fine, but there are certain things I don't understand and would be grateful if you explained them to me.
What I expected after dividing the code into BPLs was that it would be enough to deploy exe files with the BPLs I created. But it turned out that they need an rtl100.bpl and vcl100.bpl as well. Why is it so? I want to deploy exes and my BPLs only. I don't want to provide end users with a whole bunch of libraries supplied by Borland and third party companies :). I want them to be compiled within exes as they used to be compiled before. Is it possible to do that?
What I did so far was:
I put all shared pas units to BPLs. Each BPL contains units belonging to the same category so it is clear for programmers what code to expect in a given BPL.
Each BPL is a "runtime and designtime" library.
Each BPL is "rebuilt explicitly".
The two latter are default project settings for BPLs.
And if it comes to the exe projects:
I deleted all units that I had earlier put to BPLs.
I installed my BPLs from the Tools->Install package menu in BDS 2006.
In my exe project settings I checked the option "build with runtime packages" and I listed all my BPL packages in the edit box below (only my packages, as I cleared all other ones that appeared there).
This is all I did. The exe projects compile properly, but I have no access to the source code of BPLs (I can't navigate into that code from my exe projects), even though all BPLs are stored together with their source code files. Why? It seems strange to me.
I always tend to write lengthy descriptions - sorry for that :). I will appreciate your help. I just need a few words of explanation to the points I mentioned: deploying exe with my BPLs only, the correctness of what I did as a whole, and the inability to navigate into BPL source codes. Thank you very much in advance!
Thank you all for the discussion. Some said the approach I chose was not a good idea. Our software consists of more than 100 modules (most of them being something like drivers for different devices). Most of them share the same code - in most cases classes. The problem is that those classes are not always put into separate, standalone pas units. I mean that the shared code is often put into units containing code specific to a module. This means that when you fix a bug in a shared class, it is not enough to copy the pas unit it is defined in into all software modules and recompile them. Unfortunately, you have to copy and paste the fixed pieces of code into each module, one by one, into a proper unit and class. This takes a lot of time and this is what I would like to eliminate, choosing a correct approach - please help me.
I thought that using BPLs would be a good solution, but it has some downsides, as some of you mentioned. The worst problem is that if each EXE needs several BPLs, our technical support people will have to know which EXE needs which BPLs and then provide end users with proper files. As long as we don't have a software updater, this will be a great deal for both our technicians and end user. They will certainly get lost and angry :-/.
Also compatibility issues may happen - if one BPL is shared by many EXEs, a modification of one BPL can bee good for one EXE and bad for some other ones - #Warren P.
What should I do then to make bug fixes quicker to make in so many projects? I think of one of the following approaches. If you have better ideas, please let me know.
Put shared code into separate and standalone pas units, so when there is a bug fix in one of them, it is enough to copy it to all projects (overwrite the old files) and recompile all of them.
This solution seems to be OK as far as a rearly modified code is concrened. But we also have pas units with general use functions and procedures, which often undrego modifications - we add new functions there whenever necessary, but in single projects. So imagine that you write a new function in one of the 100 modules and put it into its general use unit. After a month or two you modify a different module and you think you need the same function you wrote 2 months ago. You have to find the module (it's difficult if you don't remember which one it was) and copy the function to your code. And obviously - the general use units become completely different in each module as long as they are stored in each project separately. And then, if there is a bug fix to do... the whole story repeats.
Create BPLs for all the shared code, but link them into EXEs, so that EXEs are standalone.
For me it seems the best solution now, but there are several cons. If I do a bug fix in a BPL, each programmer will have to update the BPLs on their computer. What if they forget? But still, I think it is a minor problem. If we take care of informing each other about changes, everything should be fine.
#CodeInChaos: I don't know if I understood you properly. Do you mean sharing pas files between projects? How to do that? We store source codes in SVN. This means that we would have to store shared code in a separate folder and make all projects search for that code there, right? And download from the SVN a project and all folders it is dependent on...
Please, help me choose a good solution. I just don't want the company to lose much more time and money than necessary on bugfixes just because of a stupid approach to software development.
Thank you very much.
Even though this question has an accepted answer I'm going to take a stab at it.
The title asks how to divide a project into bpls but the real question appears to be:
"What's the best way to share code between projects?"
There are a few ways to do this:
Shared units
Regardless of which direction you go you will likely need to restructure your projects. From your description it sounds like each project is developed in relative isolation. Code is shared using copy/paste, which quickly gets out of sync and result in a lot of duplicated effort. So lets examine each of the techniques for sharing code.
Shared units
This is the most straightforward approach. You create a shared location and place code you would like to reuse among your projects into this location. The units are statically linked into your projects so you don't need to worry about deploying extra dependencies along with the main executables. Statically linked units are by far the easiest to troubleshoot and debug.
The compiler needs to be able to find your shared units. There are 4 ways to tell the compiler where to look.
Add them to the project - SHIFT+F11 - Adds a reference to the unit into the project files (dpr, dproj). The IDE will normally use relative paths if the unit is located under the same directory tree as the project files, otherwise it will use absolute paths, which can be problematic if developer machines aren't configured identically.
The project's Search Path - CTRL+SHIFT+F11 Delphi Compiler > Search path - Add a directory and the compiler will look there to find units mentioned in the uses clause of any unit in the project. Its best to use relative paths if you can. You can also use environment variables: $(MyPath)
Global Search Path - Tools > Options > Environment Options > Delphi Options > Library - Win32 > Library Path - Any paths listed here are available to all projects on a machine. This is machine dependant
Command line - If you build from a script or build automation tool you can set the search path using the dcc32's -U switch or msbuild's /property:UnitSearchPath= switch.
Options 1 and 2 will be the most useful.
As far as your SVN repository goes you have a few options for organizing the projects and shared units. The simplest would be to place all projects under single trunk along with the shared units:
Library (shared units)
If for some reason the above structure isn't possible you could try this alternative:
Library (branch of main library)
Library (branch of main library)
Library (branch of main library)
trunk (main library)
In this configuration changes made to each project's library folder would not be immediately available to the other projects. Each project would need to synchronize changes with the main Library project on a regular basis. A side effect of this is that changes that break other projects will be delayed until the other projects are synchronized. Whether you consider this a good or bad thing depends. On the one hand bugs are easier and cheaper to fix when the code they involve is still fresh in the developer's mind. On the other hand if you don't practice unit testing (which I highly recommend you do) or the code is very fragile or you just have developers prone to making reckless changes you may want to control how frequently those changes get pushed into other projects.
Dlls allow you to share code by linking to it at runtime. They expose functions that can be called from a main executable or another dll.
While dlls are always linked at runtime you decide whether they are loaded at application startup or only when needed. Loading at startup is called static loading and in Delphi is accomplished using the external directive. The vast majority of the rtl/vcl classes that wrap system api calls use static loading. Dynamic loading lets to delay the loading of a dll until it is required. This uses the WinAPI functions LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. A corresponding call to FreeLibrary will unload a dll.
Unfortunately standard dlls limit what kind of datatypes can be passed. If you need to access a dll from non-Delphi projects you will need to limit yourself to using c style data types. If you will only be using a dll with Delphi projects you can safely use Delphi strings and dynamic arrays as well if you use the SharedMem unit in the dll and any projects that use it.
You can safely use object's within the dll without problems but if you want to pass objects between the dll and the application you'll need to extract the object's data and pass it as primitive types and reassemble it into an object on the other end. This is called (de)serialization or marshalling and there are much easier ways to do this than rolling your own.
COM (Component Object Model) is well supported in Delphi but it has a bit of a learning curve. Consuming COM objects is pretty straightforward but designing one will take time if you're not familiar with COM. COM has the advantage that it is language neutral and is supported in the majority of languages targeting the Windows platform (including languages targeting the .NET framework).
Bpls (also called simply "packages") are specially formatted dlls that make working with objects a lot easier. Like standard dlls they are linked at runtime and can be statically or dynamically loaded. They are easier to learn and use than COM dlls and provide more seamles integration into your projects than COM. Packages are composed of two parts: the bpl and the dcp. The dcp is like the dcu files generated when you compile a normal unit file except it contains a whole bunch of units in it. Using a class that is compiled in a bpl is as simple as adding the dcp to the project's package list then adding a unit to a uses clause of one of the project's units.
When you deploy the app you'll need to install the bpl as well. As other's have noted you have to include the rtl package at a minimum and most likely the vcl package if you use any forms. There is a way around deploying Borland supplied bpls with your projects. You can create a "mini" rtl package that contains only the units your project need. The difficultly is in determining which units to include.
From the description you've given creating a library of shared unit files to statically link against may be the most expedient route. I would also suggest trying out a program called Simian. It will help you track down duplicate code in your code base for inclusion in your shared library. It doesn't directly support pascal but it does a decent enough job using the plain text parser with a little tweaking of its configuration.
Also I can't stress enough the value of unit testing. Especially if you're moving toward shared libraries. A suite of well written unit tests run on a frequent basis will give you instant feedback when a developer changes a class and it breaks an unrelated project.
Imagine you have a project with an EXE and two different BPL modules, and somewhere in that codebase, there's a line that says if MyObject is TStringList then DoSomething;. The is operator works by examining the object's class metadata, stored in the VMT, and then following a chain of VMTs through the ClassParent pointer, to see if any of them match the class reference (also a VMT pointer) for TStringList. In order to make sure that this will work correctly, there needs to be one single VMT for TStringList that's the same throughout your entire program, no matter how many BPLs it's divided up into, which means it has to be in its own package. That's why system runtimes like rtl*.bpl and vcl*.bpl are necessary, and there's not much you can do about that. It's part of the price of using BPLs.
As for not being able to debug, you need to make sure that the BPLs are built with debug info enabled and that the debugger knows how to find the folder where the DCP (the file containing the debug info for the BPL) is located. And you won't be able to trace into system BPLs, because debug-enabled DCPs weren't shipped with your version. They were added pretty recently, I think in XE but it might have been in D2010.
Why can't I browse my source code? Is there a way to fix this?
You can not browse the source code of the units included in the packages because they are neither in your project, your library or search path.
The way I solve this is adding the directories to the project search path. This way the compiler does not know about those files (and does not try to recompile them) but the IDE let's you browse their content and debug into them.
"In my exe project settings I checked the option "build with runtime packages"
That is why you cannot deploy without the BPL's etc - this option is confusing for a lot of developers -"build with runtime packages" means that you will need the bpl's present at runtime. Uncheck that option and the packages will be linked into your exe at compileTime. (Your exe will g-r-o-w in size.) The idea behind the "build with runtime packages" is to keep the size of exe's down and allow several apps to share common bpl's because they are NOT linked into the exe # compileTime - that's the upside. The downside you are now experiencing - you must distribute your bpl's with your exe.

Import namespace of an assembly not in bin folder

Is it possible to import a namespace from an assembly that is not in the bin folder?
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2 with MEF to pull controllers out of the assembly.I was able to get everything working, however, strongly typed views can't recognize the assemblies' objects unless the assembly is in the bin folder.
Strongly typed view means knowing the object type at compile time. In order to know the object at compile time the assembly containing the class needs to be referenced. Referencing assemblies in an ASP.NET application is done by putting them in the bin folder.
If you use reflection to load assemblies from some other non-standard location, types will be known only at runtime and you cannot use them as models for strongly typed views.
If you want to load assemblies from somewhere else than the bin folder at runtime, you may do so by calling the appropriate method through the AppDomain.
