Best way to get started with Facebook and Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking to develop my first Facebook application and therefore looking for some advice on where to get started.
I've spent a few hours browsing Facebook's Developer Wiki, Facebooker library, looking at the sample chapters in "Developing Facebook Applications with Rails" by Pragmatic Programmers, etc.
Since FB is constantly changing their API, and Facebook Connect is newer than the aforementioned book, does anyone have any advice on where to get started?

Create a Facebook app and new Rails app and play around with integrating Connect using Facebooker.
Getting these components to work will help you understand the FB application configuration process, loading the appropriate javascript files, and figuring out how to read the FB session in an Rails app.
Once you have that figured out try creating a normal FB IFrame app.

One of the things that I think is super important is to try to keep your focus pretty narrow when getting started. If you try to tackle learning: ruby, rails, facebook api, facebook gems, web development, html, css all at the same moment you'll probably get burnt out and give up. Holy smokes that's a lot of stuff to learn! The trick you should do is figure out how small chunks until you get it a little, then move onto the next thing. Keep your goals super small.
How I would do it if I were you:
Start by building a new rails application
Then learn how to build a landing page in rails
Then make it look good with html and css
Then learn how to make it better with something like bootstrap (and learn about gems)
From there you could look into calling a simple API from facebook, and the facebooker gem.
Getting started with Ruby on Rails is something that is a little daunting at first, but after you get started it gets a lot easier. After running Ruby on Rails bootcamps for Startup Accelerators, Harvard Business School, in Times Square, Boston, and Pittsburgh, I started It's a video tutorial to get started, so you should check out that site.
My advice is to learn as much as you can by actually writing the code. Don't get caught up too much in the details and the specifics. If a tutorial gives you some code to write, and some information, and you don't absorb all the information at first, keep going. Afterwards go back to the material, and once you have gone through the whole process of writing your first application a lot of the pieces will fit together.


whether to use refinerycms or not

Me and a bunch of our friends decided to make a website with ruby on rails. Our question is whether refinerycms is fit with out website. What we are building is a place where our community would sign in and post up a bunch of pictures, videos, live streams, or articles/blogs. The front page would be have top feeds and featured articles. That is the idea for the most part. We thought about refinerycms but after looking into refinery it doesn't seem so fit and was wondering if its better if we just start it from scratch.
If you don't know rails and don't want to spend many hours learning.(I love it. It's fun, but not for everyone), go for wordpress.
Wordpress is easier to set up and deploy to a server.
All web hotels usually works with PHP and Mysql out of the box, witch wordpress depends on
Rails depends on ruby and that makes the server configuration more complex.
For a developer Ruby on rails is gold. But, if your main focus is to get a blog up, its to much to learn.
If you want to learn ROR go to railscast and get a pro subscription. It's the best way to pick up rails tricks
If your website mostly functions as a blog, the Refinery would be a great choice, IMHO. On the other hand, expect to do some programming on your own part if you need features such as the ones you mentioned (i.e. Live streams). On the other hand, if you're completely new to Rails, the it might be slightly more challenging, but don't let that stop you. :)

Facebook Canvas App on Rails 3.1

I'm trying to create a Facebook canvas app that allow users to write a custom Wall post and tag some friends. I'm familiar with stand alone rails apps, but I'm having a hard time grasping API interactions.
I've came across with a few gems (Facebooker2, Koala and fb_graph) and the Heroku integration that provide a easier way to use the GraphAPI, but I wasn't able to find updated examples on how to integrate them with a rails app from scratch. So far, the only one that I've found was this sample from fb_graph.
It seems that this type of application is pretty common of Facebook, so I was expecting to find more info on the community. Is there a better way to start developing for Facebook using Rails or should I just pick one of those gems and stick with it until I grasp the concepts?
I was able to create an Facebook canvas app using the fb_graph sample. Probably there are better solutions to handle Facebook authorization inside canvas, but the sample is a great start. Here is my project, a Music Quiz inside Facebook:
I built my first Facebook app from scratch using Koala. Their wiki on Github is absolutely fantastic and everything is well explained.

Flex and Ruby on Rails start up

I'm new at Ruby on Rails, but already developed a start project.
Now I figure out that I have to use flash for it, and the best way as I see is Flex.
The problem is that I didn't find no start up guide how to combine these two things. Should I use RubyAMF or WebORB? or both? And will such combination will work fine on Heroku cloud?
For sum up, I'm Looking for some basic info or a short guide for combining RoR and Flex.
Well, here is a really good book on the subject: "Flexible Rails". It has a ton of good info for the combo.
For me, I have done this with a lot of success. I use RoR to develop my RESTfull service and I put the Flex app in the public folder of the Rails app. Of course, an Air app can connect to the service the same way.
I then publish the app using Heroku. The entire end-to-end story is quite solid... assuming, of course, that a Flex-based web app is what you want. I also like a HTML/Coffeescript/Backbone client that does the same thing... but that is a different story all together :)
Good luck. This is certainly a fun combo to be developing with.

Implementing reCaptcha into a Rails 2.3.12 app

I need to implement reCaptcha into a Rails app form for my internship. Unfortunately I am still taking my Web Programming classes and haven't gotten into any server side lessons yet, so I am still a complete noob when it comes to submitting forms and sending requests to servers, let alone not using RoR before I started the internship. I have been trying to find a tutorial to follow, but all that I've found assume more experience with web development.
I have the public/private keys from the site and have installed the plugin, but am completely lost now. Obviously I don't want someone to just tell me what I should code, but if someone could tell me where I need to go after this that would be fantastic. I know that I need to add <%= recaptcha_tags %> where I want reCaptcha to appear, but I haven't been able to find anything pertaining to what I need to code for the helpers or what kind of JavaScript I need to implement. I know I need to do some AJAX calls, but again, NO idea what to do or where to start.
Any tips, pointers or references to tutorials would be fantastical and I would love you forever and a day. Thanks!
look here
or the best place :

How do I develop a web page that returns password for users to register?

I am doing a project on creating a lab application for a next generation sequencing data using ruby on rails.
The main idea my boss suggests me to do is to have users fill in their details and submit to us. After the submission, the administrator, i.e. me, would send them a password which they can use to login my application. could some one help me with the idea of development. I am naive to ruby on rails and would be very grateful for people who help me.
thank you and cheers
I would start with Michael Hartl's RailsTutorial. Not only did I find it the best way to get started - the application he builds includes a bombproof user security model, just as you require, and so you'd be both learning and developing something relevant at the same time.
I'd also recommend buying the videos, as well as the book. They make all the difference.
Are you new to the whole web development thing or is it just Ruby on rails that you have no knowledge of?
If the former, I'd suggest googling some Ruby tutorials on how to make a simple web application and build from there. Start by a simple "Hello world" application, then proceed to handle submitted forms, then install and use a database and by then you should have the basic knowledge to build what you want.
If the latter, could you specify, what parts you need help with? Ruby is syntactically quite easy to learn if you just take a look at some tutorials, so that shouldn't pose any problems. You have described a simple use case which I'm sure you can handle in a new environment, if you just have the patience to try and learn.
