Would you please explain OCaml functors to me? [duplicate] - f#

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
In Functional Programming, what is a functor?
I don't know much about OCaml, I've studied F# for some time and quite understand it.
They say that F# misses functor model, which is present in OCaml. I've tried to figure out what exactly functor is, but wikipedia and tutorials didn't help me much.
Could you please illuminate that mystery for me? Thanks in advance :)
I've caught the point, thx to everyone who helped me. You can close the question as exact duplicate of: In Functional Programming, what is a functor?

If you come from an OOP universe, then it probably helps to think of a module as analogous to a static class. Similar to .NET static classes, OCaml module have constructors; unlike .NET, OCaml modules can accept parameters in their constructors. A functor is a scary sounding name for the object you pass into the module constructor.
So using the canonical example of a binary tree, we'd normally write it in F# like this:
type 'a tree =
| Nil
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
module Tree =
let rec insert v = function
| Nil -> Node(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(l, x, r) ->
if v < x then Node(insert v l, x, r)
elif v > x then Node(l, x, insert v r)
else Node(l, x, r)
Fine and dandy. But how does F# know how to compare two objects of type 'a using the < and > operators?
Behind the scenes, its doing something like this:
> let gt x y = x > y;;
val gt : 'a -> 'a -> bool when 'a : comparison
Alright, well what if you have an object of type Person which doesn't implement that particular interface? What if you wanted to define the sorting function on the fly? One approach is just to pass in the comparer as follows:
let rec insert comparer v = function
| Nil -> Node(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(l, x, r) ->
if comparer v x = 1 then Node(insert v l, x, r)
elif comparer v x = -1 then Node(l, x, insert v r)
else Node(l, x, r)
It works, but if you're writing a module for tree operations with insert, lookup, removal, etc, you require clients to pass in an ordering function everytime they call anything.
If F# supported functors, its hypothetical syntax might look like this:
type 'a Comparer =
abstract Gt : 'a -> 'a -> bool
abstract Lt : 'a -> 'a -> bool
abstract Eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool
module Tree (comparer : 'a Comparer) =
let rec insert v = function
| Nil -> Node(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(l, x, r) ->
if comparer.Lt v x then Node(insert v l, x, r)
elif comparer.Gt v x then Node(l, x, insert v r)
else Node(l, x, r)
Still in the hypothetical syntax, you'd create your module as such:
module PersonTree = Tree (new Comparer<Person>
member this.Lt x y = x.LastName < y.LastName
member this.Gt x y = x.LastName > y.LastName
member this.Eq x y = x.LastName = y.LastName
let people = PersonTree.insert 1 Nil
Unfortunately, F# doesn't support functors, so you have to fall back on some messy workarounds. For the scenario above, I would almost always store the "functor" in my data structure with some auxillary helper functions to make sure it gets copied around correctly:
type 'a Tree =
| Nil of 'a -> 'a -> int
| Node of 'a -> 'a -> int * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
module Tree =
let comparer = function
| Nil(f) -> f
| Node(f, _, _, _) -> f
let empty f = Nil(f)
let make (l, x, r) =
let f = comparer l
Node(f, l, x, r)
let rec insert v = function
| Nil(_) -> make(Nil, v, Nil)
| Node(f, l, x, r) ->
if f v x = -1 then make(insert v l, x, r)
elif f v x = 1 then make(l, x, insert v r)
else make(l, x, r)
let people = Tree.empty (function x y -> x.LastName.CompareTo(y.LastName))

Functors are modules parameterized by modules, i.e. a reflection from modules to modules (ordinary function is reflection from values to values, polymorphic function is reflection from types to ordinary functions).
See also ocaml-tutorial on modules.
Examples in the manual are helpful too.

Check out this data structures in ocaml course:
the functor lecture:
and the splay tree implementation using functor:


Taking two streams and combining them in OCaml

I want to take two streams of integers in increasing order and combine them into one stream that contains no duplicates and should be in increasing order. I have defined the functionality for streams in the following manner:
type 'a susp = Susp of (unit -> 'a)
let force (Susp f) = f()
type 'a str = {hd : 'a ; tl : ('a str) susp }
let merge s1 s2 = (* must implement *)
The first function suspends computation by wrapping a computation within a function, and the second function evaluates the function and provides me with the result of the computation.
I want to emulate the logic of how you go about combining lists, i.e. match on both lists and check which elements are greater, lesser, or equal and then append (cons) the integers such that the resulting list is sorted.
However, I know I cannot just do this with streams of course as I cannot traverse it like a list, so I think I would need to go integer by integer, compare, and then suspend the computation and keep doing this to build the resulting stream.
I am at a bit of a loss how to implement such logic however, assuming it is how I should be going about this, so if somebody could point me in the right direction that would be great.
Thank you!
If the the input sequences are sorted, there is not much difference between merging lists and sequences. Consider the following merge function on lists:
let rec merge s t =
match s, t with
| x :: s , [] | [], x :: s -> x :: s
| [], [] -> s
| x :: s', y :: t' ->
if x < y then
x :: (merge s' t)
else if x = y then
x :: (merge s' t')
y :: (merge s t')
This function is only using two properties of lists:
the ability to split the potential first element from the rest of the list
the ability to add an element to the front of the list
This suggests that we could rewrite this function as a functor over the signature
module type seq = sig
type 'a t
(* if the seq is non-empty we split the seq into head and tail *)
val next: 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) option
(* add back to the front *)
val cons: 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
Then if we replace the pattern matching on the list with a call to next, and the cons operation with a call to cons, the previous function is transformed into:
module Merge(Any_seq: seq ) = struct
open Any_seq
let rec merge s t =
match next s, next t with
| Some(x,s), None | None, Some (x,s) ->
cons x s
| None, None -> s
| Some (x,s'), Some (y,t') ->
if x < y then
cons x (merge s' t)
else if x = y then
cons x (merge s' t')
cons y (merge s t')
Then, with list, our implementation was:
module List_core = struct
type 'a t = 'a list
let cons = List.cons
let next = function
| [] -> None
| a :: q -> Some(a,q)
module List_implem = Merge(List_core)
which can be tested with
let test = List_implem.merge [1;5;6] [2;4;9]
Implementing the same function for your stream type is then just a matter of writing a similar Stream_core module for stream.

FSharp Computation Expression: Cannot reference binding value in custom operation

I am trying to make a builder using FSharp Computation Expression, but get error FS0039:
type UpdatebBuilder() =
member this.Yield (x) = x
member this.Return (x) = x
member this.Bind (x, cont) = cont(x)
member this.Quote (x) = x
member this.For (x, a) = x
[<CustomOperation("set", MaintainsVariableSpace =true,AllowIntoPattern=true)>]
member this.Set (x, a, b) = x
let update = UpdatebBuilder()
let testUpdate () =
update {
for x in [| 1; 2 ; 3|] do
set x 123 // Compile Error FS0039: The value or constructor 'x' is not defined.
What I want to implement is something like query expression:
query {
for x in collection do
where x = 2 // Why no FS0039 error here?
select x
Also tried MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind=true, and get same error. What should I do to make it compile?
To me it looks like you are trying to define a State monad and implementing the Set operation as a custom operation.
I will admit I never fully got my head around custom operations in F# (and I used F# alot). IMHO it feels like custom operations had one purpose; enable a LINQ like syntax in F#. As time goes in it seems few C# developers are using the LINQ like syntax (ie from x where y select z) and few F# developers are using the query computation expression. I have no data here but just goes from example code I see.
This could explain why the documentation on custom operations are often succinct and hard to grasp. What does this even mean? MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind: Indicates if the custom operation maintains the variable space of the query or computation expression through the use of a bind operation.
Anyway, so in order to learn a bit more about custom operations I tried to implement the state monad with a custom operation for set and I got a bit farther but ran into a problem which I think is an intentional limitation of the compiler. Still thought I share it with the hope that it helps OP get a bit further.
I chose this definition for State<_>:
type [<Struct>] State<'T> = S of (Map<string, obj> -> 'T*Map<string, obj>)
State<_> is a function that given a global state (a map) produces a value (that could derive from the global state but not necessarily) and a potentially updated global state.
return or value as I tend to call it as return is an F# keyword is easy to define as we just return v and the non-updated global state:
let value v = S <| fun m -> v, m
bind is useful to bind several state computations together. First run t on the global state and from the returned value create the second computation and run the updated global state through it:
let bind uf (S t) = S <| fun m ->
let tv, tm = t m
let (S u) = uf tv
u tm
get and set are used to interact with the global state:
let get k : State<'T option> = S <| fun m ->
match m |> Map.tryFind k with
| Some (:? 'T as v) -> Some v, m
| _ -> None, m
let set k v = S <| fun m ->
let m = m |> Map.add k (box v)
(), m
I created some other methods as well but in the end the builder was created like this:
type Builder() =
member x.Bind (t, uf) = bind uf t
member x.Combine (t, u) = combine u t
member x.Delay tf = delay tf
member x.For (s, tf) = forEach s tf
member x.Return v = value v
member x.ReturnFrom t = t : State<'T>
member x.Yield v = value v
member x.Zero () = value ()
[<CustomOperation("set", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
member x.Set (s, k, v) = s |> combine (set k v)
I used MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind because otherwise it doesn't see v. MaintainsVariableSpace yields strange errors asking for seq types which I vaguely suspect is an optimization for computations based around seq. Checking the generated code is seems to do the right thing in that it binds the custom operations together using my bind function in the proper order.
I am now ready to do define a state computation
state {
// Works fine
set "key" -1
for v in 0..2 do
// Won't work because: FS3086: A custom operation may not be used in conjunction with 'use', 'try/with', 'try/finally', 'if/then/else' or 'match' operators within this computation expression
set "hello" v
return! State.get "key"
Unfortunately the compiler stops me from using custom ops in conditional operations like if, try and also for (even though it's not in the list it's conditional in some sense). This seems to be an intentional limitation. It's possible to workaround it but it feels meh
state {
set "key" -1
for v in 0..2 do
// Meh
do! state { set "key" v }
return! State.get "key"
IMHO I prefer just using normal do!/let! over custom operations:
state {
for v in 0..2 do
do! State.set "key" v
return! State.get "key"
So not really a proper answer to the question from OP but perhaps it can help you get a bit further?
Full source code:
type [<Struct>] State<'T> = S of (Map<string, obj> -> 'T*Map<string, obj>)
module State =
let value v = S <| fun m -> v, m
let bind uf (S t) = S <| fun m ->
let tv, tm = t m
let (S u) = uf tv
u tm
let combine u (S t) = S <| fun m ->
let _, tm = t m
let (S u) = u
u tm
let delay tf = S <| fun m ->
let (S t) = tf ()
t m
let forEach s tf = S <| fun m ->
let mutable a = m
for v in s do
let (S t) = tf v
let (), tm = t m
a <- tm
(), a
let get k : State<'T option> = S <| fun m ->
match m |> Map.tryFind k with
| Some (:? 'T as v) -> Some v, m
| _ -> None, m
let set k v = S <| fun m ->
let m = m |> Map.add k (box v)
(), m
let run (S t) m = t m
type Builder() =
member x.Bind (t, uf) = bind uf t
member x.Combine (t, u) = combine u t
member x.Delay tf = delay tf
member x.For (s, tf) = forEach s tf
member x.Return v = value v
member x.ReturnFrom t = t : State<'T>
member x.Yield v = value v
member x.Zero () = value ()
[<CustomOperation("set", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
member x.Set (s, k, v) = s |> combine (set k v)
let state = State.Builder ()
let testUpdate () =
state {
// Works fine
set "key" -1
for v in 0..2 do
// Won't work because: FS3086: A custom operation may not be used in conjunction with 'use', 'try/with', 'try/finally', 'if/then/else' or 'match' operators within this computation expression
// set "hello" v
// Workaround but kind of meh
// do! state { set "key" v }
// Better IMHO
do! State.set "key" v
return! State.get "key"
let main argv =
let tv, tm = State.run (testUpdate ()) Map.empty
printfn "v:%A" tv
printfn "m:%A" tm

Dynamic functions in F#

I'm trying to explore the dynamic capabilities of F# for situations where I can't express some function with the static type system. As such, I'm trying to create a mapN function for (say) Option types, but I'm having trouble creating a function with a dynamic number of arguments. I've tried:
let mapN<'output> (f : obj) args =
let rec mapN' (state:obj) (args' : (obj option) list) =
match args' with
| Some x :: xs -> mapN' ((state :?> obj -> obj) x) xs
| None _ :: _ -> None
| [] -> state :?> 'output option
mapN' f args
let toObjOption (x : #obj option) =
Option.map (fun x -> x :> obj) x
let a = Some 5
let b = Some "hi"
let c = Some true
let ans = mapN<string> (fun x y z -> sprintf "%i %s %A" x y z) [a |> toObjOption; b |> toObjOption; c |> toObjOption]
(which takes the function passed in and applies one argument at a time) which compiles, but then at runtime I get the following:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'ans#47' to type
I realize that it would be more idiomatic to either create a computation expression for options, or to define map2 through map5 or so, but I specifically want to explore the dynamic capabilities of F# to see whether something like this would be possible.
Is this just a concept that can't be done in F#, or is there an approach that I'm missing?
I think you would only be able to take that approach with reflection.
However, there are other ways to solve the overall problem without having to go dynamic or use the other static options you mentioned. You can get a lot of the same convenience using Option.apply, which you need to define yourself (or take from a library). This code is stolen and adapted from F# for fun and profit:
module Option =
let apply fOpt xOpt =
match fOpt,xOpt with
| Some f, Some x -> Some (f x)
| _ -> None
let resultOption =
let (<*>) = Option.apply
Some (fun x y z -> sprintf "%i %s %A" x y z)
<*> Some 5
<*> Some "hi"
<*> Some true
To explain why your approach does not work, the problem is that you cannot cast a function of type int -> int (represented as FSharpFunc<int, int>) to a value of type obj -> obj (represented as FSharpFunc<obj, obj>). The types are the same generic types, but the cast fails because the generic parameters are different.
If you insert a lot of boxing and unboxing, then your function actually works, but this is probably not something you want to write:
let ans = mapN<string> (fun (x:obj) -> box (fun (y:obj) -> box (fun (z:obj) ->
box (Some(sprintf "%i %s %A" (unbox x) (unbox y) (unbox z))))))
[a |> toObjOption; b |> toObjOption; c |> toObjOption]
If you wanted to explore more options possible thanks to dynamic hacks - then you can probably do more using F# reflection. I would not typically use this in production (simple is better - I'd just define multiple map functions by hand or something like that), but the following runs:
let rec mapN<'R> f args =
match args with
| [] -> unbox<'R> f
| x::xs ->
let m = f.GetType().GetMethods() |> Seq.find (fun m ->
m.Name = "Invoke" && m.GetParameters().Length = 1)
mapN<'R> (m.Invoke(f, [| x |])) xs
mapN<obj> (fun a b c -> sprintf "%d %s %A" a b c) [box 1; box "hi"; box true]

Is there a way to make this continuation passing with codata example work in F#?

type Interpreter<'a> =
| RegularInterpreter of (int -> 'a)
| StringInterpreter of (string -> 'a)
let add<'a> (x: 'a) (y: 'a) (in_: Interpreter<'a>): 'a =
match in_ with
| RegularInterpreter r ->
x+y |> r
| StringInterpreter r ->
sprintf "(%s + %s)" x y |> r
The error message of it not being able to resolve 'a at compile time is pretty clear to me. I am guessing that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to make the above work is no, short of adding functions directly into the datatype. But then I might as well use an interface, or get rid of generic parameters entirely.
Edit: Mark's reply does in fact do what I asked, but let me extend the question as I did not explain it adequately. What I am trying to do is do with the technique above is imitate what what was done in this post. The motivation for this is to avoid inlined functions as they have poor composability - they can't be passed as lambdas without having their generic arguments specialized.
I was hoping that I might be able to work around it by passing an union type with a generic argument into a closure, but...
type Interpreter<'a> =
| RegularInterpreter of (int -> 'a)
| StringInterpreter of (string -> 'a)
let val_ x in_ =
match in_ with
| RegularInterpreter r -> r x
| StringInterpreter r -> r (string x)
let inline add x y in_ =
match in_ with
| RegularInterpreter r ->
x in_ + y in_ |> r
| StringInterpreter r ->
sprintf "(%A + %A)" (x in_) (y in_) |> r
let inline mult x y in_ =
match in_ with
| RegularInterpreter r ->
x in_ * y in_ |> r
| StringInterpreter r ->
sprintf "(%A * %A)" (x in_) (y in_) |> r
let inline r2 in_ = add (val_ 1) (val_ 3) in_
r2 (RegularInterpreter id)
r2 (StringInterpreter id) // Type error.
This last line gives a type error. Is there a way around this? Though I'd prefer the functions to not be inlined due to the limits they place on composability.
Remove the type annotations:
let inline add x y in_ =
match in_ with
| RegularInterpreter r ->
x + y |> r
| StringInterpreter r ->
sprintf "(%A + %A)" x y |> r
You'll also need to make a few other changes, which I've also incorporated above:
Change the format specifiers used with sprintf to something more generic. When you use %s, you're saying that the argument for that placeholder must be a string, so the compiler would infer x and y to be string values.
Add the inline keyword.
With these changes, the inferred type of add is now:
x: ^a -> y: ^b -> in_:Interpreter<'c> -> 'c
when ( ^a or ^b) : (static member ( + ) : ^a * ^b -> int)
You'll notice that it works for any type where + is defined as turning the input arguments into int. In practice, that's probably going to mean only int itself, unless you define a custom operator.
FSI smoke tests:
> add 3 2 (RegularInterpreter id);;
val it : int = 5
> add 2 3 (StringInterpreter (fun _ -> 42));;
val it : int = 42
The compiler ends up defaulting to int, and the kind of polymorphism you want is difficult to achieve in F#. This article articulates the point.
Perhaps, you could work the dark arts using FSharp.Interop.Dynamic but you lose compile time checking which sort of defeats the point.
I've come to the conclusion that what I am trying to is impossible. I had a hunch that it was already, but the proof is in the following:
let vale (x,_,_) = x
let adde (_,x,_) = x
let multe (_,_,x) = x
let val_ x d =
let f = vale d
f x
let add x y d =
let f = adde d
f (x d) (y d)
let mult x y d =
let f = multe d
f (x d) (y d)
let in_1 =
let val_ (x: int) = x
let add x y = x+y
let mult x y = x*y
let in_2 =
let val_ (x: int) = string x
let add x y = sprintf "(%s + %s)" x y
let mult x y = sprintf "(%s * %s)" x y
let r2 d = add (val_ 1) (val_ 3) d
//let test x = x in_1, x in_2 // Type error.
let a2 = r2 in_1 // Works
let b2 = r2 in_2 // Works
The reasoning goes that if it cannot be done with plain functions passed as arguments, then it definitely won't be possible with interfaces, records, discriminated unions or any other scheme. The standard functions are more generic than any of the above, and if they cannot do it then this is a fundamental limitation of the language.
It is not the lack of HKTs that make the code ungeneric, but something as simple as this. In fact, going by the Finally Tagless paper linked to in the Reddit post, Haskell has the same problem with needing to duplicate interpreters without the impredicative types extension - though I've looked around and it seem that impredicative types will be removed in the future as the extension is difficult to maintain.
Nevertheless, I do hope this is only a current limitation of F#. If the language was dynamic, the code segment above would in fact run correctly.
Unfortunately, it's not completely clear to me what you're trying to do. However, it seems likely that it's possible by creating an interface with a generic method. For example, here's how you could get the code from your answer to work:
type I = abstract Apply : ((int -> 'a) * ('a -> 'a -> 'a) * ('a -> 'a -> 'a)) -> 'a
//let test x = x in_1, x in_2 // Type error.
let test (i:I) = i.Apply in_1, i.Apply in_2
let r2' = { new I with member __.Apply d = add (val_ 1) (val_ 3) d }
test r2' // no problem
If you want to use a value (e.g. a function input) generically, then in most cases the cleanest way is to create an interface with a generic method whose signature expresses the required polymorphism.

What is wrong with 100000 factorial using ContinuationMonad?

It is powerful technique using recursion because its strong describable feature. Tail recursion provides more powerful computation than normal recursion because it changes recursion into iteration. Continuation-Passing Style (CPS) can change lots of loop codes into tail recursion. Continuation Monad provides recursion syntax but in essence it is tail recursion, which is iteration. It is supposed to reasonable use Continuation Monad for 100000 factorial. Here is the code.
type ContinuationBuilder() =
member b.Bind(x, f) = fun k -> x (fun x -> f x k)
member b.Return x = fun k -> k x
member b.ReturnFrom x = x
type ContinuationBuilder =
new : unit -> ContinuationBuilder
member Bind : x:(('d -> 'e) -> 'f) * f:('d -> 'g -> 'e) -> ('g -> 'f)
member Return : x:'b -> (('b -> 'c) -> 'c)
member ReturnFrom : x:'a -> 'a
let cont = ContinuationBuilder()
//val cont : ContinuationBuilder
let fac n =
let rec loop n =
cont {
match n with
| n when n = 0I -> return 1I
| _ -> let! x = fun f -> f n
let! y = loop (n - 1I)
return x * y
loop n (fun x -> x)
let x2 = fac 100000I
There is wrong message: "Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException."
What is wrong with 100000 factorial using ContinuationMonad?
You need to compile the project in Release mode or check the "Generate tail calls" option in project properties (or use --tailcalls+ if you're running the compiler via command line).
By default, tail call optimization is not enabled in Debug mode. The reason is that, if tail-calls are enabled, you will not see as useful information about stack traces. So, disabling them by default gives you more pleasant debugging experience (even in Debug mode, the compiler optimizes tail-recursive functions that call themselves, which handles most situations).
You probably need to add this memeber to your monad builder:
member this.Delay(mk) = fun c -> mk () c
