Dynamic Custom Fields for Data Model - ruby-on-rails

I am in the process of creating a dynamic database where user will be able to create resource type where he/she can add custom fields (multiple texts, strings, and files)
Each resource type will have the ability to display, import, export its data;
I've been thinking about it and here are my approaches. I would love to hear what do you guys think.
just hashing all the custom data in a data field (pro: writing is easier, con: reading back out may be harder);
children fields (the model will have multiple fields of strings, fields of text, and fields for file path);
fixed number of custom fields in the same table with a key mapping data hash stored in the same row;
Non-SQL approach, but then the problem would be generating/changing models on the fly to work with different custom fields;

Firstly you can create few models:
- StringData
- BooleanData
- TextData
- FileData
etc (all data and fields formats you need)
Each model will refferenced to some project, wich will contain information about fields
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :project_fields
has_many :string_datas :through => project_fields
has_many :file_datas :through => project_fields
has_many :boolean_datas :through => project_fields
etc ...
class ProjectField < ActiveRecord::Base
# title:string field_type:string project_id:integer name:string
belongs_to :project
has_many :string_datas
has_many :file_datas
has_many :boolean_datas
etc ...
class StringData < ActiveRecord::Base
# data:string project_field_id:integer
belongs_to :project_field, :conditions => { :field_type => 'String' }
class FileData < ActiveRecord::Base
# data:file project_field_id:integer
belongs_to :project_field, :conditions => { :field_type => 'File' }
project = Project.new
project.project_fields.new(:title => "Product title", :field_type => "String", :name => 'product_title')
project.project_fields.new(:title => "Product photo", :field_type => "File", :name => 'product_photo')
<% form_for project do |f| -%>
<% project.project_fields.each do |field| -%>
<%= field_setter field %>
#=> field_setter is a helper method wich creates form element (text_field, text_area, file_field etc) for each type of prject_field
#=> ie: if field.field_type == 'String' it will return
#=> text_field_tag field.name => <input name='product_name' />
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
And create (update) method
def create
project = Project.new(params[:project])
project.project_fields.each do |field|
filed.set_field params[field.name]
# where set_field is model method for setting value depending on field type
It is not tested and optimized but it just showing the way you can implement it.
UPDATE: I've updated code but It's only model, you have to think yourself a little :) and you can try to find out another implementation

Why not just create a model for DynamicField?
t.integer :dynamic_field_owner_id
t.string :dynamic_field_owner_type
t.string :name, :null => false
t.string :value
t.string :value_type_conversion, :default => 'to_s'
# any additional fields from paperclip, has_attachment, etc.
model class:
class DynamicField > ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :dynamic_field_owner, :polymorphic => true
validates_presence_of :name
validates_inclusion_of :value_type_conversion, :in => %w(to_s to_i to_f)
validates :value_or_attachment
def value
def value_or_attachment
unless value? || file?
errors.add_to_base('Must have either value or file')


How can I create dynamic form field to store/update hash sets in Rails?

In my reservations table I have a rooms (text) field to store hash values such (1 => 3) where 1 is roomtype and 3 corresponds to the amount of rooms booked by the same agent.
My Reservation model
serialize reserved_rooms, Hash
Here is my nested resource
resources :hotels do
resources :roomtypes, :reservations
RoomType stores a single room type which belongs to Hotel model. Though I can enlist roomtypes within my reservation form I do not know how I can create a dynamic hash via form to create/update this hash.
I have this but I am looking for a way to create a dynamic hash "key, value" set. Meaning, if Hotel model has two RoomType my hash would be {12 = > 5, 15 => 1} (keys corresponds to the roomtype_ids while values are the amount}
<%= f.fields_for ([:roomtypes, #hotel]) do |ff| %>
<% #hotel.roomtypes.each do |roomtype| %>
<%= ff.label roomtype.name %>
<%= f.select :reserved_rooms, ((0..50).map {|i| [i,i] }), :include_blank => "" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
What I want is what this website has in the availability section (nr. of rooms):
specs: rails 4.1, ruby 2.1
Note: If you think there is a design problem with this approach (storing reserved_room in a serialized field) I can follow another path by creating another table to store the data.
Might need tweaking but i used similar code with check-boxes and it worked!
<% #hotel.roomtypes.each do |roomtype| %>
<%= f.label roomtype.name %>
<%= f.select :"reserved_rooms[roomtype.id]", ((0..50).map {|i| [i,i] }), :include_blank => "" %>
<% end %>
This gets messy enough that I would probably consider going with a separate models as you mentioned. I would simply do:
class Hotel < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :room_types
has_many :rooms, :through => :room_types
class RoomType < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :rooms
class Room < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :reservations
belongs_to :room_type
class Reservation < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :room
belongs_to :agent
class Agent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :reservations
Then just use a generic form to submit the # Rooms integer, and let your controller handle making multiple reservations...? Maybe I'm not understanding your objective well enough...
Rails 4 has a new feature called Store you would love. You can easily use it to store a hash set which is not predefined. You can define an accessor for it and it is recommended you declare the database column used for the serialized store as a text, so there's plenty of room. The original example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
store :settings, accessors: [ :color, :homepage ], coder: JSON
u = User.new(color: 'black', homepage: '37signals.com')
u.color # Accessor stored attribute
u.settings[:country] = 'Denmark' # Any attribute, even if not specified with an accessor
# There is no difference between strings and symbols for accessing custom attributes
u.settings[:country] # => 'Denmark'
u.settings['country'] # => 'Denmark'

Ruby on Rails has_and_belongs_to_many uninitialized constant

I'm building a site on Refinery CMS, and have generated two extensions: one for Brands, and another for Bicycle Types (it's a site for a bike shop).
Now, what I want to do is have the Brands extension handle the creation of brand pages, which will be pulled into a brand index. On this page, I want to be able to filter by Bicycle Type, which is where the second extension comes in. Through the Bicycle Type extension, you can create a bicycle type, which I want to associate to a Brand. A Brand can have multiple Bicycle Types, and vice versa.
So, I edited the Brands model to add has_and_belongs_to_many :bicycle_types, and the Bicycle Types model to include has_and_belongs_to_many :brands and accepts_nested_attributes_for :brands. I wrote a migration to create a join table, and everything was going well so far.
I then went to modify the form for the Brands extension, and got my checkboxes displaying correctly and seemingly generating the right code. However, the problem occurs when I come to submit the form - I get NameError in Refinery::Brands::Admin::BrandsController#update and uninitialized constant Refinery::Brands::Brand::BicycleType.
The parameters I get look like the bicycle type IDs are being passed through correctly:
I've been trying to figure this out and just keep hitting the same brick wall, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here's my code. Let me know if anything else would help.
Brands Controller
module Refinery
module Brands
module Admin
class BrandsController < ::Refinery::AdminController
crudify :'refinery/brands/brand',
:xhr_paging => true
Brands Model
module Refinery
module Brands
class Brand < Refinery::Core::BaseModel
self.table_name = 'refinery_brands'
attr_accessible :title, :teaser, :splash, :details, :introduction, :blockquote, :logo_id, :teaser_image_id, :splash_image_id, :position, :bicycle_type_ids
translates :title, :teaser, :splash, :details, :introduction, :blockquote
class Translation
attr_accessible :locale
validates :title, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
belongs_to :logo, :class_name => '::Refinery::Image'
belongs_to :teaser_image, :class_name => '::Refinery::Image'
belongs_to :splash_image, :class_name => '::Refinery::Image'
has_and_belongs_to_many :bicycle_types
Bicycle Types Model
module Refinery
module BicycleTypes
class BicycleType < Refinery::Core::BaseModel
self.table_name = 'refinery_bicycle_types'
attr_accessible :title, :position
translates :title
class Translation
attr_accessible :locale
validates :title, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
has_and_belongs_to_many :brands
accepts_nested_attributes_for :brands
class AddRefineryBicycleTypesBrands < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :bicycle_types_brands, :id => false do |t|
t.references :bicycle_type
t.references :brand
add_index :bicycle_types_brands, [:bicycle_type_id, :brand_id], :unique => true
Form Partial (at least the part where I'm building my checkboxes)
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :bicycle_types %>
<% Refinery::BicycleTypes::BicycleType.order(:title).each do |bicycle_type| %>
<label class="checkbox">
<%= check_box_tag "#{f.object_name}[bicycle_type_ids][]", bicycle_type.id, f.object.bicycle_types %>
<%= bicycle_type.title %>
<% end %>
If the rest of the partial would be useful, or anything else for that matter, please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
you must specify the full class name:
has_and_belongs_to_many :bicycle_types, :class_name => "Refinery::BicycleTypes::BicycleType"
This is not your case but if you want to call the join table in a 'refinery style' (i.e refinery_bicycle_types_brands), you must also declare the join table:
has_and_belongs_to_many :bicycle_types, :join_table => :refinery_bicycle_types_brands, :class_name => "Refinery::BicycleTypes::BicycleType"

How do I store a record once and reference it many times in other tables?

I have a table of ingredients. When a user inputs an ingredient, it saves in the table. Now what I'm noticing is that many records repeat, and I don't want that, what I want is for each of these records to be referenced if it already exists.
So for example, I have flour saved about 20 times in the DB. I want it to be saved once, and for each recipe, when a user inputs flour, it should just reference that ingredient in the DB. How do I achieve this?
I already have an Entry model (recipe), and a join EntryIngredient model. So whenever an Entry saves an Ingredient that already exists, I want it to just reference that one in the EntryIngredient table (as foreign key) instead of create a new one.
class Ingredient < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :entry_ingredients
has_many :entries, :through => :entry_ingredients
class EntryIngredient < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :entry
belongs_to :ingredient
accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredient, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:name].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :entry_ingredients
has_many :ingredients, :through => :entry_ingredients
has_many :steps
accepts_nested_attributes_for :entry_ingredients, :allow_destroy => true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :steps, :reject_if => lambda { |s| s[:description].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
Dynamic finders sound like they do what I want, specifically find_or_create or first_or_create but I'm not able to figure out how to use them in my setup. Can anyone push me in the right direction here? This is what I've tried but I realize that this is just creating a new ingredient whenever the entries#new is called... not what I want to happen
def new
#entry = Entry.new
#ingredient = Ingredient.where(params[:ingredient]).first_or_create()
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #entry }
<%= f.fields_for :ingredient do |builder| %>
<%= builder.label :name %>
<%= builder.text_field :name, :class => "ingredient_field" %>
<% end %>
It's hard to know exactly what you need without seeing some code, but if I understand correctly, you want to create an ingredient only if it doesn't exist yet.
Check out rails' dynamic finders. If you use a method name like
#ingredient = Ingredient.find_or_create_by_name("flour")
it will create a new object if there was no entry with the name "flour" before or return an existing ingredient called "flour". In both cases, #ingredient will hold the desired entry returned by the statement above. Rails will create it for you only if it doesn't exist yet.

rails model association using has_many: through

i have a lessons table and a tags table. i associate both of the them using a has_many :through relationship and my middle table is tags_relationship.rb
class Lesson < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :desc, :content, :tag_name
belongs_to :user
has_many :tag_relationships
has_many :tags, :through => :tag_relationships
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
has_many :tag_relationships
has_many :lessons, :through => :tag_relationships
in one of my views, im trying to create a a virtual attribute. i have...
<div class="tags">
<%= f.label :tag_name, "Tags" %>
<%= f.text_field :tag_name, data: { autocomplete_source: tags_path} %>
but my lessons table doesn't have that attribute, tag_name, so it calls my method instead
def tag_name
def tag_name=(name)
self.tag = Tag.find_or_initialize_by_name(name) if name.present?
however im not sure what to put inside the ????????. im trying to refer the :name attribute inside my tags table.
back then i used a has_many and belongs_to relationship. my lesson belonged to a tag (which was wrong) but i was able to write...
and it worked. but since its a has_many :through now, im not sure. i tried using tags.name, Lessons.tags.name, etc but i cant seem to get it to work. how can i refer to the tags table name attribute? thank you
Apologize for my bad english.
When your Lesson was belonged to Tag lesson had only one tag, so your code was right. But now Lesson has many Tags, and it is collection (array in simple words). So, your setter must be more complex:
def tag_names=(names)
names = if names.kind_of? String
names.split(',').map{|name| name.strip!; name.length > 0 ? name : nil}.compact
current_names = self.tags.map(&:name) # names of current tags
not_added = names - current_names # names of new tags
for_remove = current_names - names # names of tags that well be removed
# remove tags
self.tags.delete(self.tags.where(:name => for_remove))
# adding new
not_added.each do |name|
self.tags << Tag.where(:name => name).first || Tag.new(:name => name)
And getter method should be like this:
def tag_names
BTW, finders like find_by_name are deprecated. You must use where.

Rails / nested attributes / file_field doesn't show up within params when empty

I'm having two models, the first one (model_1) accepts nested attributes for the second one (model_2). The second model has only one field (file), which is referenced in the form as file field.
The problem comes when no file has been selected. In this case — other than with say a text field — the field doesn't appear at all in the POST parameters which has the first model believe that no nested model should be created at all. Which fails to trigger validations etc.. If I were to add a second field to model_2 and the corresponding form and if I'm using a text input, everything will go through just fine and naturally validations work fine as well for the file field.
Anyone have experience on how to go about this?
And for better some (simplified) code — the form:
= form_for #model_1, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f|
- # fields for model 1 …
= f.fields_for :model_2 do |builder|
- # if this is empty, it's like no model_2 would be created at all:
= builder.file_field :file
Model 1:
class Model1 < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :model_2s, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :model_2s
# …
and Model 2:
class Model2 < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :model_1
validates_presence:of :file
# …
I would suggest adding a check in your controller and returning a flash[:error] message if the file field is missing.
You could also manually add the fields if they don't exist, so that validation is triggered:
m1params = params[:model_1]
m1params[:model_2_attributes] = {} unless m1params.has_key?(:model_2_attributes)
Finally, you could create a fake attribue in your model_2 Model that you could use to ensure the model_2_attributes get's passed in the form:
class Model2
attr_writer :fake
def fake
#fake ||= 'default'
= form_for #model_1, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f|
- # fields for model 1 …
= f.fields_for :model_2 do |builder|
= builder.hidden_field :fake
= builder.file_field :file
At last, this seems to answer:
Here is a sample:
class Unicorn < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :wizard
belongs_to :person, :polymorphic => true
validates :wizard, :existence => true
validates :wizard_id, :existence => true # works both way
validates :person, :existence => { :allow_nil => true, :both => false }
