open_id_authentication - " is nil. Using in-memory store." problem - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to make the open_id_authentication plugin working.
Initially was doing it with authlogic but abandoned because it feels like much more hassle the help.
The problem is that I am getting is nil. Using in-memory store. warning in the log which prevents from authenticating users correctly.
Here is the log snippet:
Processing UserSessionsController#create (for at 2010-04-21 23:58:38) [POST]
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Sign in", "authenticity_token"=>"MSPc+VMgsQZ/w7vsb2OiE0azsF1QmphZqfnS6cPRD/U=", "openid_identifier"=>""}
Completed in 12ms (View: 1, DB: 0) | 401 Unauthorized [http://localhost/user_session]
Generated checkid_setup request to with assocication {HMAC-SHA1}{4bcf0490}{MN9AXg==} is nil. Using in-memory store.
Error attempting to use stored discovery information: OpenID::TypeURIMismatch
Attempting discovery to verify endpoint
Performing discovery on
Using 'check_authentication' with
I am not really sure what I have to do in order to fix this issue. Probably setting the store to database (and I have OpenID migration). Also not sure if I really need the database to perform the OpenID authentication.
The original project (branch) is here so you can have a close look.
Would appreciate good advices on that.

I was having similar problems with the most recent open_id plugin and the memory store. Some OpenID sites would work, but most would not. Something in the MemoryStore is broken on how to authenticate. Switching to using the file store worked fine for me.
I created a initializer named config/initializers/openid.rb with this inside: = :file
Restarted the app, and every openId URL I tried started working.
Why the File store works when the Memory store doesn't, I can't answer. I just know that this fixed it for me.


Brightspace / IMS-LTI content-item message problems

I'm trying to debug posting content via the Content Item Message spec back to Brightspace after a successful launch to my Ruby on Rails application – but I'm getting nothing but inscrutable 500 errors from the Brightspace server –– I presume that I am sending a bad signature (Brightspace confirmed this one time), but I haven't been able to find conclusive documentation on exactly how the nonce, timestsamp and signature are calculated, nor have I been able to find an open source library that appears to handle this.
Any advice appreciated.
I discovered that Instructure's ims-lti gem, although not documented, can generate signed params which can then be posted server-side or iterated through to render an HTML form client side, and then auto-submit, using the IMS::LTI::Models::Messages::ContentItemSelection class at /lib/ims/lti/models/messages/content_item_selection.rb

Are any HTTP log files saved on my system by default?

I have an application hosted on Amazon EC2 on a Ubuntu machine, written in Ruby (on Rails), deployed with Capistrano and running on Nginx.
Last friday one module of my application has crashed and nobody in the company noticed until this morning. We spent some money with Facebook and Google ads and received a few hundreds of visits, but nobody created an account due to this bug.
I wonder if this configuration is saving the HTTP requests and its bodies somewhere in a log file. But we didnt explicitly set it, so it would only happen if any of these technologies do it by default.
Do you know whether there is such log or not?
Nope, that wouldn't be anywhere in a usable form (I'm inferring you want to try to create the accounts from request bodies in log files). You'll have the requests themselves in your nginx logs, and the rails logs will contain more info about the request, but as a matter of security, by default, any sensitive information (e.g. passwords) would be scrubbed from them. You may still be able to get some info from them.
To answer your question a little more specifically, the usual place for these logs on your system would be:
On a separate note, I would recommend looking into an error reporting service like Honeybadger, Airbrake, Raygun, Appsignal, or others so that you don't have silent failures like this moving forward.

Between the URL being entered and parsed by Rails the final slash is being replaced with a comma

I'm working on a Rails application that works with data via the Shopify API, however it has just started giving me 500 errors when certain resources are requested via a proxy (as set in the app settings in Shopify).
The request is along the lines of:
however the error log on Heroku is showing a GET request to:
I'm using the Shopify/shopify_api gem which was recently updated, otherwise nothing else in the config/routes has changed since this error began occurring.
Any help or pointers greatly appreciated!
I'll happily provide more information if anything relevant is missing above.
This was a bug in Shopify's service to proxy requests to applications.
I have just deployed a fix for the issue. I take full responsibility for the issue, and will try to improve our tests to avoid similar issues in the future.

Error 104: Connection reset by peer with ASP.NET MVC app

I'm having a problem with a MVC (1.0) app that I can't figure out at all. There's two versions of the site (live and UAT) hosted on the same server. For each version of the site, the same code is shared by multiple organisations who each have their own database (MSSQL2005) and a separate web site in IIS (7.5) (pointed to the same code).
The UAT site has an update to the code and the database that is waiting to be deployed to the live site.
One of the customers ("customer A") is getting an error "104: Connection reset by peer" when they try to log in to the UAT site. They can see the login page but when they submit their login details the connection seems to be timing out (the requests seem to take ~130s to complete).
Customer A can log in fine to the live site. The other customers don't have a problem logging into the UAT site or the live site. If I try to log in as customer A, using their login details, it all works fine from within our network, and also from outside our network.
Customer A seems to be using squid as a proxy.
I can't think what the problem could be, and I've run out of ideas of things to test. The fact that I can log in as the customer fine and other customers don't have any issues seems to eliminate the code and database as problems.
What other things could I do to try and isolate the problem?
By dumping out the request data I was able to work out that something (I'm guessing the proxy) was removing the form values from the request. This obviously meant the app didn't work properly.
However, it seems whatever was removing the form data was leaving content-length unchanged, which would explain why the client was timing out waiting for more data and the server thought it was finished.
By using https instead of http (which we were going to do anyway), the request tampering seem to have stopped.

Rails - Invalid Authenticity Token After Deploy

We're using EngineYard Cloud to deploy our Ruby on Rails application. We are running Rails v2.3.3.
EngineYard Cloud deploys to AWS instances in a manner similar to Capistrano. After each deploy, we're running into Invalid Authenticity Token errors. Specifically, any user that has previously visited our application and then visits after the deploy and then tries to submit a form gets an invalid authenticity token error. This error persists until they reset their cookies for the site. After they reset their cookies, the site works as expected with no errors.
We are using ActiveRecord's session store and sessions are being saved to the database.
This is the error we are seeing:
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.3/lib/action_controller/request_forgery_protection.rb:79:in `verify_authenticity_token'
The session object is nil after the deploy, however, the session data still persists in the database and the session ID cookie still exists:
session id: nil
data: nil
We haven't been able to explain this one. Any thoughts on what could be the root cause?
Thanks for any suggestions!
EDIT: Just to update on this, we've been able to isolate an example of the error.
1) User loads form
2) Code is updated on server
3) User submits form
** Invalid Authenticity Token error occurs
It seems that when the environment changes, Rails is unable to handle this with the authenticity token.
We've tried several steps to resolve:
Resetting the session
Deleting the session cookie (both in JavaScript and Rails)
Wiping the session table in the database after deploying code
Nothing works. The only thing that works is having the user clear their cookies client-side.
(We've been Googling (even tried Binging!) for answers, but no dice. This seems to be a similar related issue:
Also: initially we thought this was isolated to our deployment to EngineYard, but we've also been able to reproduce it on our development server that we deploy to via Capistrano.
Any thoughts would be gratefully accepted.
ANSWER: After extensive work by EngineYard (they're awesome!) they were able to diagnose the issue. The root cause of this issue is a bug with mongrel clusters. Mongrel doesn't seem to see the first post request after being started. EngineYard did extensive work to diagnose this:
There doesn't appear to be anything in your code causing the issue and I have found people outside of our environment that have experienced the bug as well ( I suppose a lot of people don't see it because the first request to a site generally isn't a post or they chalk it up to flukes.
[There is a potential workaround using CURL.] The curl work around would do a simple GET request to each of your mongrels on the server to prime them so to speak. You could do this with capistrano, but that won't work if you deploy via the dashboard. You can find a short section on deploy hooks we have built into the infrastructure here:
Adding a simple run curl http://localhost:500x > /dev/null should work (where x is the port you have 5000-50005 on your current setup).
We have addressed the issue by switching our stack from Mongrel to Passenger, but apparently, a fix for Mongrel is in the works. Hopefully, this helps someone who sees this same strange issue.
The authenticity token is a hidden field on the form that rails checks when the form is submitted to ensure that the post data is coming from a live session.
It is there as a security measure to prevent malicious people from using a form submit on their site to say a delete action on someones account.
You can turn it off on your whole app by adding this to config/environment.rb
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false
You can turn it off a single controller using
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
or turn it on
protect_from_forgery :except => :index
check out the ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ClassMethods docs for more details
It sounds like the secret key used for authentication is changing when you redeploy, invalidating all existing sessions.
Do you have the configuration parameter config.action_controller.session set anywhere, and if you do, is there anything which would cause it to change when you redeploy?
One of my apps has it configured in config/environment.rb, and a more recent one (generated with Rails 2.3) has it set in config/initializers/session_store.rb. The setting looks like:
config.action_controller.session = {
:secret => 'long-string-of-hex-digits'
If you don't have this configured for some reason, rake secret will generate a key for you, which can then be inserted into your configuration.
(If it is — and it's not being changed by your deployment processes — then I have no idea what's going on.)
If it would only be there for mongrels! I'm getting the exact same error on passenger as well (user loads form, deploy, submit -> invalid authenticity token). It'd be interesting to know how you solved the issue by switching to passenger? Any further hints are highly welcome. I'll have a closer look as well...
Have encountered this same problem with Rails 2.3 and a Mongrel cluster where the session secret is definitely set in the session initializer. The problem occured even after clearing the client cookies on the client.
However the suggestion of doing a curl get request across all the mongrels after they restart appears to work - thank goodness someone figured this out because it appears to be pretty darned obscure.
The only added info I can supply we are using Apache mod_proxy_balancer along with https in front of our Mongrels, however this problem was occuring before we turned on SSL. Is anyone seeing this with haproxy as the balancer instead of Apache?
This solved this issue for me :-) :-) :-) Posted by Mike Bethany
August 30th, 2010 # 06:43 PM.
I've never gone to any length to figure out the details, but for me, this is a client-side data rot issue. If I've been messing around with the way I store my sessions (and therefore, my authorization details,) I get this error from time to time. Clearing out the private browser data; cookies, authenticated sessions, the works, has always solved it for me.
Hope this helps.
