Cached ResourceManager instance request — how to convert the code to Nemerle - nemerle

internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {
get {
if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("splashscreen.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
resourceMan = temp;
return resourceMan;
internal static ResourceManager : System.Resources.ResourceManager {
get {
when (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
mutable temp : System.Resources.ResourceManager = System.Resources.ResourceManager("splashscreen.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
resourceMan = temp;
is it enough ?

I would write it like this:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System;
// ...
[ EditorBrowsableAttribute(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced) ]
internal static ResourceManager : Resources.ResourceManager
when (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null))
resourceMan = Resources.ResourceManager
( "splashscreen.Properties.Resources"
, typeof(Resources).Assembly


How to translate NSOutputStream to InputStream?

I try to write code for iOS to upload files via Ktor using Stream but I don't know how to connect iOS stream to Android streams or Kotlin cannels.
I use the below code for Android.
private suspend fun uploadFiles(
uriList: List<Uri>,
contentResolver: ContentResolver,
entity: String,
objectId: String
): Map<String, Boolean>? {
val inputStreamMap = mutableMapOf<String, InputStream>()
uriList.forEach {
val inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(it) ?: return#forEach
val fileName = contentResolver.query(
it, null, null, null, null
)?.run {
val displayNameIndex = getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)
val displayName = getString(displayNameIndex)
} ?: return#forEach
inputStreamMap[fileName] = inputStream
val channels = inputStreamMap.mapValues {
object : OutgoingContent.WriteChannelContent() {
override suspend fun writeTo(channel: ByteWriteChannel) {
it.value.copyTo(channel.toOutputStream(), 1024)
override val contentType = ContentType.Application.OctetStream
override val contentLength: Long = it.value.available().toLong()
val result = useCases.uploadFiles(channels, entity, objectId)
inputStreamMap.values.forEach { it.close() }
return result

AWS transcribe Unable to load credentials from any of the providers in the chain AwsCredentialsProviderChain

I am running a java program that uses AWS TranscribeStreaming. I have created(from AWS console) and downloaded AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY then set the environment variables.
When I run the program I am getting error message:
Unable to load credentials from any of the providers in the chain AwsCredentialsProviderChain.
I don't why but this error was also occurring while using Google SDK for speech recognition.
here is the code I am trying to run.
public class TranscribeStreamingDemoApp {
private static final Region REGION = Region.US_WEST_2;
private static TranscribeStreamingAsyncClient client;
public static void main(String args[]) throws URISyntaxException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, LineUnavailableException {
client = TranscribeStreamingAsyncClient.builder()
CompletableFuture<Void> result = client.startStreamTranscription(getRequest(16_000),
new AudioStreamPublisher(getStreamFromMic()),
private static InputStream getStreamFromMic() throws LineUnavailableException {
// Signed PCM AudioFormat with 16kHz, 16 bit sample size, mono
int sampleRate = 16000;
AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(sampleRate, 16, 1, true, false);
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, format);
if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) {
System.out.println("Line not supported");
TargetDataLine line = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);;
InputStream audioStream = new AudioInputStream(line);
return audioStream;
private static AwsCredentialsProvider getCredentials() {
return DefaultCredentialsProvider.create();
private static StartStreamTranscriptionRequest getRequest(Integer mediaSampleRateHertz) {
return StartStreamTranscriptionRequest.builder()
private static StartStreamTranscriptionResponseHandler getResponseHandler() {
return StartStreamTranscriptionResponseHandler.builder()
.onResponse(r -> {
System.out.println("Received Initial response");
.onError(e -> {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
System.out.println("Error Occurred: " + sw.toString());
.onComplete(() -> {
System.out.println("=== All records stream successfully ===");
.subscriber(event -> {
List<> results = ((TranscriptEvent) event).transcript().results();
if (results.size() > 0) {
if (!results.get(0).alternatives().get(0).transcript().isEmpty()) {
private InputStream getStreamFromFile(String audioFileName) {
try {
File inputFile = new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(audioFileName).getFile());
InputStream audioStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
return audioStream;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static class AudioStreamPublisher implements Publisher<AudioStream> {
private final InputStream inputStream;
private static Subscription currentSubscription;
private AudioStreamPublisher(InputStream inputStream) {
this.inputStream = inputStream;
public void subscribe(Subscriber<? super AudioStream> s) {
if (this.currentSubscription == null) {
this.currentSubscription = new SubscriptionImpl(s, inputStream);
} else {
this.currentSubscription = new SubscriptionImpl(s, inputStream);
public static class SubscriptionImpl implements Subscription {
private static final int CHUNK_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 1024 * 1;
private final Subscriber<? super AudioStream> subscriber;
private final InputStream inputStream;
private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
private AtomicLong demand = new AtomicLong(0);
SubscriptionImpl(Subscriber<? super AudioStream> s, InputStream inputStream) {
this.subscriber = s;
this.inputStream = inputStream;
public void request(long n) {
if (n <= 0) {
subscriber.onError(new IllegalArgumentException("Demand must be positive"));
executor.submit(() -> {
try {
do {
ByteBuffer audioBuffer = getNextEvent();
if (audioBuffer.remaining() > 0) {
AudioEvent audioEvent = audioEventFromBuffer(audioBuffer);
} else {
} while (demand.decrementAndGet() > 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void cancel() {
private ByteBuffer getNextEvent() {
ByteBuffer audioBuffer = null;
byte[] audioBytes = new byte[CHUNK_SIZE_IN_BYTES];
int len = 0;
try {
len =;
if (len <= 0) {
audioBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
} else {
audioBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(audioBytes, 0, len);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
return audioBuffer;
private AudioEvent audioEventFromBuffer(ByteBuffer bb) {
return AudioEvent.builder()
Finally, I solved the problem, the documentation specifies that:
AWS credentials provider chain that looks for credentials in this order:
1.Java System Properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretAccessKey
2.Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
3.Credential profiles file at the default location (~/.aws/credentials) shared by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI
Since setting up through environment variables didn't work, I opted to set credentials with Java system properties and it works!
Doc ref:
System.setProperty("aws.accessKeyId", "**************");
System.setProperty("aws.secretAccessKey", "**************");

What will be the time complexity of reversing the linked list in a different way using below code?

Given a linked List $link1, with elements (a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j), we need to reverse the linked list provided that the reversing will be done in a manner like -
Reverse 1st element (a)
Reverse next 2 elements (a->c->b)
Reverse next 3 elements (a->c->b->f->e->d)
Reverse next 4 elements (a->c->b->f->e->d->j->i->h->g)
I have created below code in PHP to solve this problem
Things I need -
I need to calculate the time complexity of reverseLinkedList function below.
Need to know if we can optimize reverseLinkedList function to reduce time complexity.
class ListNode
public $data;
public $next;
function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
$this->next = NULL;
function read_node()
return $this->data;
class LinkList
private $first_node;
private $last_node;
private $count;
function __construct()
$this->first_node = NULL;
$this->last_node = NULL;
$this->count = 0;
function size()
return $this->count;
public function read_list()
$listData = array();
$current = $this->first_node;
while($current != NULL)
echo $current->read_node().' ';
$current = $current->next;
public function reverse_list()
if(($this->first_node != NULL)&&($this->first_node->next != NULL))
$current = $this->first_node;
$new = NULL;
while ($current != NULL)
$temp = $current->next;
$current->next = $new;
$new = $current;
$current = $temp;
$this->first_node = $new;
public function read_node($position)
if($position <= $this->count)
$current = $this->first_node;
$pos = 1;
while($pos != $position)
if($current->next == NULL)
return null;
$current = $current->next;
return $current->data;
return NULL;
public function insert($data)
$new_node = new ListNode($data);
if($this->first_node != NULL)
$this->last_node->next = $new_node;
$new_node->next = NULL;
$this->last_node = &$new_node;
$new_node->next = $this->first_node;
$this->first_node = &$new_node;
if($this->last_node == NULL)
$this->last_node = &$new_node;
//Create linked list
$link1 = new LinkList();
//Insert elements
echo "<b>Input :</b><br>";
//function to reverse linked list in specified manner
function reverseLinkedList(&$link1)
$size= $link1->size();
$link2=new LinkList();
$temp_link = new LinkList();
//Flip the linkedlist
///function to reverse linked list in specified manner
//Reverse current linked list $link1
echo "<br><br><b>Output :</b><br>";
It's O(n)...just one traversal.
And secondly, here tagging it in language is not necessary.
I have provided a Pseudocode here for your reference:
current => head_ref
prev => NULL;
current => head_ref;
next => null;
while (current != NULL)
next = current->next;
current->next = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
*head_ref = prev;

No api key set error when retrieving stripe customer

public function chargeCustomer ()
$plan = Input::get('plan'); $token = Input::get('stripeToken');
if($plan == 'ito_monthly')
return redirect('/dashboard');
elseif($plan == 'ito_yearly')
return redirect('/dashboard');
elseif($plan == 'pay-per-item')
return "to be impleamented later";
public function updateCard()
$cu = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve("cus_7evdSA5ccyyGc2");
User::setStripeKey(\Config::get('services.stripe.secret')) this is set in appserviceprovider under boot().
my first function works fine, but for updating card i get api key not set error

Moving a work item between projects in TFS

Is it possible to move a work item from one project to another inside TFS? I’ve seen a copy option, but no move. Also, if it is possible, what’s the implication for any of the WI history?
I found this article from 2008 that seem to say it's not, but I wondered if there'd been any progress since then.
It isn't possible to move, just copy. The way we do it, is we do the copy, link the original, then close the original as obsolete. You could also create the copy and TF Destroy the original, but you will lose all history.
If you wanted to, you could get very fancy and create your own "move" utility that copies the workitem and all of the history, then closes out (or destroys) the old one. Seems like overkill for something that you probably shouldn't need to do all that often.
Lars Wilhelmsen wrote a WorkItemMigrator ->
Good starting point for a utility you can customize for your needs. We used it to split off a 100 or so work items to a new project. Here's the program I ended up with. Modify the query to subset the items to migrate.
namespace WorkItemMigrator
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client;
class Program
#region Members
private static readonly Dictionary<Uri, TfsTeamProjectCollection> Collections = new Dictionary<Uri, TfsTeamProjectCollection>();
private static readonly Uri SourceCollectionUri = new Uri("");
private static readonly Uri TargetCollectionUri = new Uri("");
private const String Areas = "ProjectModelHierarchy";
private const string Iterations = "ProjectLifecycle";
private const string TargetProjectName = "TargetProject";
private const string MicrosoftVstsCommonStackRankFieldName = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank";
private const string MicrosoftVstsCommonPriority = "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority";
private const string TargetWorkItemType = "User Story";
private const string Wiql = "SELECT [System.Id], [System.State], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.WorkItemType], [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority], " +
"[System.IterationPath], [System.AreaPath], [System.History], [System.Description] " +
"FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = 'SourceProject' AND " +
"[System.State] = 'Active' " +
"ORDER BY [System.Id]";
private static WorkItemTypeCollection WorkItemTypes;
private static Dictionary<int, int> WorkItemIdMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();
static void Main()
var createAreasAndIterations = GetRunMode();
var sourceWorkItemStore = GetSourceWorkItemStore();
var sourceWorkItems = sourceWorkItemStore.Query(Wiql);
var targetWorkItemStore = GetTargetWorkItemStore();
var targetProject = targetWorkItemStore.Projects[TargetProjectName];
WorkItemTypes = targetProject.WorkItemTypes;
foreach (WorkItem sourceWorkItem in sourceWorkItems)
if (createAreasAndIterations)
EnsureThatStructureExists(TargetProjectName, Areas, sourceWorkItem.AreaPath.Substring(sourceWorkItem.AreaPath.IndexOf("\\") + 1));
EnsureThatStructureExists(TargetProjectName, Iterations, sourceWorkItem.IterationPath.Substring(sourceWorkItem.IterationPath.IndexOf("\\") + 1));
if (!createAreasAndIterations)
var query = from WorkItem wi in sourceWorkItems where wi.Links.Count > 0 select wi;
foreach (WorkItem sourceWorkItem in query)
LinkRelatedItems(targetWorkItemStore, sourceWorkItem);
TextWriter tw = File.CreateText(#"C:\temp\TFS_MigratedItems.csv");
foreach (var entry in WorkItemIdMap)
tw.WriteLine(entry.Key + "," + entry.Value);
Console.WriteLine("Done! Have a nice day.");
private static bool GetRunMode()
bool createAreasAndIterations;
while (true)
Console.Write("Create [A]reas/Iterations or [M]igrate (Ctrl-C to quit)?: ");
var command = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Trim();
if (command == "A")
createAreasAndIterations = true;
if (command == "M")
createAreasAndIterations = false;
Console.WriteLine("Unknown command " + command + " - try again.");
return createAreasAndIterations;
private static void MigrateWorkItem(WorkItem sourceWorkItem)
var targetWIT = WorkItemTypes[sourceWorkItem.Type.Name];
var newWorkItem = targetWIT.NewWorkItem();
//var newWorkItem = targetWorkItemType.NewWorkItem();
// Description (Task) / Steps to reproduce (Bug)
if (sourceWorkItem.Type.Name != "Bug")
newWorkItem.Description = sourceWorkItem.Description;
newWorkItem.Fields["Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps"].Value = sourceWorkItem.Description;
// History
newWorkItem.History = sourceWorkItem.History;
// Title
newWorkItem.Title = sourceWorkItem.Title;
// Assigned To
newWorkItem.Fields[CoreField.AssignedTo].Value = sourceWorkItem.Fields[CoreField.AssignedTo].Value;
// Stack Rank - Priority
newWorkItem.Fields[MicrosoftVstsCommonPriority].Value = sourceWorkItem.Fields[MicrosoftVstsCommonPriority].Value;
// Area Path
newWorkItem.AreaPath = FormatPath(TargetProjectName, sourceWorkItem.AreaPath);
// Iteration Path
newWorkItem.IterationPath = FormatPath(TargetProjectName, sourceWorkItem.IterationPath);
// Activity
if (sourceWorkItem.Type.Name == "Task")
newWorkItem.Fields["Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity"].Value = sourceWorkItem.Fields["Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Discipline"].Value;
// State
//newWorkItem.State = sourceWorkItem.State;
// Reason
//newWorkItem.Reason = sourceWorkItem.Reason;
// build a usable rendition of prior revision history
RevisionCollection revisions = sourceWorkItem.Revisions;
var query = from Revision r in revisions orderby r.Fields["Changed Date"].Value descending select r;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.Format("Migrated from work item {0}<BR />\n", sourceWorkItem.Id));
foreach (Revision revision in query)
String history = (String)revision.Fields["History"].Value;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(history))
foreach (Field f in revision.Fields)
if (!Object.Equals(f.Value, f.OriginalValue))
if (f.Name == "History")
string notation = string.Empty;
if (revision.Fields["State"].OriginalValue != revision.Fields["State"].Value)
notation = String.Format("({0} to {1})", revision.Fields["State"].OriginalValue, revision.Fields["State"].Value);
//Console.WriteLine("<STRONG>{0} Edited {3} by {1}</STRONG><BR />\n{2}", revision.Fields["Changed Date"].Value.ToString(), revision.Fields["Changed By"].Value.ToString(), f.Value, notation);
sb.Append(String.Format("<STRONG>{0} Edited {3} by {1}</STRONG><BR />\n{2}<BR />\n", revision.Fields["Changed Date"].Value.ToString(), revision.Fields["Changed By"].Value.ToString(), f.Value, notation));
//Console.WriteLine("Revision {0}: ", revision.Fields["Rev"].Value);
//Console.WriteLine(" ChangedDate: " + revision.Fields["ChangedDate"].Value);
//Console.WriteLine(" History: " + sb.ToString());
newWorkItem.History = sb.ToString();
// Attachments
for (var i = 0; i < sourceWorkItem.AttachedFileCount; i++)
CopyAttachment(sourceWorkItem.Attachments[i], newWorkItem);
// Validate before save
if (!newWorkItem.IsValid())
var reasons = newWorkItem.Validate();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not validate new work item (old id: {0}).", sourceWorkItem.Id));
foreach (Field reason in reasons)
Console.WriteLine("Field: " + reason.Name + ", Status: " + reason.Status + ", Value: " + reason.Value);
Console.Write("[" + sourceWorkItem.Id + "] " + newWorkItem.Title);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" [saved: {0}]", newWorkItem.Id));
WorkItemIdMap.Add(sourceWorkItem.Id, newWorkItem.Id);
catch (Exception ex)
private static void CopyAttachment(Attachment attachment, WorkItem newWorkItem)
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
client.DownloadFile(attachment.Uri, attachment.Name);
var newAttachment = new Attachment(attachment.Name, attachment.Comment);
private static void LinkRelatedItems(WorkItemStore targetWorkItemStore, WorkItem sourceWorkItem)
int newId = WorkItemIdMap[sourceWorkItem.Id];
WorkItem targetItem = targetWorkItemStore.GetWorkItem(newId);
foreach (Link l in sourceWorkItem.Links)
if (l is RelatedLink)
RelatedLink sl = l as RelatedLink;
switch (sl.ArtifactLinkType.Name)
case "Related Workitem":
if (WorkItemIdMap.ContainsKey(sl.RelatedWorkItemId))
int RelatedWorkItemId = WorkItemIdMap[sl.RelatedWorkItemId];
RelatedLink rl = new RelatedLink(sl.LinkTypeEnd, RelatedWorkItemId);
// !!!!
// this does not work - need to check the existing links to see if one exists already for the linked workitem.
// using contains expects the same object and that's not what I'm doing here!!!!!!
//if (!targetItem.Links.Contains(rl))
// !!!!
var query = from RelatedLink qrl in targetItem.Links where qrl.RelatedWorkItemId == RelatedWorkItemId select qrl;
if (query.Count() == 0)
targetItem.Links.Add(rl); ;
// Validate before save
if (!targetItem.IsValid())
var reasons = targetItem.Validate();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not validate work item (old id: {0}) related link id {1}.", sourceWorkItem.Id, sl.RelatedWorkItemId));
foreach (Field reason in reasons)
Console.WriteLine("Field: " + reason.Name + ", Status: " + reason.Status + ", Value: " + reason.Value);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" [Updated: {0}]", targetItem.Id));
catch (Exception ex)
{ break; }
private static void EnsureThatStructureExists(string projectName, string structureType, string structurePath)
var parts = structurePath.Split('\\');
var css = GetCommonStructureService();
var projectInfo = css.GetProjectFromName(projectName);
var parentNodeUri = GetCssStructure(GetCommonStructureService(), projectInfo.Uri, structureType).Uri;
var currentPath = FormatPath(projectName, structureType == Areas ? "Area" : "Iteration");
foreach (var part in parts)
currentPath = FormatPath(currentPath, part);
var currentNode = css.GetNodeFromPath(currentPath);
parentNodeUri = currentNode.Uri;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
Console.WriteLine(" [found]");
parentNodeUri = css.CreateNode(part, parentNodeUri);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine(" [created]");
private static string FormatPath(string currentPath, string part)
part = part.Substring(part.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
currentPath = string.Format(#"{0}\{1}", currentPath, part);
return currentPath;
private static TfsTeamProjectCollection GetProjectCollection(Uri uri)
TfsTeamProjectCollection collection;
if (!Collections.TryGetValue(uri, out collection))
collection = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(uri);
Collections.Add(uri, collection);
return Collections[uri];
private static WorkItemStore GetSourceWorkItemStore()
var collection = GetProjectCollection(SourceCollectionUri);
return collection.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
private static WorkItemStore GetTargetWorkItemStore()
var collection = GetProjectCollection(TargetCollectionUri);
return collection.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
public static NodeInfo GetCssStructure(ICommonStructureService css, String projectUri, String structureType)
return css.ListStructures(projectUri).FirstOrDefault(node => node.StructureType == structureType);
private static ICommonStructureService GetCommonStructureService()
var collection = GetProjectCollection(TargetCollectionUri);
return collection.GetService<ICommonStructureService>();
