Mouse movement / mouseover and JavaScript evaluation in watir - ruby-on-rails

I have a JavaScript-heavy Rails app which I am testing in watir. I have two specific testing requirements:
I need to be able to simulate moving the mouse to a specific area of the screen (or at least triggering the onmouseover event for a div)
Evaluating a snippet of JavaScript once the above has happened to see if a flag is set correctly
I haven't been able to figure out how to do this in watir. Any ideas on how to do this?

For the first question:
browser.div(:id, "some-id").fire_event "onmouseover"
I have no idea how to solve the second question. You could ask at watir-general.

You can look at the following page for mouse controls:


Mouse click event is not working in love2d lua engine

I am trying to make a hold system in love2d. When the left button of the mouse is pressed and it is in the object hitbox, it activates the holding event, but the functions for working with mouse click is not working
I am using love 0.9.1 and already tried using love.mouse.isDown and love.mousepressed.
I have tried with my own code and with the examples in love2d wiki and my mouse is working well, it's not a hardware problem
It is actually not doing nothing, mouse does not working.
You would have to post your code for anyone to know what's not working about it, but here's another question where someone couldn't get their mouse clicks working that I answered, and that might be helpful for you.
I had the same problem. Using love.mouse.isDown("l") (or love.mouse.isDown('l')) instead of love.mouse.isDown(1) solved it for me. And "r" or 'r' instead of 2.

The infamous "sticky" :hover on iPad - how does Google fix it?

I have unfortunately stumbled on the issue where, on iPad, a pop-up menu summoned by way of :hover does not disappear from the screen when the user touches an empty area of the page.
The problem is the same described here:
Hover Behavior on Desktop vs iPad
The menu is part of a template I bought, namely:
But... wait a minute... it WORKS on the template's home page? And only on that page -- it doesn't work on any other page of that same template.
I was able to track the behavior down to the point where I found that the reason why it works is the following: initializing a Google map makes the menu behave properly. Just the simplest of maps, with the default options.
Now my question to the experts is: what is that Google does in the map initialization code in order to fix the :hover behavior?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Well, can't tell what is that Google does, however the solution is documented in mobile Safari developer's reference.
For a click event to be generated on an area of the document, there must be a click handler attached. For example, clicking on a div will generate a click event only if an onclick="void(0)" handle is presente:
Clicking here triggers event in mobile Safari

Select2 additional checkbox not checking

Hei guys.
I'm trying to add additional HTML elements below search box.. like checkboxes for filtering purposes.
But the added checkbox is not functional, you can't actually check it. I'm not sure but I think that search box is taking the focus from them... I created this jsFiddle so you guys can check it out.
//Inserting additional HTML elements below search... filter in my case
$(".select2-search").after("<input type='checkbox'/>");
When the dropdown is open you can't even write in jsFiddle input's.
I tried commenting out various focus calls from source code with no luck.
Can any one point me in to right direction in source code what is causing this non stop search box focussing.
One thing to try is to have the checkbox element stop the mouse events from propagating. That seems to prevent them from getting to Select2, so Select2 cannot kill them.
$("<input type='checkbox'/>")
.on('mousedown mouseup click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
I'm not sure but I think that search box is taking the focus from them
My guess is that this is because Select2 kills (stops propagation and prevents default) most events that occur within the dropdown. This is so Select2 doesn't leak events, but it also causes problems like not being able to catch click events or embed links.
When the dropdown is open you can't even write in jsFiddle input's.
This is because Select2 uses a mask that captures all events outside of the dropdown.
Can any one point me in to right direction in source code what is causing this non stop search box focussing.
You are going to want to look through the source for killEvent, as this is the method Select2 uses that kills events. As most browsers listen for the click event for native controls, you probably want to remove this killEvent for dropdown clicks.

Programmatically starting a jQuery UI sortable drag ? - Issues with IE8 compatibility

I'm using jQuery UI Sortable behavior and have come upon a situation in which I needed to start the sortable drag behavior from interaction with another element other than the original handle (which is not visible at the time).
I have managed to put together a way to achieve this thanks to suggestions in some posts and the use of jquery.simulate.js (used to run official jQUI tests) and I can procedurally start the sortable drag process in pretty much all browsers except IE8 and below, simulating the events like so:
item.simulate('mousedown',pos).simulate('mousemove',{ clientX: pos.clientX+1, clientY: pos.clientY});
Problem: In IE8 (or below), after the interaction with the outside 'handle' and simulation of mousedown and mousemove events, the drag is indeed correctly started, but as soon as the user really moves his mouse in any way/shape/form, the drag stops or cancels as if the 'mouseup' event had ocurred to finalize it.
I highly think this is due to some fundamental difference in the old fireEvent (IE8-) method vs the dispatchEvent that everything else uses, but cannot quite figure out how to, or if it's possible to prevent it.
What I'm looking for are snippets of what may be done to correct this or suggestions as to why this is happening and if it can have a workaround of some sort to prevent the cancelling (such as is the behavior that occurs in any other browser using dispatchEvent instead of fireEvent).
Have put together a small example for you of the success (any recent browser) or failure of the situation described: demo
TL;DR: Have put together a small way to procedurally start a jQUI sortable drag (through jquery.simulate.js, link above), but it fails to work or cancels itself in IE8-. Need some guidance or suggestions about how to overcome that. Check above demo

Using codemirror in jquery.ui.dialog loses focus onload

i try to use codemirror in a jquery ui dialog.
here you can see the result in jsfiddle.
the problem is that the content in codemirror does not appear on first load. it only appears after you set focus on the editor and than type something, after that the preloaded content appears.
can this be fixed somehow. i tried to do it with the refresh() function without success.
thanks for you short time.
Looks like jQuery UI hasn't actually unhid the DIV when the opener runs. Putting a refresh call in a timeout (as in ) seems to do the trick.
I ran into the same problem and wound up running the editor.refresh() off the focus event, FWIW. I thought I'd mention another, somewhat related problem. If you try to take advantage of the CodeMirror dialog/search functionality inside of JQueryUI modal dialog, the integrated search dialog fails to get focus and you can't type into it. Interestingly I can paste text into the search field, but I cant type. Have yet to find a way around this other than setting modal to false.
