Strange variable-argument problem in Capistrano Task - ruby-on-rails

Hello stackoverflow experts,
I got a very strange problem in a task I'm creating with Capistrano. I'm trying to pass a variable from the command line:
>> cap create_dir -s name_of_dir=mydir
task :create_dir do
if !(exists?(:name_of_dir)) then
name_of_dir = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Name of dir to be created.")
full_path = "/home/#{name_of_dir}"
run "mkdir #{full_path}"
The very strange this is that correctly parses the variable when I do printf, but parses as a blank(empty) string in the following command. I really find no explanation for this and I'm sure is not a stuping typo or anything like that?
I'm not expierenced in Ruby like in Java and PHP, I'm affraid that there maybe a strange rule?

A few suggestions:
Avoid using variables with the same name of internal task variables
use fetch() instead of dealing with if exits? else then...
Here's the code
>> cap create_dir -s name_of_dir=mydir
task :create_dir do
directory = fetch(:name_of_dir) { Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Name of dir to be created.") }
full_path = "/home/#{directory}"
run "mkdir #{full_path}"

In newer versions of capistrano, at least from 2.5.19 which I run now the whole command line argument thing works different now. You call it like this.
cap command argument=value
And the syntax in the code is
ENV.has_key?('argument') and ENV['argument']
That's basically it, but you can look at my blogpost about it for a working example

It looks like in the second line you are checking if the symbol :name_of_dir exists - not the actual value of the variable name_of_dir.
Because you're unlikely to have a filename name_of_dir it will count as not existing... and then name_of_dir (the variable) is overwritten by the Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask command.
Not sure why but that must be killing it somehow.
Try removing the ":" and seeing if that fixes the problem.


How to redirect output to file if no console detected in Nim

I want my Nim program to write to the console if there is one, and redirect echo to write to a file if there isn't. Is there an equivalent to the Environment.UserInteractive property in .NET which I could use to detect if no console is available and redirect stdout in that case?
It's a combination of using isatty() as suggested by genotrance and the code that you found :)
# stdout_to_file.nim
import terminal, strformat, times
if isatty(stdout): # ./stdout_to_file
echo "This is output to the terminal."
else: # ./stdout_to_file | cat
logFileName = "log.txt"
logFile = open(logFileName, fmWrite)
stdout = logFile
echo fmt"This is output to the {logFileName} file."
echo fmt"- Run using nim {NimVersion} on {now()}."
Save above file as stdout_to_file.nim.
On running:
nim c stdout_to_file.nim && ./stdout_to_file | cat
I get this in the created log.txt:
This is output to the log.txt file.
- Run using nim 0.19.9 on 2019-01-23T22:42:27-05:00.
You should be able to use isatty().
Here's an example in Nimble.
#tjohnson this is in response to your comment. I don't have enough points to respond to your comment directly or something? Thanks Stack Overflow...
It's hard to say without seeing more of the code.
What version of Nim are you using?
I suspect stdout has been shadowed by a read only symbol.
Are you calling this code inside of a proc and passing stdout as an argument?
like this:
proc foo(stdout: File)
If so, you will need to change it to a var parameter to make the argument writable:
proc test(stdout: var File)
Or use stdout as a global variable instead.

Bad result from groovy's ProcessGroovyMethods (UNIXProcess)

While using Grails 2.4.5 org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ProcessGroovyMethods on Ubuntu 14.04:
def command = "mysqldump -h${} -u'${databaseProperties.username}' -p'${databaseProperties.password}' ${} " + table
print command
def proc = command.execute()
def oneMinute = 60000
println "[[return code: ${proc.exitValue()}]]"
println "[[stderr: ${proc.err.text}]]"
return null
I've got
[[return code: 2]]
[[stderr: mysqldump: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect]]
but when I copy-paste printlined command into my bash I receive proper dump. What is going on?
I've also tried:
changing mysqldump to full path: /usr/bin/mysqldump
sending arguments as a String array but with the same
sending command as a regular String to execute:
"mysqldump -hlocalhost -u'root' -p'password' database table"
it works in system bash, it doesn't as a ProcessGroovyMethod...
After thinking about this overnight, I'm (still) convinced that the problem is related to your password. Since it's really not a best practice to provide the password on the command line (mysqldump even warns you about this), I think you should change tactics by creating a login-path.
Use the following command to create a login path (this is a one-time step):
mysql_config_editor set --login-path=name --host=localhost --user=youruser --password
Then change the command you're attempting to execute from Groovy to this:
def command="mysqldump --login-path=name database table"
This will work around the issue you're seeing and is more secure.
Original answer:
I was able to replicate the problem. String.execute() doesn't use a command shell, and therefore the single quotes are getting passed to mysqldump as if they were part of your password.
Edit: After some further thought, I don't think Groovy's String.execute() is the way to go here, because of its unexpected handling of quotes. It's fine if your password doesn't include spaces, but this is likely to be brittle.
If you need more control, you should consider using ProcessBuilder:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("mysqldump", "-h${}", "-u${databaseProperties.username}", "-p${databaseProperties.password}",, table);
Process p = pb.start();
Edit: Further research, just tested this with a password that includes spaces. command.execute() doesn't handle this properly, but using the ProcessBuilder method works.
Here's another post explaining some of the unexpected behavior of the String.execute() method:
Groovy: strings with embedded quotes don't execute as expected

Azure: Unable to start cloud service running vbs startup task

For some specific purpose, I need to install some fonts on the instances. It comes as no surprise when I choose StartUp Task to accomplish that goal. I've configured the Service Definitions as below:
<Task commandLine="Fonts\InstallFonts.vbs" executionContext="elevated" taskType="simple" />
Nothing special here. Click and run, it failed. However, if I changed the commandLine into a cmd file including just nonsense, namely "echo test", the instance would run without ado. So there must be some issue with my scripting:
Const FONTS = &H14&
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetAbsolutePathName("."))
Set fontFolder = objShell.Namespace(FONTS)
Set rxTTF = New RegExp
rxTTF.IgnoreCase = True
rxTTF.Pattern = "\.ttf$"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FOR EACH FontFile IN objFolder.Items()
IF rxTTF.Test(FontFile.Path) THEN
IF NOT fso.FileExists(fontFolder.Self.Path+"\\"+FontFile.Name) THEN
The script should come with no error because I've tested it either locally or on Azure via RDP.
Weirdly, when I put it in the startup, the role just won't start. The instance just keeps recycling and at last says "I'm unhealthy". Even if I deprecate the vbs into just one line of code - the first line Const FONTS = &H14&, it just won't start. Even if I wrap the invocation of the vbs into a cmd file, namely to put something like "cscript /B file.vbs", it won't run either.
So I'm concluding that there must be some issue regarding the communication between the script and the Windows Azure monitor. I'm not sure but I think the monitor might take the running script as a failed task. Besides, I'm wondering if there is any timeout for the startup task, which should be the problem though, because the script can guarantee that no UI interaction block the process.
Any idea would be greatly appreciated.
I am sure you must have but just for the sake of confirmation, have you checked that the InstallFonts.vbs file is exported with the package? I mean is the "Copy To Output Directory" is set to "Copy Always/Copy if newer"?
This is pretty much possible that it is not able to locate your file.
You need to write a cmd file as a start up task. In your cmd file, you can call the vbs file using the command line tool cscript.
Azure start up can compile only command line tools.
Oh god, I finally solved the problem.
Although the compiler does quite a good job usually, it allows to use subfolder as a source of command, I mean something like "Subfolder\command.cmd", which will not work always. I've seen examples in which people put whatever we do in cmd in commandLine property, such as "copy fileA fileB" and it really works. But as for vbs, you need to be cautious. Until now I still don't know what's under the cover, but there should be some problem with the path. And the solution is definitely simple, instead of doing the subfolder work for tidiness, just leave the command file in the root folder like most people do:
<Task commandLine="InstallFonts.vbs" executionContext="elevated" taskType="simple" />
And thank you all the same, Kunal. :)

Issues while using sqlplus with ruby

I want to use sqlplus within ruby. Dont want to use any gems[bec I cannot get it installed on our servers without much help from other teams ..etc] and want to keep it very minimal.
I am trying something as simple as this in my ruby script:
`rlwrap sqlplus user/pswd#host << EOF`
`set serveroutput on;`
`commit;` #ERROR1: sh: commit: not found
sql = "insert /*+ APPEND*/ INTO table(col1, col2) values (#{data[0]},#{data[1]});"
`#{sql}` #ERROR2: sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Can anyone help me with ERROR1 and ERROR2 above
Basically for "commit: not found" I think its getting executed on shell rather than in sqlplus. However seems like "set serveroutput on" seems to execute fine !
For ERROR2, I am clueless. I also tried using escape slash for the "/" in the sql.
The answer is, don't use SQL*Plus. Don't call a command-line utility from inside your script; between the ruby-oci8 gem and the ruby-plsql gem, you can do anything you could accomplish from within SQL*Plus.
The reason you get the errors is that you are sending each line to the shell individually. If your entire statement was wrapped in a single pair of backticks, it might work.
But if you really are unable to install the proper gems, put the commands in a temporary file and tell sqlplus to execute that, eg:
require 'tempfile'
file =['test', '.sql'])
file.puts "set serveroutput on;"
file.puts "commit;"
file.puts "insert /*+ APPEND*/ INTO table(col1, col2) values (#{data[0]},#{data[1]});"
file.puts "exit;" # needed or sqlplus will never return control to your script
output = `sqlplus user/pswd#host ##{file.path}`
You'll have to be very careful about:
Quoting values (if using oci8/dbi you could use bind variables)
Error handling. If using ruby libraries, errors would raise exceptions. Using sqlplus, you'll have to parse the output instead. Yuck!
So it can be done but I highly recommend you jump through whatever hoops are required to get oci8 (and maybe ruby-DBI) installed properly :)
ps are you sure you want to commit before the insert?

Requesting another server for file exist in ruby on rails

I have a condition where I need to check for the file in another server, if that file exists I need to delete from the current server. Can any body help me.
You can place a script on another server and ask it in restful way to perform that tasks for you:
but you will have to think about security aspects of this solution.
Also take a look on executing remote commands via ssh: Combined with using ssh "without password" it can be acceptable solution to run command line program that run what you need.
Just write a ruby script and do something along the line with:
require "open-uri"
file_name = ""
file = open("{file_name}")
File.delete("path_to" + file_name)
p "File #{file_name} deleted"
p "File not found"
