grails default values - grails

I have an application written in grails.
I want to add a new domain class with default initial values.
These values should appear as default or initial values
under the create view.
I mean, the generated inout field tag should have this value as
an attribute.
The class (simplified) look as follows:
class Whatever{
static constraints = {
myString(blank:false, nullable:false)
String myString = "hallo"
The generated view looks as follows:
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: whatEverInstance, field: 'myString', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="serviceReview" value="${fieldValue(bean: whatEverInstance, field: 'myString')}" />
For some unknown reason when the source of render page has looks as follows:
<td valign="top" class="value ">
<input type="text" name="myString" value="" id="myString" />
I was expecting value="hallo".
I mean:
<td valign="top" class="value ">
<input type="text" name="myString" value="hallo" id="myString" />
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,
My create method is as follows:
def create = {
def whateverInstance = new Whatever() = params
return [whateverInstance: whateverInstance]
But the create method is called after the form is filled.

int varm
static mapping = {
table 'Test55'
id column: "kid", name:"kid"
version false
varm column: 'varm', name: 'varm', sqlType: 'numeric(1) default 1'
This works

Is you whatEverInstance bean being set in the controller's create setup action?
def create = {
[whateverInstance: new Whatever()]
You could test the value of whateverInstance in the gsp with:


Create dynamic table with webflow and grails

I'm trying to create a webflow with a dynamic table on one page. Which looks like this
def startFlow = {
contact {
on('next') {
flow.developer = params.developer
flow.project = params.project
flow.division = params.division
flow.projectResponsible = params.projectResponsible =
[flow : flow]
flow.ipcount ='ipcount')
[flow: flow]
on('next') {
flow.hoster= params.hoster
flow.ip = params.ip
flow.os = params.os
flow.dns = params.dns
flow.systemDate = params.systemDate
[flow : flow]
} ....
The problem is I that the number of systems could be different every time (1...n).
One idea was to ask the page before how many entries should be created (ipcount).
My view looks like this
<g:set var="count" value="${flow.ipcount}" />
<g:each in="${(1..'${count}')}">
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="ip">IP Adresse:</label>
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:hosterInstance,field:'ip','errors')}">
<input type="text" id="ip" name="ip" value="${params.ip}" />
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="dns">DNS:</label>
<td valign="top">
<input type="text" id="dns" name="dns" value="${params.dns}" />
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="os">Operating System:</label>
<td valign="top">
<input type="text" id="dns" name="dns" value="${params.os}" />
Beside that this is not working as I get an Internal server error: (java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer) it would be nicer if I could at the table row dynamically on the page.
Here is the question: Is this possible with webflow and how? Especially I don't know how to handle the flow parameter and how to save the collected entries at the end of the webflow to the database.
If you need to work with a list of objects, command objects is the way to go. It supports databinding from the incoming request and will handle lists.
You can check a related question that show's you how to do it.
And in your view, you will need to handle the index in the name of your input. Example:
class System {
String ip
String dns
And a List<System>.
<g:each in="${}" var="command" status="i">
<input type="text" id="ip$i" name="systems[$i].ip" value="${command.ip}" />

Grails upload image

I am trying to upload a picture, and save it in database.
If I do the following I get this error:
Failed to convert property value of type
org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile to
required type java.lang.Byte[] for property picture1; nested exception
is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert value of type
[org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile] to
required type [java.lang.Byte] for property picture1[0]:
returned inappropriate value
If i do it this way:
if(request instanceof MultipartHttpServletRequest){
MultipartHttpServletRequest mpr = (MultipartHttpServletRequest)request;
CommonsMultipartFile f = (CommonsMultipartFile) mpr.getFile("picture1");
I get this error:
Executing action [save] of controller [com.testapp.RequestController]
caused exception: Cannot cast object '
with class
'org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile' to
class 'java.lang.Byte'
What should I do to make this work?
package com.testapp
class Request{
String requestID
Date dateCreated
String subject
String startedBy
String description
String status
String priority
Productline productline
Topic topic
Subtopic subtopic
String company
Byte [] picture1
Byte [] picture2
Byte [] picture3
String acceptedBy
static constraints = {
status (blank:true,nullable:true)
priority(inList:["Normal","Urgent","Not urgent"])
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="layout" content="main" />
<g:set var="entityName" value="${message(code: 'request.label', default: 'Request')}" />
<title><g:message code="New request" args="[entityName]" /></title>
<div class="nav">
<span class="menuButton"><a class="home" href="${createLink(uri: '/')}"><g:message `code="default.home.label"/></a></span>`
<span class="menuButton"><g:link class="list" action="userList"><g:message code="Lista zahteva" `args="[entityName]" /></g:link></span>`
<div class="body">
<h1><g:message code="New request" args="[entityName]" /></h1>
<g:if test="${flash.message}">
<div class="message">${flash.message}</div>
<g:hasErrors bean="${requestInstance}">
<div class="errors">
<g:renderErrors bean="${requestInstance}" as="list" />
<g:form action="save" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="dialog">
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="subject"><g:message code="request.subject.label" default="Subject" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: requestInstance, field: 'subject', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="subject" value="${requestInstance?.subject}" />
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="description"><g:message code="request.description.label" default="Opis" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: requestInstance, field: 'description', 'errors')}">
<g:textArea name="description" cols="40" rows="5" value="${requestInstance?.description}" />
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="picture1"><g:message code="request.picture1.label" default="Printscreen" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value">
<input type="file" id="picture1" name="picture1"/>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="priority"><g:message code="request.priority.label" default="Priority" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: requestInstance, field: 'status', 'errors')}">
<g:select name="priority" from="${requestInstance.constraints.priority.inList}" value="${requestInstance?.priority}" valueMessagePrefix="request.priority" />
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="productline"><g:message code="request.productline.label" default="Productline" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: requestInstance, field: 'productline', 'errors')}">
<g:select name="" from="${com.testapp.Productline.list()}" optionKey="id" value="${requestInstance?.productline?.id}" />
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="topic"><g:message code="request.topic.label" default="Topic" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: requestInstance, field: 'topic', 'errors')}">
<g:select name="" from="${com.testapp.Topic.list()}" optionKey="id" value="${requestInstance?.topic?.id}" />
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="subtopic"><g:message code="request.subtopic.label" default="Subtopic" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: requestInstance, field: 'subtopic', 'errors')}">
<g:select name="" from="${com.testapp.Subtopic.list()}" optionKey="id" value="${requestInstance?.subtopic?.id}" />
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button"><g:submitButton name="create" class="save" value="${message(code: 'default.button.create.label', default: 'Create')}" /></span>
def save = {
def requestInstance = new Request(params)
def requestNumberInstance = new RequestNumber()
def upPic1 = request.getFile('picture1')
def lastReqNum = RequestNumber.find("from RequestNumber ORDER BY requestNumber desc")
requestNumberInstance.requestNumber = lastReqNum.requestNumber + 1
requestNumberInstance.requestNumber = 110000
requestInstance.requestID = "CSC" + requestNumberInstance.requestNumber
def currentUserContact = Contact.findByUser(springSecurityService.getCurrentUser())
requestInstance.startedBy = currentUserContact.realname =
requestInstance.status = "Opened"
requestInstance.acceptedBy = "Not yet accepted"
requestInstance.picture1 = upPic1
if ( {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'request.label', default: 'Request'),])}"
redirect(action: "show", id:
else {
render(view: "create", model: [requestInstance: requestInstance])
render(view: "create", model: [requestInstance: requestInstance])
Please dont mind the spaghetti code. I'm just trying to get some basic concepts. I will clear it later.
Simplified example:
def save = {
def requestInstance = new Request(params)
def requestNumberInstance = new RequestNumber()
if(requestInstance.validate() && true)){
println "Saved successfully with ${requestInstance.picture1.length} bytes"
else {
println "Save failed"
Update after question edit
The error is probably caused by this:
def upPic1 = request.getFile('picture1')
requestInstance.picture1 = upPic1
request.getFile() is returning a MultipartFile, and you're trying to assign it to a Byte[] field. Considering my small example (below), you shouldn't even need to try to make this assignment. The def requestInstance = new Request(params) will bind the byte[] automatically.
Uploaded files bind automatically to byte[] fields. Here's a working example:
Domain: grails-app/domain/my/Example.groovy
package my
class Example {
byte[] file
Controller: grails-app/controllers/my/ExampleController.groovy
package my
class ExampleController {
def create = { }
def save = {
def example = new Example(params)
if(example.validate() && true)) {
println "Saved successfully with ${example.file.length} bytes"
} else {
println "Save failed"
redirect(action: 'create')
GSP: grails-app/views/example/create.gsp
<!DOCTYPE html>
<g:uploadForm action="save">
<input type="file" name="file"/>
<g:submitButton name="submit"/>
When I upload a small file using the GSP form, I see the following console output:
Saved successfully with 23 bytes
Try using Grails data binding to save your file contents.
Make sure your form is a <g:uploadForm> or has an enctype="multipart/form-data" if you're using a vanilla`.
Make sure you're binding the params using the domain constructor,, or bindData().
I am guessing your typing is messed up.
What happens if you simply do:
def f = request.getFile('myFile')
as described in the manual. If you want strong typing it should be MultiPartfile, not CommonsMultiPartFile, as far as I remember (and you get it right from the request object).
This is the interface you're working on:
The relevant method for you, should be getBytes().
Edit for edited question:
As I said, you want getBytes(), you are trying to shove a MultiPartFile into a byte array, thats not going to work.
requestInstance.picture = upPic.getBytes() and you should be allright.
It only worked when I changed my domain properties picture1,picture2,picture3 to:
byte [] picture1
byte [] picture2
byte [] picture3
and added those mappings:
static mapping = {
picture1 column:"picture1", sqlType: "blob"
picture2 column:"picture2", sqlType: "blob"
picture3 column:"picture3", sqlType: "blob"

Saving object having many-to-many relationship in grails

I am trying to save objects having Many-Many Relationship . A SellingCompany can have many Accounts and an Account can be associated with many SellingCompanies. So there is a many-many relationship between the tables stored in SellingCompaniesAccount
My Account_Info domain is as follows:
class AccountInfo {
static mapping ={
table 'AccountInfo'
version false
//id column:'accountInfoID'
String evi_pass_phrase
String evi_username
String security_key
// to make sure fields show up in a particular order
static constraints = {
static hasMany = [sellingcompaniesaccount:SellingCompaniesAccount]
String toString() {
return "${evi_username}"
My SellingComapanies domain is as follows:
class SellingCompanies
static mapping = {
table 'SellingCompanies'
version false
String name
//static belongsTo = AccountInfo
//static hasMany = [accounts: AccountInfo]
static hasMany = [sellingcompaniesaccount:SellingCompaniesAccount]
static constraints = {
name(blank:false, validator:
{ val, obj ->
def similarSellingCompanies = SellingCompanies.findByNameIlike(val)
return !similarSellingCompanies || ( ==
//String toString() { name }
The table that holds the Many-Many relationship is as follows:
class SellingCompaniesAccount {
static constraints = {
// ensure the group of sellingCompaneis and accountInfo values are unique
int agency_id
String agency_name
String consultant_id
String code
Boolean isActive
String iata
ContactInfo contactinfo
static belongsTo = [sellingCompanies:SellingCompanies, accountInfo:AccountInfo]
The form in the create.gsp file contains the code that actually iterates over all the different SellingCompanies and displays as a check-box.
<g:form action="save" method="post">
<div class="dialog">
<table width="500px" border="0px" color="red">
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="accountInfo"><g:message
default="Account Info" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'accountInfo', 'errors')}">
<g:select name=""
from="${content_hub_admin.AccountInfo.list()}" optionKey="id"
value="${sellingCompaniesAccountInstance?.accountInfo?.id}" /></td>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="sellingCompanies"><g:message
default="Selling Companies" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
<g:each in="${content_hub_admin.SellingCompanies.list()}" var="item" status="i">
${++i}. ${} <g:checkBox name="sellingcompanies_${++i-1}" optionKey="id" value="${}" /> <br>
<!-- end here by rsheyeah -->
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="code"><g:message
code="sellingCompaniesAccount.code.label" default="Code" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'code', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="code"
value="${sellingCompaniesAccountInstance?.code}" /></td>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="agency_name"><g:message
default="Agencyname" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'agency_name', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="agency_name"
value="${sellingCompaniesAccountInstance?.agency_name}" /></td>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="isActive"><g:message
code="sellingCompaniesAccount.isActive.label" default="Is Active" /></label>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'isActive', 'errors')}">
<g:checkBox name="isActive"
value="${sellingCompaniesAccountInstance?.isActive}" /></td>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="agency_id"><g:message
code="sellingCompaniesAccount.agency_id.label" default="Agencyid" /></label>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'agency_id', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="agency_id"
value="${fieldValue(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'agency_id')}" />
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="iata"><g:message
code="sellingCompaniesAccount.iata.label" default="Iata" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'iata', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="iata"
value="${sellingCompaniesAccountInstance?.iata}" /></td>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="consultant_id"><g:message
default="Consultantid" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'consultant_id', 'errors')}">
<g:textField name="consultant_id"
value="${sellingCompaniesAccountInstance?.consultant_id}" /></td>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="contactinfo"><g:message
default="Contactinfo" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
class="value ${hasErrors(bean: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance, field: 'contactinfo', 'errors')}">
<g:select name=""
from="${content_hub_admin.ContactInfo.list()}" optionKey="id"
value="${sellingCompaniesAccountInstance?.contactinfo?.id}" /></td>
<div class="buttons"><span class="button"><g:submitButton
name="create" class="save"
value="${message(code: 'default.button.create.label', default: 'Create')}" /></span>
Lastly the controller which handles the save and list functions.
class SellingCompaniesAccountController {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SellingCompaniesAccountController.class)
//def index = { }
//def scaffold = true
def index = { redirect(action:list,params:params) }
//To limit access to controller actions based on the HTTP request method.
def allowedMethods = [save:'POST']
//create.gsp exists
def create = {
//edit.gsp exists
//def edit = {}
//list.gsp exists
def list = {
[ sellingCompaniesAccountInstanceList: SellingCompaniesAccount.list( max:15) ]
//show.gsp exists
//def show={}
//save.gsp exists
def save = { "Saving: " + params.toString()
println("Saving: " + params.toString())
def sellingCompaniesAccount = params.sellingCompaniesAccount
def sellingCompanies = params.sellingCompanies "sellingCompanies: " + sellingCompanies
def sellingCompaniesAccountInstance = new SellingCompaniesAccount(name:
params.each {
if (it.key.contains("_sellingcompanies"))
//sellingCompaniesAccountInstance.sellingCompaniesId << SellingCompanies.get((it.key - "sellingcompanies_") as Integer)
if (it.key.contains("sellingcompanies_"))
sellingCompaniesAccountInstance.sellingCompaniesId << SellingCompanies.get((it.key - "sellingcompanies_") as Integer)
} sellingCompaniesAccountInstance
if ( true)) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'sellingCompaniesAccountInstance.label', default: 'sellingCompaniesAccountInstance'),])}"
redirect(action: "show", id: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance
else {
render(view: "create", model: [sellingCompaniesAccountInstance: sellingCompaniesAccountInstance])
Now, I am getting the following error, due to the empty hidden values appearing like _sellingcompanies_1 etc.:
Error Logs:
Saving: ["":"1", "accountInfo":["id":"1"], "_sellingcompanies_5":"", "_isActive":"", "code":"test", "agency_name":"test", "sellingcompanies_4":"4", "sellingcompanies_5":"5", "create":"Create", "isActive":"on", "iata":"test", "agency_id":"test", "":"1", "contactinfo":["id":"1"], "consultant_id":"test", "sellingcompanies_2":"2", "_sellingcompanies_1":"", "sellingcompanies_3":"3", "_sellingcompanies_2":"", "_sellingcompanies_3":"", "sellingcompanies_1":"1", "_sellingcompanies_4":"", "action":"save", "controller":"sellingCompaniesAccount"]
2011-03-15 17:13:44,620 [http-8080-2] ERROR org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.errors.GrailsExceptionResolver - For input string: "_5"
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "_5"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(
at content_hub_admin.SellingCompaniesAccountController$_closure4_closure5.doCall(content_hub_admin.SellingCompaniesAccountController:70)
at content_hub_admin.SellingCompaniesAccountController$_closure4.doCall(content_hub_admin.SellingCompaniesAccountController:66)
at content_hub_admin.SellingCompaniesAccountController$_closure4.doCall(content_hub_admin.SellingCompaniesAccountController)
First of all, where does the hidden values come from and is this approach fine to commit the the Many-Many relationship info in SellingCompaniesAccount controller class. Any better technique of doing this.
The create.gsp resolves to this in the browser:
Thanks in advance
If anyone else is having the same problem then the above answer by Daniel is absolutely correct just adding few changes as of Grails 2.7.8.
All checkbox will have same value = "${}" and name ="sellingcompanies" as shown below:
<!-- ... snip ... -->
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="sellingCompanies"><g:message
default="Selling Companies" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
<g:each in="${content_hub_admin.SellingCompanies.list()}" var="item" status="i">
${++i}. ${} <g:checkBox name="sellingcompanies" optionKey="id" value="${}" /> <br>
<!-- end here by rsheyeah -->
<!-- ... snip ... -->
Best part is that in present version of Grails you wont need to use flatten() as string as mentioned by Daniel and these values will automatically be handled by Grails and will be persisted in the join table. All you need to be sure is your checkbox have correct name and value.
Hope it helps!
The problem is with this piece of code:
params.each {
if (it.key.contains("_sellingcompanies"))
//sellingCompaniesAccountInstance.sellingCompaniesId << SellingCompanies.get((it.key - "sellingcompanies_") as Integer)
if (it.key.contains("sellingcompanies_"))
sellingCompaniesAccountInstance.sellingCompaniesId << SellingCompanies.get((it.key - "sellingcompanies_") as Integer)
Your params from the form post are:
Saving: ["":"1", "accountInfo":["id":"1"], "_sellingcompanies_5":"", "_isActive":"", "code":"test", "agency_name":"test", "sellingcompanies_4":"4", "sellingcompanies_5":"5", "create":"Create", "isActive":"on", "iata":"test", "agency_id":"test", "":"1", "contactinfo":["id":"1"], "consultant_id":"test", "sellingcompanies_2":"2", "_sellingcompanies_1":"", "sellingcompanies_3":"3", "_sellingcompanies_2":"", "_sellingcompanies_3":"", "sellingcompanies_1":"1", "_sellingcompanies_4":"", "action":"save", "controller":"sellingCompaniesAccount"]
The test in your loop first checks if the parameter key contains "_sellingcompanies" and then it does nothing; the second part of that checks if the parameter key contains "sellingcompanies_" and then it tries to pull the suffixed number off of that parameter value. In the case of a parameter with the key value "_sellingcompanies_5", both the first test and the second test evaluate to true, so in the second test, you are subtracting the "sellingcompanies_" off of the parameter key value and you are left with "_5", which you are then trying to evaluate to an Integer. Unfortunately, "_5" is not a valid Integer value, and hence your given error.
You can solve this very simply by doing the following:
params.each {
if (it.key.startsWith("sellingcompanies")) {
sellingCompaniesAccountInstance.sellingCompaniesId << SellingCompanies.get((it.key - "sellingcompanies_") as Integer)
Probably a better way to handle this though would be to change your gsp to give the same named parameter for each of the sellingcompanies, and then looping through the actual applied values. Something like this:
<!-- ... snip ... -->
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name"><label for="sellingCompanies"><g:message
default="Selling Companies" /></label></td>
<td valign="top"
<g:each in="${content_hub_admin.SellingCompanies.list()}" var="item" status="i">
${++i}. ${} <g:checkBox name="sellingcompanies" optionKey="id" value="${}" /> <br>
<!-- end here by rsheyeah -->
<!-- ... snip ... -->
Then in your controller do something like this:
params.sellingcompanies = [params.sellingcompanies].flatten() as String[]
sellingCompaniesAccountInstance.sellingCompaniesId = params.sellingcompanies.collect { SellingCompanies.get(it) }
This should ensure that you are properly evaluating the appropriate values that have been passed from your model object, and not hacking in a retrieval method.
Hope this helps!

Grails - Simple hasMany Problem - Using CheckBoxes rather than HTML Select in create.gsp

My problem is this: I want to create a grails domain instance, defining the 'Many' instances of another domain that it has. I have the actual source in a Google Code Project but the following should illustrate the problem.
class Person {
String name
static hasMany[skills:Skill]
static constraints = {
id (visible:false)
skills (nullable:false, blank:false)
class Skill {
String name
String description
static constraints = {
id (visible:false)
name (nullable:false, blank:false)
description (nullable:false, blank:false)
If you use this model and def scaffold for the two Controllers then you end up with a form like this that doesn't work;
My own attempt to get this to work enumerates the Skills as checkboxes and looks like this;
But when I save the Volunteer the skills are null!
This is the code for my save method;
def save = { "Saving: " + params.toString()
def skills = params.skills "Skills: " + skills
def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(params) volunteerInstance
if ( true)) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'volunteer.label', default: 'Volunteer'),])}"
redirect(action: "show", id: volunteerInstance
else {
render(view: "create", model: [volunteerInstance: volunteerInstance])
This is my log output (I have custom toString() methods);
2010-05-10 21:06:41,494 [http-8080-3] INFO bumbumtrain.VolunteerController - Saving: ["skills":["1", "2"], "name":"Ian", "_skills":["", ""], "create":"Create", "action":"save", "controller":"volunteer"]
2010-05-10 21:06:41,495 [http-8080-3] INFO bumbumtrain.VolunteerController - Skills: [1, 2]
2010-05-10 21:06:41,508 [http-8080-3] INFO bumbumtrain.VolunteerController - Volunteer[ id: null | Name: Ian | Skills [Skill[ id: 1 | Name: Carpenter ] , Skill[ id: 2 | Name: Sound Engineer ] ]]
Note that in the final log line the right Skills have been picked up and are part of the object instance. When the volunteer is saved the 'Skills' are ignored and not commited to the database despite the in memory version created clearly does have the items. Is it not possible to pass the Skills at construction time? There must be a way round this? I need a single form to allow a person to register but I want to normalise the data so that I can add more skills at a later time.
If you think this should 'just work' then a link to a working example would be great.
If I use the HTML Select then it works fine! Such as the following to make the Create page;
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="skills"><g:message code="volunteer.skills.label" default="Skills" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: volunteerInstance, field: 'skills', 'errors')}">
<g:select name="skills" from="${}" multiple="yes" optionKey="id" size="5" value="${volunteerInstance?.skills}" />
But I need it to work with checkboxes like this;
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="skills"><g:message code="volunteer.skills.label" default="Skills" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: volunteerInstance, field: 'skills', 'errors')}">
<g:each in="${skillInstanceList}" status="i" var="skillInstance">
<label for="${skillInstance?.name}"><g:message code="${skillInstance?.name}.label" default="${skillInstance?.name}" /></label>
<g:checkBox name="skills" value="${skillInstance?.id.toString()}"/>
The log output is exactly the same! With both style of form the Volunteer instance is created with the Skills correctly referenced in the 'Skills' variable. When saving, the latter fails with a null reference exception as shown at the top of this question.
Hope this makes sense, thanks in advance!
Replace your create.gsp <g:checkbox...> code by:
<g:checkBox name="skill_${}"/>
Then inside the save action of your controller, replace def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(params) by :
def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(name:
params.each {
if (it.key.startsWith("skill_"))
volunteerInstance.skills << Skill.get((it.key - "skill_") as Integer)
Should work. (code not tested)
I would reader send id list of your has many elements because this can be easily assigned by default in Grails.
Your .gsp should look like:
<g:each in="${skills}" var="skill">
<input type="checkbox"
and in your controller you can simply stores the value like this: = params
It's pretty easy, isn't it? :-)
Grails does not provide data-binding support when you use a checkbox and you want to bind ToMany associations. At least, up to version 2.2.0
Workaround ?
1º option - Write gsp code which behaves like a select component
<g:each var="skillInstance" in="${skillInstanceList}">
<div class="fieldcontain">
<g:set var="checked" value=""/>
<g:if test="${volunteerInstance?.skills?.contains(skillInstance)}">
<input type="hidden" name="_skills" value="${skillInstance?.id}"/>
<g:set var="checked" value="checked"/>
<label for="${skillInstance?.name}">
<g:message code="${skillInstance?.name}.label"
default="${skillInstance?.name}" />
<input type="checkbox" name="skills" value="${skillInstance?.id}"
${checked} />
2º Create your own TagLib
* Custom TagLib must end up with the TagLib suffix
* It should be placed in the grails-app/taglib directory
class BindingAwareCheckboxTagLib {
def bindingAwareCheckbox = { attrs, body ->
out << render(
template: "/<TEMPLATE_DIR>/bindingAwareCheckboxTemplate.gsp",
model: [referenceColletion: attrs.referenceColletion,
Where <TEMPLATE_DIR> should be relative to the /grails-app/views directory. Furthermore, templates should be prefixed with _.
Now you can use your custom TagLib as follows
Once done, binding process will occur automatically. No additional code needed.
<g:checkBox name="skills" value="${}" checked="${skillInstance in volunteerInstance?.skills}"/>
def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(params).save()
def skills = Skill.getAll(params.list('skills'))
skills.each{ volunteerInstance.addToSkills(it).save() }

Passing data from GSP to a controller in Grails

I create a GSP page with controls depending on the rows in a database.
This depends on the value returned by the <g:each in="${Vehicles}" var="vehicle">
So, if there are 3 vehicles, 3 rows with text boxes will be generated. (The maximum can be 200)
<g:form action="update" >
<label for="SearchTerm">${term}</label>
<g:each in="${Vehicles}" var="vehicle">
<td> <label for="Name">${}</label> </td>
<td><g:textField name="${}.ModelNo" /> </td>
<td><g:textField name="${}.Year" /> </td>
<td> <g:submitButton name="update" value="Update"/></td>
How can I basically pass this value to my controller so that I can then save/update the data to the database. or Is there any easy way to achieve this scenario?
You need some code like this in the GSP
<g:form action="update" >
<label for="SearchTerm">${term}</label>
<g:each in="${Vehicles}" var="vehicle" status="i">
<td> <label for="Name">${}</label> </td>
<td><g:hiddenField name="vehicle[${i}].id" value="${}"/>
<g:textField name="vehicle[${i}].ModelNo" value="${vehicle.ModelNo}"/> </td>
<td><g:textField name="vehicle[${i}].Year" value="${vehicle.Year}"/> </td>
<td> <g:submitButton name="update" value="Update"/></td>
The Controller needs to either have a Domain with a List Property or a Command Object with a List Property ie
SearchCommand {
List<Vehicle> vehicle = new Arraylist<Vehicle>(3);
Then in the controller (if using the command object)
def save = {SearchCommand searchCmd->
searchCmd.vehicle.each {vehicle ->
/* Process Vehicle */
Hope that Helps
You need to use the request object from your controller. If you can generate the names of the controls you need to access do something like the following
idList.each {
If you want a list of all your generated form fields use something like
java.util.Enumeration theFields=request.getParameterNames()
theFields.each {
//look at your field name and take appropriate action
For more info on the request object see this
