Finding target of LinFu proxy object -

This is pretty much a duplicate question but instead of using Castle Dynamic Proxy I'm using LinFu Getting underlying type of a proxy object
I'm using automapper to create proxies of interfaces that I'm sending to my viewmodel in MVC. My problem is from what I can tell that MVC's default MetadataProvider find the properties and metadata by calling .GetType() on the model.
So what happens is EditorFor() and DisplayFor() templates don't generate any fields. What I need to do is find the proxy target type and then generate my templates. I know I can just parse the name and use GetType( "thename" ) but was wondering if there was an easy way.

LinFu.DynamicProxy doesn't directly expose the underlying object of a proxy. It simply redirects each method call to an IInterceptor implementation instance. In order to access the underlying object, you'll have to figure out whether or not the current interceptor instance actually has a target class instance, or not.
If you're working with AutoMapper, AFAIK, they use LinFu.DynamicObject to do a lot of the duck taping, and calling GetType() on a dynamic type generated by LinFu.DynamicObject won't even get you the actual type in your domain model--it will just get you an object that has been literally duck-taped together by LinFu itself.

get latest AutoMapper - it uses Castle Dynamic Proxy, and you already know how to get this from there :)


Binding to a different context depending on Injection targets type

I want to be able to use ninject to inject a different type of DBContext into different areas of my application. Does anyone know if you can do this with a ninject When clause?
Something along the lines of:
Bind<DbContext>().To<ServiceContext2>().When(t => t.Target.Type.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("Namespace.Context2."));
request.Target.Type returns the parameter type. You are looking forrequest.Target.Member.ReflectedType. Since you inject the context into the identical repository you probably have to check on the parent request using request.ParentRequest or even the grand parent rather than on the request because there you will get always the repository type.

WCF Client calling a Java Web Service : XmlSerializer cannot find Derived types

This seems like a fundamental Web Services problem. However an elegant solution is elusive based on some research I have been able to do. I guess I am missing something here
I am using a WCF client to connect to a External web service of which I have no control. The external WS is java based. There are a bunch of assemblies which are provided to call the methods in web service. These assemblies have base classes and derived classes. The web service methods can take Base class as param whereas from the WCF Client I instantiate a Derived class and pass it to the method.
To simulate this scenario, I created a small project with one ClassLibrary which has a BaseClass and a DerivedClass with one method.
Then I create an asmx web service and add a HelloWorld method inside it. I add a reference to the ClassLibrary. This method takes a BaseClass type param.
Then I create a Service Reference to the ASMX web service. In the proxy class, I add a XmlSerializerFormatAttribute to the method if it is already not there.
From the WCF client, I call the ASMX web method
BaseClass bc = new Derived();
ServiceReference1.TestService ts = new WCFTest.ServiceReference1.TestService();
lbl1.Text = (c1.HelloWorld(bc));
The call fails with error
The type ClassLib.Derived was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically.
The only way I could call this web service method was by adding XmlInclude attribute to the BaseClass in the ClassLibrary.
In my scenario, this library is a dll provided by an external vendor. I cannot add attributes to its classes. I have looked a DataContractSerializer and KnownTypes and XmlSerializer ctor. However those solutions do not seem to be applicable in my scenario.
How can I make XMLSerializer see the Derived classes in the assemblies I have referencing in the WCF Client? Is there an elegant solution?
Including your own type mapping for an XmlSerializerOperationBehavior may just work, but I haven't tried this (see GetXmlMappings).
Alternatively, forcing use of the DataContractSerializer via a DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior (as opposed to the XmlSerializerOperationBehavior it's using now) may work too, if you specify your own known types
Finally, as a last resort, you can force use of the DataContractSerializer using the DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior, then specify your own DataContractSurrogate to force use of the XmlSerializer where you can pass custom types to its constructor (which circumvents the requirement for the XmlInclude attribute).
Hope that helps.

IoC Dependency Injection for stateful objects (not global)

I'm new to this IoC and DI business- I feel like I get the concept if you are passing along objects that are of a global scope, but I don't get how it works when you need to pass around an object that is of a specific logical state. So, for instance, if I wanted to inject a person object into a write file command object- how would I be able to choose the correct person object dynamically? From what I have seen, I could default construct the object, but my disconnect is that you wouldn't use a default person object, it would need to be dynamic. I assume that the IoC container may just maintain the state of the object for you as it gets passed around, but then that assuems you are dealing in only one person object because there would be no thread safety, right? I know I am missing something, (maybe something like a factoryclass), but I need a little more information about how that would work.
Well, you can always inject an Abstract Factory into your consumer and use it to create the locally scoped objects.
This is sometimes necessary. See these examples:
MVC, DI (dependency injection) and creating Model instance from Controller
Is there a pattern for initializing objects created via a DI container
Can't combine Factory / DI
However, in general we tend to not use DI for Entities, but mostly for Services. Instead, Entities are usually created through some sort of Repository.
When you construct an service object (e.g. WriteFileService), you inject into it things it needs internally to complete it's job. Perhaps it needs a filesystem object or something.
The Person object in your example should be passed to the service object as a parameter to a method call. e.g. writeFileService.write(person)

Grails internals : Auto mapping and Domain object creation

I am trying to make a taglib to represent an object (to read and display at the UI). When creating an object (save method in the controller), I see the domain class and association are created by the auto assignment of parameter
def Book = new Book(params)
It also maps complex types (for eg: joda time). I wonder about the naming convention necessary to facilitate this mapping. Out of curiosity, can someone also point where in the grails source code I could see how grails handles this mapping. I'm still learning Spring and probably this would be a good exercise.
AFAIK the naming conventions are rather straightforward. If there's a field and the object you are binding to has a field foo, it will bind the value, assuming the type conversion works properly. If there's a set with an Long value and your object has a complex property of type Bar, it will lookup this instance and inject it.
If you need more control over the binding process, you might want to use bindData.
If you are interested into the details of the binding process, have a look at Java's PropertyEditor as this is what is being used in the background. I wrote a blog post on how to create and register PropertyEditors a while ago, maybe it helps you getting started with that stuff.

Access to Entity Manager in ASP .NET MVC

Trying to sort through the best way to provide access to my Entity Manager while keeping the context open through the request to permit late loading. I am seeing a lot of examples like the following:
public class SomeController
MyEntities entities = new MyEntities();
The problem I see with this setup is that if you have a layer of business classes that you want to make calls into, you end up having to pass the manager as a parameter to these methods, like so:
public static GetEntity(MyEntities entityManager, int id)
return entityManager.Series.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SeriesId == id);
Obviously I am looking for a good, thread safe way, to provide the entityManager to the method without passing it. The way also needs to be unit testable, my previous attempts with putting it in Session did not work for unit tests.
I am actually looking for the recommended way of dealing with the Entity Framework in ASP .NET MVC for an enterprise level application.
Thanks in advance
Entity Framework v1.0 excels in Windows Forms applications where you can use the object context for as long as you like. In and mvc in particular it's a bit harder. My solution to this was to make the repositories or entity managers more like services that MVC could communicate with. I created a sort of generic all purpose base repository I could use whenever I felt like it and just stopped bothering too much about doing it right. I would try to avoid leaving the object context open for even a ms longer than is absolutely needed in a web application.
Have a look at EF4. I started using EF in production environment when that was in beta 0.75 or something similar and had no real issues with it except for it being "hard work" sometimes.
You might want to look at the Repository pattern (here's a write up of Repository with Linq to SQL).
The basic idea would be that instead of creating a static class, you instantiate a version of the Repository. You can pass in your EntityManager as a parameter to the class in the constructor -- or better yet, a factory that can create your EntityManager for the class so that it can do unit of work instantiation of the manager.
For MVC I use a base controller class. In this class you could create your entity manager factory and make it a property of the class so deriving classes have access to it. Allow it to be injected from a constructor but created with the proper default if the instance passed in is null. Whenever a controller method needs to create a repository, it can use this instance to pass into the Repository so that it can create the manager required.
In this way, you get rid of the static methods and allow mock instances to be used in your unit tests. By passing in a factory -- which ought to create instances that implement interfaces, btw -- you decouple your repository from the actual manager class.
Don't lazy load entities in the view. Don't make business layer calls in the view. Load all the entities the view will need up front in the controller, compute all the sums and averages the view will need up front in the controller, etc. After all, that's what the controller is for.
