Bug reports solution - comparison

Clarification/summary for the question -- we're looking for:
a hosted bug tracking system,
that is as convenient to use as lighthouse/github/launchpad,
can deal with attachments,
integrates email notifications and operations (implies operations in commit messages),
has a script-friendly API,
allows anonymous bug reports, or ones with an email but that do not require setting up an account for submission.
Lighthouse is close but fails on the last point, launchpad is similar, github also doesn't handle attachments. Tender is great for the last point, but fails as a general bug tracking system (and it looks like its open-source version will be limited to basically being a forum).
We looked into a number of applications to install and setup -- but with this range of requirements, they are always coming with a huge cost in terms of investing time in setting up and maintaining a working system.
In our (open-source) project we have been using Gnats for a really long time. It doing what it was designed to do fine, but that's getting to be pretty inconvenient: it's no longer maintained, has features that we never use, and lack features that we'd want to use... It doesn't deal with attachments, has no easy way to perform actions via emails, no integration with commit messages, and a web interface that was designed for 90s browsers. So I've been looking around in an attempt to find something that could replace it, hopefully some hosted solution to avoid the setup/maintenance hassle.
Probably the most impressive tool that I've seen is lighthouse: it has a very nice and practical interface, properly deals with attachments, controllable via emails, and can respond to commands in commit messages. But... It doesn't have any sane way to submit a bug anonymously -- and that's a major requirement, since we need any random user to be able to submit bugs through our IDE. (It seems that there is a possible hack to forward an email faking the From field, but that doesn't work very well -- specifically, the reporter should be included in the followup email exchange.) On the other side, there is the related tender tool, which is very good in that area, but is very basic otherwise -- too basic to serve as a bug tracking system.
There's a whole bunch of other sites that I've tried -- it seems that all of them require submitters to have an account, so they don't work well for our needs; as well as being limited in various other ways (don't deal with attachments, no good email integration, etc etc). It doesn't help that the meta-descriptions of these sites is usually pretty obscure: it took me hours to just figure out what tender/lighthouse are and how they're related, and no site mentions its inability to receive bug reports without registration. (I'm looking only at open-source-friendly sites, since we don't have any kind of budget for such things.)
There's also the option of installing some system locally, but bug tracking systems tend to be monsters that I'd like to avoid configuring and maintaining, if possible.
So the question is: is there anything obvious that I'm missing? Or to make it more concrete: is there a good comparison page somewhere that lays out popular options and their respective features explicitly?

JIRA is free for open source projects. It's far more user friendly than trac and bugzilla, and allows anonymous submissions and plugins. Unfortunately you'll need to host it on your own server, but from personal experience I can tell you that all you need to do is install a database (it can run without; but that's not a good idea) and it basically maintains itself.
Also is there a particular reason why Google Code or Sourceforge issue tracking tools wouldn't work? You don't need to use all their services if you don't want, you could use them purely for issue tracking.

Did you try trac? It is used by many open source projects.

FogBugz is one option. They'll host or you can run it yourself. My company looked at it but ... political considerations ... meant it is not viable here.

Have you looked at this Comparison of issue tracking systems on Wikipedia?
I have also found fixx, by hedgehoglab. Apparently it has the features that you care more:
Get things done
fixx has an intuitive interface to enable quick bug
reporting. Filling in a bug report is
as easy as sending e-mail.
Ability to add multiple attachments to issues allowing you
to attach screenshots and manage
documents related to issues.
Clever notification options to keep relevant people informed while
preventing issue tracker spam.
It has an open REST API.
I see that you are using Subversion as SCM. There is a Subversion integration with fixx.
Its unique installation requirement is Sun JDK 1.5.0.
It seems free for Open Source Projects and an hosted version is "Coming soon".
Note that I have never used it, so I cannot give any recommendation.

The open source BugTracker.NET has support for the following areas that are giving you problems:
Guest login
Email notifications
SVN commit integration
I found it easy to set up, maintain, and tweak. Of course, you might think otherwise if you are not familiar with .NET and have a Windows server available.

You might look at Unfuddle. They do allow an API for the submission of tickets and have your other points covered including attachments.

Take a look at repositoryhosting.com They have ready made solution with trac / svn / git, for you. Comes with all kinds of bells and whitsles, such as Agilo plug-in and auotomatic backup to the amazon S3 bucket of your choice.
The prices are very reasonable.
Also, jumboxes offers a Trac / SVN virtual appliance that you can host in your own environment.

Redmine is a good open source option. You can check an online demo and a list of features.
It's not hosted though. But it's an interesting option.
And you can always check a list of different open source bug tracking alternatives

I've used ZenDesk in the past and it was rather hassle free.
In addition it has an api: http://www.zendesk.com/api.
Moreover I KNOW it can CC whosoever you want it to whenever anything happens.

We too are looking for a new solution.
At present we're using FogBugz, which is painfully slow.
We need our customers to be able to log bugs via email. Tender looks perfect, with the exception that it doesn't have any obviously usable ID fields that we can pass around. Is there a plugin or similar? I could knock up a browser extension to "goto bug id [whatever]" but that seems kludgy for what should surely be a core feature?


CMS, or pre-baked solutions for community file sharing

I want to create a community around a current iPhone app I've built. It will allow registered users to upload and download small configuration or settings files, which are used in my app to customize functionality. These files are serialized plists (binary files around 500 bytes), but can be converted to a JSON or XML format if necessary.
I do not need an HTML front-end; I plan for it to be accessed only via my app. Files do not need to be private or secure. I do not plan to store or ask for any user private data--just a login and password.
I'm looking for tips that might get me close to my goals with the least amount of effort - I want to focus on the core functionality of the app, and have this as a stable feature that I can add to in the future if it is useful. I would of course prefer FOSS, but a commercial solution is not out of the question. Things like file sharing sites with apis, login ideas, and so on.
So, what software solutions are out there that I may not be aware of? I know that Drupal has modules to allow user logins. Is there something that would work not as a web app, but as a service only? Dropbox has file sharing and an API, but I'm not sure I could use it the way I'm intending.
In short, I could code this, but would prefer a pre-baked solution that would deal with things I may not have thought of. I am sure there must be something out there which I can use.
More Details, and what I plan on the service offering:
Registration of users via the iPhone, and all that entails (will code the UI myself--I just want an API to connect to)
Viewing of these files quickly and efficiently (the files were built with performance in mind, and this is a free app, so I would like to keep server costs down)
Uploading their own files, with a few integrity checks
Rating the files
Gathering statistics on usage (which files were downloaded most often), etc., to provide a way for the files to be ranked by rating, popularity, etc.
Optional - submitting revised versions of the files (a tree).
Optional but preferred - statistics on users (no. files uploaded, perhaps rewards system for sharing)
I'm just not up to date with current technologies and open source solutions. I have experience in SQL, relational database design, and have built backends in Java, so a custom solution is not out of the question. However, it's been a while, I'm not a security expert, and would prefer to not reinvent the wheel for what is a fairly simple project, so an off-the-shelf solution would be preferred.
Check out www.parse.com!
It is absolutely brilliant for stuff like this.
You may want to look at source versioning systems like SVN or distributed systems like Mercurial or GIT. Both would be much better if the data were serialized to a text format, like JSON or XML as you mentioned.
Registration would need to be done by you of course
Viewing of files (including changes, of course) is quick and efficient. The interface can be done in a number of ways, even simulating command-line.
Uploading files will of course work, and changes made will be stored as diffs. Integrity checks can be done, for example, by Mercurial plugins
Rating the files probably can't be done directly unless you wanted an awkward hack involving parsing change entries or writing a plugin.
Submitting revised versions of files would work as that is the raison d'ĂȘtre of versioning systems.
Some statistics are made available in VCSs.
This is honestly a bit of a strange use for version control systems and not altogether elegant, but sometimes that's what innovation is about.
I suggest TikiWiki .
Out-of-the-box all you need to build a community. (See reference below for list of features)
It has 200 active developers - so it really has a lot of momentum.
So many out-of-the-box features that it suffers from feature bloat. Configuration and initial set-up may be complicated.
Not really oriented to mobile platforms.

Plugin architecture for rails cms

I'm working on a cms and wanted the ability to offer custom extentions for certain accounts. Like having a plugin with custom code that is only available or only used by that account. These custom extentions would be specific to the business needs of an account and perhaps unlikely that any other accounts would need it, but maybe. Is there a way that this could be done and to be loaded without having to restart the whole app, thereby creating downtime for the other accounts?
In terms of per-client plugin code, you could store the code in a data model and then eval() the code to dynamically execute it. (Of course you would want to do some serious sanity-checking / scrubbing on update to ensure the code does not contain malicious calls). Another approach could be to develop a custom tag library, much along the lines of what the Radiant CMS developers have built ... and then let your users "program" their behaviour using the tags provided. This gives you more control and better security at the expense of less flexibility.
In terms of the downtime question, if you are using a modern rails deployment approach I don't see how this should be an issue. The eval() approach above doesn't require a restart (unless your custom code calls "include ..." on libraries that are not installed at the time of the last boot - but getting these libraries installed is also an "out of band" problem that you would need to solve.
Passenger gives you the restart.txt file that you can touch to force a refresh. Similarly there are recipes for mongrel (like see saw) that allow you to progressively restart your mongrel stack to avoid downtime. I would pull these two issues apart mentally if I were you, as the dependencies between the two are not that great. Hope this helps.
I built a cms and added plugin support for it. Best thing you can do is have it be all database driven, the plugin exists for everyone, technically, but you can only make use of it if you've "purchased" it, or some other way of turning it on.. Which is really just a db record.
That'd be 0 downtime. :) Then again, I have no idea what the rest of your setup looks like. I'd think your solution is going to be pretty specifically tailored to your cms system design.
how long would this downtime be really? i mean running migrations and stuff would be a pain for a system that allows any tom dick or harry to upload a plugin. You'd have to verify that the migrations were set up correctly etc. if you aren't getting that 'fancy' and just allow them to do something 'neat' in js, then i guess it's a question of restarting passenger, which is what 5 secs?
I'd check out other 'famous' CMS like radiant or something to see if/how they do it, personally. good luck.
Im not if this is exactly what you are trying to achieve, but have you checked out pancake?
Pancake is a tool & framework to let you stack and loosely couple Rack-based webapps.

Remote Machine Scan

As part of a web-application I'm building, I need to be able to scan the remote user's machine for viruses / malware, before they can continue using the web-application ... something like the McAfee On-Demand Scan.
I'm assuming that ActiveX would be the way to go (since all the On-Demand scanners of the antivirus companies seem to be ActiveX-based).
I'm a bit stuck on how to solve this problem. I'm hoping I don't have to rustle up something from scratch.
Does anybody have any ideas ? Is it possible to integrate some already available component into my code to do this ?
Do let me know if there's more information you need.
Short Answer: Just don't do this.
Long Answer: I would seriously re-evaluate your requirements here. Forcing a virus scan from a webapp is essentially impossible to do properly, and serves no real purpose from the perspective of the webapp. The whole point of the web is that it's a request initiated by the user, and run inside a sandbox. Forcing access to the rest of the machine for something like a virus scan is deliberately the exact opposite of the way it is meant to work
The only thing I can think of which would be sensible would be to offer an on demand scan, for which you would be best to redirect your users to an expert in the area - Panda ActiveScan is probably as good as any. But services such as these rely on downloadable program anyway in the form of java applet, browser plugin or similar - it's not done over the web.
Is the user part of your company? Is this an application that they will be required to use as part of their employment? If not, I can hardly see people visiting your site and saying "Oooh... he wants me to download and run a program on my machine!" Sounds like a great way to get your site on a bunch of "block lists".
Also, do you have a commercial arrangement with a virus scanning company that would allow you to install multiple copies of their commercial software on people's machines? I'm guessing not.
Really, I have to agree with Colin. This idea sounds dead before it even starts.

What Rails plugins would you like to see?

What behavior have you had to implement in your Rails applications that you feel could exist nicely as a plugin?
What plugin functionality have you searched for in the past but couldn't find?
What existing Rails plugins could be improved or extended, and how?
I'd like to see an engines plugin that dropped in an admin interface that provided a dashboard summary of all the models in the app, with configurable activity charts.
I once wrote a component for an application that did uploaded a zip of photos to an application so they didn't have to be done one by one, I think I may make that into a plugin when I have time, well a new version of it, the code's a little ugly.
Not easy to answer. Everyone is biased towards his own current projects. Additionally a lot of great plugins already exists.
Personally I would like to see some menu plugin for a typical data base application. E.g. where there are few user roles, and every user role has different rights. And a main menu with sub menu which depends on user's rights to actions.
A (CSS) menu is reimplemented in almost every data base application. It is rather given application specific thing and I don't know how hard it would be to implement some general solution or template.
A Credit Card Payment System
Right now, no one bothers implementing credit card payments until a site has become "production quality". Single-person projects or small startups don't bother making this at first b/c they would much rather spend their time prototyping new, hard, or interesting features.
This is bad in the long-run for everyone, including end-users, b/c the default is to offer (often innovative and really great) services for free, which means only already-funded teams or people with lots of extra time can even get to the point of making something.
If this existed, were packaged up neatly, and were as dead-simple as Rails scaffolding, small projects could default to whatever payment scheme that actually made sense -- like pay-per-use, donations, trial periods, first 5 free, etc. -- making it possible to fund the really great products out there, instead of forcing them to rely on outside funding or ads, which ruins the product.
In a real physical store, people expect to pay. If the person on the other side of the counter gives me something for free (w/o buying anything at all), I say "Are you serious??" and walk away bewildered. But online, I almost expect it. This is bad! Because now everyone expects it, and people trying to make great things can't focus on actually doing that b/c they are too busy trying to figure out how to make it great and free.
Oftentimes, there are free things out there online that I like so much that I would like to pay for, but there's simply no easy way to do it. And I'm not alone. I use tipjoy and have donated to things that have a PayPal donation setup like Auditorium, but I don't see these as adequate.
The best thing out there that I've seen is RailsKits. But as far as I understand, they aren't packaged properly so that I can add them to my site whenever I please like a plugin or gem.
I'd like to see some sort of in-built video playback/streaming. I need it for my current project.
I agree with Greg... there are lots of great plugins, and lots of great ideas for more.
I think there's always a need for more web APIs to be supported. As we go forward with API driven services and semantic web, there's tons of work to be done on that front.
http://www.programmableweb.com/ is a great starting point for thinking about what really useful APIs don't have a rails plugin or ruby gem yet.

Web Server Log Analysis Tool

Any suggestions for an accurate Web Log analysis tool to generate reports on the IIS logs? We used WebTrends, but I don't feel it was accurate.
To analyze weblogs, I don't think you can go wrong with Analog: http://www.analog.cx/
If you are analyzing your own logs, which are often huge files, you will want the fastest analyzer you can find. Analog is fast.
You'll want one that's been around awhile and is still supported. Analog just celebrated its 10'th birthday.
Analog claims to be the most popular logfile analyser in the world.
Did I say its free and open source?
As far as accuracy goes, no tool gives perfect results. Javascript fails often in catching hits. Trying to track individual people's paths through a website (i.e. for Analytics purposes) is fraught with problems. And even trying to differentiate hits versus visits and screening out the bots is all more of a black art than a science.
What is best is simply to have a tool that gives decent basic statistics that tell you what you need to know.
I've looked at other tools, such as Deep Log Analyzer: http://www.deep-software.com/, which attempts to do analytics from your weblogs. But speed was a problem. They claim their new version 3.5 - April 2008, which I didn't try, has improved performance. The big advantage of a program like this is the advanced reporting you can do, including custom SQL requests. You have to purchase their professional version ($200) to do most of the analytics and custom queries. If Analog is too simple for you, then try the free version of Deep Log Analyzer.
And you can also try Microsoft's own Log Parser, as was the recommended answer in: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/157677/a-good-iis-log-viewer-for-large-log-files.
But you will need some extra skills to use it.
What are you wanting to analyze from your logs? There are a bunch of tools out there - free or paid for - that will go through the logs and spit out a great variety of figures. Some have real meaning, others are best used with a grain of salt.
What none will show you is "How many people are actually reading my wonderful web pages". Those that attempt to show "distinct site visitors" or any detailed metrics are at best a rough approximation to an indication of a vague trend...
But for what it's worth, we use Analog.
You are correct to question the results; log analysis is not adequate to report actual traffic.
WebTrends is a great tool for what it delivers. But as a previous administrator of a WebTrends installation, I found that web logs are notoriously bad at capturing metrics of interest.
For instance, if there exists any caching in your web delivery stack (or on the consumers side-- *I'm shaking my fist at YOU, AOL!), then your web logs are instantly non-reflective of your site's actual activity. This is because log analysis assumes that all user consumption will translate to an HTTP request back to the web server-- and thus having been recorded in the IIS logs. In the case of a cache, this would not be the case.
In the future if you want more reliable results, you ultimately need to ensure that there exists a way to bust any caching strategy. The obvious answer is dynamic content. But if you do not want to rewrite all of your content in such a fashion, just ensure your web traffic analysis uses a dynamic call.
WebTrends actually offers a solution to this problem, called SDC server. This is exactly what Google Analytics offers as well-- it's a javascript call back to the analysis server.
...I could go for days on this. If you want more specific information, comment back. ;)
EDIT: With WebTrends, specifically, it is quite important to configure session tracking beyond their default IP/userAgent configuration. If your web server assigns a session cookie, you will find this will increase your reliability; especially for differentiating between users which may sit behind the same NAT.
I have had really good luck with SmarterStats, from SmarterTools.
There is a logging package for free from MSFT for viewing this information using SQL Reporting Services. Google it.
doing it with the logs is only a good idea if it's internal - I'd use google analytics for anyhing on teh internets
I have been using Summary, which is paid for software, for years, and love it. The cost of updates is getting to me, and paying for an update to just get user agent string updates out of the deal is getting bothersome. Not that there are not other fixes, I just tend to not need them.
Anyone care to share if they have used Summary compared to analog?
Look at XpoLog log analysis platform for web application servers and web servers log. it a log management and analysis platform that integrate to web servers logs and create reports, provide search and log viewer and also monitor for problems. XpoLog
