Rufus scheduler not logging in production - ruby-on-rails

My rails app kicks off a process with rufus-scheduler in an initializer. Here's a stripped-down version of the initializer's code:
# config.logger isn't available here, so we have to grab it from the Rails object
logger.warn( + ": Starting Rufus Scheduler")
# run every Wednesday at 10 AM
cron_string = '0 10 * * 3'
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.cron cron_string do
logger.warn( + ": Starting Background Process")
(do work here)
logger.warn( + ": Finished Background Process")
logger.warn( + ": Rufus Scheduler set Background Process to run with the following cron string: [#{cron_string}]")
In all environments, the code runs like a champ. The populate process does its thing and finishes gracefully. The problem, however, is with logging. When RAILS_ENV is set to "production", the messages inside the cron block don't log at all.
I'm using Passenger 2.2.9 and Rails 2.3.5. I figure one of these two things is preventing the process from logging. Can anyone tell me which it is and how to get it to log in production?

OK, found the problem, thanks to this article:
Turns out the logger will not auto-flush in production. So, I just added
to the end of the process and BANG everything worked.


Rails - Old cron job keeps running, can't delete it

So I'm using Rails and I have a few Sidekiq workers, but none are enabled. I'm using the sidekiq-cron gem, which requires you to put files in app/workers/, configure a sidekiq scheduler in config/sidekiq_schedule.yml, and also add a few lines in config/initializers/sidekiq.rb. However, I've commented everything out from sidekiq_schedule.yml and also commented the following lines out from sidekiq.rb:
# Sidekiq scheduler.
# schedule_file = 'config/sidekiq_schedule.yml'
# if File.exists?(schedule_file) && Sidekiq.server?
# Sidekiq::Cron::Job.load_from_hash! YAML.load_file(schedule_file)
# end
However, if I launch Sidekiq, every minute (which is the old schedule), I see this in the prompt:
2018-01-19T02:54:04.156Z 22197 TID-ovsidcme8 ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper JID-8609429b89db2a91793509ea INFO: start
2018-01-19T02:54:04.164Z 22197 TID-ovsidcme8 ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper JID-8609429b89db2a91793509ea INFO: fail: 0.008 sec
and it fails because it's trying to launch code a job that's not supposed to be launching.
I've went to the rails console prompt (rails -c) and tried to find the job, but nothing's in there:
irb(main):001:0> Sidekiq::Cron::Job.all
=> []
so I'm not quite sure why it's constantly trying to launch a job. If I go to the rails interface on my application, I don't see anything in the queue, nothing being processed, busy, retries, enqueued, nothing.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to hunt this down for like the last hour and have no success. I even removed ALL of the workers from the workers directory, and yet it's still trying to launch one of them.
Because you have already load jobs, I think that those jobs configuration are still in REDIS. Checking this assumption by opening a new terminal tab with redis-cli:
KEYS '*cron*'
If there are those keys on REDIS, clear them will fix your issue.
Since you mentioned a cron job in your title but not in the question, I'm assuming there's a cronjob running the background sidekiq task.
Try running crontab - l in Terminal to see all your cron jobs. If you see something like "* * * * *", that means there's a job that is running every minute.
Then, use crontab - r to clear your cron tab and delete all scheduled tasks.

Rufus Scheduler not running in production Nginx/Passenger

I have a Rails app running on Nginx/Passenger. It has a rufus-scheduler cron job that runs in the background and sends out notifications via email.
When I start up the app in production on Nginx/Passenger, the emails don't get sent. In the production logs it doesn't show any logs for rufus-scheduler.
I'm stuck in this problem. Not able to debug the scheduler.
But after reading some issues & articles, I am sure that scheduler thread is kill on production by passenger.
Code snippet:
require 'rufus-scheduler'
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler::singleton
scheduler.cron '0 12 * * *' do
puts "alert scheduler called at"
system("rake trigger:email RAILS_ENV=production")
Kindly help me on the conf for the passenger/nginx that allow the scheduler thread to run & trigger the mails.
You need to set this in passanger config block
passenger_spawn_method direct;

Rufus Scheduler not running when rails server runs as daemon

I have a a rails app that is using Rufus Scheduler. When I turn on the rails server with:
rails s --port=4000
Rufus scheduler runs its tasks. If I run the rails server with:
rails s --port=4000 --daemon
Rufus no longer does its tasks. I added a couple of log messages. Here is the schedule code:
class AtTaskScheduler
def self.start
scheduler =
p "Starting Attask scheduler"
scheduler.every('5m') do
# test sending hip chat message
issue =
issue.post_to_hipchat("Starting sync with AtTask","SYNC")
p "Launching Sync"
Hipchat never gets the message from the scheduler and the log never gets the statement "Launching Sync".
Any ideas on what may be causing this?
There is documentation of this issue in the rufus-scheduler docs:
There is the handy rails server -d that starts a development Rails as
a daemon. The annoying thing is that the scheduler as seen above is
started in the main process that then gets forked and daemonized. The
rufus-scheduler thread (and any other thread) gets lost, no scheduling
I avoid running -d in development mode and bother about daemonizing
only for production deployment.
These are two well crafted articles on process daemonization, please
read them:
If anyway, you need something like rails server -d, why not try bundle exec unicorn -D
instead? In my (limited) experience, it worked out of the box (well,
had to add gem 'unicorn' to Gemfile first).

Rails - Passenger and Nginx preventing rufus-scheduler from scheduling in production mode

I am using Rufus Scheduler to call a function once every 2 minutes.
In development mode when running rufus scheduler with WEBrick the system works as expected and my function is called every 2 minutes.
When I deploy to our production server which runs passenger and NGINX the scheduler does not call the function anymore.
I am assuming this is to do with threads, with the scheduler running on a separate thread that might be getting destroyed on our production server.
I have seen answers for similar issues when using Passenger and Apache together, but I am unable to come up with a solution for running rufus scheduler with passenger and NGINX in production mode.
Any help would be appreciated.
Code below setting up rufus
# :nocov:
require 'rufus-scheduler'
include TwitterParser
unless ENV['NODAEMON'] || Rails.env != 'production'
scheduler =
scheduler.every '2m' do
rescue Twitter::Error::TooManyRequests => error
puts 'Too Many Twitter requests, resets in: ' + error.rate_limit.reset_in.to_s
# :nocov:
Please read the rufus-scheduler FAQ.
It contains links to (old) articles about Passenger + rufus-scheduler
Amog them, this SO answer by one of the authors of Passenger might help:
rufus cron job not working in Apache/Passenger
Have a good time.

Rufus-scheduler only running once on production

I'm using rufus-scheduler to run a process every day from a rails server. For testing purposes, let's say every 5 minutes. My code looks like this:
in config/initializers/task_scheduler.rb
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler::PlainScheduler.start_new
scheduler.every "10m", :first_in => '30s' do
# Do stuff
I've also tried the cron format:
scheduler.cron '50 * * * *' do
# stuff
for example, to get the process to run every hour at 50 minutes after the hour.
The infuriating part is that it works on my local machine. The process will run regularly and just work. It's only on my deployed-to-production app that the process will run once, and not repeat.
ps faux reveals that cron is running, passenger is handling the spin-up of the rails process, the site has been pinged again so it knows it should refresh, and production shows the changes in the code. The only thing that's different is that, without a warning or error, the scheduled task doesn't repeat.
You probably shouldn't run rufus-scheduler in the rails server itself, especially not with a multi-process framework like passenger. Instead, you should run it in a daemon process.
My theory on what's happening:
Passenger starts up a ruby server process and uses it to fork off other servers to handle requests. But since rufus-scheduler runs its jobs in a separate thread from the main thread, the rufus thread is only alive in the original ruby process (ruby's fork only duplicates the thread that does the forking). This might seem like a good thing because it prevents multiple schedulers from running, but... Passenger may kill ruby processes under certain conditions - and if it kills the original, the scheduler thread is gone.
Add the Below lines to your apache2 config /etc/apache2/apach2.conf and restart your apache server
RailsAppSpawnerIdleTime 0
PassengerMinInstances 1
Kelvin is right.
Passenger kills 'unnecessary' threads.
