Symfony sfGuardPlugin (group, permissions and credentials) question - symfony1

I am using symfony 1.31 with propel ORM and sfGuardPlugin
I am about to setup groups and permissions. AFAIK, permissions map unto Credentials, and permissions can be assigned to groups.
I have two questions
Suppose a user belongs to group A, and group A has credentials 'foobar'. When a user that belongs to group A logs in, does he 'automagically' get assigned credential 'foobar', or do I have to manually, add the credential to the user (by say looking up its group->permissions in the db) ?
Assuming the SF framework 'automagically' takes care of user credential depending on group membership, is the effect real time, or does a user have to logout/login before the changes are applied/in effect?
Regarding question 1, I would be grateful for a link to (preferrably the SF official documentation - failing that, any other doc), that states that this is indeed the case.
Regarding question 2, the sfSecurityUser has addCredentials method that stores credentials in the user session. Consequently, I suspect that any group membership changes are NOT real time, so I will either have to force use to logout/login or maybe use an event listener or something.. am I right (or wrong)?

sfGuard Plugin Page with HTML version of Readme
sfGuard Readme (txt) (should be included in your plugins installation dir)
If you set up sfGuard right then the crednetials will be automagic. In particular this requires you apps/$appname/lib/$userClass.class.php (typically MyUser.class.php) to extend sfGuardSecurityUser. Setting this up should be in the plugin readme.
As far as 2 goes, since the credentials have to be queried each request then it would happen immediately from the users perspective (unless of course youre using ajax to add a perm/crednetial).


Azure - App Insights - how to track the logged-in Username in Auth Id?

What is the best-supported approach for tracking logged-in Usernames/Ids in App Insights telemetry?
A User with Username "JonTester1" said some Pages he visited 4 hours ago were really slow. How can I see everything JonTester1 did in App Insights to trouble shoot/know which pages he's referring to?
Seems like User Id in App Insights is some Azure-generated anonymized thing like u7gbh that Azure ties to its own idea of the same user (thru cookie?). It doesn't know about our app's usernames at all.
I've also seen a separate field in App Insights called Auth Id (or user_AuthenticatedId in some spots), which looks to sometimes have the actual username e.g. "JonTester1" filled in - but not always... And while I don't see any mention of this field in the docs, it seems promising. How is our app's code/config supposed to be setting that Auth Id to make sure every App Insights log/telemetry has it set?
Relevant MS docs:
This looks to just copy one library Telemetry object's User Id into another... no mention of our custom, helpful Username/Id anyway... and most in-the-wild examples I see don't actually look like this, including MS docs own examples in the 3rd link below; they instead hardcode get a new TelemetryClient() No mention of consistently tracking a custom Username/Id Shows some different helpful pieces, but still no full example. E.g. it says with only the setAuth... JS function call (still no full example of working client-side JS that tracks User) on the page, you don't need any server-side code for it to track custom User Id across both client-side and server-side telemetry sent to Azure... yet then it also shows explicit code to new up a TelemetryClient() server-side to track User Id (in the Global.asax.cs or where?)... so you do need both?
Similar SO questions, but don't connect the dots/show a full solution:
Azure Insights telemetry not showing Auth ID on all transactions
Application Insights - Tracking user and session across schemas
How is Application insight tracking the User_Id?
Display user ID in the metrics of application Insight
I'm hoping this question and answers can get this more ironed out; hopefully do a better job of documentation than the relevant MS docs...
The first link in your question lists the answer. What it does show you is how to write a custom telemetry initializer. Such an initializer lets you add or overwrite properties that will be send along any telemetry that is being send to App Insights.
Once you add it to the configuration, either in code or the config file (see the docs mentioned earlier in the answer) it will do its work without you needing to create special instances of TelemetryClient. That is why this text of you does not make sense to me:
[…] and most in-the-wild examples I see don't actually look like this, including MS docs own examples in the 3rd link below; they instead hardcode get a new TelemetryClient()
You can either overwrite the value of UserId or overwrite AuthenticatedUserId in your initializer. You can modify the code given in the docs like this:
if (requestTelemetry != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestTelemetry.Context.User.Id) &&
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(telemetry.Context.User.Id) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(telemetry.Context.Session.Id)))
// Set the user id on the Application Insights telemetry item.
telemetry.Context.User.AuthenticatedUserId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
You can then see the Auth Id and User Id by going to your AI resource -> Search and click an item. Make sure to press "Show All" first, otherwise the field is not displayed.
Auth Id in the screenshot below is set to the user id from the database in our example:
We access the server from azure functions as well so we set the user id server side as well since there is no client involved in such scenarios.
There is no harm in settting it in both places, javascript and server side via an initializer. That way you cover all scenario's.
You can also manually add user id to app insights by
See App Insights Authenticated users

Removing Users when using AD Security

Anyone know how to remove users in PlasticSCM when the server is configured to use Active Directory security?
The cm au/du commands are meant to activate or deactivate users.
But users are not 'added' to Plastic as such.
When a user does an operation in Plastic, it will be automatically added provided you have enough licences and the user has permissions to access the system (you've set the correct ACLs).
Suppose you just have a 20 users license:
You simply install the license (copy the plasticd.lic file)
Then the first user access the system, it will be 'activated'
Second user accesss, second 'activation', it happens automatically
Then suppose you already have 20 developers using Plastic and one of them leaves and a new one enters, then you have to deactivate the old one and activate the new one, but only then.
Hope it helps.

What are the permissions required in desire2learn (D2L) Valence PUT call for .../courses?

I continue to get a "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" response from a PUT request to /d2l/api/lp/1.2/courses/7917 . This may be a permission problem with the user/role that I'm using, but I can't figure out what specific permissions may be required. Can anyone point me to a list or matrix of valence routes and required permissions? Or, answer for this specific one?
The same appid/userid/username works for the GETs associated with the same path.
The permissions associated with API calls should mirror the permissions you'd have to have if you were to perform the relevant function through the Learning Envrionment's web UI. You can think about this problem in two ways:
Frame the question in terms of a user role: identify the class of users you'd reserve this ability for in your existing configuration, and ensure that a user of that role can make the call through the API as you'd expect.
Frame the question in terms of an abstract single user: start with a role that has no privileges and add permissions until you arrive at only the ones required for the API call. This is not a trivial exercise, and the first way is far more useful in the long run.
In this particular case, because the API requires you provide a complete course offering set of properties when you want to update it, you have to have permission to alter all the properties in the set (under the Manage Courses tool). You also need to be able to see the course info in the first place, so you need to have Course Management Console > See Course Info as well.
You're probably safest to look at the permissions array in the Manage Courses and Course Management Console tools for the user roles that would do this thing in the web UI and make sure that the users employing your app also have a similar permissions array specified in those tools.

Grails Shiro plugin : confirming my understanding

I'm bit vague about how to start using the shiro plugin, after reading few documents. I decided against Nimble, as it comes with few tables and UI plugins.
I setup shiro plugin with wildcard realm, with my own tables. I may use permission based (rather tan role based) access control as it scales well. Now, the steps for it.
assign the permission string to the subject, and save it in the db
check the permission through isPermitted, hasPermission (or relevant tags in GSP).
1. when to use the accesscontrol through filter?
2. is there a closure injected into the controller where I can define the permission for the actions in it? I read somewhere about accessControl static closure on each controller, but not seems to be documented.
3. How do I create a typical access control scenario like only the creator of (something, a post etc) can delete it? One possibility is creating and persisting a permission string based on userid. to check the permission retrieve the object (post), get the userid and compare with subject.. seems bit complicated.. any easy implementation?
thanks a lot..
1 when to use the access control security filter?
A. Use accessControl{true} when you want to limit access to controller actions to authenticated users.
B. Use accessControl() when you want to limit access to controller actions, regardless of parameter content, based on permissions "${controllerName}:${actionName}".
C. When you want to limit actions based on parameter content, e.g. only delete a domain object for which you have the delete permission "${name}:${id}:delete", you need to check isPermitted explicitly in the controller.
3 How do I create a typical access control scenario like only the
I would add a the necessary permission(s) to the user when the post is created, e.g. "post:${postId}:*" This way the permissions belong to users and/or roles, and not to arbitrary domain objects, as intended in the Shiro way of working. As opposed to file system permissions, which belong to files and directories instead of users.

Automating Account Disabling in JIRA

I've been reading some feature request-style threads in Atlassian's own JIRA install on how to disable (not remove) users in JIRA, and their suggested solution involves a series of UI actions. For the number of users that our organization supports, this needs to be automated with the rest of our employee account provisioning logic.
I've been looking in the JIRA database and found the membershipbase table, but simply removing records from here WHERE USER_NAME="$username" doesn't seem to have a completely successful outcome. When I go to the User Browser in the Administration section and look up that user, groups still appear for the user.
Does anyone have any experience with this that could point me in the right direction on any other tables I need to modify?
Thanks in advance,
Maybe you should take a look at Atlassian's Crowd. Even if you don't use SSO, it may help you to integrate with your existing infrastructure for handling authentication and authorization (i.e. groups) centrally. It also provides an administrative frontend that is designed for the corresponding tasks.
You could have a look at the EditUserGroups.setGroupsToLeave() method. As far as I remember, users need to be in the jira-users group to log in. So, if you remove this group from the user, it may be effectively what you need (not delete but deactive user acount).
If this does not help, I'd look into the source code of JIRA (which is available for all types of licenses afaik) to see which tables are modified by the above method.
