How should a REST URL schema look like for a tree hierarchy? - url

Let's assume that I have stores, shelves in a store, and products on a shelf. So in order to get a list of products on a shelf in a store, I'd use the following request:
GET http://server/stores/123/shelves/456/products
From here, how would I get an individual product? Should I use:
GET http://server/products/789
GET http://server/stores/123/shelves/456/products/789
The first method is more concise, since once you get a list of products, you don't really care which store it belongs to if you just want to view the details for a particular product. However, the second method is more logical, since you're viewing the products for a specific shelf in a specific store.
Likewise, what about a PUT/DELETE operation?
DELETE http://server/stores/123/shelves/456/products/789
DELETE http://server/products/789
What would be the correct way of designing a schema for a tree hierarchy like this?
P.S. If I'm misunderstanding something about the REST architecture, please provide examples on how I can make this better. There's way too many people who love to say "REST is not CRUD" and "REST is not RPC", then provide absolutely no clarifications or examples of good RESTful design.

I've noted 2 approaches to RESTful URI design: hierarchical & filtered
I feel hierarchical is overly verbose, has the potential for redundant endpoints (not DRY) and disguises in what resource's state you're really interested (after all, REST = representational state transfer).
I favor Simple URIs
Simple is elegant. I'd choose a URI structure like
GET http://server/products/789
because I am interested in the state of the product resource.
If I wanted all products that belonged to a specific shelf at a specific store, then I would do
GET http://server/products?store=123&shelf=456
If I wanted to create a product at a specific store on a specific shelf then I'd post
product: {
store: 123,
shelf: 456,
name: "test product"
POST http://server/products
Ultimately, it's tomayto, tomahto
REST doesn't require one over the other. However, in my own experience, it is more efficient to consume a RESTful API that maps single entities to single endpoints (eg: RestKit object mappings on iOS) instead of having an entity map to many different endpoints based on what parameters are passed.
About REST
As far as REST, it is not a protocol and has no RFC. It is tightly related to the HTTP/1.1 RFC as a way to implement its CRUD actions, but many software engineers will posit that REST does not depend on HTTP. I disagree and consider such as conjecture, because the original dissertation by UCI's Roy Fielding ( explains the deep rooted connection of REST and HTTP/1.1. You may also enjoy Roy's opinion on the topic:
The principles defined by REST can be applied to other protocols, but REST was built for the internet and HTTP is the protocol for the world wide web.
RPC is all about making calls to remote functions and is verb-centric.
REST is all about using the CRUD convention to act on data depending on how the CRUD operation applies to a given data type and is noun-centric.
You can accomplish the same things with REST or RPC, but REST follows DRY principles because for every URI you can perform 4 actions whereas RPC requires an endpoint for each action.
Much of this is my opinion and based on my experiences, but I hope it sheds some light on how you could most efficiently design a RESTful URI schema. As always, your specific goals and needs will affect your choices, but simplicity is always a good target for which to aim.

Creating a product should just be a POST to
Updating a product should just be a PUT to
Getting a product should just be a GET to
Deleting a product should just be a DELETE to
You should use the http methods that are there for you to get more functionality out of a simpler uri structure. If creating a product requires a passing in a store and shelf as a requirement, then those should get passed in the body of your POST (or PUT if you're changing shelves).
When someone does a GET to http://server/product/$id, they will get back some kind of xml/json response, right? What does that look like? The incoming data for a create or update should be POSTed or PUT the same way in the body of the request. That is how you pass in the store and shelf, not via the uri. The uri should be as simple as possible and just point to the resource (product), using the http verbs to differentiate functionality.
If you want to be able to get the contents of shelf 23, you do a GET to
When you do, you get back a json / xml / custom media type document that has the shelf data and a collection of product elements with links back to their product uri.
If you want to be able to move product 23 from one shelf to another, you do a PUT to
In the body of the PUT you have the product in the representation of your choice, but with the updated shelf.
It's a weird mode of thinking at first, because you're not dealing with functionality across the entire system, but instead focusing on the resources (product, shelf, store) and using the http verbs to expose them to the universe.

Don't design a REST api based on an URL structure. Here is how I think you should go about designing a REST api.
Trying to define a REST interface without discussing what links will be contained in what resources is like discussing an RPC interface and ignoring parameters and return values.

Since products may be in several stores or several shelves (categories?), I'd have each product have a unique number regardless of its position in the hierarchy. Then use the flat product number. That makes the API more stable when some products are for instance moved in your store.
In short, don't add unneeded redundancy to your API. To get a shelve list a store ID is enough, for a product list a shelve ID is enough... etc.

it seems like you are trying to build many different use cases, but everything is getting built into one super service. It would be better to break it out.
http://server/product_info/123123 or http://server/product_info?product=123123
then you can also support:
then PUT and DELETE makes sense for changing inventory or adding a new product.


rest api that allows update to collection

what would be the best practice for allowing a WebAPI OData based webservice update an entire collection?
For example, we have an admin page that allows users to maintain a list of payment terms. We have created a controller that is based on the PaymentTerm entity, which allows the standard Get, Get by key, Put, Post, and Delete, for working with single instances of the PaymentTerm Entity. However, our UI team would like to retrieve a collection of payment terms (easily done with the standard Get collection), manipulate it locally, and then Put or Post the entire collection back to the server, rather than having to make a series of Put, Post, and Delete calls to the server.
I have tried creating an action method for this, and while I have managed to get it to work, it seems somewhat kludgy, as it requires an ID, as well as odata parameters (which contain the collection), and the ID is meaningless because at this point you are not working with an instance of a Payment Term, but an entire collection of them.
I could create a new controller solely for working with a collection of payment terms, but I'm not sure that would be much better, as it would end up having to have a base class declaration of
EntitySetController<PaymentTermCollection, int>
or the like, which would not make much sense as the collection would not have a key that had any meaning.
You should consider support $batch ( Standard part of OData ) in your web api using EntitySetApiControllers
Then you can submit a bag of changes including post-put-delete of multiple entities to your sever easily, within support of JayData , breeze , ...
Good luck

How do you decide how much data to push to the user in Single Page Applications?

Say you have a Recipe Manager application that you're building with a Web Api project. Do you send the list of recipes along with their ingredient names in JSON? Or do you send the recipes, ingredient names, and ingredient details? What's the process in determining how big the initial payload should be for a SPA?
These are the determining factors in how much to send to the client in an initial page:
Data that will be displayed for that first page
Lookup list data for any drop downs on that page
Data that is required for and presentation rules (might not be displayed but is used)
On a recipe page that would show a list of recipes, I would get the recipes and some key factors to display (like recipe name, the dish, and other key info) that can be displayed in a list. Enough for the user to make a determination on what to pick. Then when the user dives into a recipe, then go get that 1 recipe's details.
The general rule is get what you user will almost certainly need up front. Then get other data as they request it.
The process by which you determine how much data to send solely depends on the experience you want to provide your users - however it's as simple as this. If my experience demands that I readily display all of the recipes with a brief description and then allow them to drill into the recipe to get more information, then I'm only going to send enough information to produce the display and navigate further into the entity.
If then after navigating into the recipe it requires that you display the ingredient names and measures then send down that and enough information to navigate further into any single ingredient.
And as you can see it just goes on and on.
It depends if your application is just a simple HTTP API backing your web page, or your goal is something more akin to Platform As A Service. One driver for the adoption of SPA is that it makes the browser another client, just like an iOS or Android app,or a 3rd party.
If you want to support multiple clients, then it's likely that you want to design your APIs around the resources that you are trying to expose, such that you can use the uniform interface of GET/POST/PUT etc. against that resource. This will means it is much more likely that you are not coding in an client specific style and your API will be usable by a wide range of clients.
A resource is anything you would want to have its own URN.
I would suggest that is likely that in this case you would want a Recipe Book resource which has links to individual Recipe resources, which probably contain all the information necessary for that Recipe. Ingredients would only be a separate resource if you had more depth on what an Ingredient contained and they had their own resource.
At Huddle we use a Documentation Driven Design approach. That is we write the documentation for our API up front so that we can understand how usable our API would be. You can measure API quality in WTFs.
Now this logical division might not be optimal in terms of performance. Your dealing with a classic tradeoff (ultimately architecture is all about balancing design tradeoffs) here between usability of your API and the performance of your API. Usually, don't favour performance until you know that it is an issue, because you will pay a penalty in usability or maintainability for early optimization.
Another possibility is to implement the OData query support for WebAPI.
That way, your clients can perform their own queries to return only the data they need.

Does Delicious use GET requests for creation instead of POST, and why shouldn't I do the same?

I'm looking at the Delicious API and see the following is the operation to create a new bookmark:{URL}&description={description}
It looks like they're using a GET request to create server-side database entries, which I've read elsewhere shouldn't be done with GET requests, only with POST requests.
I'm writing my own API right now and I think that it's fabulous to let users interact with the API directly from the URL. But you can't do this unless you allow CRUD operations over GET.
So, is Delicious really doing CRUD operations over GET? Is there an important reason I shouldn't do the same thing in my API, or is POST just mandated for CRUD to prevent accidental invocation?
Accidental invocation is part of it; that's what the HTTP spec means when it talks about "idempotent" methods. But you could argue that what Delicious is doing is actually idempotent as long as the URL only gets added once no matter how many times you GET. But more importantly is that GET is safe:
The important distinction here is that the user
did not request the side-effects, so therefore
cannot be held accountable for them.
From an interface design standpoint, you want user-agents to make POST and PUT and DELETE more difficult than GET, or at least distinctly different, so that users can rely on that difference to hint when their actions might cause a change in the resource state, because they are responsible for those changes. Using GET to make changes, even if idempotent, blurs that line of accountability, especially when prefetchers are widely deployed.
That depends if you follow the REST principles GET for changing things is forbidden. Therefore most people say with REST use POST for changes.
However there is a difference between GET and POST. According to the RFC GET requests have always a followup RESPONSE. And if you use POST you need to follow the Redirect-After-Post pattern.
Another limitation is that URLs may have a limited size. So GET will only work as long as your input data is short enough. So the delicious API has there a bug. You will not be able to add every possible url via a GET parameter.

PUT vs. POST for Uploading Files - RESTful API to be Built Using Zend Framework

I'm building a RESTful API using Zend Framework via the Zend_Rest_Route. For uploading of files, should I use PUT or POST to handle the process? I'm trying to be as consistent as possible with the definition of the REST verbs. Please refer to: PUT or POST: The REST of the Story.
The way I understand this is that I should use PUT if and only if I'm updating the full content of the specified resource. I'll have to know the exact URL to use PUT. On the other hand, I should use POST if I'm sending a command to the server to create a subordinate of the specified resource, using some server-side algorithm.
Let's assume this is a REST API for uploading images. Does that mean I should use POST if the server is to manipulate the image file (i.e. create thumbnail, resize, etc); and use PUT if I just want to save the raw image file to the server?
If I use PUT to handle a file upload, should the process be as follows:
The user sends a GET request to retrieve the specific URL to upload the file by PUT.
Then the user sends a PUT request to that URL.
The file being uploaded is raw - exactly the one the user uploaded.
I'm quite new to this stuff; so hopefully I'm making sense here...
If you know the "best" way to do this, feel free to comment as well.
There seems to be quite a bit of misunderstanding here. PUT versus POST is not really about replace versus create, but rather about idempotency and resource naming.
PUT is an idempotent operation. With it, you give the name of a resource and an entity to place as that resource's content (possibly with server-generated additions). Crucially, doing the operation twice in a row should result in the same thing as if it was done just once or done 20 times, for some fairly loose definition of “the same thing” (it doesn't have to be byte-for-byte identical, but the information that the user supplied should be intact). You wouldn't ever want a PUT to cause a financial transaction to be triggered.
POST is a non-idempotent operation. You don't need to give the name of the resource which you're looking to have created (nor does a POST have to create; it could de-duplicate resources if it wished). POST is often used to implement “create a resource with a newly-minted name and tell me what the name is” — the lack of idempotency implied by “newly-minted name” fits with that. Where a new resource is created, sending back the locator for the resource in a Location header is entirely the right thing to do.
Now, if you are taking the policy position that clients should never create resource names, you then get POST being the perfect fit for creation (though theoretically it could do anything based on the supplied entity) and PUT being how to do update. For many RESTful applications that makes a lot of sense, but not all; if the model being presented to the user was of a file system, having the user supply the resource name makes a huge amount of sense and PUT becomes the main creation operation (and POST becomes delegated to less common things like making an empty directory and so on; WebDAV reduces the need for POST even further).
The summary: Don't think in terms of create/update, but rather in terms of who makes the resource names and which operations are idempotent. PUT is really create-or-update, and POST is really do-anything-which-shouldnt-be-repeated-willy-nilly.
For file upload, unless it is replacing an existing resource, definitely use POST.
In REST, POST is to create new resources, PUT to replace existing resources, GET to retrieve resources, and DELETE to delete resources.
REST isn't a standard so this can easily turn into a religious battle. AtomPub and OData standards which are considered to be "RESTful" do agree on this though: POST = creation while PUT = updates
The simple answer is you should use PUT instead of POST in your case since you will be replacing the entire content of the file. Take a look at PUT vs POST
I'll have to know the exact URL to PUT
No. You dont have to know the URL to PUT i.e. the PUT URI needn't be present before the PUT operation. If the resource doesn't exist, the resource is created. If the resource is already present, then the resource is replace with the new representation.
To quote the linked article:
PUT puts a page at a specific URL. If
there’s already a page there, it’s
replaced in toto. If there’s no page
there, a new one is created. This
means it’s like a DELETE followed by
an insert of a new record with the
same primary key

RESTful route for a list of members that are not in a collection

I'm trying to figure out what the best way to show a list of members (users) that aren't a collection (group).
is my route for listing all of the users in the account
is my route for listing all of the users in the group
is my current option for showing a list of users NOT in the group. Is there a more RESTFul way of displaying this?
seems sort of odd…
Either query parameters or paths can be used to get at the representation you want. But I'd follow Pete's advice and make sure your API is hypertext-driven. Not doing so introduces coupling between client and server that REST was intended to prevent.
The best answer to your question might depend on your application. For example, if your system is small enough, it may suffice to only support a representation consisting of a list of users and their respective groups (the resource found at /users). Then let the client sort out what they want to do with the information. If your system has lots of groups and lots of users, each of which belongs to only a couple of groups, your available_users representation for any group is likely to be only slightly smaller than the entire list of users anyway.
Creative design of media types can go a long way to solving problems like this.
Spoke with my partner. He suggested:
Seems much more positive.
The main precept of REST is "hypertext as the engine of application state". The form of the URI is irrelevant, what matters is that it is navigable from the representation returned at the application's entry point.
