Simple OpenCV problem - opencv

Why I try to run the following OpenCV program, it shows the following error :
test_1.exe - Application Error
The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003).
Click on OK to terminate the application.
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
int main()
IplImage *img = cvLoadImage("C:\\face.bmp");
cvSetImageROI(img, cvRect(100,100, 100, 100));
cvAddS(img, cvScalar(50), img);
cvShowImage("Test", img);
return 0;
When i press F5(im using vs2008express), the program encounters a break point...i have attached a picture...dont know, whether, it will help or not.
Error Snapshot Link
It is not that, only this program is producing this error, but also any kind of image manipulation funciton containing (OpenCV)program is resulting in this sitution.
Such as : cvSmooth
one last thing, it there any dedicated OpenCV forum or sth like that?
I am an administrator.So, yes, ive the permission.
a version mismatch.
sorry, i didn't get it?Version mismatch with what?
But, i have found the error using dependency walker.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export
function in a delay-load dependent module.
and also found that, it is a common problem, and found some info in the FAQ of DW...
Why am I seeing a lot of applications where MPR.DLL shows up in red under
SHLWAPI.DLL because it is missing a function named WNetRestoreConnectionA?
I also get a "Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to
a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module" message.
Function name : WNetRestoreConnectionA
But there is no guideline about how to solve it. Though, they say, it is not a problem.
i googled a little and found a suggestion.It says,
Turn off your compilers setting to assume you are programming for Win9x.
(I just lost which setting but it is not that difficult, use a #define...)
But i have no idea, how to do that in Visual Studio 2008 express.
Any suggestion how to solve it...

This usually indicates a problem with a dll; either you don't have permission, or a version is mismatched. Try running as Administrator to see if it is a permissions problem. If that doesn't help, try using the Dependency Walker.


Error using Caffe: "This tool requires OpenCV; compile with USE_OPENCV."

I want to use Caffe's tool, compute_image_mean to compute the mean image, but the command line tells me that:
This tool requires OpenCV; compile with USE_OPENCV.
I've searched the Internet, and one guy said:
Well, this message suggests that you have compiled caffe without
OpenCV, i.e; with USE_OPENCV set to 0 in your Makefile.config.
Recompile with that settings commented out (as is the default) and try
again. And of course you need to have OpenCV installed for this to
But I have already set USE_OPENCV := 0 when I compiled my Caffe.
Could someone help me to solve this problem?
I think you have misread the statement you found, it says you are compiling without OpenCV, which means WITH_OPENCV := 0 , to compile Caffe with OpenCV you have to set WITH_OPENCV := 1 , or just comment it out.
I met the same error information when I used caffe to do my work. I solved this problem by modifying something in the "Makefile.config" file.
The same as the lastest answer, I commented this line "USE_OPENCV := 0" with "#", so after compiling I can use OpenCV's function. I can use this way to deal with it, but you said that when you did this action and got another error. I think you didn't install your OpenCV correctly. Maybe it's your version problem or environment variable error. You can try to install OpneCV again.
I met the same error when I tried to make lmdb.
At first I uncomment "USE_OPENCV:=0" in the Makefile.config and recompile for many times, but it does not help.
So I try to comment "USE_OPENCV:=0" with # and recompile the caffe, it success.

xlwings(0.7.0) importing UDF error

My problem is that when i try to import an UDF in Ecxel 2013 I receive the error message can be seen on the picture. I have installed xlwings and it works except the UDF importing. Note that i used "xlwings quickstart myproject" so there is no problem with the file names and i also used the sample function so that should be fine as well
Thank you in advance for your help!
I currently don't understand why you get that error, but I should be able to tell you how you can work around it for now:
Open the file in the xlwings package and remove the last argument on line 36, i.e. remove , ArgumentDescriptions=argdocs.
The intended functionality of that line (showing function argument description) is currently broken anyway (see here) so hopefully this will be resolved in a future version.

How to setup jpeglib with MS Visual C++ 2010 Express

I try to use the well known "jpeglib" now available in version 9.
Overview: I am a programming starter in C using MS Visual C++ 2010 Express and read a C-book finally. My goal is to compress a RGB(.bmp)-file into JPEG. So I downloaded the jpeglib (v9), read all the install and so on *.txt-files. It was possible to compile the C-files to get cjpeg.exe, djpeg.exe, jpeg.lib and so on.
After this success I tried to use the example.c to get deeper into the jpeg and to control the compression. -> It did not work. Then I tried to use the jpeglib included in OpenCV. Same non working result, while the OpenCV code samples are compiled successfully.
I googled lots of samples, problem solutions and tips how to use jpeglib. Most helpful information I found here. But in the result I was still not able to compile my own jpeg-tool or example.c (rewriting the write_JPEG_file() function ).
Question: What in the basics could be wrong, when every other programmer just uses #include "jpeglib.h" in their codes to run the jpeg functions successfully? For me including this file seems not to be enough. Because of that I have to ask you and to relaunch a one year old Question that also did not helped solving my probs. I can not give you a specific error message because of multiple attempts to solve those issues.
Here is my current MS-VC++2010 config for using OpenCV 2.4.6:
C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories:
Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories:
Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies:
jpeg.lib [this I added into C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib]
At last some threads I have already read:
Compressing IplImage to JPEG using libjpeg in OpenCV - 1
Compressing IplImage to JPEG using libjpeg in OpenCV - 2
Need help in reading JPEG file using libjpeg
how can i use jpeg_mem_src, jpeg_mem_dest in libjpeg-turbo?
If there is something missing you want to know I will do my best to add this information!
EDIT - Some error messages:
1>jpeg_coder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ""unsigned char * image_buffer" (?image_buffer##3PAEA)".
1>jpeg_coder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ""int image_height" (?image_height##3HA)".
1>jpeg_coder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol """int image_width" (?image_width##3HA)".
First symbol should be typedefed in jpeglib.h as JSAMPLE FAR *JSAMPROW,
second and third are defined in rdjpgcom.c as unsigned int image_height, image_width;
Maybe, with a lot of luck, I figured out what is need to be done to get jpeglib running. In the current state I have to check and double check whether my problem solution is correct or not. At this point thank you very much for your attention for my issues. As soon as I am sure with the solution I will post it.
Problem Solution: I did not setup OpenCV correctly for using jpeglib. The mistake I made was to link the wrong *.lib-file. The proper file for linking is libjpegd.lib. Too bad that jpeglib v6.2 is included in OpenCV 2.4.6 instead of v9. The hint to add HAVE_JPEG to use jpeglib functions inside OpenCV I ignored completely. For now the problem is solved.
Problem Solution: I did not setup OpenCV correctly for using jpeglib. The mistake I made was to link the wrong *.lib-file.
The proper file for linking is libjpegd.lib.
Too bad that jpeglib v6.2 is included in OpenCV 2.4.6 instead of v9. The hint to add HAVE_JPEG to use jpeglib functions inside OpenCV I ignored completely. Thanks to all who tried solving this issue. For now the problem is solved.

CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH undeclared in 'How to build applications with OpenCV inside the Microsoft Visual Studio' sample code

I'm following the instructions in How to build applications with OpenCV inside the Microsoft Visual Studio but I'm getting errors from the sample code:
error C2065: 'CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH' : undeclared identifier
error C2065: 'CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT' : undeclared identifier
error C2065: 'CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT' : undeclared identifier
I think the identifiers that are undeclared should be declared in highgui so why am I not getting them despite the demo code's #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>?
Here are the steps I have taken.
I've unpacked the OpenCV (Version 2.4.6) files into C:\OpenCV, run setx -m OPENCV_DIR C:\OpenCV\Build\x64\vc11 from an elevated command prompt and added %OPENCV_DIR%\bin to my path (following instructions in Installation in Windows). Then using the Property pages (View -> Property Pages or Shift-F4) set to 'All Configurations'
I've added $(OPENCV_DIR)\..\..\include to my C/C++ Additional Include Directories
I've added $(OPENCV_DIR)\lib to the linker Additional Library Directories
I've cut-an-paste the directory listing of the lib files in C:\OpenCV\build\x64\vc11\lib into my input Additional Dependencies
I've copied the sample code from the article into a new C++ console app (with ATL). I had to change one line in the template code from int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) to int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])
I think the identifiers that are undeclared should be (are) declared in highgui so why am I not getting them despite the demo code's #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>?
Other people having similar issues getting this sample code working in the How to build applications with OpenCV inside the Microsoft Visual Studio note seem to fall over with link errors (e.g. here and here) but I am getting past the linker.
========== EDIT ==========
There appear to be more insurmountable difficulties with the sample code. It is documented as a simple example to load and display an image whose path is supplied as the sole argument to main, while the code listing itself is video code requiring four command line arguments (i.e. it first checks and stops if argc != 5). I've submitted a documentation bug. I think the sample code listing should have been be taken from this:
Try with CV_CAP_ or cv::CAP_... It looks like there were some changes aiming to improve consistency of constants in OpenCV...
I am using the opencv 2.4.6 and this has helped me do the trick
and similarly if there are any other cap prop keywords into cv cap prop keywords
try this.

trying to run COBOL .exe using C++ program

I'm still learning how to program but I have a simple question. I have the following code for running an executable COBOL program through C++, but I am getting COBOL errors: 251 and 410
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
system("C:\\rmcobol\\runcobol.exe SOLOCAJA.COB c=windows.cfg L=WOWRT.DLL");
cout << "\n";
return 0;
I assume there must be a very simple reason for this, but I am clueless so far. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Error 410 is a "configuration file not found" error based on Apendix A of the user guide. Are you sure your windows.cfg file is in the directory you're running your code in?
Failing that, error 251 states "Incorrect runtime command" and all the samples I can find have an uppercase C. So maybe change your C program to use to:
system("C:\\rmcobol\\runcobol.exe SOLOCAJA.COB C=WINDOWS.CFG L=WOWRT.DLL");
and see if that fixes it (a long shot, I know, but I've seen stranger things than that).
Based on update:
I tried changing the c to a C on the C=WINDOWS.CFG, ran it in C++ and directly on the Command Line, no change. I am still looking into the reasons behind this, and I read through but I couldn't use any of that info. Any extra tips would be gold at this point. THANKS!
A couple of questions:
Has it ever worked in this environment?
Is it failing on both cmdline and within C (just want to clarify)?
Does windows.cfg actually exist in the current directory when you run it?
Are you running it in a directory with spaces (like My Documents)?
Other than that, maybe post the windows.cfg file, though the error seems pretty explicit that it's config file not found rather than error in config file.
