jQuery UI Sortable Question - jquery-ui

I am trying to build a sortable navigation tree using jQuery UI Sortable. I have it working great in Firefox with no prblems. In IE it works pretty well, however, there seems to be some inconsistent issues when trying to move an item with a nested list down in its navigational tier. The list doesn't expand to create a drop point for the list in motion and it often fails, however, sometimes the sort works anyway. I have played with this for longer than I care to admit! Does anyone have any ideas?
Here is a link to a demo with source.
To duplicate the problem: In IE drag the row (Move Show Item 12) up a few rows then try to move it back down to where it started. (Note: to move items you must click and hold on move)

You might get what you want if you try setting placeholder in the .sortable() call, i.e:
placeholder : 'placeholderClass'
Then make sure you have a class .placeholderClass defined, and you can choose what styles to apply when a block is being dragged - Not sure of this is what you want - just a suggestion.
Check out these pages if you need more info.

I noticed that if you drag below the list and then back up into it it works just fine. It must be some kind of jQuery UI / IE bug.


Select2 - Add pending tag after losing focus

I am trying to use select2 for creating tags, but when I'm writing a new tag and I lose the focus of the field (click somewhere else, for example) what I was writing gets deleted.
Is there a way that after losing focus to the input of the select2, a new tag gets created?
From the documentation:
selectOnClose: true
This will capture the selection and create a tag if the user clicks elsewhere.
It looks like the browser problem that i've seen.
It seems that the tags option doesn't work correctly on ie11.
I don't have the same behavior between ie11 and chrome (and edge). If you check the example https://select2.github.io/examples.html#tags with ie, it is not possible to add tag. You can start taping letter but you lose the focus immediately.
Everything works on Chrome and Edge.
Is it this sort of problem, you've got.

jQuery Mobile app not not displaying elements correctly

SO...my app has a few issues, but I am DESPERATE to solve this one first. Any thoughts and suggestions are welcomed. Here is the app:
Here's the issue - (NOTE, Firefox doesn't even allow this issue to fire, so maybe try Chrome or Safari, or a mobile browser):
From the home page, click on Portables > List All Portables. Now, click on any of the PLUS signs on the right (or two or three, doesn't matter). Now, check the "TODAY" page (in the very bottom nav bar). It will display the list of games you clicked on, but the way they are displayed is totally jacked. BUT...if you RELOAD the page (or just click the red CLEAR button), and repeat the process, it looks normal. What have I done wrong?
If you dare: in Firefox, it won't even let me add an activity -- clicking on the "+" button yield NO effect.
I appreciate any help. Cheers!
Try to call refresh() method on your listview after you dynamically add items
See Updating lists
If you add items to a listview, you'll need to call the refresh()
method on it to update the styles and create any nested lists that are

Using codemirror in jquery.ui.dialog loses focus onload

i try to use codemirror in a jquery ui dialog.
here you can see the result in jsfiddle.
the problem is that the content in codemirror does not appear on first load. it only appears after you set focus on the editor and than type something, after that the preloaded content appears.
can this be fixed somehow. i tried to do it with the refresh() function without success.
thanks for you short time.
Looks like jQuery UI hasn't actually unhid the DIV when the opener runs. Putting a refresh call in a timeout (as in http://jsfiddle.net/NP9SL/ ) seems to do the trick.
I ran into the same problem and wound up running the editor.refresh() off the focus event, FWIW. I thought I'd mention another, somewhat related problem. If you try to take advantage of the CodeMirror dialog/search functionality inside of JQueryUI modal dialog, the integrated search dialog fails to get focus and you can't type into it. Interestingly I can paste text into the search field, but I cant type. Have yet to find a way around this other than setting modal to false.

jQuery Sortable Cannot Click After Sort Issue

I have a table that is being sorted by the TR tags, everything works fine except that I have to click twice on any item in the list after something has been moved for anything to respond, on links etc. Do I have to call some function after the list has been sorted to re-activate it so that I don't have to click twice on items?
Can't truly understand the issue without code samples but if you believe that refreshing could solve it you probably need .sortable('refresh');

Help with html select replacement

I hate default select control, that's because it can't be styled in IE using CSS.
This is why I developed a new select control from scratch, using HTML + CSS + JavaScript.
I did a great job in the past two days matching CSS and HTML together, but today I discovered a bug wich looks very hard for me to fix.
In IE 7, when I have tow controls on the same page, the one from top does not overlay the one from bottom.
See the image: coolrgb dot com/files/select-help.jpg
Download the demo page (HTML + CSS + Javascript): coolrgb dot com/files/select-help.zip
Please help me, this control looks so nice for me and I want to use it on all my projects from now on. This bug killed my hopes and lot of time.
Thank you.
If you give each control the same z-index, then you will not have control over the stacking order.
I would suggest modifying your control to behave more like a real SELECT element: only one can be open at a time, or losing focus causes it to close. Alternately, you can set a high z-index when the control has focus, and a lower one when it does not.
Another thing to look out for: try putting some other controls like radio, checkbox, and select under your control. You might find that IE also will not hover over those even if you give them a different z-index (as #grawity explained in his answer). This is why you'll typically see widget demos displayed on top of these elements, as shown here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/
A typical hack to fix this is to use an iframe, but that probably deserves a different question altogether.
Edit: After rereading the question, this answer now seems totally unrelated, but I'm keeping it here anyway.
Not really an answer, but an attempt to explain:
In Internet Explorer, <select> tags are implemented as simple windowed controls, while all other elements are windowless controls (this allows them to be styled). That's why these tags are always on top and don't follow the z-order rules. (The drop-down menu part must be styleable so it's a windowless control, and so it shows under the main part.)
In Firefox all elements are windowless, and in IE8 they should be too.
