iPhone Data Best Practices - caching vs remote - ios

I'm developing an iPhone app that uses a user account and a web API to get results (json) from a website. The results are a list of user's events.
Just looking for some advice or strategies - when to cache and when to make an api call... and if the iPhone SDK has anything built in to handle these scenarios.
When I get the results from the server, they populate an array in a controller. In the UI, you can go from a table listing view, to a view of an individual event result - so two controllers share a reference to the same event object.
What gets tricky is that a user can change the details of an event. In this case I make a copy of the local Event object for the user's changes, in case they make an error. If the api call successfully goes through and updates that event on the server, I take these local changes from the Event copy and set the original Event object to match with setters.
I have the original controller observing if any change is made to the local Event object so that it can reflect it in the UI.
Is this the right way of doing things? I don't want to make too many API calls to reload data from the server, But after a user makes an update should I be pulling down the list again with the API call?
...I want to be careful that my local objects don't become out of sync with the remote.
Any advice is appreciated.

I took a similar approach with an app I built. I simply made a duplicate version of the remote data model with Core Data, and I use etags on the backend to prevent sync issues (in my case, it's okay to create duplicate records).
It sounds like you're taking a good approach to this.

Some time back, I developed an iOS app where in, I had almost same requirement to store data on server as well as locally to avoid several network call and also user can see their information without any delay.
In that app, user can store photos, nodes, checkIns and social media post and with all this data, app can form a beautiful timeline. So what we did was, we had everything locally and whenever user phone come in some WIFI zone, we start uploading that data to server and sync both (local and remote) databases.
Note this method works well when only one user can access this data.


How to ensure data consistency and truly take advantage of Core Data?

I've worked on several iOS apps, some of them utilize Core Data, and some of them don't. While I consider myself having a basic to somewhat good understanding of Core Data, there's always something that makes me doubt the usefulness of it. I've done a lot of reading on the subject, and the general consensus seems to be the advantages of using it outweighs the disadvantages. I recently submitted an app without using Core Data, and always planned on going back to update the project to utilize it when I have the time for some optimization work. Now's the time, but I wonder if it makes sense for the app I'm working on, and maybe I am not using it correctly all along. Please advise and point out what I am missing.
The project I am working on is a social networking app, which also has a front-end site. We have standard features like a newsfeed, event listing, the ability to follow/unfollow someone, and a map with POIs at user's location. Currently, we're using pagination whenever needed when requesting data from server.
My understanding of why Core Data is great:
Easier to manage data with complicated relationship
Easier to access data without having to pass them around
Easier to manipulate, fetch, and sort your data
Better memory utilization
Improve perceived performance by preloading data stored locally until latest data's received
The problem I am having is, since I am using pagination when requesting for data instead of requesting for all at once. The data stored locally is only a subset of the current state in the database. Let's use newsfeed as an example. If I do the following, it will cause some problems:
User manually refresh the newsfeed -> Controller notifies model that it needs the latest 20 items -> Model requests for the latest 20 items in the newsfeed and save them as NSManagedObject -> Model notifies controller that data is ready -> Fetch the latest 20 items to show in UITableView
If user A refreshes the newsfeed, background the app, and then user B deletes his post in the newsfeed (let's say it was 10th item) before user A foregrounds the app again to refresh the newsfeed. In user A's newsfeed, B's post will still be up there because according to the createdAt attribute, it's indeed one of the latest 20 items.
To fix this problem, I can think of a few solutions:
Add a flag to the item to indicate it's removed
Always discard local data when new data arrives
Disable pagination
Instead of using the workflow described above, always present the requested data only instead of fetching the latest
Solution 1 means custom code is required to deal with different clients since browser doesn't need deleted items but iOS client does. However, even though it can work, it can potentially mess up the pagination mechanism and can cause weird behaviours in the client. For example, if a large amount of items gets removed, the latest 20 items will contain only a few items that will actually show up in the newsfeed on the client when user refreshes it. As user follows more people, more stories will be inserted in his newsfeed as well. This solution won't work very well in this situation.
Solution 2 totally defeats the purpose of using Core Data in the first place unless I am missing something.
Solution 3 means the client always needs to request for all data. This is nearly impossible to do because as you get more data, the time to retrieve and process them will make the app slow and unresponsive. It also doesn't make sense from technical and UX point of view.
Solution 4 also kinda defeats the purpose of using Core Data because it's the same workflow when we only store data in memory. You can still fetch and find objects but they might be invalid on the server already at the time of access.
Am I missing something? How is Core Data supposed to be used in this scenario? How do you ensure data consistency when the client doesn't have all the data? Thanks you in advance.

How to Implement Two Way Syncing with RestKit

I have an app that interacts with a web server's API via RestKit. Users have a single account from which they can log in on both a browser client and their iPhone. In both places, they can make changes to their data by adding objects, deleting objects, and editing objects. How do I implement a way to sync all user additions, edits, and deletes by both pushing changes to the server and receiving changes from the server? Right now I have a hacky way of comparing Modification Dates on all objects, but I'm wondering if there's a more elegant solution.

client-server fetch large data

I have a application need a list of data, but these data may be very large. If I'm going to show this list of data in client (mobile app), I can't get all of the data from server because the limit space of mobile.
For example, like Facebook app, there are tons of newsfeed in server, and user can only see some of them. If user want to see more, they need to scroll down and fresh. So how to implement something like this in both client and server? (Currently my server is written in ruby on rails, and client is iOS)
And once the client get those data, does it store in memory or in local database? I'm worried about memory limit in mobile phones.
On the server-side, you could probably write an API supporting pagination and custom results count, i.e.: myapp.com/api/get?start=0&count=20 to get the first 20 results, and when the user scrolls all the way down your view on the iPhone, fetch the next items, like that: myapp.com/api/get?start=20&count=20.
If you plan your design well, you'll get something very flexible that you'll be able to change later if you realize that 20 results is too much/not enough, etc.
Depending on your app's architecture and the amount of data your app will handle, you might also need to provide API methods based on the last-updated time, to ensure you're not missing data (e.g., if you call your second get?start=20 a few minutes after the first one, the start index might not have the same meaning).
As for storing data locally, it all depends on what you want to achieve. Are you sure you need to save everything the user has downloaded? You could store only the most recently fetched items in a local SQLite database and query them the next time your app starts up, before refreshing the view (I don't know how it is implemented in Facebook's iPhone app but at least it looks like it's done that way).

Storing data locally or just using ajax on mobile devices? - appcelerator

Currently I'm building a few mobile apps (currently on iOS but later on Android)that retrieve information via ajax calls (returning JSON) from a Ruby on Rails application. This obviously applies to other applications as well that are using another source to return the JSON data.
The main question is WHEN to store the data and when to just use ajax calls to retrieve it. Currently, my apps do not store a single thing locally and instead require ajax calls for all data. I think for this example we can use the Twitter mobile app, which is one a lot of people are familiar with and has a lot of functionality that I'm wondering how they do it (more logically than technically).
1) When you log in the first thing you see is a list of all of the items in your stream. That list is available offline. Does that mean that when you originally signed in, Twitter already went and pulled all of your last X (100?) stream items into a local database and then future views just pull it from there?
2) If you then put your phone on airplane mode (or just shut off mobile data) and click one of those tweets, it opens up the tweet page with all of that data. So now, it looks like they aren't pulling that information in via individually each time you visit a tweet page (which is what my app currently does and takes some time to load that data in and create the views). Does it make sense that they are probably just using the same information that they pulled in when creating your stream items?
3) Users. Is it better practice to (when viewing a users "profile" page for example) store a users data locally and then refresh on future visits, or just do pull in all of the data via ajax each time? In theory each requires an ajax call...
I think those are my main questions for now. If anyone has any thoughts on any of those things (or any other insights into mobile storage) that would be great! If anyone needs screenshots of anything I referenced please let me know and I'd be happy to get those for you.
Currently using:
Titanium Appcelerator for iOS
Ruby on Rails for Backend and remote storage
Ok firstly there is a difference between local storage and device cache.
Mobile phones cache a lot of data so that it doesn't have to be requested each time using up your data plans. Its the same idea when you open a page on safari, go to home screen and go back into safari its still there. This wasn't saved locally its just been cached by IOS.
When you should use local storage is when the data never changes, using twitter as an example like you have, on first start up it downloads your current activity, if one of those contains a link then it will generate a new request, if you have turned off cellular data and still been able to click a link, this is not because twitter has stored it locally but because IOS has cached it temporarily to avoid downloading multiple times. twitter may very well store some of you activity locally, but at least from what I've seen it stores a maximum limit of them starting with most recent, it downloads the rest frequently.
generally speaking if the data is based on the web its fine to use ajax calls, that is what most do, local storage is when the data is only created / viewed on the device (like an app for taking down notes). If you wish to provide local storage so that someone can view there activity offline, great but this is a feature not a requirement.
Most people would only start thinking about this if users frequently request the same data over and over and its not going to change often, then you would need to develop a last modified system, where you send an ajax call to see is there anything new, if not read from local. If the data is dynamic and subject to change often, stick with the ajax calls

How can I persist objects between requests with ASP.NET MVC?

I'm just starting to learn ASP.NET MVC and I'd like to know how I can retain model objects between subsequent requests to controller action methods?
For example say I'm creating a contact list web app. Users can create, update, rename, and delete contacts in their list. However, I also want users to be able to upload a contact list exported from other programs. Yet I don't want to just automatically add all the contacts in the uploaded file I want to give the user a secondary form where they can pick which uploaded contacts should be actualy added to their list.
So first I have a ContactController.Upload() method which shows an upload form. This submits to ContactController.Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file) which reads the file that was posted into a set of Contact model objects. Then I want to display a list of all the names of the contacts in the list and allow the user to select those that should be added to their contact list. This might be a long list that needs to be split up into multiple pages, and I might also want to allow the user to edit the details of the contacts before they are actually added to their contact list.
Where should I save the model objects between when a user uploads a file and when they finally submit the specific contacts they want? I'd rather not immediately load all the uploaded contacts into the back end database, as the user may end up only selecting a handful to actually add. Then the rest would need to be deleted. Also I would have to account for the case when a user uploads a file, but never actually completes the upload.
From what I understand an instance of a controller only lasts for one request. So should I create a static property on my Contact controller that contains all the latest uploaded contact model object collections? And then have some process that periodically checks the age of these collections and clears out any that are older then some specified expiration time?
A static property on the controller is trouble. First off, it won't work in a web farm and second it you'd have to deal with multiple requests from different users. If you really don't want to use your database you could use the ASP.NET Session.
No, you don't want a static property, as that would be static to all instances of the controller, even for other users.
Instead, you should create a table used to upload the data to. This table would be used as an intermediary between when the user uploads the data, and completes the process. Upon completion, you copy the contacts you want to keep into your permanent table, then delete the temporary data. You can then run a process every so often that purges incomplete data that is older than a specified time limit.
You could also use the HttpContext.Cache, which supports expiration (and sliding expiration) out-of-the box.
Alternatively, and perhaps even better (but more work) you could use cookies and have the user modify the data using javascript in her browser before finally posting it to you.
However, I'd strongly recommend to store the uploaded information in the database instead.
As you pointed out, it might be a lot of data and the user might want to edit it before clicking 'confirm'. What happens if the user's machine (or browser) crashes or she has to leave urgently?
Depending on the way you store the data the data in this scenario will probably be lost. Even if you used the user id as a cache key, a server restart, cache expiration or cache overflow would cause data loss.
The best solution is probably a combination of database and cookie storage where the DB keeps the information in a temporary collection. Every n minutes, or upon pagination, the modified data is sent to the server and updated in the DB.
The problem with storing the data in session or memory is what happens if the user uploads 50k contacts or more. You then have a very large data set in memory to deal with which depending on your platform may effect application performance.
If this is never going to be an issue and the size of the imported contacts list is manageable you can use either the session or cache to store the dataset for further modifications. Just remember to clear it when the user has committed the changes, you don't want a few heavy datasets hanging around in session.
If you store the dataset in session using your application controller then it will be available to all controllers while it is needed.
