ASP.NET MVC generic view for displaying data -

I am working on a project involves exposing many data entities (more than 200) through an ASP.NET MVC application.
I do not want to write views for every entity mode and I am wondering if there is a way of having one generic view to display different models (for example, a view which reads the model properties(metadata) and generates a HTML table to display a list of entities.

If you only need to display, you can write your own generic renderer in few minutes using reflection. Or, you can use ModelVisualizer from MvcContrib, or Grid from MvcContrib which can do Html.Grid(Model).AutoGenerateColumns() to automatically show properties as columns. It doesn't support DataAnnotations or attributes, but you can write your own extension method that will use reflection to generate Grid's columns based on some attributes. And you can quickly turn this grid into jqGrid using jqGrid's tableToGrid() method.
If you need input support, there're several choices:
MvcContrib's InputBuilder (here you can see a simple example on how it's done with reflection)
MVC v2 InputFor(), I think it supports rendering several properties, but I'm not sure.
My solution does read metadata (attributes) from view models and generates jqGrid formatting and editing options automatically.
There should be commercial tools, too.

Two choices:
Dynamic Data Project
Have you tried Dynamic data project that can automagically create what you need? MVC
But if you want to do what you're asking, you can always create a single view that will not have a strong type model. You will always pass data to it ViewData dictionary. The view would then parse that data and display what's required.
You can always create these two routes:
new {
controller = "Entity",
action = "Display",
entityName = "SomeDefaultEntity" }
new {
controller = "Entity",
action = "Details",
entityName = "SomeDefaultEntity",
recordId = string.Empty }
that will redirect all requests to the same controller action that will provide correct entity set data and pass it into the ViewData dictionary and return the view that will consume it. The second one will display details of a certain record within some entity (in case you need to provide master/details functionality).

MVC Contrib has Model Visualizer which let you display a Model by reflecting its properties. That a no go if you need any performance at all, but maybe it gets you started.


Posting multiple values using MVC

I have a model with a property that points to a file that contains HTML. My strongly typed view to this model uses a custom HTML helper method to resolve and return the HTML from the file. Works great so far.
The HTML read from each file will contain various controls whose values I need to retrieve when the form is POSTed.
What would be the best way to have access to the POSTed control values in my controller method?
I would prefer a non jQuery solution, but I am not sure if the MVC framework can provide these values to me? Can it provide a list of key/value pairs to the controller somehow?
You could use the FormCollection in ASP.NET MVC.
public ActionResult SomeAction(FormCollection form) {
You have essentially two options.
1) Use the old fashioned Request variables as all we have done in ASP.NET web forms.
For example in your controller action method you can retrieve any value present on the form with the following method
public ActionResult SomeAction() {
var request = this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
bool boolParam = bool.Parse( request["boolParam"] ?? "false" );
2) Create a custom Model Binder to let the framework pack those values in a custom class object.
This method would be a little bit more difficult at the beginning because you have to create a custom Model Binder but it favour readability on your controller code. For further details on creating custom model binders give a look at the following links (you can find more with a simple search)
Custom Model Binder for Complex composite objects
Custom Model Binder and More UI Validation in ASP.NET MVC
A Custom ASP.NET MVC Model Binder for Repositories
Hope it helps
Is the content of the HTML files dynamic or known at design time? If you know it now, you could have each one post to it's own action and then strongly type the parameters.

ASP.NET MVC: having one model for all views

I like the way model binding in django works: you send stuff that you need in a Json-like way:
'param1': val,
'param2': val
In ASP.NET MVC you can't do it primarily because C# is a static language. You can use ViewData but it's ugly and not recommended.
So I had to create dozens of ViewModels for every view: IndexViewModel, AboutViewModel, etc. And today I got an idea: why not just create one Model class and have Visual Studio generate all necessary fields? It's almost like in django.
return View(new Model
Param1 = "asd",
Param2 = "sdf"
Param1 & Param2 are not members of the Model class, but Visual Studio will automatically generate them.
Now my question is, is it gonna work? The thing is that there will be a lot of fields in this Model class. And when we pass it to a view, only a small percentage of fields made for that view in particular will be used. Is it gonna be bad performance wise?
If you have all these properties on your ViewModel which aren't used (i.e null or whatever) it isn't really going to impact performance. What it will impact however, is your design.
Generally speaking, one model to rule them all as you are proposing is a bit evil and goes against separation of concerns. ViewModel's should be very simple and should be tailored to the view. ViewModel's shouldn't really provide the view with more or less data than what the view needs in order to render.
Consider this....
You have a generic model with 15 properties on it and you only set a handful of them. Somebody else designs a new view and looks at the model, they may not know which of those properties are sent and under what conditions they are set. Consequently they may be attempting to display data that does not exist. This isn't a very clean approach.
I would stick to individual view models and where there is common functionality between views, create an abstraction or base ViewModel from which other view models can extend.
Edit: One other thing you could do is use the new MVC 3 (still in preview) syntax (dynamic) for setting ViewData properties directly as if they were properties.
So rather than doing
ViewData["FirstName"] = "Bob";
You can do
ViewModel.FirstName = "Bob";
This gives you dynamic variables automatically in MVC 3.
Have a look a Clay the 'malleable' object model being used by the Orchard Project.
There's no reason it shouldn't work.
You can even skip the Model class and create an anonymous type with just the members you need.
return View(new { Amount = 108, Message = "Hello" });
The problem using anonymous types is that you're giving up on auto-completion in the view since you won't be able to type the view according to the model.
Just use dynamic

Returning ad-hoc view models from ASP.NET MVC2 Controllers

I'm porting an existing system to ASP.NET MVC2. In the current legacy app, the user can select from dozens of available fields to customize CRUD forms for different entities in the domain model, similar to the way ERP systems allow customization of core modules.
My question: I'm looking for a good pattern or example for this kind of behavior in ASP.NET MVC2. It seems to me it's rather like creating a ViewModel dynamically based upon user choices, or perhaps the right approach is data-driven view pages that aren't strongly-typed where I can reflect over the results client-side to determine field headings or something -- if that makes sense :). Or maybe I can drive AutoMapper or similar dynamically # runtime based on user choices?
The underlying domain model is EF4-based and I'm using a simple Repository pattern # present for the ViewModel.
TIA for any input! Michael
If I didn't find anything else that matched the needs and went on to do it custom, I would:
Use the ViewModel with all the fields / not just the ones the user picked.
Pass both the ViewModel and the view configuration to the view
Call some html helper that for each item in the configuration adds a field with the corresponding property in the model
The configuration could be passed as either part of a containing ViewModel or in a separate entry in ViewData
Depending on what you need, building/passing the view configuration could be put in an Action Filter. Alternatively the helper could pull it directly.
A different approach is if you need completely custom fields. I mean user defined fields. If that's the scenario, that's not typed at the controller level already, so I'd pass the list of fields/values to the view. The view can do a foreach on those adding the fields. Again that could be moved to a HtmlHelper.

A ASP.NET MVC page with multiple instances of user control consuming the independent data

First let me thank all of you for numerous useful posts I have read during my recent ASP.NET MVC development. My questions is as follows:
I have a ASP.NET MVC application with loosely coupled model, meaning I use a business layer assembly in a controller to access the data and return data to a view by setting Viewdata["MyData"] from the controller.
Now my question is how to set individual data of a user control which has multiple instances in a MVC page.
Eg. I have a text box inside userctl.ascx as:
<%= Html.TextBox("ApprovalDate", ViewData["ApprovalDate"],
new { #ReadOnly = "True" })%>
If i set ViewData["ApprovalDate"] to be something, how does it apply to individual control data?
Appreciate your help.
In your case it would work if you set your user controls (partial views in MVC terminology) to be strongly typed.
Then you can initialize the model and pass it to each individual partial view without those values getting mixed up.
Of course, you need to pass to the view the data for all hosted controls in some form.

How to update Model in MVC

I'm wondering how you keep a constant value of the Model in an ASP.NET MVC framework. Like when adding something to the Model through the view. You go back to an action in the controller but where do you keep the Model? Is it a private in the controller? or is it passed back and forth from the view to the controller because if it gets big then you are passing alot of data back and forth to add/delete a single item from the Model.
Also any small examples to show this?
What are you referring to? Are you meaning a database table loaded up into an object such as Ruby on Rails's ORM -- typically the 'Model' is a series of interfaces or domain objects that load data into objects from the database .. or more simply just the database period.
Please be more specific. There are many MVC frameworks and many different kinds of 'Models'
I think you should check out a ASP.NET MVC tuturial like NerdDinner (from "Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0"). Scott Guthrie has posted a html version of the tutorial on his site. It's a fairly simple site that they build in the tutorial, and is a great intro to ASP.NET MVC (in my opinion).
There are also some good tutorials on the ASP.NET site.
Hope these help you with .NET MVC, it's a great framework to use!
You can pass the model to the page and you can then use UpdateModel(model name) within your controller.
Each member in the model must be a property with a getter and a setter.
On the page you can hold the data in say a hidden field if you need to maintain the value outside of state.
If you have problems using UpdateModel then you can use the following in your controller;
public ActionResult MyAction(int? id, FormCollection collection)
string commentText = collection["myFieldName"];
This will normally get your values from the model.
Hope this is what you were asking.
Think of the model as a data transfer object. In a list, display only or edit page, you pull it out of a data layer as a single object or a list of objects. The controller passes it along to the view and it gets displayed.
In the case of an insert, a new data transfer object is instantiated upon post back and is updated with the posted values. Then sent back to the the data layer for persistence.
In the case of an edit, it comes from the data layer on the HTTP GET request and is used to pre-populate the HTML form. Then on post back, the data transfer object gets updated with the posted values and sent back to the the data layer for persistence.
Definitely checkout NerdDinner or Stephen Walther's samples.
