Best way to retrieve XML data in MVC? -

If I am passing an XElement or XDocument to my ASP.NET MVC view, what's the best (read: easiest) way to repopulate my XML with the values returned from the edit form on submit?

Typically you want a strongly typed model coming into an action, but if you have a good reason to take in XML, then here is the approach I would take:
Create a custom ModelBinder that will do the work for you. In the ModelBinder you can loop through the form and get everything that was submitted and create your XElement. In the global.asax you can specify that you want to use that ModelBinder whenever you have a type of XElement or XDocument.

Related mvc implicit population of input fields

In our mvc I've created view with two partial views inside.
That view accepts model of some type, for example Customer.
First partial view doesn't have model because it is search form with empty field.
Second form is form with populated fields.
What I found out that on first view, if I have called input fields like properties in model and if I don't provide value for them, mvc implicitly binds values from model to the fields.
First I was thinking is some of kind of mistake, but then I've expiremented little bit with a code:
-I've added native input element with id and name called the same like model, input field is empty in browser
-If I try the same thing with Html.TextBox helper and don't provide value, mvc gets that value from my model object(by name of property/field) and in browser that field is populated.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
That's by design.
I'd recomend reading:
and last but not least:
especially mix10 has a tonn of sessions about mvc
all are good read and watch (-:
That is by design. If you send a model to a view and you're using the HTML input Helpers that come with ASP.NET MVC, they'll implicitly populate themselves from the model.
This is helpful in many situations. If you don't want this behavior, you can always NOT use the helpers or write your own simple helpers.

Asp.Net MVC Custom ModelBinder

I would like to bind a complex object to a view.
I create a custom ModelBinder inherited from DefaultModelBinder so if I post the form I can reach proper data in Controller.
But if I want to send data to the view the data will not be binded.
Which method of DefaultModelBinder should I override?
Or anybody knows the solution?
The model binder is not used in the view. It is only used to bind request values to action parameters. HTML helpers are used in the view to generate input fields. So it is those html helpers that might need to be customized to show the proper data from your model.

Posting multiple values using MVC

I have a model with a property that points to a file that contains HTML. My strongly typed view to this model uses a custom HTML helper method to resolve and return the HTML from the file. Works great so far.
The HTML read from each file will contain various controls whose values I need to retrieve when the form is POSTed.
What would be the best way to have access to the POSTed control values in my controller method?
I would prefer a non jQuery solution, but I am not sure if the MVC framework can provide these values to me? Can it provide a list of key/value pairs to the controller somehow?
You could use the FormCollection in ASP.NET MVC.
public ActionResult SomeAction(FormCollection form) {
You have essentially two options.
1) Use the old fashioned Request variables as all we have done in ASP.NET web forms.
For example in your controller action method you can retrieve any value present on the form with the following method
public ActionResult SomeAction() {
var request = this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
bool boolParam = bool.Parse( request["boolParam"] ?? "false" );
2) Create a custom Model Binder to let the framework pack those values in a custom class object.
This method would be a little bit more difficult at the beginning because you have to create a custom Model Binder but it favour readability on your controller code. For further details on creating custom model binders give a look at the following links (you can find more with a simple search)
Custom Model Binder for Complex composite objects
Custom Model Binder and More UI Validation in ASP.NET MVC
A Custom ASP.NET MVC Model Binder for Repositories
Hope it helps
Is the content of the HTML files dynamic or known at design time? If you know it now, you could have each one post to it's own action and then strongly type the parameters.

What is "posted" in ASP.NET MVC applications?

As I review more code and blog posts from lots of MVC sources, I still haven't wrapped my mind around what is "posted" when a request is made. I realize MVC doesn't support post, but I'm having trouble finding resources that can explain it well enough to understand.
Inside the controller's public ActionResult nameOfAction(what the heck goes here?) { ... } what are my parameters?
Sometimes it looks like Visual Studio scaffolds (int id, MyObject myobject) for an Edit-style action--it includes something from my model, but not always.
Sometimes, it's (int id, FormCollection collection) for a delete-style action. Why not use the modeled object here? Is a FormCollection object always "posted"?
Sometimes, I see (RouteInfo routeInfo) which isn't recognized in my MVC2 Intellisense (is this MVC1 only or something?)
How can/do/should I establish these parameters? I think this will help me a lot at design time.
What gets post back from a form in MVC is the form data which includes each form element in a keyvalue pair.
If you only need this information then you would use:
public ActionResult nameOfAction(string name, string lastName, string etc)
MVC has some smart data model binding which takes the form data and automatically creates an object which is part of you domain model. For instance it could automatically create a Person object with the provided form data.
I believe there is a security concern with this as a user of your site may post data which is not part of your form and guess what your models are to inject their own data.
I dont think this is a massive issue though and this is the way I would go.
I think you can use the anti-forgery helper to prevent users from posting back data which is not allowed in a form. anti-forgery
Use strongly typed views with a view-model and the strongly typed helpers. Then when you POST, you should get an instance of that view-model out.

Validating posted form data in the ASP.NET MVC framework

I've been playing around with the ASP.NET MVC Framework and the one thing that's really confusing me is how I'm meant to do server side validation of posted form data. I presume I don't post back to the same URL, but if I don't, how do I redisplay the form with the entered data and error messages? Also, where should the validation logic go? In the model or the controller? This seems to be one of the few areas where web forms are much stronger (I miss the validation controls).
Here's an overview of the flow in MVC:
/new - render your "New" view containing a form for the user to fill out
User fills out form and it is posted to /create
The post is routed to the Create action on your controller
In your action method, update the model with the data that was posted.
Your Model should validate itself.
Your Controller should read if the model is valid.
If the Model is valid, save it to your db. Redirect to /show to render the show View for your object.
If the Model is invalid, save the form values and error messages in the TempData, and redirect to the New action again. Fill your form fields with the data from TempData and show the error message(s).
The validation frameworks will help you along in this process. Also, I think the ASP.NET MVC team is planning a validation framework for the next preview.
You might want to take a look at ScottGu's latest post for ASP.Net prev 5. It walks through a validation sample that is very interesting:
As far as I can tell everyone is still trying to figure out the "standard" way of doing it. That said definitely check out Phil Haack and Scott Guthrie's latest posts on MVC and you'll find some interesting info on how they did. When I was just playing around with it for myself I created a ModelBinder for the LinqToSql data class that I had generated. You can check out this post to find out how to put together a basic ModelBinder:
ASP.Net MVC Model Binder
The in your action if you had created a "Product" ModelBinder you would just declare the action like so:
public ActionResult New(Product prod)
And the model binder will take care of assigning posted data to the objects properties as long as you've built it right anyway.
After that within your GetValue() method you can implement whatever validation you want, whether using exception's, regex's, or whatever you can make a call like:
(ModelStateDictionary_name).AddModelError("form_element_id", "entered_value", "error_message");
Then you can just throw a <%= Html.ValidationSummary() %> in your view to display all your errors.
For client-side validation I just used jQuery. After you get a basic sample set up though you can start doing some interesting things combining all that with Partial Views and Ajax calls.
Have you taken a look at this?
Quoted from the page
The Validator Toolkit provides a set
of validators for the new ASP.NET MVC
framework to validate HTML forms on
the client and server-side using
validation sets.
I'm afraid that someone more MVC-savvy than me would have to speak to where in the architecture you should put things.
I'm just learning the MVC framework too so I'm not sure how off this is, but from what I understand you would have a form on a View such as Edit.aspx. This form would then post to the controller to another action method such as Update() passing in the contents of the form that you set in Edit.aspx as parameters.
Update(int id, string name, string foo)
You could do the validation within that method. If all is ok,
return View("Item", yourObject)
There is Castle.Components.Validator module in Castle project. It's very agile and powerfull. It generates validation rules based on model attributes (or any other source) and even able to generate JS validation using jQuery, Prototype Validation, fValidate and other.
Of course it's wise to abstract validator away behind IValidationEngine interface.
