Cannot capture TouchEvent.UP in Blackberry - blackberry

I am working on a Scrollable Image field.I am handling TouchEvent.DOWN mTouchEvent.MOVE,TouchEvent.UP.
Somehow control never goes to TouchEvent.UP section.How to capture the UP event.
I have to findout the start and end points of the drag.
My Code looks like this..
if (event == TouchEvent.DOWN && touchEvent.isValid())
_xTouch = touchEvent.getX(1);
_yTouch = touchEvent.getY(1);
else if(event == TouchEvent.UP && touchEvent.isValid())
int x = touchEvent.getX(1);
int y = touchEvent.getY(1);
else if (event == TouchEvent.MOVE && touchEvent.isValid())
boolean result = scrollImage((touchEvent.getX(1) - _xTouch), (touchEvent.getY(1) - _yTouch));
_xTouch = touchEvent.getX(1);
_yTouch = touchEvent.getY(1);
//If scrolling occurred, consume the touch event.
if (result)
return true;
return false;
Thanks in advance.

it was a misunderstanding.I was handling the touch event in multiple Field level,layout manager level and screen level.
So in particular was being cosumed by manager.And i need the event to be cosumed by field.
It was a mistake in return value.


Unity - Disable AR HitTest after initial placement

I am using ARKit plugin for Unity leveraging the UnityARHitTestExample.cs.
After I place my object into the world scene I want to disable the ARKit from trying to place the object again every time I touch the screen. Can someone please help?
There are a number of ways you can achieve this, although perhaps the simplest is creating a boolean to determine whether or not your model has been placed.
First off all you would create a boolean as noted above e.g:
private bool modelPlaced = false;
Then you would set this to true within the HitTestResultType function once your model has been placed:
bool HitTestWithResultType (ARPoint point, ARHitTestResultType resultTypes)
List<ARHitTestResult> hitResults = UnityARSessionNativeInterface.GetARSessionNativeInterface ().HitTest (point, resultTypes);
if (hitResults.Count > 0) {
foreach (var hitResult in hitResults) {
//1. If Our Model Hasnt Been Placed Then Set Its Transform From The HitTest WorldTransform
if (!modelPlaced){
m_HitTransform.position = UnityARMatrixOps.GetPosition (hitResult.worldTransform);
m_HitTransform.rotation = UnityARMatrixOps.GetRotation (hitResult.worldTransform);
Debug.Log (string.Format ("x:{0:0.######} y:{1:0.######} z:{2:0.######}", m_HitTransform.position.x, m_HitTransform.position.y, m_HitTransform.position.z));
//2. Prevent Our Model From Being Positioned Again
modelPlaced = true;
return true;
return false;
And then in the Update() function:
void Update () {
//Only Run The HitTest If We Havent Placed Our Model
if (!modelPlaced){
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && m_HitTransform != null)
var touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
var screenPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(touch.position);
ARPoint point = new ARPoint {
x = screenPosition.x,
y = screenPosition.y
ARHitTestResultType[] resultTypes = {
foreach (ARHitTestResultType resultType in resultTypes)
if (HitTestWithResultType (point, resultType))
Hope it helps...

Unity - Why iPhone 6 and 7 behaves differently to touch input?

I have below code in Update() to drag camera and also detect clicks on objects. When we try on iphone 6 and X it works all well, but when we try on iPhone7 the drag screen is very unresponsive and clicking objects works only when you touch the screen very very lightly. Anybody have an idea on what is going on?
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) {
fingerMoved = false;
if (_eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject(Input.GetTouch(0).fingerId)) {
fingerMoved = true;
hit_position = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
camera_position = cam.position;
} else if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) {
current_position = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
if (Vector2.Distance(hit_position, current_position) > 7f) {
fingerMoved = true;
cam.DOMoveY(target_position.y, 0.75f);
} else if (!fingerMoved && Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended) {
foreach (var item in storageList) {
if (Vector2.Distance(item.transform.position, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(hit_position)) < 0.5f) {
void LeftMouseDrag() {
Vector3 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(current_position) - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(hit_position);
direction.x = 0f;
direction = direction * -1;
target_position = camera_position + direction;
if (target_position.y > camMaxY) {
target_position.y = camMaxY;
if (target_position.y < camMinY) {
target_position.y = camMinY;
I am unsure if it makes a difference but for this kind of stuff its easier and more reliable to use EventSystems and OnPointerClick / OnPointerDrag hanlders. This way, at least in theory, any sensitivity differences could be leveled out by Unity itself. (I am not aware weather it does it or not its just
The problem has gone by itself, I have no idea what went wrong at first.
I was having the same problem and fixed it by adding the second line of the code displayed below.
else if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
if (master.calcDelta(Input.GetTouch(0).position) > 0f)
Which in turn, calculates the length of the vector that represents the dislocation from the previous location to the actual one.
calculatedDelta = Mathf.Abs(_touchPos.magnitude - pastPos.magnitude);
What is does is prevents the jittering from interfering with the built in function from unity "TouchPhase.Moved".

Difficulty updating InkPresenter visual after removing strokes?

I am creating an inkcanvas (CustomInkCanvas) that receives Gestures. At different times during its use, I am placing additional panels over different parts of the inkcanvas. All is well, and the part of the CustomInkCanvas that is not covered by another panel responds appropriately to ink and gestures.
However, occasionally a Gesture is not recognized, so in the default code of the gesture handler, I am trying to remove the ink from the CustomInkCanvas--even when it is not the uppermost panel.
How is this done?
Note: I have tried everything I can think of, including:
Dispatcher with Background update as:
cink.InkPresenter.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, EmptyDelegate);
Clearing the strokes with:
Invalidating the visual with:
And even
foreach (Stroke s in Strokes)
Here is the full code...
void inkCanvas_Gesture(object sender, InkCanvasGestureEventArgs e)
CustomInkCanvas cink = sender as CustomInkCanvas;
ReadOnlyCollection<GestureRecognitionResult> gestureResults = e.GetGestureRecognitionResults();
StylusPointCollection styluspoints = e.Strokes[0].StylusPoints;
TextBlock tb; // instance of the textBlock being used by the InkCanvas.
Point editpoint; // user point to use for the start of editing.
TextPointer at; // textpointer that corresponds to the lowestpoint of the gesture.
Run parentrun; // the selected run containing the lowest point.
// return if there is no textBlock.
tb = GetVisualChild<TextBlock>(cink);
if (tb == null) return;
// Check the first recognition result for a gesture.
isWriting = false;
if (gestureResults[0].RecognitionConfidence == RecognitionConfidence.Strong)
switch (gestureResults[0].ApplicationGesture)
#region [Writing]
bool AllowInking;
editpoint = GetEditorPoint(styluspoints, EditorPoints.Writing);
at = tb.GetPositionFromPoint(editpoint, true);
parentrun = tb.InputHitTest(editpoint) as Run;
if (parentrun == null)
AllowInking = true;
TextPointer At = tb.ContentEnd;
Here = (Run)At.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward);
Here = parentrun;
AllowInking = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parentrun.Text);
if (AllowInking == false)
foreach (Stroke s in Strokes)
// remove ink from display
// Strokes.Clear();
// cink.InkPresenter.Strokes.Clear();
cink.InkPresenter.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, EmptyDelegate);
// stop the InkCanvas from recognizing gestures
EditingMode = InkCanvasEditingMode.Ink;
isWriting = true;
private static Action EmptyDelegate = delegate() { };
Thanks in advance for any help.
It would be nice to get a guru response to this, but for anybody else getting here, apparently the strokes that go into creating the gesture have not yet been added to the InkCanvas, so there is nothing to remove or clear from the inkcanvas from within the gesture handler. Strokes are only added to the InkCanvas AFTER the gesture handler. The solution this newbie ended up with was to set a flag when ink was not allowed, and then act on it in the StrokesChanged handler like:
if (AllowInking == false)
ClearStrokes = true;
void Strokes_StrokesChanged(object sender, StrokeCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (ClearStrokes == true)
ClearStrokes = false;
All works now. Is there a better way?

XNA Controls Settings

I have a huge problem with editing controls for my game.. I have an ingame button and when you click it. The "Choose your key.." text appears, but I don't know how to actually set it up..
I have made a "waiting for input" bool.. THIS IS NOT THE REAL CODE IT'S HOW I IMAGINE IT TO BE
if (buttonIsClicked) waitinForInput = true;
kbState = Keyboard.GetState();
somehow convert it to Keys.(STH);
if (Keys.STH != defaultKeys)
defaultKeys = Keys.STH;
waitingForInput = false;
Is there a way to do this.. Simpliest as I can? And sorry for my bad english.. Made this in a hurry and not my native language..
Thanks for any help.. :-)
Something like this:
KeyboardState currentKeyboardState = new KeyBoardState();
KeyboardState previousKeyboardState = new KeyBoardState();
Keys jumpKey = Keys.Space;
public void handleInput()
lastKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState;
currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
bool waitingForKey = false;
if(currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) && waitingForKey == false)
waitingForKey = true;
if(waitingForKey == true)
//currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys() returns a list of pressed keys,
//So, currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys()[0] returns the first pressed key
if(currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys().Count() > 0)
jumpKey = currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys()[0];
waitingForKey = false;

iOS UIAutomation UIAElement.isVisible() throwing stale response?

I'm trying to use isVisible() within a loop to create a waitForElement type of a function for my iOS UIAutomation. When I try to use the following code, it fails while waiting for an element when a new screen pops up. The element is clearly there because if I do a delay(2) before tapping the element it works perfectly fine. How is everyone else accomplishing this, because I am at a loss...
Here's the waitForElement code that I am using:
function waitForElement(element, timeout, step) {
if (step == null) {
step = 0.5;
if (timeout == null) {
timeout = 10;
var stop = timeout/step;
for (var i = 0; i < stop; i++) {
if (element.isVisible()) {
throw("Not visible");
Here is a simple wait_for_element method that could be used:
this.wait_for_element = function(element, preDelay) {
if (!preDelay) {
else {
var found = false;
var counter = 0;
while ((!found) && (counter < 60)) {
if (!element.isValid()) {
else {
found = true;
I tend to stay away from my wait_for_element and look for any activityIndicator objects on screen. I use this method to actual wait for the page to load.
this.wait_for_page_load = function(preDelay) {
if (!preDelay) {
else {
var done = false;
var counter = 0;
while ((!done) && (counter < 60)) {
var progressIndicator = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[0].activityIndicators()[0];
if (progressIndicator != "[object UIAElementNil]") {
else {
done = true;
Here is a simple and better one using recursion. "return true" is not needed but incase u want it.
waitForElementToDismiss:function(elementToWait,waitTime){ //Using recursion to wait for an element. pass in 0 for waitTime
if(elementToWait && elementToWait.isValid() && elementToWait.isVisible() && (waitTime < 30)){
this.log("Waiting for element to invisible");
this.waitForElementToDismiss(elementToWait, waitTime++);
if(waitTime >=30){
fail("Possible login failed or too long to login. Took more than "+waitTime +" seconds")
return true;
I know this is an old question but here is my solution for a situation where I have to perform a repetitive task against a variable timed event. Since UIAutomation runs on javascript I use a recursive function with an empty while loop that checks the critical control state required before proceeding to the next screen. This way one never has to hard code a delay.
// Local target is the running simulator
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
// Get the frontmost app running in the target
var app = target.frontMostApp();
// Grab the main window of the application
var window = app.mainWindow();
//Get the array of images on the screen
var allImages = window.images();
var helpButton = window.buttons()[0];
var nextButton = window.buttons()[2];
function doSomething ()
//only need to tap button for half the items in array
for (var i=0; i<(allImages.length/2); i++){
//loop while my control is NOT enabled
while (!nextButton.isEnabled())
//proceed to next screen
//go again
