Map a domain to an MVC area -

Anybody got any experience in mapping a domain to an MVC area?
Here's our situation:
Old system (still active but will soon redirect to new store): - our main site where we send traffic - our store site which is a completely separate site that is indexed in google
New system: - same site as before - new store site - built in an ASP.NET MVC area
Because store is a separate domain google gives it a separate entry in the search results. I'd like to keep this benefit in future but wondering whether or not there is a good way to map a domain ( to the MVC area or if its just going to be more trouble than its worth.
PS. I'm not trying to keep existing indexing - its a completely separate store so thats not possible. I just want to redirect to the corresponding page in the new store. I'm just trying not to lose the benefit of two domains for SEO purposes.

I would use URL Rewriting, either in ASP.NET or in IIS7 Application and Request Routing (ARR) to change incoming requests for to
MVC will have no issue with this - it doesn't get to see anything but the new URL and it will generate links only for the new layout.
Other alternatives:
Create a website for the that just does a wildcard 301 redirect for each page to the corresponding page on the new site.
If the URLs don't overlap at all, point the old domain to the new MVC site and add duplicate routes for each action, e.g. might have a route "/info.aspx/{pathinfo*}" ... which loads an Action that knows how to handle the old URL parameters and can do a Redirect to the new Action.
I have sites where there are many URLs mapped onto the same Action - in fact, every legacy URL that has ever been used for a page still works today, including even the old .ASPX URLs which are now served up by an MVC Action. Some legacy URLs are dealt with using a 301 response, others which legitimately have duplicate content on the site are handled as normal but the page also includes a canonical URL to point out which one is the preferred URL.


How do I redirect MVC to a under maintenance page

I am using MVC. I am trying to do some maintenance on my website and want to put up a web page as such. I am using IIS10 under W2016.
My url usually looks something like:
The guid on the end is used to verify the customer. Anyhow, I changed the folder in IIS to point to another folder for now and it works if the customer visits:
If the guid is on the end, which is the majority of the time, the webpage isn't found. I cannot account for each guid and create a folder for it.
Is there a way in IIS to display a page regardless of the link they are given? So that when they visit it displays that it's under maintenance regardless of the /CustPortal/Account/Logon/23ef306d-488a-4082-8384-4b6d5b5e315c/ that is at the end?

IIS 7 redirect and rewrite for retired domain

I have an old domain for a company that has merged with another company and they want to decommission the old site and redirect traffic to the new domain. will now point to However, to keep their SEO rankings we also want to map the pages from the domain to the corresponding pages on
I know it's possible to setup Rewrite Maps in IIS (I've done this), but if the OldCompany domain is now pointing to the NewCompany web server, but the site itself was not migrated, will I still be able to use rewrite rules in conjunction with redirects to point to Do I need to setup these pages in order to accomplish this? Will Rewrite rules work without the pages from the originating site in place?
Right now I am able to setup a HTTP Redirect for the entire domain by just creating a new site in IIS and using the HTTP Redirect to do this. What I really want is the more granular solution outlined above, so that people get to the pages they are looking for and not just the new site's homepage.
You should not do the redirect with new site (in application level). This would just break any existing incoming links. Better approach is to redirect old domain (with the whole url path & query string that you may have) with 301 redirect and map all relevant old urls to urls in the new site.
Usually it's done with multiple steps:
Tell Google Webmaster Tools the new domain address (in case you use that)
Create IIS rewrite rule to redirect (with 301) old domain to the new domain, preserving path & query string info
Create IIS rewrite rules (in your new site) to map any old url to the new structure, with permanent redirect (301) or redirect to same other page when user can move forward, if exact page is not found from the new structure.
This will tell Google that the URLs have changed and point to the new location.

MVC3 mixed forms and Windows authentication

I currently have an intranet site that is accessed by external customers. I therefore set this up using Forms Authentication. However the powers that be (my bosses) want all our domain users to not have to enter their username and password to access the site.
I've done a bit or reading and everything seems to point to setting up a WinLogin.aspx page that you alter to use WindowAuthenthication and then redirect from there.
I have a problem with this as I don't like the idea of putting an aspx form in my mvc application.
Can anyone tell me how to achieve mixed authentication using a strictly MVC Controller/Action setup without a second application?
NOTES: running MVC 3 on an IIS 7 box.
Forms Authentication is not related to the URL or physical structure of your files. What matters is that a URL should ultimately map to a physical (or virtual) resource on the server, and be processed, and be returned back to the user.
Thus, somewhere in between for each incoming call (each HTTP request, even those for CSS and JavaScript files), you have to see if the current user has enough permission to access it or not. If no, then you might redirect him to the login page.
If you want, you can have a URL like /user/windowslogin where user is the name of the controller, and windowslogin is the name of your action method. Then you can create a custom authentication attribute (something like [WindowsAuthentication]) on your windowslogin action, and in that attribute (which is an MVC filter in essence), you can see if the current request comes from within your domain, and if so, talk to Active Directory for authentication or stuff like that, and on case of successful authentication, create an authentication cookie using FormsAuthentication class, and the rest of the story.
However, I don't think this would be an easy task. Others might introduce better solutions.

Redirecting large amount of indexed links

I am in the process of launching 2 sites that have been recently redesigned (one in RoR and one in WordPress) they both have a very large amount of inbound links coming in from search engines and outside sources. This has been something I have been curious for quite some time on an efficient way to implement redirects on all links.
My main purpose of this is so the site does not lose the work it has done SEO wise and in addition not leave any old backlinks forwarding to a 404.
What is the best practice when launching a new site for redirecting old URIs?
You'll find that most of your back-links are to your home-page anyway, so that will take care of the bulk of them. In terms of mitigating 404s from broken back-links, try to create a pattern-match (regex) redirect sending a 301 (Moved Permanently) header - using .htaccess (since you're using RoR/WP).
WordPress does have some plugins to handle migrations and redirections - simply search on the site.
Ensure you register your site with Google's Webmaster Tools and monitor your 404 pages (or log them server-side) to catch ones you've missed.
Lastly, to ensure that you get your new URLs indexed and canonicalization (beyond ensuring rel=canonical is used correctly), submit an XML sitemap of all your new pages.
In terms of redirecting old links to new links, it is general practice to do a 301 redirect (for SEO purposes). In the absolute worst case you cannot do this, redirect to the homepage at the very least to not lose visitors to 404 pages.

ASP.NET MVC - How to Redirect Secure?

I have an MVC app that is working fine, but I now want to add in an SSL site to the app.
This is a separate site in IIS, with the SSL certificate, but for re-use, I'm just pointing the SSL site to the same directory as the regular site.
What I'd like to do now, is direct the user to a certain controller (payment) if they come in on the secure url. Otherwise, they can continue on as they were.
What is the best way to do this?
Routing? Filters? Custom BaseController?
How can I ensure that no matter what route they try, if their Request.Url.Host is my secure url, then they'll get redirected. In the future if I add new controllers and actions, I don't want to have to put this in every controller.
Is there a way, application wide, that I can tell all controllers to redirect if a certain url is found?
Decorate your method with:
[RequireSsl(Redirect = true)]
[RequireHttps] is now part of ASP.NET MVC 2
