Hudson doesn't like Grails - grails

I'm trying to get our CI-Server Hudson to run grails tasks and installed the Grails-Plugin, but it seems like the dependencies with ivy could not be resolved...
[projectx] $ /usr/share/grails/bin/grails prod war projectx.war
Welcome to Grails 1.2.0 -
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: /usr/share/grails
Base Directory: /var/local/hudson/jobs/projectx/workspace/projectx
Resolving dependencies...
Error executing script War: /usr/share/tomcat5.5/.ivy2/cache/resolved-projectx-projectx-0.1.xml (No such file or directory) /usr/share/tomcat5.5/.ivy2/cache/resolved-projectx-projectx-0.1.xml (No such file or directory)
at Method) ...
Does anyone know how to get this working?
Thanks alot!

It looks like the user that tomcat is running as is configured to have /usr/share/tomcat5.5 as the home directory and you don't have write access to that directory (and probably shouldn't)
I'd guess that you need to modify the user that tomcat is running as, or the user that the Hudson Job is running as to have a valid home directory.

grails upgrade
and it will work afterwards. I tried deleting .grails folder and it did not work and discovered that upgrade works by accident.
On Jenkins you can run it with a --non-interactive switch.
Anyone figured out why is this happening?

Hudson supports maven based builds very well so you could just use the Grails Maven Plugin and point hudson at the maven pom file and away you go.


Error installing Grails plugin to local maven repository

I have created a Grails plugin using Grails 2.3.3 and trying to use the plugin in a Grails application which was also created using Grails 2.3.3. Now, to use the plugin in the application, it needs to be published to a plugin repository first. So I attempted to publish the plugin into the local repository by using the commands:
grails clean
grails compile
grails maven-install
For the grails maven-install command I selected the option 2)InstallPlugin. But then got an error:
Error installing plugin: No such property: ERROR_MESSAGE for class: Inst
allPlugin (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
Ran the last command above with option --stacktrace and --verbose but did not get any clue as to what the problem might be. I also removed %HOME%/.grails directory and reran the above commands and still came with the same error.
After googling, I found a JIRA for this issue which was closed stating that it happens when Grails version is changed and cleaning up cache files will get rid of this issue. However, that solution is not working for me and, by now, I have spent couple of hours trying to fix this. Also I did not change my Grails version.
Has anyone faced this issue with Grails 2.3.3 or with any recent version of Grails? What was the solution?
Don't use install-plugin, add a dependency in BuildConfig.groovy.
I don't know where the 2)InstallPlugin "option" is coming from. The maven-install script packages your plugin and generates a POM file and the other files needed to be a valid published plugins. Then it copies these files to your local M2 directory, e.g. if your plugin name is "mycoolplugin" the files are copied to $HOME/.m2/repository/org/grails/plugins/mycoolplugin
Now you can "install" the plugin as if it had been published in a remote repo. Add a dependency in the app's BuildConfig.groovy using the usual format, e.g.
plugins {
build ":tomcat:7.0.50"
compile ":scaffolding:2.0.1"
runtime ":hibernate:"
compile ":mycoolplugin:0.1"

How to run a local plugin in Grails 2.0?

In Grails, there is a variant how to include local plugin from sources. According to docs, one may type in BuildConfig.groovy:
// Useful to test plugins you are developing.
grails.plugin.location.shiro =
// Useful for modular applications where all plugins and
// applications are in the same directory.
grails.plugin.location.'grails-ui' = "../grails-grails-ui"
The problem is that it doesn't work in Grails 2.0.RC1. I've tried to do grails clean, to install plugin with grails install-plugin and to place it to BuildConfig.groovy. Still unable to resolve.
This works for me
grails.plugin.location.shiro = "/home/dilbert/dev/plugins/grails-shiro"
Where shiro is the name of the plugin (not the name of the directory it's in). Make sure the path to the plugin is either an absolute path or the relative path to the plugin from the application.
I've found that this sometimes doesn't work if the plugin is listed in or BuildConfig.groovy, so if it is, remove it, then execute grails clean and restart the app.
You can also install the plugin into your local maven cache.
The documentation speaks about this:
3.7.10 Deploying to a Maven Repository
The maven-install command will install the Grails project or plugin artifact into your local Maven cache:
grails maven-install
This has the advantage of allowing you to include the plugin in your parent application using the more common ":plugin-name:version" syntax
Which allows your application to determine the best place to retrieve the plugin when in production. From an internal maven-repo or equivalent.
With Grails 3.x there is another way to do this. Suppose you've a grails app and plugin (source code) inside the same project directory:
To run your local plugin, you must create a settings.gradle file in the my-projectdirectory specifying the location of your application and plugin:
include 'my-app', 'grails-shiro'
Then add the dependency in your application's build.gradle:
compile project(':grails-shiro')
You've done.
Look at the plugins documentation for more information.
Surround the plugin name with quotes in case it contains dashes:
grails.plugin.location.'plugin-name-with-dashes' = "<path>"
You can add the .zip file for the plugin in your /lib and it will be installed.
compile ":myPlugin:1.0"
Note: You have to zip the content of the plugin folder.

Grails and hudson plugin issue

I'm developing my first project in Grails framework. I'm using Spring Security Core plugin. On my machine, on newest IntelliJ Idea everything works fine. I can run, test and so on with no problems.
I have a remote machine with subversion where I upload my code and Hudson with Grails Plugin. Target which I call on my hudson builds is:
"test-app --non-interactive"
When I run build, everything goes fine - plugins are downloaded and then, bam!
Resolving plugin JAR dependencies ...
:: UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: org.springframework#org.springframework.test;3.0.5.RELEASE: configuration not found in org.springframework#org.springframework.test;3.0.5.RELEASE: 'master'. It was required from org.grails.internal#League;0.1 test
Here I put whole output from Hudson Console of this project build.
That looks like a dependency issue with the Mail plugin, try going back to a non-snaphot version. I think 1.0 will be out shortly but see if 0.9 works.
Grails will automatically install the plugins it needs, you don't need to do anything manual on the build server.
You have to install the plugin of the remote machine. Because the plugins are not included in the code. The plugin will be installed under your_home/.grails/grails_version/plugins (or project/your_project).

Reinstall grails plugin from a simple HTTP location

I installed a plugin using 'grails install-plugin http://blahblah/'. The location does not follow the grailsRepo standard or maven standard. It's a simple zip file on a remote server.
How do I configure grails so that it finds the plugin?
I don't think it is possible. You either have to install the plugin in a maven-compatible repo or you'll have to run install-plugin every time you build from scratch.
in grails project directory grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy

Installing Nimble for Grails

I came across Nimble yesterday, but couldn't get past Step 1, configuring BuildConfig.groovy to find the Nimble's remote repository.
My BuildConfig.groovy file is one line:
Here is the message I get when running grails install-plugin nimble 0.2:
Welcome to Grails 1.1.1 -
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: /opt/dev/sdks/grails-1.1.1
Base Directory: /home/wraith/dev/source/demo
Running script /opt/dev/sdks/grails-1.1.1/scripts/InstallPlugin.groovy
Environment set to development
No authentication for svn repo at intient ...
Reading remote plugin list ...
Reading remote plugin list ...
Reading remote plugin list ...
Plugin 'nimble' was not found in repository. If it is not stored in a configured repository you will need to install it manually. Type 'grails list-plugins' to find out what plugins are available.
This is the first time I have tried to install a plugin not in the official repository. What is the best way to narrow down if it is a problem at or with my configuration?
Follow these instructions with the following modifications:
Step 1 is correct
Instead of using the remote repository, download the zipped plugin
Move the plugin to ~/dev/plugins
grails install-plugin ~/dev/plugins/
Steps 3-5 are correct
We were performing some maintenance on and the load balancer wasn't providing this content for the last 12 hours or so (oops!).
Should be sorted now but the steps Wraith Monster gave above work for a manual install as well.
Once Grails 1.2 proper hits Nimble will be part of the official plugin repo and we won't need to worry about this at all.
you could always download the zip file for the plugin and install it manually
Download source code from
Unzip under your plugins directory of your project (usually under ${USER_HOME}/.grails/<grails-version>/projects/<myproject>/plugins)
Rename the extracted folder into "nimble-0.2"
Remove from BuildConfig the line grails.plugin.repos.discovery.intient=""
Edit the file of your project and add the line plugins.nimble=0.2
If not installed under your project, you should install the plugins : shiro (version 1.0-SNAPSHOT at least) and mail (>0.6). (run command grails install-plugin <pluginName> <version>)
Start directly from Step 3
It should work (at least, it worked for me). Good luck
