How to disable the highlight control state of a UIButton? - ios

I've got a UIButton that, when selected, shouldn't change state when being touched.
The default behaviour is for it to be in UIControlStateHighlighted while being touched, and this is making me angry.

Your button must have its buttonType set to Custom.
In IB you can uncheck "Highlight adjusts image".
Programmatically you can use theButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO;
Similar options are available for the "disabled" state as well.

In addition to above answer of unchecking "highlight adjusts image" in IB, make sure that button type is set CUSTOM.

This will work for you:
[button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"button_image"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"button_image_selected"] forState:UIControlStateSelected];
[button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"button_image_selected"] forState:UIControlStateSelected | UIControlStateHighlighted];
3rd line is the trick here...
This works the same for setting image/backgroundImage

adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO;

button.adjustsImageWhenDisabled = NO;
is equally useful for having your own appearance of a disabled button.

Depending on what changes from the default to the highlighted state of the button, you can call a couple of methods to set them to what you need. So if the image changes you can do
[myButton setImage:[myButton imageForState:UIControlStateNormal] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
If the text changes you can do
[myButton setTitle:[myButton titleForState:UIControlStateNormal] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
other similar functions:
- (void)setTitleColor:(UIColor *)color forState:(UIControlState)state
- (void)setTitleShadowColor:(UIColor *)color forState:(UIControlState)state

For Swifty Developer -
yourButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = false

Swift 3+
button.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = false
button.adjustsImageWhenDisabled = false

OK here's an easy solution if this works for you, after a week of banging my head on this it finally occurred to me to just set highlighted=NO for the 1st line of the IBAction method for the TouchUpInside or TouchDown, or whatever works. For me it was fine on the TouchUpInside.
-(IBAction)selfDismiss:(id)sender {
self.btnImage.highlighted = NO;
etc, etc, etc.

make your button Type - "Custom"
and Uncheck - Highlighted Adjust image and
you are done.

just two things:
UIButton *btnTransparentComponent = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
btnTransparentComponent.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO;

I had a similar issue and found that "unchecking" Clears Graphic Content in interface builder fixed my issue

After the introduction of Style, you have to set the style to Default in IB along with setting the type to Custom to be able to disable the highlighting effect completely. Otherwise your button text will keep highlighting.
*Setting the Style to Default resets the text color to white.

avoid to set UIButton's Line Break to Clip, use instead the standard Truncate Middle


UIButton title disappears when button disabled

I have a system UIButton, when I do this
self.abutton.enabled = NO;
The button’s title disappears, I do not want it to disappear I just want it to be non clickable. What should I do?
yourButton.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
yourButton.enabled = NO;
[yourButton setTitle:#"ButtonDisabled" forState:UIControlStateDisabled];
Check this Apple's documentation
List of States:
Have you add title for disabled state of your button e.g -
[YOUR_BTN setTitle:#"xyz" forState:UIControlStateDisabled];
If not than add it
As per my understandings you can use following code. Hope this will help you.
self.aButton.userInteractionEnabled = NO;

keep UIButton current state when it is disabled

Hi i am making a custom UIButton which have images for UIControlStateNormal and UIControlStateSelected. But when i set [myBtn setEnabled:No]; it changes back to UIControlStateNormal state instead of disabling at selected state. How can i keep the current state of button and disable it?
Use userInteractionEnabled = NO instead of enable disable.
try to set like this,i hope this will helps you
[buttMR setBackgroundImage:yourButton.currentBackgroundImage forState:UIControlStateDisabled];
Set an image for the disabled state as well : UIControlStateDisabled
[myButton setImage:disabledImage forState:UIControlStateDisabled];

How to set an invisible title on UIButton?

I'm working on an Ipad application, and i need to set a title on a 'UIButton', in order to could use :
UIButton *resultButton = (UIButton *)sender;
if ([resultButton.currentTitle isEqualToString:#"TitleName"])
But when I use this sort of code :
[MyUibutton setTitle:#"TitleName" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
It appears "TitleName" behind the image of the 'UIButton'...
So, is it possible to fix it ?
Thanks !
Don't use the button title, it's for display, not a flag. Instead use a tag or objc_setAssociatedObject Or store the button in a dictionary and compare.
theButton.titleLabel.alpha = 0;
If you set the image of the button, it will be at the top of the button, so the button's title won't be visible. Set the button's background and it will solve your problem !
[yourbutton setBackgroundImage:YOURIMAGE forState:UIControlStateNormal];
You can do [button setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateDisabled]; as long as you know you are not ever going to disable the button. Other than that, using the tag property is probably the easiest.

Setting an UIImage for UIControlStateHighlighted

board[i] is an array of UIButtons that I have created programmmatically, and I can't change their image for UIControlStateHighlighted:
[board[i] setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"block"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[board[i] setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"blockPressed"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
When I press the button with the mouse in the simulator the image doesn't change. I think this is a very noob question, but I don't what the code doesn't work.
when adding button programatically do this:
add target of each same.
provide tag all button from 0 to count.
set UserInteraction to true
setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"blockPressed.png"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted if u want button to be highlited
Now button is pressed same method is called for all button: For example
UIButton *btntouched = sender;
NSLog(#"%#", btntouched);
[btntouched setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"blockPressed.png"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];// it can be forState:UIControlStateNormal also
I don't think you are triggering the highlighted state. This could be because they are not set to have interaction enabled. Or there is something else missing from the way you set up your buttons.
The other thing you can try is to add a selector to each of the buttons for when they are touched, and then change the image by referencing sender for the selector function.
Assuming you've made sure your image doesn't return nil, this code should work:
[myUIButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"myHighlightedButtonImage.png"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
It should work find if you call that line in your viewDidLoad().

is it possible to update UIButton title/text programmatically?

I have a UIButton, that when pressed, brings up a new view where the user can change some settings. When the view is dismissed, I'd like to update the title/text of the UIButton to reflect the new state. I'm calling:
[myButton setTitle: #"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateNormal];
[myButton setTitle: #"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateApplication];
[myButton setTitle: #"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateHighlighted];
[myButton setTitle: #"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateReserved];
[myButton setTitle: #"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateSelected];
[myButton setTitle: #"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateDisabled];
But it never seems to change from the original text/title as specified in IB.
I solved the problem just setting the title parameter for UIControlStateNormal, and it automatically works on the other states. The problem seems to be when you set another UIControlState.
[myButton setTitle: #"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateNormal];
Do you have the button specified as an IBOutlet in your view controller class, and is it connected properly as an outlet in Interface Builder (ctrl drag from new referencing outlet to file owner and select your UIButton object)? That's usually the problem I have when I see these symptoms.
Edit: While it's not the case here, something like this can also happen if you set an attributed title to the button, then you try to change the title and not the attributed title.
As of Swift 4:
button.setTitle("Click", for: .normal)
I discovered another problem. It may be a bug introduced in iOS 5, but I thought I'd point it out for anyone else who encounters it.
If you don't set any default text for the button in the XIB, no text will ever appear if you set it programmatically. And if you do set text in the XIB, any text you subsequently assign to the button programmatically will be truncated to the size of the default text.
And finally, if you're showing the view with your button and then invoke another view (like an ActionSheet) and then dismiss it, the text that you assigned to the button programmatically will be erased and the button caption will return to whatever you set up in the XIB.
Even though Caffeine Coma's issue was resolved, I would like to offer another potential cause for the title not showing up on a UIButton.
If you set an image for the UIButton using
- (void)setImage:(UIImage *)image forState:(UIControlState)state
It can cover the title. I found this out the hard way and imagine some of you end up reading this page for the same reason.
Use this method instead
- (void)setBackgroundImage:(UIImage *)image forState:(UIControlState)state
for the button image and the title will not be affected.
I tested this with programmatically created buttons and buttons created in a .xib
for swift :
button.setTitle("Swift", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
One more possible cause is this:
If you attempt to set the button's title in the (id)initWithNibName: ... method, then you're button property will still be nil. It hasn't yet been assigned to the UIButton.
You must be sure that you're setting your buttons in a method like (void)viewWillLoad or (void)viewWillAppear, but you probably don't want to set them as late as (void)viewDidAppear.
Turns out the docs tell you the answer! The UIButton will ignore the title change if it already has an Attributed String to use (with seems to be the default you get when using Xcode interface builder).
I used the following:
setAttributedTitle:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#"Error !!!" attributes:nil]
[self.loginButton setEnabled:NO];
Sometimes it can get really complicated. The easy way is to "refresh" the button view!
//Do stuff to your button here. For example:
[mybutton setEnabled:YES];
//Refresh it to new state.
[mybutton setNeedsDisplay];
I kept having problems with this, the only solution was to add an image and label as subviews to the uibutton. Then I discovered that the main problem was that I was using a UIButton with title: Attributed. When I changed it to Plain, just setting the titleLabel.text did the trick!
#funroll is absolutely right. Here you can see what you will need Make sure function runs on main thread only. If you do not want deal with threads you can do like this for example: create NSUserDefaults and in ViewDidLoad cheking condition was pressed button in another View or not (in another View set in NSUserDefaults needed information) and depending on the conditions set needed title for your UIButton, so [yourButton setTitle: #"Title" forState: UIControlStateNormal];
Make sure you're on the main thread.
If not, it will still save the button text. It will be there when you inspect the object in the debugger. But it won't actually update the view.
